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Maran R' Yisroel Zeev Gustman zt"l was a rosh
yeshiva of Ramailles when he was still a young man in
Vilna. When the Nazis invaded Vilna, he fled and was saved by
a miracle. The yeshiva began in a courtyard known as "Reb
Maille's Yard." A childless woman donated a number of houses
in that yard for the purpose of founding a yeshiva. The heads
of that yeshiva were great Torah personalities, among them
HaRav Yisroel Salanter. HaRav Chaim Ozer Grodzensky was one
of its patrons. Netzach Yisroel Ramailles, which is currently
located in Yerushalayim's Rechavia neighborhood, was founded
in memory of its counterpart in Vilna.
In the Beis Hamedrash Hagodol deVilna al Shem Rabbi Eliyahu,
talmidei chachomim who pore over their studies day and
night are seated at tables laden with seforim. Near
them are laymen who have come to study as much as possible
after a long and arduous workday. Only the bochurim
have no one who will teach them how to live and how to learn.
No one, that is, until the day three of the baalei
battim who studied in that beis medrash regularly -
- R' Boruch ben R' Moshe Chait, R' Yehoshua Chait, R' Meir
ben R' Aryeh Stemfaver -- approached R' Yoel Naftoli Hertz,
and asked him to be the rosh yeshiva, promising him four
zehuvim (gold coins) a week.
Slowly, bochurim from Vilna and its environs began to
assemble in the Gra beis medrash, until it was too
small to hold them all. And so, the young men who had come to
imbibe the teachings of R' Yoel Naftoli Hertz moved to the
beis medrash of the Chaits, in the Kreines yard in
Jews' Street of Vilna.
In this courtyard lived a pious and G-d-fearing Jew named
Shabsai ben R' Shabsai, who earned his living by sweeping the
chimneys of Vilna's Jews. R' Shabsai was very excited over
the idea, and made a special effort to find the group an
apartment which would serve as a dining room for the yeshiva.
In addition, he went from door to door, collecting bread,
flour, salt and other food provisions for the poor bnei
yeshiva. His righteous wife Devorah helped him, and even
laundered the clothes of the bochurim.
Ramailles -- Named After Whom?
In the Jewish ghetto of Vilna there was a yard called "R'
Maille's yard" after its first owner. In it were a number of
houses which belonged to Mrs. Sorah Tobias who, as later
noted in the yeshiva's ledger, had purchased them for four
hundred rubles. Since she had no children, she bequeathed
those houses to Vilna's gabbo'ei tzedokoh for the
purpose of founding a yeshiva. The gabboim appointed
three of Vilna's gedolim to oversee the bequest: HaRav
Avrohom Abeli Poswoler (niftar 5596); HaRav Zalman ben
R' Uri and R' Yehoshua Neishtetter.
When R' Shabsai heard that a number of homes had been
earmarked for a yeshiva, he rushed to the gabboim, and
persuaded them to give the houses to the recently-founded
yeshiva. Reb Shabsai renovated a number of the houses, and
then they were transferred to the yeshiva. A chanukas
habayis was held on the 20th of Tammuz, 5591 (1831).
The next day, which was erev Shabbos kodesh, news
spread throughout Vilna like wildfire, that R' Shabsai had
suddenly passed away. Many of the talmidei chachomim
in the city attended his funeral and a heavy mourning fell
over the city. The rosh yeshiva, HaRav Yoel Naftoli
Hertz, instructed that the following be inscribed on R'
Shabsai's tombstone: "Upright and whole . . . a loyal
shepherd. He was linked to Hashem with all his heart and all
his possessions; he accepted the yoke of Heaven in purity. He
seated Torah learners in his home and during his life he
restored Torah's glory [in the form of] the new beis
medrash. He collected much money and . . . did much
chesed. R' Shabsai ben R' Shabsai zt"l who died
on erev Shabbos kodesh, the 20th of Tammuz, 5591."
After the shiva, Vilna's askonim chose a
committee of ten prominent leaders who resolved to continue
to strengthen the yeshiva, which had finally found a
residence in the yard of R' Maille. To this day, it is called
Yeshivas Ramailles.
The Roshei Yeshiva
As we noted, the rosh yeshiva was R' Yoel Hertz, who
served in this capacity from the day of the founding of the
yeshiva in 5591 until the day of his death on Shabbos
kodesh, 2 Sivan, 5618 (1858). Joining him were, HaRav
Abeli (who served as the yeshiva's president) and HaRav
Eliezer Teitz, a student of R' Akiva Eiger. The name Teitz
stemmed from the fact that he had arrived in Vilna in
Ashkenazic dress. After a number of years, he left his
position in Ramailles and, for various reasons, moved to
other cities. He died in Brodt, on the 7th of Kislev 5614
However, foremost among the yeshiva's roshei yeshiva
was, without a doubt, R' Mordechai Meltzer, who assumed that
position a little after the establishment of the yeshiva. R'
Mordechai was born in Vilna in 5557 (1797), in the last year
of the life of the Gra. His father was R' Osher Kletzky, a
great talmid chochom who passed away on rosh
chodesh Cheshvan and is buried in Vilna's Jewish cemetery
next to the author of the Chayei Odom, who was
niftar a month earlier, on Tishrei 4, 5581 (1821). As
a child, his unique talents, memory and diligence were
Vilna's elders used to relate: The brilliant gaon R'
Mordechai Marshus, the av beis din of Paritsk and
author of Bei'ur al Sefer Hamaraham Schiff, had lodged
at the home of the tzaddik R' Leibli the son of R'
Berish, who was both a gabbai tzedokoh and the
parness of the city. R' Leibli accorded the
gaavad Paritsk the honor of speaking in the old
beis medrash of Vilna, and all of the city's greatest
scholars came to hear his brilliant discourse. Among them was
R' Osher Kletzky and his son R' Mordechai, who was twelve at
the time. In the middle of the brilliant droshoh, the
young child rose and asked a question from the Maharsho, to
which the gaavad could not reply. From that time on,
all Vilna praised the young Mordechai.
When he came of age, he married the daughter of the
gvir Reb Leib Meltzer and, as a result, took the
family name of his father-in-law and became R' Mordechai
Meltzer. Immediately, he established a yeshiva in the beis
medrash of the wealthy Reb Dovid Strashon ( the father-in-
law of HaRav Shmuel Strashon -- the Rashash). Even then, many
flocked to learn with him.
However what really made him well-known was his appointment
as the rosh yeshiva of Ramailles. When this occurred,
his students followed after him lovingly. He produced many
students, among them famous gedolei Torah.
He headed the yeshiva of Ramailles for twenty years. At the
end of that period he was offered a rabbinic position in
Kolvaria. During Aseres Yemei Teshuva of 5612 he left
the yeshiva. In 5624 (1864) he was appointed gaavad of
Lida, where he became known as a worker of wonders, to whom
many turned for help. (Hameilitz, Volume 28, the
edition of Tuesday, 21 Nisan 5648.)
A Young Ram
In 5600, the staff of elderly and brilliant roshei
yeshiva was joined by a thirty-year-old avreich:
Maran, the gaon, Rabbi Yisroel Salanter.
Even though he was very young at the time, Reb Yisroel, who
resided in his father-in-law's house in Salant, had become
known throughout the country and many important rabbinical
posts were offered him. But he firmly rejected them all,
personally fulfilling Chazal's dictum: "Despise the
When Ramailles's trustees heard about him, they sent
prominent emissaries to him, with the following writ of
appointment: "We the trustees of the yeshiva gedola in
Vilna, located in Reb Maille's yard have, along with the
prominent rabbonim and mashgichim of the yeshiva,
convened in order to supervise the yeshiva and to spread
Torah's glory. We have agreed to appoint kevod HaRav
Hamaor Hagodol, Chorif Uboki, Hamefursam, Morenu HaRav
Yisroel miSalant ben HaRav Hamaor Hagodol, Morenu HaRav Zev
Wolf, av beis din deTelz, the first rosh yeshiva of our
yeshiva, for a period of five years starting today. [His task
will be] to study with the good students whom the trustees
will select. [He will] head the yeshiva and deliver a daily
shiur in the beis medrash of the yeshiva. We,
the trustees and the mashgichim, are fully obligated
to support him and to pay him a weekly salary of four rubles.
For a week in which a holiday falls, his salary will be eight
rubles. We will also pay his rental from the funds of the
yeshiva and are fully obligated to do so throughout his
entire term of office here. This writ of appointment may be
used for his benefit throughout his entire term of office.
With the hope of fulfilling all that is hereby stated, we
sign: Binyomin Wolf ben R' Zalman Kletzky, Moshe ben R'
Zerach, Avrohom Mordechai ben R' Shabsai z'l, Yitzchok
ben R' Nechemia, Gershon ben Morenu HaRav Moshe of Amsterdam,
Moshe Yehoshua ben R' Binyomin Beinish."
R' Yisroel Salanter accepted the offer of the heads of
Yeshivas Ramailles. Towards the end of 5600 (1840) he arrived
in Vilna and began to deliver shiurim there. But quite
soon R' Yisroel began to feel that the fact that he had been
appointed rosh yeshiva at so young an age offended the
honor of HaRav Mordechai Meltzer. When certain people even
began to provoke fights, R' Yisroel resigned from his
position as the rosh yeshiva of Ramailles and founded
a new yeshiva in the Zaretzi lot in Vilna. It was fully
supported by the wealthy R' Chaim Baskess.
With the opening of the new yeshiva, many students from Vilna
and its environs streamed to R' Yisroel Salanter.
Nonetheless, a strong bond continued to exist between the
rabbonim and students of the Ramailles yeshiva and R'
Yisroel's yeshiva throughout that entire period.
When he was still the rosh yeshiva of Ramailles, R'
Yisroel founded the Beis Hamussar. It was located near the
yeshiva, in the courtyard of the tzaddik R' Zalman R'
Uris. It was there that he taught the Mesillas
Yeshorim and Chovos Halevovos. At his initiative,
Cheshbon Hanefesh of R' Mendel Satnauer was published
during that period, as well as Goren Nochon of the
Rashbag, a work on character improvement.
In 5608 (1848) a cholera epidemic, which claimed many lives,
broke out in Vilna. R' Yisroel marshaled his courage and
convened many public meetings, at which he aroused the people
to do teshuva sheleimoh, and to extend financial aid
to the victims and their families.
On erev Yom Kippur 5609, he hung announcements in all
of Vilna's shuls and botei medrash instructing the
people not to fast, to shorten the piyutim, and then
to go to the outskirts of the town to breathe fresh air.
After shacharis of Yom Kippur, R' Yisroel himself went
up to the bimoh, recited a borei minei mezonos,
and ate in full view of the entire congregation, so that all
would follow suit.
That very same year, an edict was issued by the government to
found Rabbinical Seminaries in Vilna and Zhitomir. The
communal leaders of Vilna sought to appoint R' Yisroel as a
gemora teacher in the new Beis Medrash, while he who
had recommended him, Kalman Shulman, was appointed a
Tanach and Hebrew grammar teacher.
R' Yisroel of course refused this appointment and, after the
heads of the community began to pressure him, left Yeshivas
Ramailles in secret, and moved to Kovno where he founded the
Beis Medrash lePerushim, which was financed by the wealthy R'
Hirsch Neviezer.
Other Luminaries
Throughout the years, Yeshivas Ramailles merited ramim
of the highest caliber -- the city's greatest geonim
and tzaddikim. A survey of the various archives and
records of the yeshiva mentions some of them.
R' Alexander Epstein passed away on the 11th of Av, 5623, at
a ripe old age in Vilna. His place as the rosh yeshiva
of Ramailles was filled by his only son, HaRav Yitzchok
Epstein, who held this position until his death on rosh
chodesh Teves, 5642 (1882).
During R' Alexander Epstein's tenure as the rosh
yeshiva of Ramailles, HaRav Yitzchok ben R' Binyomin
Beinish, the grandson of R' Tzvi Hirsch the gaavad of
Zazmor, served as a ram. He occupied this position for
fourteen years and died when he was only fifty-two, on the
13th of Adar Sheini, 5624, a year after the death of the Rosh
Yeshiva R' Alexander Epstein.
For a few decades, Ramailles was called Yeshivas Yaakov
Piaskin, in honor of its later rosh yeshiva who
directed it with a strong hand and stamped it with his unique
R' Yaakov was the grandson of HaRav Yisroel, the gaavad
of Piask, the brother of the author of Chamudei
Daniel of Horodna. He was one of Vilna's greatest
talmidei chachomim and was zoche to both wealth
and Torah scholarship. Throughout most of his life he pored
over his Torah studies, studying along with HaRav Abeli.
Earning a livelihood was his incidental pursuit and Torah was
his main one. He founded the Hebrew printing house in Vilna
which functioned during the years 5595-96.
In 5617, the gedolim of Vilna appointed HaRav Yaakov
Piaskin rosh yeshiva of Ramailles, where he had a
strong impact. R' Yaakov Piaskin was niftar on rosh
chodesh Adar Sheini, 5635. He left behind many
unpublished chidushim. During his life he published
Tumas Yeshorim on aggodoh and mussar, as
well as Yad Hachazokoh on the Haggodoh. When he
was niftar, he was replaced by his eldest son HaRav
Shmuel Piaskin, who was a great talmid chochom and who
taught in Ramailles for fifteen years and produced many
students. He died on Taanis Esther, 5650 (1890).
After R' Shmuel Piaskin's passing, he was replaced as rosh
yeshiva by R' Shmuel Isser Hachohen who had been a
ram in the yeshiva for scores of years. R' Shmuel
Isser was the son-in-law of R' Eliezer Diveger, who was known
as a great masmid who had studied in the beis
medrash of the Gra day and night for his entire life. R'
Shmuel Isser was niftar at the age of eighty on the
20th of Teves, 5652, after having taught Torah and serving as
a rosh yeshiva in Ramailles for thirty-eight years.
From Baranowitz to Ramailles
In Sivan 5697 (1937), HaRav Shlomo Heiman, one of Lithuania's
great ramim from the pre-Holocaust generation, was
appointed rosh yeshiva of Ramailles. R' Shlomo Heiman
was born in Paritsh, a city in the Minsk region of White
Russia, to R' Michel in 5652. From the age of twelve he
studied in the Halosk yeshiva (Kaminetz) under R' Boruch Ber
Leibowitz, who was very fond of him. He remained there until
5678 when he married the daughter of R' Yochonon Rudensky of
Volozhin (the brother-in-law of R' Simcha Zelig Riger of
Brisk, as well as R' Nechemia the av beis din of
Butkov, and R' Eliezer Yitzchok the great sage of
During the First World War, R' Shlomo was drafted into the
Russian army for a brief time. While on the front, he managed
to review the entire tractate of Kesuvos from
beginning to end, while serving in the trenches.
After his marriage, his great mentor R' Boruch Ber appointed
him ram in his yeshiva Knesses Beis Yitzchok-Kaminetz.
At that time, the yeshiva had wandered from Slobodka to
Krementchug. From then he gained renown as one of the
gedolim of the Lithuanian yeshiva world. After the
First World War he began to deliver shiurim in Ohel
Torah of Baranowitz, headed by HaRav Elchonon Wasserman,
At the request of R' Chaim Ozer of Vilna, who was the patron
of Yeshivas Ramailles, R' Shlomo became its rosh
yeshiva, a position he held for nearly eight years from
5687 to 5695 (1927-35). In 5695 he was invited to head
Mesivta Torah Vodaas in the United States, founded by Rav
Shraga Feivel Mendelowitz and his colleagues. With the
approval of R' Chaim Ozer he accepted that position, and in
that way, Hashgochoh spared him from the valley of
death. He was niftar young at the age of 52 in 5705
Netzach Yisroel
In 5690, while R' Shlomo Heiman was still a rosh
yeshiva in Ramailles, the twenty-two year old gaon
HaRav Zeev Gustman was appointed as a ram there. HaRav
Yisroel Zeev, who at that time was a member of the beis
din of R' Chaim Ozer in Vilna, had already gained wide
With R' Shlomo's departure from the yeshiva, the image of R'
Yisroel Zeev Gustman grew stronger and many of the bnei
yeshiva flocked to his unique shiurim.
Even with the outbreak of the Second World War, the studies
in Ramailles continued as usual, and the quality of the
learning as well as the number of students -- some of whom
had come from other yeshivos, increased. When the Nazis
invaded Vilna, they stormed the yeshiva and invaded R' Zeev
Gustman's private dwelling. Brutally they beat him until he
collapsed. By a miracle he was spared, and he fled for his
After many wanderings, R' Yisroel Zeev reached Brooklyn,
where he founded Netzach Yisroel-Ramailles in memory of the
illustrious yeshiva in Vilna, and began to deliver regular
shiurim there.
In 5721 HaRav Gustman moved to Eretz Yisroel and transferred
his yeshiva to the Rechavia section of Yerushalayim. Today
its rosh yeshiva is his son- in-law, R' Michel
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