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A Jewel in the Crown of a Renowned Torah
Vilna won a reputation that outshone those of far larger and
better-known communities, giving it the name, "the
Yerushalayim of Lithuania." The community was renowned for
its distinguished rabbonim, its numerous talmidei
chachomim and its learned residents. The mere fact that
the Gaon lived there would alone have sufficed to elevate the
entire town and bring it renown.
One institution that was an integral component of Vilna's
intense Torah life was the printing house of the Widow and
Brothers Romm. It made a sweeping and pivotal contribution to
the Torah world that remains with us to this day.
In recording Vilna's eminence among other communities, a
contemporary writer noted the role played by this printing
house in achieving the town's renown. He writes that,
"Vilna's great fortune -- and an important factor in its fame
-- were its printing houses, which distributed the largest
and most important body of literature in our lives --
rabbinical and scholarly literature, from prayer books to the
large, handsome Shas -- to every country and town
where Jews dwelled. The Widow and Brothers Romm operated the
largest printing house, store and publishing business in
Jewry in those days. It was almost a national institution.
Whenever it was mentioned, nobody thought of it as an
enterprise that was run by ordinary people. It seemed to have
been in existence forever."
The Crucial Importance of Fine Seforim
Copies of the "large, handsome Shas" that the Romm
printing house pioneered are in use everywhere to this very
day. In its day, the initiative sparked fierce competition
and led other printing houses to enter the same field but
that is another story. Before examining the history of the
Romm printing house, it is interesting and worthwhile to note
the reaction of the rov of Vilna, HaRav Avrohom Avelli
zt'l, to the publication of the Shas by the
Widow and Brothers Romm:
" . . . Our teachers have said that our holy Oral Law should
be preserved in writing because `it is a time to act on
Hashem's behalf.' It has been written and invested with
Divine authority, that nothing can chas vesholom be
added and certainly that nothing can chas vesholom be
removed from what has been universally accepted by the entire
Jewish nation, namely, that every area of life be conducted
according to what is written in the Shas Bavli, which
has been transmitted by our holy ancestors and all past
generations, without exception. Hashem yisborach has
provided us with mentors to show us the type of life that we
ought to lead. Who is blind enough to have never seen these
great luminaries, the early poskim and Rishonim? They
gave us light, they investigated and clarified and they
understood how to illumine the Jewish nation's eyes and
benefit them from the fruit of the Tree of Life, that they
might merit eternal life.
"Even though at present, our power has waned and our honor
has dwindled on account of our many sins, Hashem
yisborach has not withheld His kindness from us, in the
form of the craft of printing that has been discovered. This
enables anyone who thirsts for Hashem's word to attain his
wishes, to quench his thirst and to calm his questing mind .
. .
"I have both seen and heard about the fine work and high
quality of the printers of Vilna and Horodno, who print to
the highest standards of beauty and splendor. I myself have
seen the fineness of the products of their holy work . . .
If it [i.e. the Vilna Shas] is not printed, it is
choliloh likely that Torah will gradually be forgotten
by Klal Yisroel whereas with an abundance of
seforim, Torah and understanding will abound . . .
The Beginnings of a Great Tradition
The Romm printing house had a sad and difficult history.
Upheavals, persecutions and controversies, that cannot be
chronicled here, were the lot of its owners. Some of the
issues to which these events gave rise sparked widespread
controversy among the gedolei Torah of the times.
However, for all their troubles and travails, history has
delivered a resoundingly positive verdict on the Romm
printing house. The Shas that they published has been
of unquestionably crucial importance to the Torah world for
many generations since. This amply demonstrates the value and
significance of the tremendous toil and work that were
invested in it.
The Romm printing house was founded by the family's head, R'
Boruch, son of R' Yosef Mass (a Hebrew name, consisting of
the initial letters of Mocher Seforim (book
seller) ). He began his printing career in 5549 (1789) using
a hand press, working in the primitive conditions of the
times. The title pages of his books only bear the name of the
town of Horodno (Grodno), which was close to the town Iziar,
where he resided.
The penury of the times was so harsh and the opportunities so
few, that in order to publish a pamphlet a few pages long,
two printing houses might have had to join forces. Several
copies of such booklets are still extant. Their title pages
state that they were, "published by R' Binyomin Bishke and R'
Menachem Man." This state of affairs led other printing
houses to falter and cease operating altogether. It was not a
fate shared by the Romm printing house. With Heaven's help,
it succeeded in carrying on, girding itself and surviving.
Ten years after opening, R' Boruch opened a second
establishment, in Vilna. He put his son, R' Menachem Mannes,
who had also become acquainted with the craft, in charge.
Upon his father's petiroh, Menachem inherited both the
printing houses, in Horodno and in Vilna.
He worked to improve them and to raise the standard of what
they produced, over and above the norm in other places, thus
lending his establishments distinction and prestige. One of
his better-known achievements was the development of a new
set of Hebrew letters for typesetting. Unsatisfied with the
standard lettering that was being used, Menachem invited R'
Lipman Metz, who was a great expert in letter engraving. In
return for generous compensation, R' Lipman developed a new
and beautiful set of letters that became very popular and
gave a new style to everything that rolled off Menachem's
printing presses. These were the letters of the Vilna font,
which is still with us today, in the age of the computer and
laser printer.
The local authorities in Vilna received favorable reports
about the reputation of Menachem's printing house and they
submitted orders for the printing of governmental material.
Menachem did not pass up this opportunity for publicity. He
made sure that the name of the Romm Printing House appeared
on the title pages of these publications.
A Massive Undertaking
The idea of printing a new, complete Shas was first
canvassed in 5594 (1834). In those days this was a massive
undertaking that was nigh impossible to achieve. Thirty years
had passed since Menachem had taken over his father's
printing houses when he and his partner, R' Simchah Zimmel of
Horodno, attempted to start printing the Shas.
Characteristically, Menachem did not want it to be a simple
duplicate of existing editions of Shas, with their
numerous printing mistakes and omissions. He decided to
assemble a brand new layout that would include many new
additions, be subject to more rigorous proofreading and also
feature commentaries from Rishonim that had never been
published before.
Besides the tremendous amount of time involved -- the project
took almost twenty years to complete -- and the great
financial investment that had to be made, it was vital to
involve those individuals who were foremost in every area of
scholarship and craftsmanship that the new edition touched
upon. Menachem employed the best proofreaders and the leading
experts in deciphering manuscripts, among them some of the
greatest talmidei chachomim in Vilna. The team was
assembled with the guidance and supervision of Menachem and
his partner and the huge project was launched.
Darkness Before Dawn
News of the venture spread, reaching the owners of other
printing houses, who decided to try their own hand at the
same project and offer competition. They also started to get
organized to reprint Shas. This is not the place to
recount the unfortunate events that developed from this state
of affairs, which really deserve treatment on their own (and
were discussed in a two-part article printed in the
Yated issues of Vayeiro and Chayei Soroh, 5754-
Suffice it to say that the debate that arose over the
different editions and the copyrights of the various printing
houses, was sufficiently stormy to reach the attention of the
government representatives, giving rise to suspicions on
their part about what was happening in the Jewish printing
houses. The matter was serious enough for Czar Nicholas
himself to become involved.
By imperial decree, issued by the Czar, all Jewish printing
houses were closed down in 1836 with two exceptions, one in
Vilna and the other in Kiev. They would be permitted to
continue operating, but naturally under the censor's close
observation. With Heaven's help, it was Menachem who won the
license to maintain his printing house in Vilna. From that
time on, the title pages of the books that he printed mention
only Vilna and no longer Horodno.
The troubles had just begun however. Even after winning the
coveted license, the heavy financial burden of the huge
undertaking forced Menachem and his partner to accept new
partners into the printing house. They also had to become
involved in printing other books, in order to generate
further income for the business, which could not support the
ongoing cost of the work on the Shas.
Although the Czar's decree had sidestepped Menachem's
establishment, allowing it to continue its work, it still had
a deleterious effect on the progress of the Shas. One
of its sections forbade newly printed works to be distributed
outside the region where they had been published. This led
many residents of Poland and other places, who had undertaken
to purchase the Shas, to cancel their orders and take
their money back, thus imposing a further financial drain.
These drawbacks led to a serious slowing down of the work on
the Shas, which proceeded at a glacial pace. After
fourteen years, they had only managed to complete the
printing of seder Nezikin and maseches Niddoh
with Taharos. With most of Shas still before
them, the work actually ground to a halt.
At this time (5601-1841), R' Menachem passed away, leaving
the work in the hands of his son, R' Yosef Reuven Romm. The
project was limping badly; there were tremendous debts and
there was still a long way to go. There was a fire that year.
R' Yosef Reuven however, was undeterred. He steeled himself
and went on with the work.
Six years later, in 5614 (1854) -- nineteen years after the
project had begun-- he merited bringing it to a successful
conclusion. The Crimean War was raging at the time and there
was a severe shortage of Jewish seforim throughout
Russia. There was a colossal demand for Yosef Reuven's books
and within a short time, he became extremely wealthy and was
able to settle all the printing house's outstanding debts.
Then and Now
The publication of the first Vilna Shas sixty- five
years after the Romm printing house had opened, was a
landmark in the annals of both the printing house and in the
publishing of sifrei kodesh. Today's Torah library is
so vast, and basic seforim are so plentiful, that it
is difficult to imagine a time when finding a copy of a
particular masechta, or a Chumash with the
Ramban's commentary, might involve a long search. This
though, was an ordinary part of life for Torah scholars in
those times.
Besides the difficulties of the actual printing, profit
margins were very narrow since the general poverty made it
hard for people to purchase expensive new seforim. It
was almost not worthwhile for a publisher or an author to
invest in printing.
A bon mot current in those times, dwelt on the fact
that purveyors of seforim were known as mochrei
sefrim, book sellers, rather then socharei
seforim, book dealers. A dealer, it was pointed
out, sold merchandise and bought new stock from his profits
but the proceeds from selling seforim were so paltry
as to make it impossible to buy new volumes to sell.
Seforim then, were only sold, not dealt in. This had a
direct influence upon the cost of printing and its
This makes it easy to understand the magnitude of the
undertaking and the broad vision that was called for in
launching the publication of a new Shas. It is also
clear why a rumor about a competitor who had also begun work
on a Shas would cause the owners of the Romm printing
house to panic.
It also puts the implications of the cancellation of orders
for the Shas from localities where its distribution
had been banned, in its true perspective. Yosef Reuven Romm's
achievement in completing the Shas' publication,
nineteen long and difficult years after it was started, was
therefore highly impressive. He reaped the fruits of his
labors for four years after the Shas made its
appearance. During this time, demand for his seforim
was very high and the printing house's coffers filled with
the proceeds.
R' Reuven Yosef was niftar in 5618 (1858), leaving a
considerable fortune to his three sons, R' Dovid, R' Chaim
Yaakov and R' Menachem Gavriel.
New Goals, New Trials and New Challenges
The brothers began running the printing house on the basis of
a division that they implemented among themselves. In the
year of their father's petiroh, prompted by the
competition of rival printing houses, they began work on the
publication of a new edition of Shas. The new edition
was to be even finer than the first and was to include new
elucidations and commentaries that had not been in the
earlier one.
The work was well under way when Dovid Romm suffered a heart
attack while travelling to St. Petersburg on printing
business and passed away, leaving his widow, Devorah and her
six sons. As the oldest of the brothers, the brunt of the
printing house's work had fallen upon Dovid and upon his
wife. The other brothers were still young and did not yet
have sufficient experience in the craft of printing.
The new widow had little choice but to shoulder the burden of
the printing house herself, helped by several friends and
relatives who lent her assistance in supporting her own
family. Hashem helped her and she prospered greatly in
running the printing house and distributing the
seforim it produced.
Resizing and Cutting Back
Despite their success, growing competition from their rivals
forced the Widow and Brothers Romm to take certain measures
in order to increase the efficiency of their printing
business. They made four basic changes in the way they
First, they stopped printing from blocks of set type and
changed to stereotypes i.e. plates. Setting type was
difficult and consumed a lot of time, almost doubling the
length of a job. The second decision was to try to overcome
the problem of the censor, who damaged the integrity of a
finished product. Third, they resolved to increase the amount
of proofreading in an effort to eliminate the many printing
mistakes that abounded in other printing houses' editions of
Shas. Last, they decided to introduce a new format for
all their publications, for which their printing house would
have exclusive rights. It was hoped that these measures would
lend a distinctive quality to every publication issued by the
Romm printing house that would attract buyers to their
products in particular, since theirs were the only ones with
such clarity and format.
The first sefer that they published according to the
new resolutions was a siddur, entitled Nehora
Rabba. It indeed had a brand new look, owing to the new
method of printing and the new format. Despite its high cost,
these changes helped sell hundreds of thousands of copies in
its very first year. Of the seforim that later
followed this pattern, none was more important than the new
The Second and Finest Shas
This second Shas is the one that is still in wide use
today, of which, until recent years, most of the editions
were photo-offset copies. Even newly typeset editions follow
the layout and format pioneered by this Shas. All
standard references follow its pagination. It is known as
"the Shas of 5646," after the year of its publication
and it was the finest Shas ever issued by the Romm
printing house.
Like its predecessor, this Shas also had a long and
troubled history. Nonetheless, miracles were in evidence in
its progress, until it finally emerged in the form that is so
familiar to us.
The work centered upon including as many additional
commentaries and explanations from previously unpublished
manuscripts as possible, in addition to which it was to have
the standard new format and to be as thoroughly proofread and
mistake-free as possible. The salaries of all those involved
with the enterprise, from the ordinary printing workers, to
the scholars who worked on copying and checking the
manuscripts, involved large sums, to which numerous other
expenses had to be added. The high cost of the finished
product reflected the huge expenses that had to be invested
in the project.
Many friends of the Romm family tried to dissuade them from
beginning the work. Judging by the projected cost of the work
that was being planned, the new Shas would end up
costing purchasers more than double what other available
editions cost. They feared that under such conditions, sales
would never cover the investment and that money put into the
project would be irrevocably lost.
While the widow and brothers Romm gave these arguments due
consideration, they were not discouraged and were not to be
dissuaded. In an effort to prevent such an outcome, they
distributed a notice to the general public that provided
information about their program and its projected cost. They
also fixed the price that would be asked for the new
Shas and called upon the public, and especially the
well-to-do, to sign an undertaking to purchase the
Shas when it appeared. The circular, which was
entitled Kol Romm, included examples of several pages
from the new Shas.
The family decided that if four thousand prospective buyers
responded, they could be fairly sure that they could embark
on the project without any risk of suffering losses. To their
surprise, over ten thousand individuals expressed their
interest and signed undertakings to buy the Shas. With
this encouraging sign, the work got underway.
Clemency from an Unexpected Quarter
As mentioned, top priority was assigned to the publication of
previously unpublished commentaries from early Torah
authorities. Besides funding, hard work and careful
intercession were usually necessary in order to obtain the
desired manuscripts. In the climate of those times every
success of this sort was nothing short of miraculous.
Heaven's help was clearly visible in the removal of the
myriad stumbling blocks that threatened to hinder or prevent
the attainment of manuscripts.
The first manuscript that the Romm family obtained was
Rabbenu Chananel's commentary which now appears alongside the
gemora on many masechtos. The manuscript was
kept in the Vatican archives but it had not been well
preserved. The pages were very worn and were marked by rust
stains, while the edges of the sheets had been eaten away.
Moreover, the commentary was written in Latin characters,
which made deciphering and copying it much harder.
Permission was also not granted to remove the manuscript from
the Vatican, which necessitated bringing copyists in to do
the work there. The few copyists in Rome who were
sufficiently qualified to do the job, were fully occupied
with other work and it seemed that things had reached an
impasse. The copyists however, accorded great significance to
the printing of the Shas and they agreed to interrupt
their other work in order to devote their time to copying
Rabbenu Chananel's commentary.
After several months of work, another problem loomed with the
approach of the official holidays in Rome. The Vatican
library would be completely closed for their duration; nobody
at all had access to it at this time. A four-month stoppage
of the work at that stage would prove very harmful to the
printing house. Missing the deadline for the appearance of
the first volumes might lead subscribers to cancel, wreaking
havoc with the whole project.
The members of the Romm family tried to reach every contact
they had that might possibly be of assistance in this
situation. They succeeded in obtaining special permission,
contrary to the Vatican's laws, to open up the library during
the recess for them alone, so that work could proceed on
copying Rabbenu Chananel's commentary. The Romm family would
have to pay the cost of a guard for the archives but
otherwise, the place would be completely open to them, even
during hours that it was usually closed to the public.
One of the workers on the project wrote, "Looking in
retrospect, the Vatican had always been the source of deadly
hatred of the Jewish nation and even more so of our
literature, [hatred] that spread to every Christian land,
often leading kings to level decrees of forced apostasy,
slaughter, killing, destruction and harsh exile . . . Worst
of all, they confiscated and burned Jewish books on many
occasions, sometimes decreeing that the Jew be burned
together with the holy books . . .
"Now, wonder of wonders, out of the very furnace into which
they always threw Jewish books for burning, kindness and
goodwill that are unparalleled even towards Christian rulers
lehavdil are being extended towards those very same
seforim. The only explanation is that the great merit
of Rabbenu Chananel -- everything written by whom is faithful
transmission -- is standing him and his commentary in good
stead, so that his powerful light be thus revealed from the
darkness to illuminate the Talmud, so that the eyes of its
scholars be illuminated to see Torah's truth."
Other commentaries from archives and private collections were
also published for the first time in this Shas. The
complete list of these additions, which number over one
hundred, appears on the reverse side of the title page of
every volume of the Vilna Shas.
A Fine Sifting
The importance which the Romm family attached to the
meticulous proofreading that they had resolved upon
conducting, stemmed from the gemora (Kesuvos 18) which
says, " `Don't let an injustice dwell in your tent'
(Mishlei) -- this refers to someone who leaves an
uncorrected sefer in his home."
This was one of the most difficult tasks, for which expert
proofreaders were brought in. Among them were even some of
Vilna's greatest sages. Among the best known of these was
HaRav Shlomo Hacohen zt'l, author of Cheishek
Shlomo, and also the author of the commentary Poras
Yosef, both of whom served in the city as rabbonim. They
and the other astute rabbonim, all experts in the work,
devoted hours to ensuring that the Vilna Shas would
not contain any of the mistakes that were so common in the
other editions.
The printing house suffered many trials and tribulations
while work was progressing on the Shas. On several
occasions, the building went up in flames and there were also
a number of libels leveled against it. None of these
obstacles weakened the family's determination however.
Hashem strengthened their resolve until finally, in 5646
(1886), the job was completed. All who saw the finished
product were effusive in their praises of it and of the
managers of the printing house. For the very first time, an
edition of Shas had been produced that was as
beautiful and as complete as it deserved to be.
When we use this Shas today, it is difficult for us to
appreciate the magnitude of the undertaking and the many
hardships that the widow and brothers Romm underwent until
they were fortunate enough to see their splendid Shas
Without a doubt, the members of the Romm family were
instrumental in the fulfillment of Hashem's promise that
"Torah will not be forgotten by Yisroel." Blessed is He who
has kept His promise to Klal Yisroel!
While we have focused mainly on the printing of the Vilna
Shas, for that was the most significant achievement of
the Romm printing house, numerous other projects were
executed that were of no less importance and are no less
worthy of mention. While they cannot all be dealt with here,
the story surrounding the rediscovery of the Vilna Gaon's
commentary to the Yerushalmi on Seder Zeroim is
particularly fascinating.
The work was known to exist but it had disappeared in
untoward circumstances and many great Torah scholars were
longing to see it. The extensive efforts that the Romm family
made in order to locate it were futile and they had almost
lost all hope of obtaining it. Then a miracle took place,
that enabled the commentary to be published as part of the
Romm printing house's Talmud Yerushalmi.
Here is the story of that miracle, as related by one of the
workers on that project:
"Something amazing took place. Robbers plundered a Jewish
home in Bessarabia that belonged to one of the members of the
family of the Gaon zt'l. One of the robbers called out
to a passing Jew, `Won't you buy these two Jewish books from
me for a ruble? If you won't, I'll discard them with the
garbage.' The man saw that they were written in Hebrew and he
paid a ruble in order to rescue them from disgrace. However,
he didn't know what they were. In fact they were an old
manuscript of the Gaon's explanation and a newer copy of
"They changed hands several times until they reached someone
knowledgeable, who read our notice that said we were about to
publish the Yerushalmi. He purchased them cheaply and
travelled to bring them to us. We happily bought them from
him for a handsome price and we blessed Hashem for our having
found this valuable lost item. We were the means by which the
public received it. We were able to affix it as an adornment
to our holy literature with it and the posuk `And a
blessing to the chief purveyor' was fulfilled in us."
Chazal's comment about such stories is that, "Everything
needs good fortune, even the sefer Torah in the
A unique part of the legacy of the Romm printing house are
the letters of the Vilna font. This unique set of letters,
that project grace and nobility as we recognize from our own
use of them, was one of the house's most distinctive
Although the written word is a wholly physical entity, it
serves as a means of conveying the intentions and wishes of
the writer to the reader. This idea lies behind Chazal's
statement, "The parchment burns and the letters fly into the
air." While the letters are firmly attached to the parchment
and have no function without it, they still have their own
existence, flying upwards when the parchment ceases to
Letters are the functional means of conveying ideas and
information but they also afford insight into the thoughts of
the writer. They are the means by which Torah is transmitted
from generation to generation -- when Torah shebe'al
peh was in danger of being forgotten, Chazal instituted
its being written, thereby averting the danger of Klal
Yisroel's forgetting Torah.
It was not for nothing that the Vilna letters merited being
the means through which Torah was preserved, as the
gaon Rav Avrohom Avelli zt'l, wrote about the
Vilna Shas, "If it is not printed, it is
choliloh likely that Torah will gradually be forgotten
by Klal Yisroel whereas with an abundance of
seforim, Torah and understanding will abound . . .
Whoever is stirred by Vilna and what it represents, will also
be moved by the sight of these letters, for they too, are
part of the community's many merits.
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