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Kislev 5762. A surprise awaited Rav Menachem Yehuda Halevi
Gross, head of the Vaad Lishkas Hakodesh, when he finished
his regular shiur for proofreaders of stam (Sifrei
Torah, Tefillin, Mezuzas and Megillos). Several
participants of the shiur approached him with the
question whether kisvei stam created by silk screening
were kosher.
He did not think this was a practical, relevant question.
This issue had already surfaced two years previously in the
United States, and the impressions left by that proposal
still reverberated in the public consciousness -- or so he
thought. The person behind that theoretical initiative was
also behind the silk curtain in Eretz Yisroel.
The fact that this initiative reappeared on the agenda sent
alarm signals to all those concerned with protecting the
integrity of kisvei stam. The Chairman of the Vaad
Mishmeres Stam of the U.S. and Canada, Rabbi Dovid L.
Greenfield, asked HaRav Wosner for his opinion. The Shevet
Halevi's teshuvoh was explicit and unequivocal:
"It is clearly prohibited and constitutes uprooting a Torah
commandment. It is not considered to be writing a Sefer
Torah at all . . . It is absolutely prohibited and is a
complete sin, and it is forbidden to produce them and thereby
cause others to sin. In truth, it is even difficult to
believe that it would occur to anyone who has smelt the
fragrance of Torah to place such a stumbling block in front
of the public, and it a mitzva to prevent this and stand in
the breach."
It looked as if this topic had been removed from the public
agenda and that this invalid initiative had been nipped in
the bud. When the students of Rav Menachem Yehuda Halevi
Gross told him in confidence about what was happening, he
could not believe his ears.
"Over there," in a certain neighborhood in Yerushalayim,
"preparations are being made to flood the market with
kisvei stam created by silk screening. This dangerous
plan is in its final stages."
Frightened by this idea, Rav Gross decided to visit the place
himself for a firsthand impression. The person behind the
whole business was not at home at the time. He was welcomed
instead by the man's chavrusa, and Rav Gross entered
the house with some apprehension.
His host was actually very friendly. During their
conversation, he told Rav Gross that they had already
consulted with rabbonim who had given their haskomoh
for the initiative, and he even mentioned their names.
(Subsequent investigations revealed that not one of them had
permitted it -- in fact they had all ruled unequivocally that
it was absolutely forbidden.) In their published literature
they state: "Many prominent Rabbis were consulted and were
thrilled with the idea," but they fail to mention even one
rabbinic authority by name!
In the course of the same meeting, the man demonstrated all
stages of the process of printing by silk screen. As the
picture became clearer, Rav Gross's heart skipped a beat.
Thoughts of the future gave him no rest. He visualized the
silk threads spun like a spider's web capturing all the
genuine kisvei stam in its net. Afterwards he put into
writing what he had witnessed, and his intense emotions are
also clearly evident between the lines:
"I was shown the silk screen process, which they use. Silk
cloth is stretched out on a square wooden frame. All the
holes of the silk fabric are sealed except where the shapes
of the letters appear, where there are holes and the letters
are arrayed on it as a form for a column of a Sefer
"This is how the printing process works: they put the silk on
a frame over a piece of parchment and pour thick ink on the
sealed side of the material and, with the assistance of a
squeegee (which looks similar to a wiper used to wipe kitchen
countertops) they pour and push the ink across the silk
material from right to left, so that the ink passes through
the perforations that are in the shapes of the letters on the
material and is absorbed by the parchment underneath. When
the silk is removed, perfect printing remains on the
klaf, looking identical to a column of a Sefer
Torah. They claim that this printing process is preferred
to the handwriting of a sofer . . .
"I was dumbfounded by this sight for a time and could not
believe my eyes. How could they overlook several sections of
the Shulchan Oruch and eliminate explicit
halochos of the Shulchan Oruch and its
commentaries, with which anyone who deals in this holy work
must be familiar . . . and undertake an unacceptable
activity? Has it become permitted in this generation for
sofrim to become wiser than the rulings of the
Shulchan Oruch? This must amaze us!
"Consider the words of the Noda Biyehudo (Mahaduro Kamo,
Orach Chaim 38) on the incident in the Yerushalmi
(Avodoh Zora 2:8) where Rebbi and his beis din
permitted oil of Akum. Shmuel ate but Rav acted
stringently and refrained from eating. Shmuel said to Rav,
`Either eat or I will declare you a zokein mamrei
(elder rebel)!' The Noda Biyehudo writes about this as
follows: `Although Rav was greater than Shmuel, but where it
is a case of chilul Hashem . . . How much more so in
our orphaned generation, we only have the words of the
Rishonim to guide us. If it be permitted to disagree
with them the whole Torah already becomes annulled and
everybody will build his own altar.'
"If this was the response to someone who wanted to be
stringent contrary to a takonoh enacted by a beis
din, what can we say in our generation, where we are like
orphans of orphans, about someone who wishes to abolish
absolute prohibitions with a wave of the hand, prohibitions
which are cited explicitly and unanimously in the gemora,
Rishonim and Acharonim up to the Shulchan
Oruch and its commentators . . . and to start printing
Sifrei Torah, tefillin and mezuzas using a
silk printing method, based on his own svora, and to
go even further and state that this method is `more
mehudar than the handwriting of a sofer?' Woe
unto us that this has happened in our days!"
An Unequivocal Teshuvoh
We are sitting in the home of Rav Shamai Kehos Hakohen Gross,
one of the leaders spearheading the battl, and Rav Menachem
Yehuda Halevi Gross is still visibly shaken when recalling
that sight. Who is behind the attempt to introduce silk
screening? I asked.
On the table lay the teshuva of HaRav Ben Tzion Yaakov
Halevi Wosner, head of the Shevet Halevi Beis Din and
Beis Horo'oh in Monsey (and the son of HaRav Shmuel
Wosner of Bnei Brak) to a question put to him in 5761 (2001)
about the kashrus of printing by silk screening. The
letter speaks for itself, and served to replace the deafening
silence of those present:
"Regarding your doubt about the new megillos and
Sifrei Torah invented by some terrible (personality)
whereby instead of writing them with his own handwriting and
quill as the Torah requires and as is the holy custom of the
Jews, he prints them using silk printing . . . all this with
the inspiration and hechsher of a certain rav who is
known as a lightheaded person who breaches fences and who in
the past has already breached several fundamental fences and
explicit halochos and traditions of our ancestors and
rabbonim concerning the sanctity of the Jewish home . . .
"Recently I was approached concerning this matter by people
from Lakewood, with the request that I should strongly
protest this terrible breach before it is too late, and
although we were deeply shocked by what we heard and saw, we
let the matter be because we did not believe that the day
would come when this would be put into practice, nor that a
man from inside the camp would openly undertake this wicked
activity. And so we kept quiet. But now it would appear that
his actions . . . have succeeded . . . it is not the time to
remain silent."
On the table around which this interview is being held lie
some old books, which describe the development of printing. A
diagram from 1942, which illustrates one of the articles,
describes the method of silk screening. It should be noted
that this method of printing has been used for many years in
the art industry: in the past, when famous artists wanted to
market their paintings, an original painting was unaffordable
for the masses and so the painting was copied using the
meticulous method known as lithography. The painting would be
printed in a limited number of copies, under the supervision
of the artist, of course, and each sold copy was numbered and
signed by the artist as proof of its authenticity. Printing
by silk screening eventually replaced lithography, and
nowadays it is used in the art industry, but now people want
to introduce it into the stam industry.
The book describing the method is in English. The printer in
the illustration looks like a non-Jew. "If the squeegee
replaces the feather, why shouldn't the non-Jew replace a
Jew?" Rav Gross asks bitterly.
"The gedolim have made explicit rulings that this
method is totally posul and is not considered writing
at all," says Rav Gross. Therefore, we will not go into the
halachic discussions and all its details. Of course, if
someone opposes the gedolei haposkim that is not
considered an opinion one has to take into account. Still, in
this context we should perhaps stress the following statement
by Rav Shlomo Kluger ztvk"l (Shut stam, siman
61, in Hilchos Krias Shema): " . . . apart from this,
it is one thing if a Jewish scribe is writing [it], who is
meticulous about being a yirei Shomayim, practices his
Divine craft faithfully, and is certainly careful to observe
the dinei Sefer Torah and have lishmoh
intentions. Printing, on the other hand, is usually
undertaken by am haratzim and frivolous people, and it
is done quickly. It is inevitable that their intentions will
not be lishmoh and that they will not be careful about
the other dinei Sefer Torah. Therefore, this method
would become entrenched and chas vesholom that it
should be adopted. It does not require genizah and all
the more so one should not chas vesholom make a
brochoh on such a Sefer Torah. Whoever
introduced this method, and all the more so anybody who
supports such a person will be held in judgment for this in
the future. May Hashem save us from such an opinion and may
He guide me in the way of truth as my soul desires . . . "
"Most of them are frivolous" . . . the picture in the
illustration in the book about printing demonstrates this
very well . . . is that how the writing of kisvei stam
will look? The results of the current campaign will be
critical in deciding whether the halocho will prevail
over the reality which these people would like to
This affair has had two installments. The first one occurred
about a year ago, when the Vaad Mishmeres Stam in the
United States discovered this project. Following their
handling of the matter and their approaches [to the rabbonim]
the gedolei haposkim of every group and community
expressed their unequivocal opinion forbidding this
At the same time, rumors started circulating about a terrible
scheme that was gathering ground. Dealers whispered to each
other that expensive megillos were being sold very
cheaply and investigations pointed towards this project.
Immediate action was called for. Time was running out, and
the threat of this project's printing engines progressing at
full capacity meant that this issue could not be handled with
silk gloves.
Rav Shamai Kehos Hakohen Gross, who had already acquired a
reputation as an expert and staunch defender of hilchos
stam, went ahead with the necessary activities at full
speed. When he brought the matter to the attention of HaRav
Eliashiv, he was aghast. He asked Rav Shamai Gross to warn
the Torah world and halachic authorities and to do everything
within his means to stop this terrible stumbling block,
before many well-meaning innocent people who are unaware of
the severity of this matter got caught in its net. Fearing
that this breach could become even bigger Rav Gross wanted to
put this question on the public agenda, and he asked other
great poskim to express their opinion, too.
Within a few days, the rulings of the gedolei haposkim
of all groups and communities were published, headed by the
unambiguous letter of HaRav Eliashiv: "They are posul
and forbidden to be used . . . anyone who issues a halachic
ruling permitting them and anyone involved in their sale or
distribution is a sinner and causes the public to sin."
"The halochoh requires one to distance himself from
this aberration," wrote the Shevet Halevi.
HaRav Nissim Karelitz wrote, "All those involved in this are
subject to double retribution."
These statements were also published in the United States and
Canada and caused quite a stir.
Why has this topic resurfaced after a period during which it
appeared as though the matter was no longer of relevance?
For a while it looked as if the unequivocal appeals and
rulings of the gedolei haposkim had been successful in
stemming the breach of the fortress, but the mole continued
to nibble at the foundations of the halocho, as it
finds expression in the rulings of the gedolei
haposkim. No one knew that secret attempts were being
made to continue printing kisvei stam using silk
The discovery of "incriminating evidence" caused an
earthquake. A printed megilla and even a full page of
a Sefer Torah reached the hands of those active in
protecting the integrity of kisvei stam.
Rav Ezriel Auerbach told me: "I was shocked when I heard
details of this grave episode. In the past there were also
serious attempts at various forgeries, including attempts to
print kisvei stam, but this is a more serious problem,
because identification is much more difficult. However, the
most serious problem is the fact that here we are not dealing
with money- hungry people who know that they are guilty of
forgery and deception, but with the hechsher of a
person who believes that this process -- which is not writing
at all -- is kosher! This is a much more serious
The statements issued by all the gedolei haposkim,
headed by HaRav Eliashiv, were published a month ago in the
chareidi press, but several questions remain unanswered: Have
these people already managed to print Sifrei Torah?
Are they marketing them? If so, on what scale? What is the
focus of their activities and from which address do they
market their printed kisvei stam?
Then came a turning point: someone came to one of the
poskim and told him sorrowfully that after reading the
letters of the gedolei haposkim he realized that he
had been deceived, and that there were printed kisvei
stam in his possession. The posek asked him how he
had heard about them, and the man replied that he had found
their website on the Internet.
When we heard about this, we approached a computer expert,
who located the site for us. It turns out that these people
do not even bother to hide their identity. Their names and
photos are there for all to see, as well as the address for
ordering printed kisvei stam. The contents of the
website reveal plans for 30 Sifrei Torah to be
printed! (However, this announcement was made over a year
ago, and there are no further progress reports on the
website.) Due to the severity of this matter, we are quoting
their statements:
"A new process was created to tackle an old problem. The
sofer starts by purchasing some of the highest quality
klaf (parchment). The klaf is checked, tested,
and cut to size. The sirtut (engraved lines) is scored
to the exact depth, thickness, height, and length. Silk
screens are created with the exact lettering. Computers are
utilized to achieve a perfectly balanced page using
proportionate letters. No need for elongated or squished
letters to reach the end of the line. The screens are placed
on top of the klaf in an exact position to meet the
sirtut. The sofer then puts ink on the screen, and
applies the ink by hand passing a squeegee across the klaf.
In a matter of seconds this klaf has a full page written
perfectly. The page is then dried. After the pages are all
written, they are sewed properly and the new Torah scroll is
ready to use. This is a combination of many patented and
patent pending processes."
This is followed by the most dangerous statement:
"This project is completely under the auspices of . . . who
has thoroughly reviewed every aspect of this process and
declared it kosher for "mehadrin min hamehadrin." The ability
to control the perfection of the writing makes it a better
choice than conventional Sifrei Torah. Many prominent
Rabbis were consulted and were thrilled with the idea. When
they were able to view an actual sample they agreed to the
high quality and the kashrut of this type of Sefer
Torah. All writing will be done by hand by a prominent
rabbi and sofer.
"The Highlights:
a. Suddenly every person can have his own Sefer Torah!
b. Highest quality Seforim & Megillot will become affordable
to all.
c. The writing will be the finest available in the world.
d. Sifrei Torah can be written with special requirements to
accommodate the different styles of writing.
e. Many different sizes will be made available, including
smaller, more portable, Sifrei Torah.
f. With this technology, smaller sizes can be as accurate and
clear as the larger ones.
g. Sifrei Torah will take just a few months from start to
h. The cost will be less than ever imagined.
i. Financing will be made available to make the purchase even
"We are preparing for the first group of Sifrei Torah and
Mezuzot to be written. A Sefer Torah will cost $18,000.00. An
initial deposit of $10,000.00 will be required, with the
remainder upon completion. The expected start date for this
is in January 01, 2002. Our estimated completion date for the
first 30 Sifrei Torah will be in November 2002. Many orders
have been accepted already, and we hope to be sold out
shortly. Our goal is to accommodate the demand and to allow
anyone who desires a Sefer Torah, to be capable of purchasing
This is followed by the exact address for placing orders . .
November 2002 -- this date has already passed. Has the worst
possible scenario in this affair already taken place? Have 30
Sifrei Torah really been printed? Are many
shuls already being machshil their congregants
with posul Sifrei Torah? How many more kisvei
stam are in the advanced stages of printing?
HaRav Dovid Freulich, one of the members of Vaad HaRabbonim
LeInyonei Stam told us as follows: "We have been dealing with
the topic of kisvei stam for a long time, and all the
questions are brought to HaRav Eliashiv. When we heard about
a Sefer Torah and megilla which were printed
but without the sirtut, the matter became urgent.
HaRav Eliashiv examined the yerios of the printed
Sefer Torah and megilla for a quite a while,
and he could not believe his eyes."
"How did you obtain these yerios?" I asked Rav Shamai
Kehos Gross. This he was unable to reveal, for obvious
Rav Shamai Gross: "Following HaRav Eliashiv's call to stir up
the poskim, we turned to HaRav Ezriel Auerbach. After
he looked deeply into the matter, all the gedolei
haposkim of all groups and communities issued rulings
stating very clearly that it was forbidden to print and
market these products. Anyone in possession of them has to
dispose of them. It is forbidden to sell them and the seller
of such is a sinner and causes the masses to sin and whoever
breaks through a fence, a serpent shall bite him. In
addition, anyone selling the parchments thus enabling them to
implement their terrible plan, shall also not be free from
In order to get a better idea of the extent of the danger, we
made our way to the studio of R' Elazar Shushan in Beitar,
who is an expert in artistic printing on parchment. He deals
with facsimile printing of illustrated megillos, of
pitum haketores and so on. He told us as follows about
his own work: "According to the rulings of the Sephardim, it
is not permitted to write [only] one parsha of the
Torah. On the other hand, it is well known that the Chido
held that it was a seguloh for parnossoh to
read the parshas haketores from a parchment, but how
can you read form a parchment if it is forbidden to write on
it? Therefore, we print it . . . "
I asked Rav Shamai Gross why the Ashkenazim do write it. He
said that the Taz (Yoreh Deah, 283) brings a reason
for this in the name of the Bach. There are in fact some
people who are particular to write only three words at a
time: see the Shulchan Oruch.
During our conversation R' Shushan explains the difficulty
involved in printing on parchment: "Parchment is a living,
changing material, which [breathes]. Since it is not
straight, a printer gets stuck when you put parchment through
it. This created difficulties, but today ways have been found
of overcoming this, and this certainly represents a danger
for the writing of kisvei stam. However, there are
ways of discovering regular printing -- although this
sometimes requires the eye of an expert -- mainly because it
is a smooth, insubstantial writing (which does not project
above the surface).
"Printing by silk screening, on the other hand, is difficult
to identify. Only an extremely sensitive and professional eye
can detect it. Generally speaking, the writing is flat and
not embossed, but you have to realize that with this method
you can attain a color layer, and therefore also embossed
[protruding] letters by pressing harder. This, of course,
makes the identification process even more difficult. There
is also a certain difference in the shine [gloss]. The vast
majority of people, however, will not be able to discern
these products at all, and it is therefore very important to
nip this breach in the bud."
At this stage of the conversation R' Shushan warns us of
other dangers: this is not the only method, he says, nor the
most dangerous one. Other methods exist, such as oven
printing, wax printing, ink jet printing, and also a very
dangerous method known as electromagnetic printing.
In the presence of Rav Gross, Rabbi Shushan explains all the
various methods in great detail. It was a fascinating lesson
on printing on parchment. In order not to give rise to
further breaches by entrepreneurs with evil intentions, it
was decided not to describe these methods in detail. "If we
don't increase our awareness right now, and if we do not stem
the breach, we are likely to find ourselves in a difficult
situation. Do whatever you can," warns this expert on
parchment printing, almost in a beseeching manner. We would
do well to take his words seriously.
According to another safrus expert who also visited
the production facilities, there are a number of further
problems. For one, they have not been able to use kosher ink
in the silk screen process effectively. They are using the
regular printer's ink used for silk screening.
Ink for a Sefer Torah is supposed to include
kankantum (ferrous sulfate), mei afotzim
(tannic acid from gall nuts), and guma (gum Arabic,
sometimes called kuma).
The Gra, brought down in the Mishna Berurah on
Orach Chaim (32:3, se'if kotton 8) says that
without all these three ingredients the ink is
Another problem is that even the ink that they do use is
designed for solid surfaces that do not bend. (Many products
are printed with silk screening, such as soft drink
containers.) The stress that will be put on the ink in a
Sefer Torah which is read from constantly and rolled
back and forth, requires that the ink retain a high degree of
elasticity that is not present in the ink they have used so
far. So aside from the problem of the kashrus of the
ink, the stresses of normal Sefer Torah use will
almost certainly cause the Sifrei Torah produced in
this method to flake after only three or four years.
The safrus expert also told Yated that as of a
month ago they had not yet produced any sifrei Torah
and they are having serious difficulties with the requirement
of sirtut (Yoreh De'ah 284). The silk is stretched
about a centimeter above the klaf when set up, and
during the printing it is pushed down to touch the
klaf and the ink forced through the holes. This
process makes it difficult, and maybe impossible, to properly
align the eventual letters with a preexisting
There is also a serious problem with all the Sheimos
(Holy Names of Hashem) in a Sefer Torah. There is a
requirement upon the sofer to sanctify each
Sheim, individually, as he writes (See Orach
Chaim 32:19 and Mishna Berurah 99). By the nature
of the silk screen method which prints a whole column in one
operation, it is not possible to single out any of the
Most fundamentally, the posuk (Devorim 6:9)
says, "Uchesavtom - - And you must write." This is
brought down in the Shulchan Oruch (Orach Chaim 32:5,
and Mishnah Berurah 17-19) as a requirement that the
Stam be produced by a conventional writing process,
that is, by hand with a writing instrument. Any deviation
from the conventional writing process is unequivocally
posul. Even for a right-handed person to use his left
hand is posul.
A case cited in the Mishnah Berurah involved someone
in Egypt who held the writing instrument in his mouth and
this was ruled unfit in any circumstance, even where no other
products were available. The silk screen process is certainly
a larger deviation from the conventional writing method than
any of these, even if the ink is squeegeed with someone's
right hand.
Bs"d, 21st Kislev 5763
"A Megillas Esther bearing peculiar writing on a klaf
was brought before me and, although it appears to have
been written by a skilled professional with a variety of
hiddurim, a special examination indicates this is not
kesivoh at all, but was done through silk
"In addition to the michsholim that could result, it
remains to be determined whether this falls under the rubric
of `kosav, velo shofach' discussed in Perek Beis
of Gittin Yerushalmi. In kisvei stam there
is also a lack in sanctifying the Holy Names, rendering the
Sheimos absolutely posul and [the writings are]
unfit and forbidden for mitzvah use. Anyone who issues a
halachic ruling permitting them and anyone involved in their
sale or distribution is a sinner and causes the public to
"According to the Maharshal they require genizah:
`Writes Chochmas Shlomo on Gittin 54b, "He pays
nothing, not even their value for study use. Although
Sifrei Torah were once studied from [directly], in the
case of Sifrei Torah it is prohibited since they are
liable to be used for public readings; instead they should be
destroyed through genizah."' The Tiferes Shlomo on the
Rosh and the Taz on Yoreh Deah (271) rule
"He who wants to fulfill the mitzvos of laying tefillin,
fixing a mezuzoh, reading a megilloh or
writing a Sefer Torah should verify that the item was
written by a skilled sofer with yiras
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