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Part II
Last year on 22 Adar, Rabbi Aharon Paperman z"l, well-
known rov, mechanech, orator, and fundraiser for Torah
institutions was niftar. His long and productive life
was dedicated to promoting the growth and development of
Torah and Yiddishkeit on the American and Israeli
Who was this multifaceted man who touched so many people in
all walks of life and of all ages and left a lifelong
impression on each of them? What caused him to be loved and
respected by all who knew him -- even if they did not
necessarily agree with his ideals?
He had an engaging and magnetic personality and a smile that
warmed every heart. It was no wonder that whoever knew R'
Aharon felt a close, personal connection to him. Wherever R'
Aharon went, in whatever capacity he served, he always
reached out to the individual. He took a profound interest in
each and every person, with the result that each person felt
a close connection to him.
The first part discussed his early years in Baltimore, his
education in Telz yeshiva in Europe and his subsequent return
to America to become a rov. It also told about his decision
to volunteer to join the US Army as a chaplain, taken in
consultation with the Telzer roshei yeshiva HaRav
Eliyohu Meir Bloch zt"l and HaRav Chaim Mordechai Katz
zt"l, and his subsequent achievements as a chaplain in
A Chaplain in Italy
During his stay in Italy, R' Aharon worked tirelessly to
fulfill his many duties. He often went beyond the call of
duty to help any Jew. He traveled constantly to all the
different units of the army, meeting and talking with the
Jewish soldiers, boosting their morale, and comforting them
when necessary. He followed up these meetings with a letter
to the family of each soldier. Among his personal papers are
the many replies he received from parents and wives back in
the States, thanking him profusely for his care and
R' Aharon was responsible for all the spiritual needs of the
Jewish soldiers, both in life and after death. In addition to
arranging minyanim and leading services for them, this
also included procuring arba minim for Succos and wine
and matzos for Pesach, which in war-torn Italy was not a
simple task.
In 1944 R' Aharon arranged, organized, and conducted a
Pesach Seder in Naples for approximately 1500 Jewish
soldiers who were then on the front lines. The commander of
the Fifth Army, General Mark W. Clark, attended the
seder and spoke words of encouragement to the
assembled. This event received wide press coverage and was a
tremendous kiddush Hashem.
The following year, R' Aharon was in charge of a Pesach
seder for over 4000 men! What had been a huge train
station in Florence, Italy, was converted into a gigantic
dining hall for the seder. The hall was so large that
it was impossible to see from one end to the other.
R' Aharon, with his unique personality, was able to convince
those in charge to give him white parachute material to be
used for tablecloths. He needed eggs and potatoes for the
soldiers, but the army only had the powdered version and R'
Aharon was very reluctant to rely on their kashrus for
Pesach. He persuaded them to purchase potatoes from the
British Army, even though this involved bureaucratic
R' Aharon proceeded, with special permission, to go with
groups of soldiers to gather fresh eggs from the farmers who
lived in the countryside, which was normally forbidden by
Army regulations. As for wine, the General himself sent his
own private plane to Algiers to bring cases of kosher wine,
sealed and stamped by the local rabbonim. This event was once
again a magnificent kiddush Hashem, and was one of R'
Aharon's most famous accomplishments during this era.
R' Aharon had many other opportunities to be mekadesh
Sheim Shomayim during this period. One incident he was
fond of relating was when General Mark W. Clark scheduled a
conference of the Jewish chaplains of the Fifth Army together
with the representative of the Jewish Welfare Board, a Reform
rabbi who was part of a delegation sent to Europe by
President Truman. The conference was to be on a Shabbos
At the designated time, all were present except for Chaplain
Paperman, the Orthodox Chaplain. The other attendees were
getting jittery. After all, one does not keep a General
waiting, and certainly not an emissary of the President --
especially when there is a war going on! General Clark, a non-
Jew, noticing their discomfort and annoyance, said, "Don't
worry. If Chaplain Paperman said he'll be here, then he'll be
here. Today is Shabbos. Chaplain Paperman is probably walking
now from where he is stationed."
And so it was.
While in Italy, R' Aharon did whatever was humanly possible
to help those who survived the nightmare. He traveled to the
different D.P. camps trying to locate relatives of people he
knew and of people who had written him, begging his
assistance. He sought survivors of the Telzer
mishpochoh and succeeded in finding some. He assisted
in the hatzoloh efforts of Agudas Yisroel as their
contact in Italy, asking them to send siddurim,
tefillin, and other religious supplies, and distributing
these, as well as their food packages, to the refugees.
He asked the survivors what he could bring them, and then
used all his resources to fulfill their requests. One
poignant episode occurred when R' Aharon asked a young
Bobover chossid what he could do for him. The man
asked for a gemora Bava Kama, because that was what he
had been learning when he was deported. This touched R'
Aharon so deeply that he was determined to find the
sefer, even in war-torn Italy! With the help of some
Jewish soldiers, they found a huge stash of seforim
that had been confiscated and stored in a shul in
The man was ecstatic. He claimed he had not seen a letter of
the Aleph-Beis for five years, but if R' Aharon wanted
to farher him on what he had learned previously, he
was willing!
It is interesting to note that the Jewish Welfare Board
periodically sent their representatives to different army
camps throughout the U.S. to evaluate the chaplains stationed
In 1943, shortly before R' Aharon was sent overseas to Italy,
an evaluation by a Jewish Welfare Board member found him to
be "fanatic and intent on strict adherence to extreme
Orthodoxy." In view of this, the JWB rabbi maintained, his
potential to fulfill his duties to all Jewish soldiers was
questionable. He did not integrate with his fellow officers,
eating in his room rather than with the other officers, due
to his insistence on keeping kosher. He was so intent
on fully observing Shabbos, that he wouldn't answer a
telephone on Shabbos -- and so on.
However, in December 1944 after serving in Italy, Chaplain
Paperman was awarded the Bronze Star in recognition of his
outstanding performance as a chaplain. He was cited for his
bringing the "consolations of religion to large groups of
Jewish men." His ministering to the sick and concern for the
dead were lauded. The same JWB evaluator wrote him a sincere
letter of congratulations.
Return to Civilian Life
Upon returning to civilian life, R' Aharon once again heeded
the advice of his good friend R' Avigdor Miller, zt"l,
who told him, "Now you have the chance of a lifetime! You
have a pension from the army and, therefore, don't need a job
right away. Take advantage of this opportunity and sit down
in yeshiva and learn."
R' Aharon moved his family to the Brownsville section of
Brooklyn, planning to learn in the beis medrash of
Yeshiva Rabbenu Chaim Berlin. In the middle of the year, the
rosh hayeshiva, HaRav Yitzchok Hutner, zt"l,
enlisted him to serve as the first head of a new yeshiva
ketanoh, which was later to become well-known as the
Yeshiva of Eastern Parkway under the leadership of R'
Elimelech Silber zt"l. In this capacity, R' Aharon
worked as principal half of the day and studied in Chaim
Berlin during the other half.
A year later R' Aharon returned to his position in
Plainfield, New Jersey, which had been held for him all this
time. In the interim, the Nitra Yeshiva arrived to re-
establish itself in the United States. They first settled in
South Branch, N.J., a small town not far from Plainfield.
R' Aharon taught the Jews of that area what a privilege it
was for them to be able to reach out and help these newly
arrived refugees. He took a group of people from Plainfield
and surrounding towns to meet the refugees in their new
homes. He explained to them that even though they were not
directly related, and did not even know these people,
nevertheless all Jews are really one family.
They rallied behind him to do whatever they could for the
fledgling Yeshiva. One of the couples became so close to the
families of R' Michoel Ber Weissmandl zt"l and the
rosh yeshiva R' Yitzchok Zev Meyer zt"l, that
to this day they are considered like family. This couple
today boasts numerous grandchildren all bnei Torah
studying in the finest yeshivos in America and in Israel.
Upon R' Aharon's return from the army, R' Shraga Feivel
Mendelowitz zt"l had invited him to take over the helm
of Torah Umesorah when R' Shamshon Raphael Weiss zt"l
left. Although he had never met R' Aharon, R' Shraga Feivel
had heard much about him and he sent a shaliach to
approach and convince him. R' Aharon declined and the
position was filled by Rabbi Dr. Joseph Kaminetsky o"h
who led Torah Umesorah very capably for forty years.
Subsequently R' Shraga Feivel, who had taught in Scranton,
Pennsylvania upon his arrival in America before moving to New
York City, encouraged the young members of that community to
hire R' Aharon as principal of their Hebrew Day School. As a
result, a delegation from Scranton came to Plainfield with a
contract and convinced him to come serve as the principal of
the Hebrew Day School. In 1949, the Paperman family moved to
Scranton where they lived for six years spreading and
strengthening Yiddishkeit.
As the principal of the Hebrew Day School, Rabbi Paperman had
a great impact on the community. He was responsible for
building a staff with proper ideals and capabilities to
educate and influence the student body. He was very involved
in the curriculum and supervised the day-to-day learning in
all the classes. He instituted separating the boys and the
girls when the boys learned mishnayos, gemora, and
bar mitzvah related studies.
His untiring efforts to bring children from Scranton and the
surrounding towns, most of whom had weak religious
backgrounds or none at all, to the Hebrew Day School bore
much fruit. Many bnei Torah and marbitzei Torah
today owe their Yiddishkeit to his success in
convincing their parents to send them to the Day School
instead of public school and maybe to afternoon school for
some Hebrew studies.
The "Twenty-Minute Men"
At that time, the Young Israel of Scranton was just
organizing and Rabbi Paperman was asked to give his guidance.
He agreed and was hired at the huge salary of $1 a year!
Under his guidance, the Young Israel grew and many of the
town's youth were brought into the fold. Many
shidduchim resulted and the Young Israel, and the
school, grew and flourished. The impact he made on the
community was very strong, and the friendships forged there
lasted a lifetime.
R' Aharon impressed upon the baalebatim who were
shomrei Torah the importance of learning Torah every
single day, even if only for a short time. Thus, these men
began by setting aside twenty minutes every day to learn by
themselves on their own time, and became known as the "Twenty-
Minute Men." The daughter of one of these men, who is married
to a ben Torah and has several married children
learning in Lakewood, claims that all the credit for her
family turning out the way it did goes to R' Aharon Paperman.
His establishing the Twenty-Minute Men revolutionized their
whole attitude towards Torah, and this was transmitted to the
next generation.
His relationship with the Young Israel members was very
special. On one hand, he was one of the boys. At the summer
weekly baseball games in Nay Aug Park, everyone wanted the
rabbi on their team -- not because he was the rabbi, but
because he was a "slugger" and was always placed fourth in
the lineup. On the other hand he was admired and respected as
their rabbi and mentor. The Scranton community truly loved R'
Aharon, and in a memorial tribute to him, the Hebrew Day
School fondly recalled him as "one of our founding fathers,
and a true pioneer of chinuch in America."
Fundraising for Telzer Yeshiva
When the Telzer roshei yeshiva in Cleveland asked R'
Aharon to become their Executive Vice President in charge of
fundraising and help rescue them from their dire financial
straits, he could not refuse. Although he had done some
fundraising in Scranton, he never envisioned himself in that
position but rather as a spiritual leader and teacher.
However he had a tremendous hakoras hatov to the
Telzer Yeshiva and he was convinced that Telz was extremely
important for the advancement of Torah education in America
and so he subordinated his educational talents for the sake
of the Yeshiva.
In retrospect, although this move was a great personal
sacrifice for him, it probably was a major factor in his
children's, grandchildren's, and great- grandchildren's being
the full Torahdike Jews that they are. The
chinuch for his children was superior, and the yeshiva
environment they lived in greatly influenced their lives.
For the next thirteen years the family lived in Cleveland,
where R' Aharon played a major role in the growth and
development of the Yeshiva. Although he was a master fund-
raiser, his effect on the Yeshiva was not only financial. He
was a member of the inner hanholoh, and taught in the
Machon (teacher- training program) of the Yeshiva. He was
also a member of the Vaad Hachinuch of the Hebrew
Academy of Cleveland, which was under the auspices of Telzer
His relationship with the bochurim was warm and
genial. They appreciated his classes and his interest in each
of them personally. As in all his previous positions, he was
very successful in Cleveland, for he had the unusual ability
of being able to move easily among all types of people,
showing respect towards all regardless of their station in
He developed relationships with people of different social
and religious levels, and when he asked them to contribute
money they would do so because they felt they were doing
something for him. At the same time, he opened their eyes to
appreciate the true value of the Yeshiva, thereby increasing
the Yeshiva's prestige in the eyes of the community.
A group of philanthropists requested that R' Aharon teach
them Chumash once a week. The group consisted of four
couples and they met in one of the couple's home each week on
a rotating basis. Soon word spread and many others wanted to
join, because this was not just translating the
Chumash -- this was hashkofoh on a high
intellectual level.
Not wanting the group to become too big, they decided that
each week the host couple could invite one couple to join for
that time. This Bible Class continued for many years and was
rarely canceled -- only under dire circumstances!
Maintaining His Principles
Although he was a master fund raiser, everyone knew that he
would not compromise his ideals for money. His unyielding
tenacity led him to be widely respected.
One of the biggest donors in Cleveland with whom R' Aharon
had a close personal relationship, passed away on a Shabbos.
As soon as R' Aharon was informed of this, he went to the
deceased's home where he found the son and daughter with a
group of friends. Upon seeing him, the son beckoned R' Aharon
to join him. He then informed R' Aharon that the funeral
would be in the Park Synagogue which is Conservative. "Will
you come, Rabbi?" asked the son.
"I won't go in, but I'll stand outside. I'll be there."
Whereupon the son turned to his friends and said "I told you
the Rabbi wouldn't go in." Although it poured during the
entire funeral service, R' Aharon remained outside.
Teaching by Example
Although R' Aharon was not always home, he made sure to give
his children quality time. Mitzvos were never felt to be a
burden. Every Shabbos and yom tov was eagerly
anticipated -- it was fun and exciting because the children
were always included. There was singing and dancing at every
From their father they learned the importance of truth and
honesty. They saw his yashrus in all of his actions.
The children grew up with the learning of Torah as a focal
point in the home. R' Aharon had a study but every day he
studied Torah at the dining room table in the middle of the
house for all to see and hear. His seforim had a
prominent place on the dining room table.
R' Aharon always showed interest in his children's studies,
jobs, and friends. His children's friends were always made to
feel at home as R' Aharon spoke to them as if they were
indeed one of his own. A great-nephew remembers: "He would
talk to children without condescending, giving them a feeling
that he respected what they had to say."
From his example, the children learned the concept of
"Hevei mekabel es kol odom beseiver ponim yofos." Age,
religious affiliation, or one's intellectual attainments were
unimportant. R' Aharon always had a nice word for whomever he
Two of their children were married and the other two grown
when R' Aharon was approached by the Yeshivas Chofetz
Chaim/Talmudical Academy of Baltimore to join their staff.
Here, again, was an opportunity to be involved in chinuch
habonim and to show hakoras hatov to his old alma
mater. So, in 1968 the Papermans moved to Baltimore where R'
Aharon served as President of the Yeshivas Chofetz
Chaim/Talmudical Academy.
During his tenure in Baltimore, many organizations and
institutions plied him with offers to join them in various
capacities. R' Aharon's desires were twofold. He wanted to be
involved in furthering Jewish education. To him, educating
the children and youth were of supreme importance. Often
throughout his army career and in his positions in rabbonus,
he commented on the difference he noticed between people
whose lives are founded on deep religious foundations and
those whose lives are not, and how they cope with life.
His second great desire was to move to Eretz Yisroel
and, eventually, to be able to sit and immerse himself in
Torah study. He often bemoaned the fact that he was born
fifty years too early, before the concept of kollel
had been established!
When Chinuch Atzmai approached him with an offer to raise
funds for their worthy organization, he saw the possibility
for the realization of his dreams. R' Aharon accepted the
position on condition that he also have a role in the actual
chinuch in the schools he would nurture. He became a
member of the hanholoh and when he was in Eretz
Yisroel, he attended the meetings that were entirely
devoted to educational topics. He was in charge of School
Development and during his tenure, the growth of schools in
the Chinuch Atzmai network, both in quantity and quality, was
Eretz Yisroel
R' Aharon and his Rebbetzin moved to Eretz Yisroel
together with their youngest son and lived in Yerushalayim --
first in the Ezras Torah neighborhood and later in Bayit
Vegan, until they moved to Kiryat Telz-Stone, a picturesque
town about fifteen minutes west of Yerushalayim on the road
to Tel Aviv.
R' Aharon had been one of the representatives from Telzer
Yeshiva who had originally bought this land when the Yeshiva
decided to expand to Eretz Yisroel. This too was a major
accomplishment, and not without obstacles.
In the midst of the negotiations the Six Day War broke out.
Everyone was mobilized and, overnight, there was literally no
one to deal with! The delegation decided to return home, in
view of the circumstances. During their stopover in England,
they heard that boruch Hashem the war had ended. They
immediately returned to Eretz Yisroel and were able to
finalize the purchase.
R' Aharon and his wife were among the first settlers of the
Kirya, and he took great pleasure in seeing it grow to be the
large community it is today. He was considered one of the
"elders" of the Kirya, and was greatly respected by
all who knew him there. Many people living in Telz-Stone
became acquainted with R' Aharon and turned to him for
guidance and advice in various situations.
Their house was always buzzing with family and friends from
Baltimore, Scranton, Plainfield, Cleveland and elsewhere.
Their warmth (and the good food served by the rebbetzin) was
definitely an attraction which made Telz-Stone a popular spot
on the itinerary.
Although they lived in Eretz Yisroel, R' Aharon spent
five months of the year in the US raising funds for Chinuch
Atzmai. In the first years, he also traveled to S. Africa.
The remaining months of the year were spent studying Torah
undisturbed. As Chinuch Atzmai's fundraiser, as in all his
previous undertakings, he worked with tireless devotion, for
chinuch was always of supreme importance to him.
When the Telzer Yeshiva opened its doors in Eretz
Yisroel and HaRav Mordechai Gifter zt"l moved to
Kiryat Telz-Stone, he and R' Aharon learned
bechavrusa. At that time, R' Aharon discontinued his
trips to S. Africa so that he could have more time to learn
with HaRav Gifter. He was once again closely involved with
the talmidim.
The petiroh of HaRav Boruch Sorotzkin zt"l
necessitated HaRav Gifter's return to the United States and
the closure of this branch of the Telzer Yeshiva. Losing his
chavrusa and the companionship of his close friend was
a severe blow to R' Aharon. However, he found other
chavrusas and continued his daily learning
R' Aharon always said that he was always able to see Hashem's
helping hand in all of his endeavors. In the rabbinate, in
chinuch, and in fundraising he realized that his
successes were not his own doing. Hashem endowed him with the
sparkling, magnetic personality and the talent and capability
to attract so many diverse people and imbue them with Torah
perspectives. As a renowned orator speaking at countless
dinners and other functions for many organizations across the
country, he was thrilled to be of assistance to so many Torah
causes, but he shunned publicity whenever possible. Although
his fame spread due to his many successes, he knew they
belonged to Hashem and not to him.
As R' Aharon aged and his health began to fail, he cut back
on the length of his trips to America for Chinuch Atzmai
spending more time learning in Eretz Yisroel. At the point he
felt he could no longer travel, he retired. It was not an
easy decision for such a dynamic, energetic person but,
ultimately, he was forced to admit that the time had come.
Upon retirement, R' Aharon realized the fulfillment of a life-
long dream, to live in Eretz Yisroel and learn Torah
all day. He sat at his dining room table and learned with
different chavrusas throughout the day. He was very
content during this time and grateful to the Ribono Shel
Olom for enabling him to do so.
In his later years, he became the patriarch of his extended
family -- not only his own children and grandchildren but
also nieces and nephews and their children and grandchildren.
He was loved and respected by family members of all ages and
religious convictions. All came to enjoy Uncle Aaron and Aunt
Chaya's company and seek their advice in business,
chinuch, and personal affairs.
During the last two years of his life, his health began to
decline and he suffered greatly. However, to him the greatest
pain was his inability to learn Torah. R' Aharon also
bemoaned the fact that his oldest son, who lives in Eretz
Yisroel, had to spend so much time away from his learning
while caring for him. R' Aharon was niftar at the age
of 88.
HaRav Aharon Paperman, z"l, was zocheh to see
children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren that are not
only shomrei Shabbos, but true bnei Torah, all
following in the Torahdige path that he paved for
them. This was infinitely more than he had davened for
on his wedding day; much more than he had ever dreamed of
Yehi Zichro Boruch.
The family is interested in gathering more information and
stories about R' Aharon Paperman. Anyone having such
information is requested to phone or fax: (US) 718-338-5626;
845-425-9014; (ISRAEL) 011-972- 3-6186-584; or 011-331-4841-
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