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Except for a few rare souls possessed of a special spiritual
inspiration, very few people venture from the central region
of Israel to the hothouses in Gush Katif -- particularly
since Kassam missiles were fired at them.
"And I never cease to be amazed how these two come, time
after time, and nothing can deter them. Their singular,
unwavering resolution arouses in me great respect for them,"
says one greenhouse owner, referring to Rav Shlomo Shmulevitz
and Rav Binyomin Chazan from the Jerusalem Rabbinate's
Department of Mitzvot Dependent on the Land of Israel.
"Shluchei mitzvos einom nizokim," concludes the
greenhouse farmer.
Recently I had an opportunity to speak with Rav Shmulevitz to
get a behind-the-scenes look at the hothouses. Actually I was
looking for material on current affairs, but what I found was
a piece of information that is absolutely essential to share
with the reading public to prevent stumbling blocks in
matters of halacha chas vesholom. Who knows? Perhaps
this was the real reason why the interview was ordained to
take place.
In the middle of the interview Rav Shmulevitz, head of the
department of kashrus supervision of the Jerusalem rabbinate,
received a call from a furious customer. "I found a little
fly in a bag marked `insect-free' and I nearly committed an
issur deOraisa."
He listened attentively until the anonymous caller on the
other end of the line had finished venting his anger. Then,
with gentle patience, he asked the complainer to describe the
little fly. Following his description Rav Shmulevitz' face
lit up. "Do you still have the bag the vegetable came in?" he
Receiving an affirmative reply he asked the caller to tell
him the name of the grower and to read aloud the writing on
the backside of the package.
The caller began to read with great surety in his voice, but
gradually his tone of confidence turned to wonder and even
became slightly apologetic. "Despite the care taken in the
greenhouses, small flies may be found among the leaves of the
vegetable. This can occur with all of the growers at all of
the various companies, and therefore the leaves must be
rinsed well under a strong flow of water. After rinsing there
is no obligation to check [for insects]. Some take the extra
precaution of soaking the leaves in a bit of soapy water for
three minutes before rinsing."
When the caller had finished reading he had nothing left to
say. "Uh-huh," he muttered and hung up the receiver abruptly.
Rav Shmulevitz turned to me.
"Are people as careless with the small print on banking or
legal documents, not even glancing at what they are
Isn't a Fly a Bug?
I was still plagued by several questions: Are there bugs or
not? And if bug-free vegetables have bugs, why did
talmidei chachomim institute their use? What's so
special about the declaration "insect-free" if a real, live
fly can still be found inside the package?
"There are numerous types of insects, worms and larvae,"
explained Rav Shmulevitz. "We perform sample tests. Produce
grown in an orchard where the sample test showed the insects
to be beyond the allowable number is rejected outright for
sale as insect-free. Generally the crop from such a
plantation is destroyed or is sold to the general public as a
regular vegetable, and whoever wants to check can check it
and clean it as he sees fit.
"Special cultivation under sterile conditions results in a
crop of vegetables in which insects, worms and larvae are not
found. Using new hothouse farming methods of strengthening
the vegetables and spraying, the crops we certify do not
contain regular worms which do not fall off with a light
shake and regular rinsing. Through lab testing we regularly
ensure the vegetables remain very clean."
Yated Ne'eman: Rav Shmulevitz, perhaps you could say a
few words in general about the cultivation process itself.
Rav Shmulevitz: Cultivation is done under monitored
conditions, with very dense screens that prevent the insects
from coming near the vegetables. The ground itself is also
cleaned and disinfected before cultivation begins. There is a
double door to the hothouses to prevent various types of
insects from roaming around freely. Before growing begins,
samples are regularly taken from the site for testing. First
the planting stage and later the distribution must be
I want to stress clearly that these types of vegetables have
a chazokoh of being wormy when grown under regular
conditions in open fields. After the steps we take and after
the thorough professional tests we conduct, the vegetables no
longer have a chazokoh of being wormy. At this point
they have a chazokoh of being free of all types of
insects, worms and larvae visible to the eye. But we do not
pretend to make a claim of bal yeiro'eh uval yimotzei,
that absolutely zero worms or small flies are to be found.
And if worms are found, they are the kind that are not
difficult to be rid of, but are worms that come off under a
heavy stream of water with light shaking. Please write this
clearly and unambiguously to inform the public and to keep
people from stumbling.
Shluchei Mitzvoh on the Front Lines
The shrill ringing of a cell phone interrupts our
conversation. Gloom descends upon the table. The hothouse
where Rav Shmulevitz was supposed to be today was the target
of a bloody attack by a Palestinian terrorist who killed the
owner's son.
YN: Aren't you afraid to travel and make regular
rounds in these areas?
Rav Shmulevitz: Of course, when there is an imminent
threat of pikuach nefesh no one endangers himself, for
pikuach nefesh takes precedence over everything. But
at the places we go to we see special siyata deShmaya.
When you set out with mesirus nefesh for the sake of
strict supervision to maintain the halacha and the necessary
hiddurim for the sake of the sector that keeps the
highest standards of kashrus, you do not worry. Many kashrus
organizations won't go near these places and rely on the
network of mashgichim we laid out throughout Gush
Katif and the Gaza Strip. But it goes without saying that
actual on- site presence is preferable, that it is preferable
to see the hothouses firsthand, and that the quality of
supervision is improved.
It is very different when unexpected appearances and surprise
visits are made. We view our endeavor as a mission of supreme
importance and a mitzvah, and if Hashem does not guard over a
city the guard stands duty in vain.
YN: "Shluchei mitzvah einom nizokim. I never
cease to be amazed."
Rav Shmulevitz: Let me tell you a story that borders
on the absurd. Not long ago I interviewed a mashgiach
whose wife objects to him traveling to these dangerous areas.
I arranged a meeting with them at the Religious Council
building in Jerusalem and as we approached Rechov
Hachavatzelet where the meeting was to take place, we
suddenly heard shots nearby coming from the middle of Rechov
Yaffo. The gunfire was from a terrorist firing volleys of
shots in every direction until he was shot by police.
Due to my experience I ran to the scene of the incident to
help, leaving my shocked companions behind in the dangerous
place where they had been walking. Needless to say, there was
no longer any need for a meeting.
The Different Types of Bugs
YN: Which type of insects and worms cause you to
disqualify an entire hothouse?
Rav Shmulevitz: In general, in Israel there are more
insects than in many other parts of the world. Israel's
location at the meeting point of Africa, Asia and near Europe
brings high risks for orchards and ground crops to contract
diseases which come from all locations. Israeli import laws
for fruits and vegetables are very stringent, yet
nevertheless diseases and other problems periodically make
their way here from other parts of the world.
For example, in the banana plantations a few years ago we
suffered, together with the Jordanians, from a type of worm
called a nematode that settles into the roots and annihilates
whole plantations.
There are several types of flies. There are tunnel flies,
which are the most problematic for us. On one hand, they are
clearly visible to the human eye. Sometimes they are found on
celery or parsley. Rinsing doesn't help. There are also mites
that attach themselves and come off with vinegar.
There are parasites--such as the Middle East fly--that come
off with a bit of scrubbing and light shaking. The names are
familiar to some people: leaf mites, fruit flies and tunnel
flies. When we see that after all of the special procedures
and cultivation techniques in the hothouse there is
infestation, we reject the entire hothouse as a source for
worm-free vegetables.
There are several types of fruits and vegetables that farmers
are unable to grow without worms, despite numerous attempts.
But scientific development and the vast experience acquired
will probably bring new tidings over the course of time.
Strawberries, for example, are almost totally infested.
Because of the way they grow they need a great deal of
ventilation, so they cannot remain constantly inside a
hermetically sealed greenhouse. Therefore various types of
insects attach themselves to the fruit and leaves.
YN: Are there other methods of growing insect- free
Rav Shmulevitz: There are methods of growing on water,
known as hydroponics. This method, which was tried in the
past in shmittah year 5712 (1952) [when the Chazon Ish
was still alive], produces sweet lettuce ready to be picked
within a few weeks. The vegetable is sold with the root,
giving it a shelf-life one week longer than the normal
By the way, gedolei haposkim disagree over the proper
brochoh to be said. Maran the Chazon Ish ruled that
borei peri ho'adomoh should be said.
There are also methods of freezing. Using a special cooling
method from the field all the way to the store, a "chain of
cold" is maintained. The vegetable is brought from the field
in refrigerated trucks. For example, cabbage or broccoli is
transported at a constant temperature from the field to the
store. This improves the vegetable's quality and doubles its
shelf- life!
There is also a method of selling chilled vegetables washed
in sprayers in a special Jacuzzi with special cleaning
solutions that leave the vegetable free of insects and
YN: Many people are concerned about over excessive
spraying. They are concerned that due to a desire to render
vegetables cleaner from a halachic perspective they are
poisoning them and making them unfit for consumption.
Rav Shmulevitz: It is well known that these vegetables
are more protected from spraying and better kept from various
diseases than other vegetables. The Health Ministry regularly
takes vegetable samples and makes inspections, and samples of
all of the major outlets that carry our vegetables are sent
to the labs.
And what is the conclusion of these findings? Worm-free
vegetables are extremely clean in terms of spraying and
insects! The reason is simple: there is less of a need to
spray when everything is disinfected and sealed in advance,
not allowing all kinds of insects to take up residency on the
Our final question is addressed to supervisor, Rav Binyomin
YN: Does the tight, stringent hashgocho
increase the price above the price of regular vegetables in
the marketplace?
Rav Chazan: Competition among wholesalers is strong
and competition is always good for the buyers. Still, worm-
free vegetables are higher-priced than those of the local
market, but presumably the prices will decrease over time.
The growing costs and the detailed adherence to strict
halacha involve significant expenses. Rejecting orchards and
greenhouses for sale sometimes causes losses, but the demand
for halachic stringency is first and foremost.
The buying public across the country, both the chareidi and
the national-religious, places its faith in the
mashgichim and the kashrus system, and the vegetables
make their way to every location and to major wholesalers and
of course numerous hotels and guesthouses, etc., which
encourages us and strengthens us in dealing with all of the
trials and difficulties surrounding the many branches of the
kashrus system.
Rav Yosef Efrati, head of the Beis Medrash Lehalocho
Behisyashvus, adds further details regarding the special
supervision of worm-free vegetables.
Most wholesalers have private laboratories where they inspect
the vegetables and their level of cleanliness. Based on
accumulated experience we decided to set up a lab of our own
to which we bring samples from all of the greenhouses under
our supervision. This lab has several unique advantages.
First of all it is completely objective since it does not
belong to the wholesalers. Second, we accumulate samples from
every type of greenhouse and every type of crop and various
different locations. Thus we see a more complete picture and
can establish more uniform, sharper criteria.
I would like to make this very clear: Since we collect
samples from every location we see that there is a
possibility of growing vegetables completely free of worms.
Even if we find this level of cleanliness only among a few
individual growers, the very fact that it is possible to
reach such a level of cleanliness raises the criteria, and
the demands made upon the other distributors increases a
step. The very fact that such a possibility exists makes us
set it as a goal that must be reached.
But we must repeat the truth of the matter. Rav Efrati says a
"worm-free vegetable" means it does not have a
chazokoh as wormy and no longer has to be checked. In
other words, when this vegetable is grown under regular
conditions it has a chazokoh as wormy. Under the
growing conditions we are discussing it loses its
chazokoh as wormy and now is no longer considered
But there are varying levels of cleanliness. And therefore
our recommendation regarding all of the companies is to rinse
the vegetable, since rinsing removes the worms and flies that
are, rarely, present. We strive to reach one hundred percent
Here I must note the mesirus nefesh of the local
mashgichim in Gush Katif and other locations, headed
by Rav Shmulevitz, who is unafraid to supervise on a regular
basis in the field and to constantly check the cleanliness of
the product and its cultivation. Just as he does not hesitate
to remove the kashrus from growers that do not accommodate
halachic requirements.
We have merited siyata deShmaya in every matter
associated with mitzvos tied to Eretz Yisroel around the
country, and in the merit of the tremendous mesirus
nefesh shown by the mashgichim we have merited
siyata deShmaya in this area as well. Thus the public
benefits from uncompromising kashrus in a product made by
companies that sell worm- free vegetables under the
supervision of this division of the Jerusalem Rabbinate.
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