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Part I
Today, antisemitism has evolved into many strange,
irrational forms which continue to confound the experts. Is
antisemitism based on race? Religion? Political persuasion?
Envy of the Jews' success? The need for a scapegoat? The
Jews' bothersome presence among the nations? The Jews' nerve
to establish their own country? One savant's elaborate theory
after another explodes in the face of a new, virulent,
original form of antisemitism.
It is tricky to pinpoint modern-day Hamans and
"hamanitarian" organizations since they often disguise their
antisemitism behind ostensibly legitimate agendas and
concerns. They insist they are not -- perish the thought! --
antisemites. They just care about human rights/animal
rights/suppressed minorities/Zionist occupation/usurpation of
resources/environmental damage, etc. Rarely does it take more
than a soft scratching under the surface to realize that only
when it comes to the Jews or Israel do these modern-day
hamanitarians suddenly become indignant about human or animal
Today, antisemitic organizations come in every available
stripe and color.
With so many bodies in the world vying for the prize of the
world's leading antisemite, it wasn't easy to choose. But the
indisputable winner is undoubtedly the United Nations, whose
antisemitic agenda is both long- standing and consistent in
how it relates to Israel.
The UN
The UN Security Council: "condemned," "censured," "deplored,"
"strongly deplored," etc. Israel 49 times; the Arabs: 0.
The Security Council passed 131 Resolutions concerning
Israel: 43 were neutral; 88 criticized or opposed or judged
Israel. 0 critical of any Arab state or entity such as the
The General Assembly: cumulative number of votes cast with or
for Israel: 7,938; against Israel: 55,642. The General
Assembly passed 429 Resolutions against Israel's desires (62
percent); only 56 against Arab desires (8 percent). The
General Assembly "condemned," "vigorously condemned,"
"strongly condemned," "deplored," "strongly deplored,"
"censured," "denounced" Israel 321 times -- the Arabs: 0
Since it first convened in 1946, at least one Arab state sat
on the nine-country Security Council in 39 of its first 43
years. Israel never sat on the Security Council. [In June
2002, Syria, which is still listed on the U.S. State
Department as a Terrorist State, was voted in as Head of the
Security Council.]
Just recently, the Israeli candidate for the UN Committee on
the Rights of the Child was defeated, despite the candidate
having been chosen by fellow members as vice-chair and having
a reputation as a seasoned, well-respected committee member.
Instead, the Egyptian candidate was elected by the highest
number of votes of the 191 parties to the Child Convention,
despite a leading child rights international NGO (non-
governmental organization) sending a prior advisory
recommending against her selection because she was not
knowledgeable or reliable on the issues and was strongly
submissive to the Egyptian government.
The defeat of that Israeli candidate followed the defeat of
the Israeli candidate for the election to the UN Human Rights
Committee in September 2002,; the defeat of the Israeli
candidate and sitting member of the UN Committee on the
Elimination of Discrimination Against Women in August 2002,
and the defeat of the Israeli candidate for election to the
UN Racial Discrimination Committee in January 2002.
Israel is the only UN member state denied membership in any
of the UN's five regional groups, which elect UN bodies in
Geneva. Israel qualifies for membership in the Western
European and Others Group (WEOG), composed of geographically
diverse states including Canada and Australia. But WEOG,
driven by states such as France, refuses to admit Israel to
its Geneva operations. This has the consequence that Israel
cannot be elected to a whole range of UN bodies such as the
World Intellectual Property Organization or the International
Labor Organization's governing body. It is the only UN member
that cannot participate in the consultations of regional
bodies in the United Nations Conference on Trade and
Development and the World Health Organization.
Even Israel's limited participation in the WEOG regional
group in New York, won very recently, is circumscribed by the
caveat that existing rotation schemes not be disturbed. The
result? WEOG membership in the UN Economic and Social Council
has already been tied up until 2021.
The UN-sponsored Durban Conference became a vicious
instrument of antisemitism and Israel-bashing. No other UN
member state besides Israel has ever been so targeted; not
even apartheid South Africa.
No other UN member state has had its legitimacy so
consistently questioned.
No other UN member state has been denied its right to self-
defense against deadly attacks against its citizens.
The unanimous vote of the Security Council to set up a
committee to investigate the Jenin "massacre" is an example
of typical UN double-dealing where Israel is concerned.
Other UN-affiliated bodies have a similar track record.
Pierre Poupard of UNICEF denounced Israel last year for not
ensuring that education was accessible to every Palestinian
child. He did not denounce Yasser Arafat's routine violations
of children's rights by indoctrinating children through
Palestinian TV to become suicide bombers, by placing children
in the front-lines of armed demonstrations against Israeli
soldiers, by delivering busloads of Palestinian school
children to participate in riots, by sending children to
military training camps to learn to attack Israelis and his
consistently endangering children by directing his terrorist
underlings to live among the civilian population, in
violation of the international rules of war.
The UNIFIL peace-keeping troops in Lebanon not only have done
nothing to maintain the peace in southern Lebanon, but they
were discovered to be in collusion with Hizbullah terrorists
against Israeli soldiers, allowing them to take UN vehicles
to perpetrate the kidnapping of three soldiers. High-ranking
UN officials covered up evidence proving that the UNIFIL
troops knew of the kidnappings for many months.
UNESCO's World Heritage Committee has cast Israel as the
enemy of the world's cultural heritage. Israel is also
posited as the enemy of health in the World Health
Organization, which issued complaints against Israeli
security forces for "brutality" to Palestinians.
Arnold Beichman, of Stanford University's Hoover Institute,
concludes that of the 190 countries in the United Nations,
only one, Israel, has been singled out by a majority of the
UN membership for extinction.
A religious Jew might put it this way: the UN was appointed
by Heaven to fulfill the Torah's dictum: "They are a nation
who dwells alone."
Arab Hate Groups
As the Israeli-Palestinian conflict continues in the
international arena, antisemitism has flared up to dimensions
unknown since World War II. While Arab and Nazi antisemitism
has continued unabated over the decades, it has recently seen
a resurgence and gained an appeal and respectability
previously unknown. Many Arab associations devoted to Arabic
culture and human rights also promote thinly-disguised
The Al-Awda -- Right of Return Coalition
An international grassroots organization, Al-Awda, argues
that Palestinian refugees have the right to return "to their
original homes and villages" and should be paid restitution.
Al-Awda has organized large protests with the International
Action Center and its anti-war affiliate, ANSWER, and was
also active in several anti-Israel boycott campaigns.
The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee
Founded in 1980, AAADC describes itself as a "civil rights
organization committed to defending the rights of people of
Arab descent and promoting their rich cultural heritage."
AAADC lobbies the U.S. government for "a balanced U.S.
foreign policy in the Middle East" and has sponsored
demonstrations against Israel.
The American Muslim Council
This organization seeks to empower American Muslims
politically and advocates on issues of concern to the Muslim
community. It describes itself as active in civil rights
issues like safeguarding of civil liberties, but AMC is
strongly anti-Israel, and its leaders have expressed support
of criminal anti-Israel terrorist organizations Hamas and
The International Solidarity Movement
This movement, founded by Adam Shapiro and his Arabic wife,
sends international activists and Palestinian sympathizers to
Israel to confront Israeli military and police forces with
"nonviolent" direct actions.
The Islamic Association for Palestine
Founded in 1981 and based in Illinois with offices in several
cities around the U.S., IAP regularly publishes Hamas
communiques and in the past has printed and distributed the
Hamas charter under its own masthead. IAP has also been
closely associated with the Holy Land Foundation, a charity
organization that the U.S. government declared part of "the
financial apparatus of Hamas."
Many of IAP's writings are antisemitic and support terror. It
has stated that "our Muslim people are eager to take revenge
. . . on the Jews." It rejects attempts to negotiate a
peaceful solution to the Palestinian- Israeli conflict as a
conspiracy against Muslims. IAP calls the Jews "G-d's lying
people" who enjoy an "absolute Jewish grip on the media and
the show business" [sic].
The Justice in Palestine Coalition
This is an umbrella organization directed by the San
Francisco Bay Area chapter of the American-Arab Anti-
Discrimination Committee. The Coalition includes Arab and
Muslim organizations, anti-globalization and anti- war
groups, socialists and student activists who are active in
the anti-Israel divestment campaign. The AAADC's San
Francisco chapter helped the student group develop its
divestment campaign when AAADC's national leadership
refrained from involving itself.
Muslim Public Affairs Council
Founded in 1988, the California-based Muslim Public Affairs
Council defines itself as "a nonprofit social welfare
organization" that aims to increase the awareness and
involvement of Muslims in the political process. An
affiliated publication, The Minaret, publishes
sometimes conspiratorial anti-Israel and anti-American
Muslim Students Association
The Muslim Students Association is a constituent organization
of the Islamic Society of North America. MSA was established
in 1963 and is a national organization with headquarters in
Washington, D.C., and a strong presence in several
universities across the country, as well as in Canada. Past
MSA rallies have included antisemitic language.
Recently, Altaf Husain, MSA's president, spoke at the annual
convention of the Islamic Association for Palestine, which
has served as a mouthpiece for the Palestinian terrorist
group Hamas and published antisemitic materials.
New Jersey Solidarity
This organization, headed by students from Rutgers
University, sponsored a lecture by Holocaust revisionist
Norman Finkelstein. The group ran ads in the Daily Targum,
the Rutgers University Campus paper, claiming that Israel
is a terrorist state whose track record is worse than
Students for Justice in Palestine
The group initiated the anti-Israel divestment campaign in
February 2001 at the University of California at Berkeley in
conjunction with the San Francisco Bay Area chapter of the
American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee. The divestment
campaign has since spread to universities around the country,
where it is led either by new SJP branches or by extant local
pro-Palestinian groups. SJP seeks to emulate, in tactic and
in spirit, the 1980's divestment campaigns against apartheid
South Africa.
Jewish groups across the country have organized against this
movement, so far effectively.
Rightwing, Christian and White Supremacy
Although most Jews hear little of these organization's
antisemitic activities, they are a large group of antisemites
who await the day they can put their agenda into action.
National Alliance
The National Alliance has been led by veteran antisemite and
racist William Pierce since 1974. This neo-Nazi organization
is increasingly active, with continued growth in number of
members and contacts. It publishes National Vanguard,
distributes leaflets on college campuses, has a weekly radio
program called "American Dissident Voices" which is also
available on the Web, and is the largest distributor of hate-
rock music in the country.
The National Alliance's current strength is based on its
skillful use of technology, especially the Internet, its
willingness to cooperate with other extremists, its energetic
recruitment and promotional activities, and its vicious,
pseudo-intellectual propaganda.
Identity Movement
The Christian "Identity" movement believes that white Anglo-
Saxons are the "chosen people" of the Bible, that Jews are
the children of Satan, and that the white race is superior to
Some of the leading "Identity" groups include Pete Peters'
Scriptures for America, America's Promise Ministries of
Sandpoint, Idaho, Dan Gayman's Church of Israel, Thomas
Robb's Kingdom Identity and Patriot leader Bo Gritz. Another
"Identity" organization is 11th Hour Remnant Messenger, led
by Vincent Bertollini, a wealthy extreme-right propagandist,
and Carl Story, both of Sandpoint, Idaho.
Aryan Nations
Led by Richard Butler, Aryan Nations is a paramilitary neo-
Nazi group based in Hayden Lake, Idaho. This group suffered a
severe setback when it was sued and bankrupted, and leading
members of the group died.
World Church of the Creator
Known to be virulently antisemitic and racist, the Illinois-
based WCOTC promotes the creation of "an all- white nation
and ultimately an all-white world," rejecting Christianity
altogether in favor of a "race- based" whites-only religion.
The group has recently made a concerted effort to recruit
college students, and to spread its propaganda by dropping
booklets on lawns or inserting fliers in free newspapers. The
group went into decline after the death of its founder and
leader Ben Klassen in 1993, but it was resurrected by Matt
Hale in 1996. The reborn WCOTC has a small but growing
During the unrest in the Middle East that began in September
2000, Hale made repeated verbal attacks against Israel. He
declared a "Day of Rage" against "Jewish imperialism" in
October and trumpeted the idea of a Jewish conspiracy to
control the world.
National Socialist Aryan Party (NSAP)
The National Socialist Aryan Party (NSAP), based in Nebraska,
exemplifies the growing trend of hate organizations which
began on the Internet and have since formed grassroots
chapters in California, New York and Oregon. NSAP's stated
mission is "to advance the Aryan race." Its motto is, "We
must secure the existence of our race and a future for white
National Socialist Movement
The National Socialist Movement, based in Minneapolis, is one
of the most active, expanding neo-Nazi groups. It conducts
armed paramilitary training in Ohio.
Liberty Lobby
Founded by Willis Carto in 1955, Liberty Lobby was for
decades the most influential antisemitic propaganda
organization in the United States. Liberty Lobby had
considerable impact on the growth of American militia groups,
through three media vehicles: The Spotlight, a weekly
newspaper which published antisemitic, anti- Israel and anti-
government conspiracy theories, with a circulation of about
100,000; Liberty Lobby's national radio programs, "Radio Free
America" and "Editor's Roundtable," which broadcast
interviews with hate group leaders and conspiracy theorists;
and The Barnes Review (after Harry Elmer Barnes, one
of the first Holocaust deniers), a monthly magazine focusing
on historical revisionism and Holocaust denial, with a
claimed circulation of 11,000.
A financial dispute caused the organization to close
Spotlight, but begin publishing an almost identical
newspaper called American Free Press a month later.
Defining Russia as the "key to white survival," former Ku
Klux Klan leader David Duke has targeted this country as a
means of broadening his popularity internationally and finds
a receptive audience for his antisemitic message. Duke's
organization NOFEAR (National Organization for European
American Rights), based in Mandeville, Louisiana, with 26
chapters in 17 U.S. states listed on their website, has used
leaflets to try to recruit more members, sporadically
distributing pamphlets in many communities across the United
Militia Groups
Although most militia groups profess to be non-racist, some
militia members have expressed racism or antisemitism, such
as Mark Koernke's frequent references to the "Kosher Mafia."
The militias are most active in Texas, Ohio, Michigan,
Kentucky and California. Leaders of the movement include
Koernke of Michigan, Charlie Puckett of Kentucky, and John
Trochman of Montana.
Ku Klux Klan (KKK)
The century-old Ku Klux Klan has splintered into several
groups, with most groups being virulently antisemitic.
The Church of the American Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, led
by Jeff Berry of Butler, Indiana, is one of the most active
Klan (KKK) organizations in America. Berry established the
American Knights of the KKK in 1995. While most other Klans
across the country have declined, the American Knights have
been active, spreading propaganda and attempting to hold
rallies across the country. Prior to his arrest, AKKK held
frequent rallies in cities, including New York and others
throughout the Midwest and the South. It also distributed
propaganda by illegally stuffing fliers in free local
Other active Klan groups include the Imperial Klans of
America (IKA) and the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan.
Black and Muslim Groups
Although Jews have a long record of being at the forefront of
human rights for blacks and Muslims have a long record of
enslaving blacks, a number of black organizations are pro-
Muslim and antisemitic.
Nation of Islam
Minister Louis Farrakhan, leader of the Black separatist
Nation of Islam (NOI), preaches that Jews control the lives
of African-Americans. In front of a nationally televised
audience, a day before the Million Family March in 2000,
Farrakhan reiterated his belief that Jews control black
athletes and professionals, calling it a "master-slave
The main NOI website maintains links to several of
Farrakhan's past speeches, including some in which he makes
racist and antisemitic remarks. Other NOI links lead to the
NOI's infamous publication The Secret Relationship between
Blacks and Jews and to a range of hostile articles on
Jews. The NOI has posted many anti-Israel articles about the
recent Middle East conflict.
New Black Panther Party
The antisemitic and racist New Black Panther Party was formed
in Dallas in 1989. It is led by Malik Zulu Shabazz, who has a
long record of attacking Jews. He has blamed Jews and Israel
for the September 11 terrorist attacks, and has equated
Zionism with terrorism. He has also called the Holocaust "a
goddamn lie" and described Jews as "evil." The group claims
to have 26 chapters nationwide.
End of Part I
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