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Part II
A unique era of rabbonus came to an end when HaRav
Betzalel Rakow, one of the ziknei horabbonim presiding
over a kehilloh full of rabbonim, moved his
shtender to the yeshiva shel Ma'aloh. The
Gateshead Rov had an almost unique opportunity to head one
unified kehilloh with one shared hashkofoh as
the one rov -- and he towered "untouchably" above even the
most learned members of the Gateshead kehilloh like
the clock of a city that must keep its own time and not be
subject to the whims of every passerby.
The first part discussed the Rov's youth in Frankfurt and
his move to England. We followed him through his years in the
Schneider's Yeshiva, the Gateshead Kollel, to Montreux and
then to his life's position as the Gateshead Rov.
Trustee for the Community
Over the years many thousands of pounds of tzedoko
money flew through his trusted hands. Whilst he always
stressed the great mitzvoh of supporting needy Torah-
scholars, he was forever cognizant of the fact that many very
noble ba'alei batim were struggling to make ends meet.
In a discussion about a cost price shop for clothing to be
sold without profit, he stressed that it would be quite
unfair to limit access to Torah scholars. It was obvious that
the ba'alei batim whom he taught and with whom he
davened occupied a special place in his heart.
For himself the Rov was not in search of leniencies in
halochoh. [In his healthy years he had the unusual and
demanding custom to arise whenever he woke up after sunrise --
however early in the morning -- to don his tallis and
tefillin and recite Krias Shema.] However
despite his great yiras Shomayim and his serious
punctilious approach to mitzvos, he could be quite lenient in
a case of necessity. On occasion he took it upon himself to
rule in matters of life and death -- where others feared to
tread. His yiras Shomayim was palpable.
On the other hand he felt the responsibility to render a firm
decision. Sha'alos were presented by a large spectrum
of people, covering all sort of situations. Once an expecting
ba'alas teshuvoh found herself looking after her
mother's dog for a long weekend in Gateshead. He calmed her
nerves and taught her all the halachos she needed to
know. And then with foresight, he suggested that her husband
walk the dog very early in the morning and very late at night
to avoid being looked at askance.
There were occasions when he was shown poskim contrary
to his psak. He was well-known for never insisting
upon his psak simply because he had once rendered it.
After about 70 years of not dancing at Kiddush
Levonoh, he changed and decided to follow the
minhag of the Ramo to commence a rekidoh after
Kiddush Levonoh. Few are the number of outstanding
talmidei chachomim who do not mind changing after
decades of "being used to it."
Every minhag Yisroel was precious to him. He used to
relate a story about an unusual minhag which baffled
the Ramo when he became Rov -- but turned out to be a
protector from pitfalls in halochoh. On Erev Yom
Kippur he lay down to receive the customary "lashes" -- in
accordance with the old-established Gateshead minhag.
(See Mateh Efraim)
Takonos for Spiritual and Material Good
His leadership expressed itself in multifaceted ways, ranging
from input behind the scenes and personal advice to open
takonos binding upon the kehilloh.
On the one hand he demanded of every ben Torah to be
ready to give up some time to learn with schoolboys. He
determined at what time it would be reasonable for
chassunos to finish (in the new kehilloh-
On the other hand the joke made the rounds that the Rov was
running the busiest real estate-agency in the North East! In
order to prevent potential buyers bidding against each other
for the limited supply of houses on the market, the Rov
instituted and carried through a rule perhaps unique in
Klal Yisroel: The first person who notified him about
a house for sale had the right to enter negotiations --
without competition. If he lost interest in the house, a
second person could take over.
In this way the Rov undoubtedly saved struggling young
couples tens of thousands of pounds. Due to his involvement
he was also able to dispense advice to prospective buyers
about the state of the house. All this came at the expense of
his most valuable possession -- time.
On various occasions he did not hesitate to speak out
publicly. Topics ranged from the importance of using a
bicycling helmet to the potential spiritual dangers of mobile
He once said that he could not sleep at night when he thought
of the temptations to which mobile phone users may fall prey.
He stressed in public that local ba'alei batim who
send their children to Eretz Yisroel -- often at considerable
self- sacrifice -- do not want them to exploit the
opportunity for touring the Land but for benefiting from its
The Challenges of Chinuch
The Rov was consulted by outstanding talmidei
chachomim as well as by rabbinic leaders of the wider
segments of Anglo- Jewry. While his hashkofos were
firmly entrenched in the uncompromising weltanschauung
of the yeshiva world, it was, surprisingly, his
kehilloh which started the first SEED Program for men
and women in the country.
It is also his kehilloh where there is not a single
married lady with uncovered hair or a nonobservant family,
and which is host to a very active educational center for
youngsters from the wider community. In his mind there was
only one thing that really mattered: Is it emes? Will
it help Yidden in their level of Torah and mitzvos?
As a yeshiva bochur, the Rov was once suspended from
yeshiva for not doing sufficient "avodas hakodesh."
[Learning with younger bochurim was called "avodas
hakodesh" in Schneider's Yeshiva.] He had preferred to
learn on his own level rather than spend hours in assisting
younger talmidim. The "Rebbe" -- as the Rov used to
call HaRav Moshe Schneider -- did not hesitate to send him
out of yeshiva [but was persuaded to take him back after a
few days -- taking into account the caliber of the
bochur]. Many decades and countless "Reb Akiva Eigers"
later this "yeshiva bochur" -- still possessed of the
same burning zeal for learning as in his yeshiva days --
devoted much of his time to learn with young school boys who
were not at the top of their class -- and those only! HaRav
Moshe Schneider's talmid had learned his lesson!
His concern for the aliyoh of boys who could profit
from one- on-one coaching was always at the top of his
agenda. Warm tefillos, deep thought and much money
were invested in the furtherance of their hatzlochoh.
Perhaps it is not a coincidence that Gateshead is home to one
of Europe's few yeshivos with tremendous siyata
deShmaya that catered to those who profit from a more
specialized approach to learning Torah.
The Rov--apparently "tucked away" in his daled amos shel
Halocho -- was most supportive, where others may have
feared to tread: In setting up the Lechu Vonim Organization.
Whether it was their endeavor to create a mokom
tefilloh more congenial to youngsters or the
hatzlochoh in taking boys out of the streets into
geshmake surroundings for learning and playing -- it
was all close to his heart.
The Challenge Of Self-Control
He worked hard on himself. When his youngest son, Nosson
Tzvi, was niftar from one minute to the next while a
madrich in a camp out-of-town, the bitter news reached
him and his family on Friday before Shabbos. Over Shabbos the
family members were onenim.
On Friday night a member of the family, unsurprisingly, was
dissolved in tears. The Rov came in explaining that it is
Shabbos! The Halocho controlled him -- rather than the
dictates of the hour.
When sitting shiv'oh after this tragedy, he suggested
that one of the visitors should move away from the window
because of the draft. There were occasions when he had to
suppress his own problems in order to celebrate the
simchos of others.
Then there were the small points which make up the tapestry
of life. One ba'al tefilloh noticed that he was slow
in giving the customary nod to start ma'ariv. Later he
worked out that a prominent elderly member of the
kehilloh was coming from the shiur-room and
would take a bit longer in reaching the shul. The Rov
waited for his entry into the shul before the
kehilloh said Borchu.
The Rov's hallmark was his hasmodoh. Whoever came to
the Rov, no matter when, almost invariably found him either
bent over his gemora or busy answering a
One night a relative who stayed at the Rov's house decided to
get up in the middle of night -- or rather the very early
hours of the morning -- in order to peruse the Rov's
interesting collection of seforim. To his "dismay" and
surprise he found the Rov learning in the front room -- with
his legs in a bowl of cold water to keep him awake! In a way,
the Rov remained a yeshiva bochur for all his life.
The normal distractions of bringing up a family of nine
"normal" lively boys were covered to a great extent by the
Rebbetzin, who was totally devoted to her husband's quest for
Torah. In addition there was the "normal" number of duties as
a Rov and mentor of mentors and advisor to heads of
educational institutions. Yet nothing could lessen his
burning thirst for the sparkling waters of Torah.
On one occasion visitors to the hospital -- despite his
feeble condition -- were treated to a shiur explaining
various sha'alos connected with the value of the
kesef Kesuboh in contemporary times.
The Responsibility of Rabbonus
However, despite the unquenchable thirst for "the
blat" he shouldered the time-consuming burdens of
rabbonus without any short cuts. Every set of daled
minim brought to him was subjected to the same slow,
searching scrutiny -- including each hadass. It made
no difference whether the sho'el was a prominent
ba'al habayis or a young boy.
Siddur Kiddushin commenced, as a rule, by learning the
meaning of the Kesuboh with the chosson so that
he should know what he was undertaking. Even when confined to
the hospital, the Rov attempted to continue and teach the
Kesuboh to chassanim.
Incidentally, the Rov was particular that chuppos
should start on time. Visitors from out-of-town sometimes
would have to be warned that the chuppah-time on the
invitation was to be taken literally. The sole occasion where
the Rov insisted that the chuppah be delayed was a
case where it had mistakenly been scheduled for twilight;
this would have caused halachic problems in the dating of the
The visit to the Rov for the purpose of selling
chometz was not a quick matter or a perfunctory
procedure, but took its time. The actual sale on erev
Pesach to the goy took a very long time. Many
years ago the present writer watched as the Rov explained to
the buyer -- an elderly shopping assistant in the local
Jewish food store -- all the details of the sale. The whole
procedure took well over an hour.
Everybody knew that all sha'alos received the same
treatment -- whether posed by a prominent, well-to-do
ba'al habayis or a child. In general it was well known
and came through "between the lines" that the Rov's highest
degree of respect was reserved for talmidei chachomim.
Indeed the gemora related that Rebbi honored rich
people -- for the immense good which they can accomplish with
their money (Me'iri) -- yet the pride of place in the
unwritten roll of honor was always reserved for the ben
One Kollel scholar (now a rosh yeshiva in Eretz
Yisroel) once remarked that he felt a unique distinction of
the kehilloh in that the fully devoted ben
Torah was truly considered more important in the eyes of
the local kehilloh member than a wealthy individual --
however righteous and generous he may be. This perception
filtered down from the top.
His feeling of responsibility as the Rov and posek of
the town was very great. Many years ago the Rov used to
stay for holiday in a flat without a telephone. Mobile phones
did not exist. There was a notice in the Gateshead Shul
posting the hour that the Rov would be available on a certain
telephone number for sha'alos. How, indeed, could he
be contacted? Local gentiles in the holiday location could
have explained it. They watched as every day the visiting
Rabbi was "hanging about" in the local phone box, a good walk
from his flat, for a full hour -- his eyes glued to a Hebrew
Such was his feeling of responsibility towards the
kehilloh. There is never a holiday from Rabbonus!
Relationship with Gedolei Torah
His respect for gedolei Torah was a guiding light in
his life. In fact as a young maggid shiur in Montreux
he went to visit the Brisker Rov who was recuperating in
Schulz, a small holiday resort in Switzerland. First he spoke
in learning to the sons and eventually was "admitted" to Reb
Velvele Brisker himself.
On more than one occasion the Rov quoted what he heard that
time from him in reply to his sha'aloh about doing
melochos in twilight between two days of yom
Later, as Gateshead Rov, he also visited Dayan Abramsky
zt"l, the former head of the London Beth Din, HaRav
Yoshe Beer Soloveitchik zt"l and ylct"a HaRav
Eliashiv shlita. While access to such talmidei
chachomim was not always easy, all gates opened for the
Gateshead Rov. In fact he was merely a Rov of a local
provincial kehilloh in a modest English town -- but
HaRav Eliashiv titled him in one letter as the "Nezir
When HaRav Scheinberg decided to visit Gateshead, the Rov was
visibly moved that a godol of such stature and
advanced age would come. In front of hundreds he recited the
brochoh reserved for seeing distinguished talmidei
chachomim. In a written communication to somebody who
questioned this, he stressed that he had seen such conduct by
his Rebbe, perhaps referring, to HaRav Weinberg's
brochoh on the occasion of HaRav Elchonon Wasserman's
Hardly a visit to Eretz Yisroel went by without going to
HaRav Shach zt"l in order to "talk with him in
learning" and consult him for advice. He venerated him not
only as an outstanding talmid chochom but also as the
transmitter of true, unadulterated Torah- leadership. On one
occasion when HaRav Shach resigned from a leading position in
an organization, the Rov asked him whether he too should
leave that organization (but was told not to do so and indeed
later he assumed an active role in it).
As one of the ziknei horabbonim the Rov was a member
of the nesi'us of Agudas Yisroel in England. He valued
the consultation and discussion with other rabbonim which
took place during Agudah conventions. In fact the day after
surgery to enlarge his heart arteries, he wanted to get up in
order to travel to the convention.
He was also one of the two rabbonim charged with ultimate
authority over the Agudah newspaper. While he himself was not
keen on reading English articles, there were several
occasions where he insisted upon following his instructions.
It was for him a matter of kovod talmidei chachomim
and kovod of pure halochoh.
In general he preferred that discussion of vital issues
should not be aired in a public forum by laymen -- however
well-meaning and understanding. His humility and respect for
rabbonim and talmidei chachomim who were often many
years his junior was obvious. On more than one occasion he
was prepared to help younger rabbonim in the pursuit of what
he perceived to be the truth -- even to the detriment of his
own kovod.
Beyond Personal Interest
It was known throughout the length and breadth of England --
and beyond -- among Yidden with all levels of
commitment to Yiddishkeit and all types of
drochim in avodas Hashem, that the Gateshead
Rov was not interested in anything but the simple halachic
truth and pure hashkofas haTorah. Neither furtherance
of organizational aims nor considerations of friendship are
allowed to influence the outcome of a sha'aloh or
din Torah. Thus on one occasion of a large-scale
din Torah, a world-famous Chassidic Rebbe advised his
Chassidim to listen to the psak of this typical old-
time "Litvish" Rov.
In a town where less than a handful of ba'alei batim
wear streimelech, a prominent and fervently Chassidic
ba'al habayis was asked -- not surprisingly: "How can
you manage to live in Gateshead?" He replied: "What do you
mean? I have my Rebbe here on the spot! For close to 40 years
I consult him on everything, big or small."
The Rov once said: "I am a menschenfreund. I cannot
bear that some negate a whole way of avodas Hashem.
The Ribono shel Olom has a large army. Every army has
different types of regiments."
The Rov could be quite original and entirely independent in
his advice and rulings. But such was his stature that not
only halachic rulings but also advice were invariably
When a reporter of a non-religious newspaper arrived in town
many years ago in order to write a detailed report about the
"Jewish Cambridge," he soon realized that nothing would get
underway without the Rov's support. To the surprise of many,
the Rov gave his encouragement -- and to the surprise of many
and the benefit of Anglo-Jewry the resulting report was quite
On another occasion a prominent person arrived to visit
Gateshead. Some talmidei chachomim had severe
hesitations in according him an elaborate welcome. The Rov
brushed aside these hesitations. One of the kollelim
wanted to present him, as a mark of respect, with a booklet
about Hilchos Krias haTorah. Again some had serious
objections to this. The Rov, however, issued clear
instructions (to the author of this booklet, the present
writer, and to the director of the institution) that the
visitor was to be accorded a respectful welcome, and that it
would be correct to honor him with presentation of the
booklet. Indeed several institutions gave VIP-treatment to
the visitor in the wake of the Rov's instructions.
Not long after, public criticism of this prominent
personality was issued -- by none other than the Rov who had
been so supportive in honoring him! What had happened? A rov
of an Anglo-Jewish community had presented the Rov with
passages of a recently-published book written by that very
visitor. The Rov considered them to be fundamentally flawed
in their outlook on emunoh. In fact, the Rov paid for
an advertisement containing his statement, in a newspaper
which he had never let into his home -- because only in this
way could Anglo Jewry be reached.
In actual fact this book would never have reached the shelves
of any member of his community or similarly-minded families
in other communities -- due to its academic scholarly style.
Why was the whole matter of concern to the Rov -- after he
had invested so much in giving that person a positive image
of Gateshead educational institutions?
However, here the Rov's leitmotif came to the fore. He
was not only obliged to look after his own flock. In the
footsteps of the sagacious Ponevezher Rosh Yeshiva whom he
followed and admired, he felt a responsibility towards all
segments of English Jewry.
Such a public step ran against his grain. It overturned all
the good which the respectful welcome had done. It could have
potentially harmed the financial basis of Gateshead's
institutions, which depend on the good will of the community.
All this did not carry weight in the face of truth.
The mantle of rabbinical leadership beyond the confines of
his town had evolved upon him as one of the independent
fearless ziknei horabbonim. He was miles removed from
trying to advance his own honor at the expense of another
public figure -- on the contrary, he was prepared to give up
his honor for the honor of Hashem. Indeed the author
concerned agreed with the fundamental tenets of emunoh
and eventually deleted the problematic passages.
On a personal level the Rov never spoke a sharp word. He took
care not to insult anybody, and greeted all -- in particular
a certain non-Jew who disliked the kehilloh.
Twilight: Illness, Petiroh and Levayoh
About five years ago the Rov was diagnosed as having a most
serious condition in his blood. His kidneys were also not
functioning properly. The bone marrow examination was very
painful. Eventually he suffered from great pains in his legs.
Problems with his heart arteries gave rise to frequent
breathing problems. As a result he could not sleep for any
length of time without being beset by angina attacks. Yet he
did not complain.
Some kehilloh-members were initially surprised that he
went home early from the chasunos after delivering his
droshoh. The Rov did not complain; it was "business as
usual" in following all his rabbinical duties, so people
could not fathom how ill he really was. In fact upon
discovery of the blood disease, doctors estimated his life
expectancy at about two years. But man proposes, Hashem
disposes. One doctor said to him rather bluntly: "You are
pushing off the end quite well! He carried on for another six
About eight weeks before his petiroh he underwent a
heart procedure. His kidneys failed, apparently due to the
underlying blood disease. The doctors expected the end would
come within a week. Seven weeks later, on motzei Yom
Menuchoh, the heart which had beaten so fiercely for 76
years with ahavas Torah and ahavas Yisroel,
stopped forever. Forty years of a uniquely respected Rabbonus
had come to an end.
The honor given to him by thousands in attending
levayos in five different locations -- Gateshead, near
Manchester, Stamford Hill, Golders Green and Yerushalayim --
was overwhelming. Those who attended came from the entire
spectrum: The rank and file of many Ashkenazi
kehillos, Chassidic Jews, bnei Torah,
outstanding talmidei chachomim and dayonim and
rabbonim of Anglo-Jewry. Considering the fact that he was
neither a rosh yeshiva with hundreds of
talmidim nor officially more than a local rov of about
300 families, the outpouring of kovod haTorah was
Perhaps we can find the answer in the Rov's own explanation
(on the sidroh of the week of his petiroh):
Why does a person who murdered by mistake have to find refuge
in a city occupied by Levi'im?
Many years ago the Rov explained it as follows (perhaps in
the name of Rav Dessler): Levi'im derived their
parnossoh mainly from the donations of others. It is
they who most appreciate the very life, the very existence of
other Yidden. Where else can a person learn the true
value of a Jewish life, he who obviously did not take the
necessary precaution before endangering other people's lives
so callously? Surely by living with those who benefit so much
from others!
Gateshead may have one of the largest concentration of Jewish
educational institutions in Europe. By the same token,
Gateshead is also a major beneficiary of European Jewry's
largesse. Just as Shevet Levi had a task to be
"yoru mishpotecho," to disseminate Torah in exchange
for material support, so Gateshead too has this two-way
exchange on a small scale.
The Gateshead Rov, as the ultimate head of all these
institutions, was not only a Torah disseminator par
excellence. He was also the great connoisseur in
appreciating every member of Klal Yisroel. Thus it may
simply have been a natural reaction that this respect has
shown itself to be mutual.
The Maharal asks why maseches Shabbos commences with
meleches hotzo'oh which is really the last of a
long list of melochos later given in the
mishnah? He explains that in order to capture the
essence of a subject, one has to highlight its unique
HaRav Hutner, in his discussion of HaRav Chaim Shmuelevitz's
achievements, points out that a true description of a
personality must stress in what aspect Hashem made his path
in life unique. The uniqueness of HaRav Rakow lay undoubtedly
in the rare combination of the qualities of rabbonus with
deep Talmudic scholarship, a rov who had the ability to be a
rosh yeshiva of the very highest caliber, a rov whose
personal outlook and that of his entire kehilloh was
totally identical with the outlook of the great local
roshei yeshivos and who was held in the highest esteem
by them.
The Rov's father used to say: "Why am I called Yom Tov?
Because every day is for me a yom tov! Every day that
I can open my gemora and learn a Reb Akiva Eiger is
for me a day deserving of celebration, the most exquisite
His son, the Gateshead Rov, lived a life of yomim
tovim despite periods of high pressure: From growing up
in the shadow of Nazism to the war-years in England, to
"golus" Montreux, to the loss of a beloved teenage son
who was suddenly niftar in his bloom and finally, the
last four decades of carrying the yoke of rabbonus. Yet his
simchas haTorah was palpable to all! It carried him
through it all, reducing the vicissitudes of life to mere
nuisance value.
Chaval al de'abdin velo mishtakchin.
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