Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

A Window into the Chareidi World

25 Sivan 5763 - June 25, 2003 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly









Produced and housed by
Shema Yisrael Torah Network
Shema Yisrael Torah Network











An Evening of Tribute and Support for "Shvilim"
An Extracurricular Institution for Special Needs Children

by Yated staff

It was a distinguished and memorable event for the many people who filled the Beis Yisroel hall in Jerusalem this month to give tribute to Shvilim, an organization for the rehabilitation and advancement of children with special needs; it was an unforgettable opportunity to experience the range of its activities and scope of its accomplishments. Each child with his particular difficulty and the admirable, very poignant manner in which he is being cared for to maximize his potential, through the devoted staff of Shvilim, its equipment, methods, ideas, all of which add up to a beautiful picture of children happy and blooming.

A great deal of credit goes to the `captain' directing this `ship', R' Sholom Rosenfeld, whose indefatigable efforts takes him to foreign shores to help finance the various projects which Shvilim has undertaken to advance its children in every possible way. This is done through therapeutic exercise, a very expensive bi-weekly activity that has proven itself many times over, through learn-through- play equipment at the Shvilim premises on Rechov Druk 3 in Ramat Shlomo, music therapy and much more.

Lending considerable stature to the event were the prominent figures who addressed the equally prominent participants of educators, communally active figures, friends and admirers of this outstanding venture. The evening was opened and conducted by HaRav Avrohom Goldstein who is one of the active figures for the institution. All ears were riveted to the enthusiastic, fervent message of HaRav Yisroel Ganz who can personally testify to the devotion and sacrifice of many of the people involved in this undertaking, who treat each child as a whole world of potential.

Rosh Yeshivas Ohr HaChaim, HaRav Reuven Elbaz, was equally lavish in his endorsement of the institution. "Give to Him what is His, for you and yours are His."

Highlights of the inception and development of this unique extracurricular institution for special needs children was presented by one who has been following it closely from the very beginning, R' Yosef Krieger, and who has seen the children in their creative play, receiving the best of chinuch in a loving atmosphere, growing and developing over the weeks and months with full Jewish values and yedios through pleasant learning experiences.

Who knows how much satisfaction blessings recited by such a child brings to his Creator? Every achievement made by them is gained through so much effort and is so valuable!

Perhaps one of the most moving testimonies was that of HaRav Binyomin Finkel who is raising an orphan in his home. Without the added input of Shvilim for the difficult after- school hours, he testifies movingly, so much would be lost, to say nothing of how much is gained! The child blossoms with the love, attention and skilled therapy which he receives daily at Shvilim, reinforcing the atmosphere of home and school.

The closing words were spoken by an equally prestigious HaRav Osher Weiss who talked about the obligation of chinuch of Jewish children, especially those with special needs, who are also dear children of Hashem.

The evening was graced by dozens of other distinguished figures, including Rosh Yeshivas Belz, R' Shmuel Rosengarten; Rosh Yeshivas Ohr Somayach, R' Mendel Weinbach; the Admor of Shatz, R' Yaakov Yitzchok Moshkowitz; HaRav Dov Weiss, rabbi of Kiryat Sanz, Jerusalem; R' Yaakov Sofer, rabbi of Kehilas Ksav Sofer in Katamon and rabbi of Beis haknesses Yad Sofer in Beitar; R' Shamai Gross, Motz of Kohol Machzikei Hadas, Belz, Jerusalem; R' Matisyohu Deutsch, moro d'asro of Ramat Shlomo; R' Simcha Tabinowitz, rabbi of Beis Haknesses Mishkenos Yaakov in Ramat Shlomo; R' Eliyohu Rosenthal, Dayan of Beis Din Raboni in Petach Tikva; R' Osher Lichtenstein, Rosh Kollel in Mattersdorf; R' Moshe Schlesinger, rosh yeshivas Tiferes Shmuel, and many more.

Missing in actual presence but not in spirit were two figures who sent their blessings: Guest of Honor Mayor of Jerusalem, R' Uri Lupoliansky, and Professor Rabbi Steinberg, who had been scheduled to speak on the advancement of special children but was not feeling well.

This unforgettable evening succeeded in putting "Shvilim" on the map of outstanding ventures, and engraving it in the hearts of all those who participated. May the blessings of all be realized in its continued expansion and success.


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