& Comment
Kosher or Posul?
To The Editor:
After sending my tefillin to be checked and worked on,
I borrowed a pair of tefillin for a day from a
choshuve Jew with yiras Shomayim and to my
great dismay, when I opened the tefillin bag I found a
very unpleasant surprise: the tefillin were worn and
peeled, both the batim themselves and the straps.
White dots shone forth from everywhere, not to speak of a
frightful corner -- this is what a talmid chochom with
yiras Shomayim lent me to wear? Therefore I have
decided to speak out on the matter, and perhaps this will
help other Jews from erring.
A. Anyone with a bit of learning knows this is not a
hiddur mitzvoh above and beyond the halachic
requirements, but at best a case of kosher bedi'eved
and at worst, posul lechatchila. Sometimes there is a
fine line between the two, and thus chas vesholom it
can be as if he is not wearing tefillin at all and
recites brochos levatolo, Heaven help us.
B. In our generation of great abundance people beautify and
improve their property and homes, investing tremendous sums
in fine furniture. It is well known that the simplest, most
modest standard of living does not approach the standards and
wherewithal of the greatest men of wealth in previous
generations. Therefore clearly we are expected to ensure the
kashrus and beauty of our tefillin meet the highest
standards -- as Chazal say, "Lo sihiye kohenes
May it be His will that the verse Chazal say refers to the
tefillin we wear on our heads, "Vero'u kol amei
ho'oretz ki Sheim Hashem nikro oleicho veyor'u mimeko,"
is realized in us, and in the merit of mitzvas tefillin
behidur may HaKodosh Boruch Hu fulfill our request
of "tipol aleihem eimoso vofachad," Amen.
T. S.
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