Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

A Window into the Chareidi World

15 Av 5763 - August 13, 2003 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly









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Home and Family

Your Medical Questions Answered!
by Joseph B. Leibman, MD

Diplomate, Board Certification of Emergency Medicine

Chairman, Department of Emergency Medicine Ma'ayenei Hayeshua Hospital

Pain. The most effective medical treatments for pain remain narcotics. These drugs share common properties: they all may cause stomach upset, they all may cause constipation, they all have -- for the most part -- short half-lives, they all can be reversed with the same antidote, they all can be addictive. But there is still a wide variety in their effects and usefulness.

The standard for all narcotics remains the oldest -- morphine. This drug is very effective and works best when given in the vein. It is poorly absorbed by the stomach; although MIR and MSR are oral forms that work pretty well with somewhat lengthened half-lives (a half- life is how long the medicine stays in the body -- basically a measure of how long it works).

When you chemically attach oxygen or hydrogen to morphine you get an even stronger drug. Hydromorphone is Dilaudid in the USA and Palladone in Israel and is very strong. The oxygen- morphine is unavailable in Israel. These drugs are rarely used outside the treatment of cancer pain.

Another injectable pain reliever is Penthidine, known in the states as Demerol or Meperidine. I do not like this medication as it can cause confusion, ill feeling and it offers no advantage over morphine. Furthermore, it is often used with inadequate dosing. The correct dose is 1-1.5 mg/kg -- a dose rarely seen.

A really nice drug called Fentanyl is also available. For use in the vein it is a short-acting drug that is useful for short painful procedures. In Israel it is fairly cheap. A patch called Duragesic is available with this medication -- it is long-acting and effective.

Orally there are even more choices. Codeine used to be the standard, but in order to get enough effect from this drug, doses that can cause bad stomach effects must be given. Most physicians do not use the medication any more. Even the belief that it is good against a cough has been disproved. Once again, adding oxygen and hydrogen to the medicine made a more effective medication. Oxycodone is known as Percocet--it is also made more effective by the addition paracetomol (acetaminophen). All narcotics are more effective with a combination with this drug, or aspirin or a NSAID -- one of the drugs we discussed in the last article. Aspirin and oxycodone is called Percodan. Hydrocodone is not available in Israel. By mouth, these are the most effective pain relievers available to the Israeli physician. Write me in care of the Yated.

A message from GlaxoSmithKline, sponsor of this column. It bothers me that so many of our community smoke. If you can prevent someone from starting, that is the best strategy. If not, Zyban can help. If you know a way that we can communicate to our people the importance of getting help to stop smoking, contact me at once. Glaxo will be willing to help. They have two products that are known to be the most effective in helping a person stop smoking. Zyban for example shows results in one month.


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