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The election of Attorney Yonah Yahav as mayor of Haifa had
many people scared because of his ties with Shinui. But
Yahav, not originally a Shinui man, quickly allayed the
chareidi sector's fears by saying he does not intend to
change the status quo and would maintain working relations
with the chareidi and national- religious sectors.
But Yahav does not have United Torah Jewry worried. Just days
before the election, when gedolei Yisroel announced
their support for R' Aryeh Blitental for mayor, the Likud
made strenuous efforts to take him out of the race in order
to help their own candidate, Shmuel Arad. But UTJ decided not
to rescind Blitental's candidacy even though he clearly had
no chance. Instead, party leaders met with Yahav and received
a declaration of intentions from him in the form of a general
letter about his plans for the future. In exchange Yahav
asked UTJ not to retract Blitental's candidacy.
"I know it's hard for you to support me because of Shinui,
but you know I'm not like the rest of them," he told UTJ
figures. The request was passed on to the city's chareidi
rabbonim and, following consultation, they decided not to
retract his candidacy.
Immediately following his election, Yahav thanked UTJ and its
staff, especially when they noticed that the number of UTJ
City Council votes closely matched the number of votes for
the party's mayoral candidate, a palpable demonstration of
how UTJ submits to gedolei Yisroel implicitly.
"I'm sure that after you get to know me you'll actively back
me for the next term," said Yahav, thanking UTJ again and
again for the party's passive support. Yahav does not intend
to make major changes in Haifa. But only time will tell.
Tucking the Tallis out of Sight
The elections drew considerable public attention and media
coverage because this was the first time mayoral elections
were held in only three cities. The special elections were
held after the respective mayors were elected to the Knesset:
Amram Mitzna of Haifa, who was leader of the Labor Party
during the elections for only a few months afterwards, Ehud
Olmert of Yerushalayim who brokered the current non-religious
government; and the mayor of Or Akivah who chose to move to
the Knesset.
During the electioneering, much talk was devoted to the
danger of altering the face of the city, but the results
showed Red Haifa (as the city was once nicknamed when it was
a left-wing Labor party stronghold) has a lot of
Yiddishkeit as well.
Haifa has yeshivas, botei medrash, chareidi
educational institutions, admorim, rabbonim,
talmidei chachomim and an array of botei
knesses and shiurei Torah--just like every other
place in Israel with a significant chareidi community. Yet
over the years the mainstream media has always cast Haifa as
a completely secular city, even more than Tel Aviv.
Haifa's chareidi residents have demonstrated exceptional
mesirus nefesh for everything sacred ever since the
50s -- and even earlier, before the State was founded. Their
dedication was especially prominent against the backdrop of
the city's communist sympathies and its persistent attempts
to suppress any manifestations of kedushoh.
In those days to walk down the street on Shabbos morning
wearing a tallis and spodik or shtreimel
was no simple matter. Talleisim were hidden from
sight. Haifa remains the only major city in which the buses
run every Shabbos.
Nevertheless, Haifa was the first city to set up a
shmittah committee, the first city to found Irgun Bnei
Hayeshivos, which organized fixed Torah study during bein
hazmanim, and the city that sent the largest number of
participants to the Yarchei Kallah at Yeshivas Ponovezh.
The Power of Kedushoh
For many gedolei Torah who landed in Haifa, the city
served as an introduction to Eretz Yisroel. Whenever a
godol was scheduled to arrive, chareidi residents
would go down to the port to greet him. These enthusiastic
receptions often left gedolei Torah with a very
positive impression of Haifa and its inhabitants. Some even
called it the "City of Chesed." Veteran Haifa
residents explain that kedushoh has the power to
prevail even in a place where the forces of tumah are
Out of the "sea of red" predominating in Haifa emerged a
dynamic, autonomous kehilloh headed by the rov of the
chareidi community at the time, HaRav Avrohom Yitzchok Klein.
Rav Klein came to Haifa from Nuremberg, where he served as
the city's rov. His wit and charisma drew people from across
the chareidi spectrum and he earned the esteem of Haifa's
government chief rabbis at the time, Rav Kaniel and Rav
Under Rav Klein the kehilloh set up an independent
kashrus organization that made no compromises in matters of
terumos and ma'asros and did not even recognize
the eruv set up by the city's Moatza Datit, which
relied on the natural topography. Instead Rav Klein installed
an orderly eruv with a clear map.
Together with the members of the kehilloh he set up
Mazhirei Shabbos, which later became Mishmeres HaShabbos.
Every Friday afternoon, members of the organization went from
store to store to alert owners and demand they close before
Shabbos. Not dissuaded by the ridicule they often suffered in
Haifa's radical political climate, the group succeeded in
persuading most of the stores to close.
During the Shmittah year, Haifa was the first city to
form an organized Shmittah committee following
guidelines set by Maran HaChazon Ish zt'l. The first
Otzar Beis Din, with rules set down in the Chazon Ish's own
handwriting, operated in Haifa. At the end of the sixth year
all of the members of the kehilloh, along with the
city's other chareidi residents, registered with the
Shmittah committee, Irgun Shomrei Shevi'is.
Inexpensive Housing
"Before going to any of the housing projects [referring to
areas such as Kiryat Sefer, Beit Shemesh, Elad, Beitar, Tel
Tzion], it is very worthwhile to look into the idea of living
in Haifa," says Rabbi Williger, Degel HaTorah's
representative on the City Council who also owns a real-
estate office downtown. "I now have 3- and 4-room apartments,
with balconies, for $65,000 in the chareidi part of the Hadar
neighborhood. These apartments require only very slight
Rabbi Williger wonders why many people often seek new
communities in faraway locations that lack infrastructure
when they could purchase an inexpensive apartment that
provides them all of the services a chareidi resident needs.
"Most of the apartments are 3- room apartments in Hadar in
the $65,000-$75,000 price range and are good apartments."
Smaller two-room apartments for newlyweds can cost $35,000-
Nevertheless, chareidi buyers are not stampeding to Haifa,
despite the acute housing problems in the chareidi sector.
According to Rabbi Williger, Haifa has been branded with a
certain stigma. "Haifa is pictured as a distant city, a
transit point for people on the way from the center of the
country and Jerusalem to Meron, Tzfat and Tiberius. Other
people unfairly see Haifa as the end of the world. But as
residents of the city, we know [Haifa] really has everything
a chareidi resident needs in terms of infrastructure,
education, kollelim, employment for women, and more."
The real problem is marketing, he says.
However, recent ads in the chareidi press on the availability
of low-priced apartments in Haifa managed to draw numerous
prospective buyers in recent months. Some families not
interested in living in Haifa purchased apartments for
investment. "They buy the apartments, rent them out, and with
the money they receive rent apartments in Jerusalem or Bnei
Brak, adding just a little money of their own," says Rabbi
Williger. Rentals in Haifa run around $350 for a 3-room
apartment, he says.
"For Haifa's chareidi residents it is important for chareidim
from the outside to purchase the apartments and rent them to
anshei shlomeinu to prevent them from being purchased
by new immigrants, who are not suited to the neighborhood's
Moderately priced apartments are also available in the Neveh
Shaanan neighborhood (see sidebar). There, 3-room apartments
cost $90,000 and rental prices hover around the $400-$500
range. "Why run to the projects when apartments can be
purchased in a nice, settled, urban area with a fabulous
view, relaxed people and a warm kehilloh?" says Rabbi
Tiferes Yisroel
The center of Yiddishkeit in Haifa is Yeshivas Tiferes
Yisroel. The leading roshei hayeshivos are familiar
with the place, from the shiurim and talks they give
there during bein hazmanim. The yeshiva has a splendid
history, and it appears, an equally splendid present and
At the beginning of the year, Yeshivas Maoz Chaim was set up
within Yeshivas Tiferes Yisroel. The yeshiva relocated from
Carmiel and has bochurim who studied in secular high
schools. Headed by Rav Erez Agasi and Rav Natan Admon, the
yeshiva numbers 40 bochurim who are true bnei
Torah. The Tiferes Yisroel administration provided them a
special location and invested a large amount of money into
the construction of the magnificent, new building. The stated
goal: "yagdil Torah veyadir."
Tiferes Yisroel also has a kollel with dozens of
avreichim. The largest kollel in Hadar, its
program is based on learning one daf per day, with
weekly and monthly exams, and the avreichim present
chiddushim orally once per month. It provides a very
respectable stipend. Both the yeshiva and kollel are
headed by Rav Simchah Zissel Shapira, the son of Rav Rafael
Shapira, who held the post for decades.
Tiferes Yisroel has undergone dramatic physical changes
during the last year. R' Shmuel Frye, director of the
yeshiva, is responsible for the changes and has received much
praise from Haifa residents who take advantage of the array
of shiurim, tefillos and vibrant activity at Tiferes
Yisroel, day and night.
In order to improve the conditions for the avreichim
during their long hours of study, funds were raised to buy
new furniture and install an air conditioning system in the
central hall of the beis medrash. According to the
Tiferes Yisroel administration, the hall had been virtually
unchanged since its construction over 100 years ago, and
therefore it was in need of renovation. The regular yeshiva
budget did not allow for such improvements since its first
priority is to support the avreichim. But after
concerted efforts, and due to the need to give Haifa's
biggest spiritual center a more suitable appearance, the
needed funds were raised.
One of the regular mispalelim even donated a
spectacular Aron Kodesh in his daughter's memory and
since the eastern wall had to be remodeled to accommodate it,
the yeshiva decided to take advantage of the opportunity to
remodel the entire wall and replace the windows, giving
Tiferes Yisroel a whole new look. The yeshiva staff makes
special note of the contribution made by its dedicated and
loyal secretary, R' Shlomo Walder, who filled the post for
over 40 years and continues to promote the yeshiva to this
More Botei Knesses
Tiferes Yisroel is not the only place with a new look. Beis
Knesses Bnei Torah, headed by the rov of the chareidi
kehilloh, HaRav Yechiel Halevy Bamberger, moved from a
bomb shelter to a spacious, new location on Arlozorov Street
a few years ago, and since then more benches have been
The Viennese shul, headed by HaRav Schneur Kluft, also
moved from Tiferes Yisroel to Kollel Daas Yoel. And the
longstanding Beis Knesses Tzionei Eretz Yisroel on Beitar
Street has been remodeled as well.
The scaffolding was recently taken down from Beis
HaChassidim, which was built by Gur above the municipal
mikveh, revealing a spectacular new building. The old
shtiebel on Hermon Street was too cramped to
accommodate the hundreds of mispalelim who passed
through its doors, and immediately after its move to a new
facility the gabboim began to work towards three
improvements: no talking during tefillos (to which the
Beis Yisroel, who visited Haifa frequently during the course
of many years, expressed strong opposition), more shiurei
Torah and stronger unity among the mispalelim. The
latter improvement has become an emblem of Beis HeChassidim
in Haifa, where young avreichim and old men
daven side by side.
After 36 years in another location, Belz Chassidim took over
the old Gur shtiebel and askonim made major
renovations, converting it into an attractive place of Torah.
Now there are more minyanim and shiurei Torah,
including during bein hazmanim. The mispalelim
and askonim intend to continue the renovations,
including refurbishing the Aron Kodesh, purchasing new
bookcases, renovating the ezras noshim and building a
Meanwhile Belz of Haifa also recently built Yeshivas Ohel
Yehoshua, which opened at the beginning of the year with 200
bochurim and dozens of avreichim, who study in
the yeshiva and in the beis medrash on Hermon Street.
Every year, several ramim and married alumni from the
yeshiva settle in Haifa.
After many years of red tape the City of Haifa recently
approved the Yeshivas Belz' leasing agreement in the Neveh
Yosef neighborhood, putting an end to longstanding
differences of opinion between City Hall and the yeshiva
administration. Because of the dispute, the yeshiva's support
funds were stopped to offset various past debts. Following
the elections, some called this a "going-away present" from
former mayor Mitzna to the chareidi sector as he prepared to
leave his post.
More Shuls
Each of these developments is indicative of the changes
taking place in the city. Added to the list is the Biala
beis knesses recently opened in the Agudas Yisroel
building on Michael Street and Yeshivas HaGra.
Headed by HaRav Yaakov Nisan Rosental, Yeshivas HaGra, one of
the city's oldest and most notable Torah institutions, is
slated to move from Neveh Shaanan to Hadar in order to
increase the size of the kollel and accept more
avreichim. The move is expected to attract more young
couples to the city because the existing kollelim are
now completely packed and in most circumstances are unable to
accept more avreichim.
The present Yeshivas HaGra facility is located on 12.5 dunams
on Maimon-Gedaliya Street in Neveh Shaanan. Most of this
large lot remains undeveloped. The kollel's other
branches are located in Petach Tikva, Ramat Hasharon, Kiryat
Sefer and Bnei Brak. The cost of maintaining these
kollelim is high and the sale of the land is expected
to help pay for future operations. The administration is now
in search of an alternative facility in Hadar.
The large beis medrash in Vishnitz, belonging to Seret-
Vishnitz Chassidim, has also undergone significant
renovations in recent years and now accommodates hundreds of
mispalelim. During the Yomim Noraim the gabo'im
set up a large tent alongside the beis medrash to
provide space for the numerous visitors from Israel and
abroad who come to daven in the Admor's presence.
Meanwhile new apartments are being built in Ramat Vishnitz in
order to allow established residents who marry to continue
living in the neighborhood where they grew up.
And certainly the Admor of Nadvorna-Haifa, who receives many
visitors from across the country, cannot go without mention.
He davens at the old Tzanz beis medrash in
A Shul in the Histadrut Building!
The end of the red hold on Haifa is not merely a matter of
elections. Minyan Chanichei HaYeshivos offers living
testimony of the change for the better. The beis
knesses was set up seven years ago and has been housed in
the Histadrut's Beit Hapoel building for the last five years,
one of the very centers of the old red Haifa.
This facility was made available by Haifa's new Histadrut
chairman, Baruch Zaltz, who is considered very close to the
local national-religious and chareidi sectors. Zaltz
previously served as the Labor Party's representative to
Haifa's Religious Council. During the difficult period when
attempts were made to put Reform representatives onto the
Council, Zaltz refused to sit with them in a single session,
following requests by rabbonim. The Labor Party was angry
with him and tried to replace him, but Zaltz stood his
The minyan now draws dozens of mispalelim every
Shabbos. The beis medrash is headed by HaRav Michoel
Bleicher, a dayan at the Haifa Rabbinate. The Ovos
Uvonim program attracts father-son pairs and regular
shiurim are held there on Shabbos.
Beneath the beis knesses is another sign of Haifa's
red past--the Workers' Swimming Pool. Over the years, the
pool began to serve the chareidi public and as a result
closed on Shabbos. At first the anti- religious City Council
members (who are few in number) tried to block this policy,
saying it should be kept open for the sake of new immigrants.
But the pool owner, a Christian Arab, refused, saying he
wanted to respect the sensitivities of his regular customers.
As a sign of its appreciation the chareidi public makes a
point of patronizing the pool during the summer months.
Haifa has many other kollelim beyond the scope of this
article, but one especially worthy of mention among the
institutions that recently underwent a face- lift is Or
HaTorah, headed by HaRav Shimon Zinger. Operating for 18
years, today it has 26 baalei teshuvoh avreichim, both
Ashkenazi and Sephardi, studying at a high level. Within a
short period, several of the avreichim passed
qualification exams for the rabbinate. Their children are
already studying in talmudei Torah and Bais Yaakov
Haifa also boasts evening kollelim, such as that of
Rav Yosef Zilberfarb, where the city's top avreichim
study, and yeshivos ketanos such as Mishkan Yaakov
headed by HaRav Dovid Katz.
Haifa's chareidi residents say the city offers everything
they need. "Our hope is that by the time the next elections
roll around many more chareidim will settle in the city and
the articles on Haifa will not be limited to Election Day
World history has known many changes and revolutions effected
by a single man. R' Shlomo Toporovitz z'l a talmid
chochom living in Haifa's Neveh Shaanan neighborhood
several decades ago, was one such man.
All his life he sought to turn the neighborhood into a place
of Torah, but despite his numerous efforts the dream never
came true. The neighborhood simply refused to change.
R' Shlomo's two sons live in the U.S. and they decided to set
their sights on making their father's lifelong wish into a
reality. The two worked inexhaustibly, investing tremendous
resources, time and capital to put Neveh Shaanan on the Torah
First they set up Yeshivas Nachalas Halevi'im, which was
under the guidance of Maran HaRav Shach zt'l from the
day it was founded. Over 200 bochurim come from all
over the country to study in this reputable yeshiva under
rosh hayeshiva HaRav Yisroel Meir Weiss (who is
American-born). Gradually a community of avreichim
grew around the yeshiva. Kollelim and other Torah
institutions opened, and the community began to thrive.
Today 170 families live in the neighborhood. The
avreichim study in a kollel headed by HaRav
Yechiel Halevi Bamberger, rov of Haifa's chareidi
kehilloh, and another kollel headed by Rav Ozer
Gliksberg. As the benches in the beis medrash
continued to multiply, a third kollel headed by HaRav
Yehuda Rafaelovitz was recently opened.
The light of Torah emanating from the neighborhood began to
have its effect and many local residents began to draw closer
to Yiddishkeit. Rav Peretz Meir, a warm-hearted Jew
and a man of vision, decided to go out and do something. He
began to roam the streets of Neveh Shaanan in search of young
men disenchanted with the world around them. He found them by
the dozens and opened a yeshiva called Rinas Aharon, which
now has 30 bochurim. They demonstrate hasmodoh
that exceeds all expectations, for until recently they had no
idea what a gemora even looks like.
Kollel Rinas Aharon Institutes include an evening
kollel, where avreichim from the neighborhood
study together with working men who devote their evening
hours to Torah study. During the last two years Rinas Aharon
heads have been setting up a joint nursery school for
traditional and somewhat religious families where yaldei
Yisroel are taught pure emunoh and good
The chareidi community also has several nursery schools and
other institutions for young tykes. On any given afternoon
one encounters dozens of babies being pushed around in
strollers by their proud parents. There are also many future
plans to expand Torah life in the neighborhood.
Neveh Shaanan has an extension of Machon Yerushalayim, which
works in close conjunction with Yeshivas Nachalas Halevi'im,
where outstanding avreichim edit important
seforim for publication. The neighborhood is also home
to Beis Tehillah, a midrashah for baalos
teshuvoh, a chareidi library and other institutions.
Says a local avreich who arrived in the neighborhood
just two years ago, "My friends in Bnei Brak wouldn't
understand what I'm talking about. The neighborhood has a
pastoral atmosphere, tranquil learning and many sources of
parnossoh in the area, and most of all, our tight-knit
kehilloh. All of this turns Neveh Shaanan into a top-
notch place to live. As far as I'm concerned--it's the best
chareidi area there is."
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