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`And you, Migdal Eder, the hill of the daughter of Tzion,
unto you shall it come. To you the former dominion shall
come, the kingdom of the daughter of Yerushalayim.'
(Michah 4:8)
Nowadays it would create a storm: a new neighborhood in the
greater Jerusalem area? The world would be up in arms!
Seventy-five years ago, it was the Arabs who supported this
initiative while the Zionists, who would like to build today
but are not allowed to, did everything they could to prevent,
disrupt, and interfere. They did not offer any assistance to
the new settlement, since it was to be chareidi.
This is a story of a chareidi settlement in the Chevron
hills: Migdal Eder. Seventy-five years of building the land
and the story of its suffocation by the Zionist
Seventy-five years ago, in 5687 (1927), the media reported
the settlement of the Zichron Dovid organization on one
thousand two hundred acres of mountainous land in the Chevron
hills. The newspaper Davar wrote as follows: "After
various adventures, the Zichron Dovid Association has begun
settlement on a new spot in the Jerusalem area on the way to
Chevron, a place which until now has been barren of any
Jewish settlement. The Association has received ownership
rights (kushans) for the time being for an area of
1,200 dunam. The Arov wellspring, which is rich in water, is
part of this land.
"The first settlers arrived on a Sunday in Av. About 15
families set out for the settlement, taking with them three
huts. Others are about to be built. The families have begun
planting between 15 to 20 thousand vines, olive trees, and
other fruit trees."
The Zichron Dovid Association was founded in the Batei Warsha
shtiblach in Jerusalem. The founder of the Association
was a courageous talmid chochom by the name of Reb
Yitzchok Greenwald who supported himself as a painter. He
convinced friends to buy plots of land in order to establish
a settlement outside the Jerusalem walls.
Meanwhile many Jews, amongst them Reb Mendel Weintraub and
Reb Yaakov Rosenblum, joined him. The latter was a farmer
from Rosh Pinah (another chareidi yishuv), an expert
in halochos related to the land and fluent in Arabic.
These qualifications made him a natural choice for the
negotiations with the Arab landowners.
Later on, Rav Yechiel Morgenstern of the Kotsk lineage joined
the Association as a fundraiser, which resulted in his
becoming chairman of the organization. Even though the
organization Zichron Dovid was named after his grandfather,
Reb Dovid Malmaz, Reb Yechiel eventually withdrew from the
organization and bought land on Rechov Breslav in Bnei Brak --
where the beis hamedrash of Kotsk stands today.
Fingerprint Signatures . . . and Settling the
After a lot of effort by many different lawyers, the Arab
owners of the land came to an agreement between themselves to
sell their land. Some of them received hefty bribes -- in
secret and separately -- aside from their portion of the
money paid for the lands.
At the end of 1926 the managers of the company and their
lawyers went to the Chevron area. Tens of Arab owners
gathered in one large house and closed the doors so no one
could leave, because every one of their signatures was needed
to make the transaction legal. Each one received his part of
the payment from the lawyer and then signed on the contract.
Most of them signed with their finger prints.
The founders decided to name the place "Migdal Eder" after
the posuk in Bereishis on Yaakov Ovinu: "And
Yisroel pitched his tent beyond Migdal Eder (35:21)."
The land's location near both Yerushalayim and Chevron, as
well as the existence of the Charov wellspring in the land,
made it an excellent investment. It was much closer to
Chevron than to Yerushalayim: it was only 13 kilometers from
Chevron. This land eventually became the Etzion Bloc of
The Zionist newspaper Haolam in Vienna grudgingly
praised the chareidi private initiative: "Two years have
elapsed since the founding of the company. It had almost been
forgotten. Nothing has been heard of it. And then suddenly,
in these sad times, good tidings. The Association is alive
and well, and has overcome all the difficulties and is now in
possession of the deeds of sale to most of the land. Fifteen
families have already settled there. Three huts have been
erected with more to follow, as well as a hut for the
association's committee. The families on the settlement have
begun planting about twenty thousand vines, olive trees, and
other fruit trees. There are about one hundred and fifty
members in the association of which each has undertaken [to
develop] five dunam of land. Some have even committed
themselves to ten, fifteen, twenty and even fifty dunam. The
Arov spring, which is situated within the land, gave an
abundance of water to the land up until last year.
"When a water connection was set up from the Ein Para spring,
Yerushalayim was also able to benefit from the waters of the
Arov spring, which were transferred to the Solomon Pools and
from there via pipes to the city.
"The Association named the settlement Migdal Eder. The elders
of Chevron told members of the Association that they have a
tradition from previous generations that their land is on
site of the city of Migdal Eder ("And Yisroel pitched his
tent beyond Migdal Eder," Bereishis 35:21; "And you,
Migdal Eder, the hill of the daughter of Tzion, unto you
shall it come, the former dominion shall come. The kingdom of
the daughter of Yerushalayim" Michah 4:8).
"The members are establishing the land with their own
resources, and their close connection to the land is clear
for all to see. For two years they waited patiently for the
title deeds and they were not afraid to go and settle the
land without relying on anyone."
The Yemenites are Coming -- And a Yeshiva in
Meah Shearim
Very few Jerusalemites were willing to come live on this
rocky land. Most prominent of those who did -- aside from Reb
Greenwald -- was, of course, Reb Yaakov Rosenblum who is seen
in a picture plowing with a couple of oxen. R' Rosenblum was
known as the leader of the settlement and there were two
brothers called Flint who opened a grocery stall on the
Yerusholayim-Chevron Road. Rosenblum and his partner Meir
Waldman bought a flock of 250 sheep and Rosenblum's son
Avsholom managed the livestock and would take his flock to
graze with the neighboring Arab herds. Twice a day he would
go to Yerushalayim to sell the milk from the herd. ("Koift
milch fun Migdal Eder" . . . )
The Rosenblum clan owned a car and a motorcycle, which served
the local dairy. Amongst the settlers was a widow, an
immigrant from America who came to settle the Land of Tzion.
When Reb Greenwald had difficulty in enlisting settlers from
Yerushalayim, he came up with the effective idea of
recruiting the Yemenite Jews, who were then arriving in Eretz
Yisroel. These conformed with the conditions of the
Association's protocol, being yirei Shomayim as well
as being used to the difficult conditions in the field. Reb
Yitzchok located a group of poor Yemenite Jews in the Balfour
neighborhood of Tel Aviv. The following is the account as
related by one of the members of the Kovni family, one of
those who moved to the settlement:
In 5686 [1926] several religious Jews came to our
neighborhood, amongst them Yitzchok Greenwald [who was]
adorned with a thick beard, who made a good and credible
impression. Yitzchok suggested to the family that they should
buy a plot of land and settle south of Yerushalayim. Since
the family could not afford a plot in Yerushalayim, the
proposal of settling near the Holy City -- their dream --
enchanted them. They were promised good land and appropriate
agricultural conditions. They traveled to Zichron Dovid and
purchased 40 dunam of land for 260 lira. After the deal was
closed they went to tour the territory. They were deeply
shocked and disappointed by what they saw -- rocks, boulders
and desolation.
The family moved to live first in the Shiloach villages
[Kfarei Hashiloach] -- an old Yemenite neighborhood -- and in
the beginning of 5687 [1927] they moved to Migdal Eder.
Using the official notepaper of the Zichron Dovid
Association, Reb Yitzchok asked the Tel Aviv municipality to
hold their huts until they would move them (their huts) to
Migdal Eder. Both he and Reb Mendel, who served as the
manager of the company, signed these documents.
Reb Yitzchok Greenwald praises the Yemenites for their
industry: "They immediately began planting and building."
A few bochrim also came to the settlement and
established a branch of the Meah Shearim Yeshiva called Ohel
Rochel. A permanent maggid shiur would commute from
Yerushalayim to "Migdal" every day.
During this time a sick bochur from the Chevron
Yeshiva and some of his friends who came to help, came to the
settlement, where the settlers treated him with fresh milk
and healthy weather.
The Zionists Make Trouble and Rav Yechezkel
Sarna Sends Food
Not everyone appreciated the courage of the settlers. The
Zionists did not like the character of the settlement,
especially since it was private and therefore not subordinate
to anyone else.
The settlers faced tremendous difficulties. Although the
Charov spring flowed at the entrance of the settlement, the
British did not allow them to use the water and they had to
use the rain-water which had collected in the pools of the
mountains. Reb Yitzchok Greenwald requested help from the
Zionist administration, which had acquired resources and
power from chareidi Jewry overseas and the old yishuv
in Eretz Yisroel, but he was summarily refused.
There is no doubt the water crisis was enough to break the
settlers' spirit and there is no doubt that had it been in
their interest to settle these mountains, the Zionists could
have persuaded the British to allow the settlers to quench
their thirst with the water of the wellspring. Instead the
heads of the settlement promised the settlers that when
Rottenberg would lay the water pipe to Yerushalayim it would
also go through Migdal Eder. However, a promise cannot quench
When Reb Yitzchok Greenwald applied for aid from the
Settlement Department of the Zionist administration he
received the following response: "We wish to inform you that,
according to the decisions of the Agricultural Committee, a
precondition for settling families is that the applicants
undergo an agricultural course for at least two years. You do
not even have one family in your list that meets this
condition and therefore we cannot help you settle in this
Instead they made him a proposal:
"If your members are indeed farmers and want to settle, we
would recommend they move to cooperative settlements and work
there with private farmers or in tobacco work belonging to
the Mizrachi Federation or the Histadrut. After they work two
years and prove their qualifications we can enter into
negotiations with them about their settlement."
In other words, after you accept our authority you will
receive our backing. Of course, Reb Yitzchok did not
Heavy snowstorms fell during the winter. Many of the settlers
had never seen such a phenomenon. The huts did not hold out
in the storm. One of the roofs flew off, leaving the
inhabitants unprotected. The neighboring Arab villagers from
Beit Omar and the Jews in Yerushalayim were alerted and they
sent food to the settlement. The Ha'aretz newspaper of
February 21st 1927 described the snowstorm: "The situation of
the Zichron Dovid settlers was terrible. If not for the
public hut of the Yemenite settlers, who knows if they would
have been able to survive the cold and the storm. As soon as
the storm began everyone, 25 people, gathered in the public
hut. On Shabbos the food ran out and their neighbors from the
Beit Omar village gave them bread and figs. May Hashem
remember them for the good they did. In Chevron they received
shocking news of frostbite and people swollen from hunger.
Rav Sarna, the rosh yeshiva of Knesses Yisroel,
succeeded with much effort and toil to send bread, tea and
sugar to the people in Zichron on Monday. On Wednesday he
again sent foodstuffs which were sent with great self-
sacrifice by a rider on a donkey."
Respect from the Arabs Until the Riots, and the
End of Migdal Eder
The Arabs from the surrounding areas and Beit Omar did not
feel threatened by the bearded Jews. On the contrary, as we
mentioned previously, Rosenblum grazed his herd together with
the Arab farmers in the area. The Zionists did nothing to aid
the settlement, but the Arab riots, brought on by the Zionist
policy, swept through this quiet settlement and Migdal Eder
could not hold out.
At the outbreak of the riots the few Jews of Migdal Eder were
confident that they were not in danger. R' Avraham Rosenblum
supervised a group of Arabs paving a road to Beit Fajer. The
atmosphere in the settlement was good. R' Avraham Rosenblum's
mother made all the necessary preparations for Shabbos,
candles, wine, challos, cholent and so on.
On Friday, 17th of Av 5689 (1929), the Arabs from Chevron
began spreading horrific rumors of atrocities taking place in
Yerushalayim. The local Arabs warned R' Rosenblum to hide. At
this point tales of Arab friendship abound. All the settlers
hid in a nearby Russian monastery. The evidence of Shlomo
Kloniski, an eyewitness, reinforces the impression of the
courage of the settlers and the loyalty demonstrated by their
Arab neighbors:
"I worked at the Chevron Bank in Jerusalem that year. The
bank manager at the time was Rav Yisroel Zisel Dvoratz,
z"l. In those years we worked in shifts till the night
hours. On Thursday 16th of Av 5689, in the late afternoon
hours, Rav Dvoratz's wife came into the bank. She burst into
tears saying that in their neighborhood rumors had spread
that the Arabs were planning to massacre the Jews the
following morning (her exact words, which are engraved in my
memory, and will never be erased). She asked us to get back
her son and daughter, who were visiting in Migdal Eder,
immediately. Rav Dvoratz and four of the bank clerks
conferred hastily while she was crying. Eventually I agreed
to travel there, immediately to return the children to
Jerusalem, since I was a local Chevron boy, spoke Arabic
fluently and knew the surrounding areas.
"I will not dwell upon my doubts and fears. Evening came. The
Jewish drivers were too afraid to travel so I could not get a
Jewish taxi for all the money in the world. Having no choice
I went to Shaar Yaffo and hired a Christian Arab driver from
Beis Lechem. I paid a round trip fare, called the bank with
the car registration number, and was on my way.
"I arrived at Migdal Eder and was greeted by the head of the
settlement Mr. Rosenblum whom I knew. He said to me: `I am
glad you came. I am having trouble coming to a decision.
About half an hour ago the village head (Muchtar) of
Beit Omar came and told me that it will be a very difficult
day tomorrow, that the Arabs are planning massacres in all
the Jewish settlements in the country. `As a neighbor, he
suggested, that we all go to Beit Omar until the riots
subside and he promised to protect us. You grew up in Chevron
and understand their customs, what do you suggest?' he
"I promised him that upon my return to Yerushalayim I would
go to the Vaad Hakehilla and move heaven and earth in
order to procure taxis for the twenty families in the
settlement to bring them to Yerushalayim.
"I had barely finished speaking when Mr. Rosenblum
unhesitatingly informed me: `Under no circumstances will we
leave this settlement. My only doubt is whether to stay here
or to take up the head of Beit Omar's offer.'
"`If that is the case,' I said to him, `take up his offer and
go to Beit Omar until it is safe again.'
"He said to me, `I was going to make that decision before you
came. I am glad you agree with me.'
"I returned with the Dvoratz children and their belongings to
Shaar Yaffo. All my pleading with the driver to take me to
Meah Shearim or Migrash Harusim were in vain. I was afraid.
He told me there was danger of the riots beginning that
night. We walked through dark side streets until we reached
Meah Shearim."
Thus Shlomo Kloniski.
That night the settlers went to the Russian Monastery. Then,
led by Abu Ahsein, they went through the mountains and they
arrived at Beit Omar. Arabs from the Abu Ayash and Braryat
families accompanied them from there and sent letters to the
British police who brought them to Beit Strauss in
Yerushalayim. It is interesting to note that the Arabs
returned the R' Rosenblum's complete flock to him in
Zionist Rejection Again
Reb Yitzchok Greenwald wasted no efforts and courageously
persevered in any activity which could reestablish the
settlement. He sent letters, met people, and begged. But all
the "national" institutions and funds spurned him.
Rav Yitzchok Greenwald insisted on saving the land and,
through his own resources, he found a buyer for it. In a
meeting which took place in the Chabad Shul in the Beis
Yisroel neighborhood, one of the speakers said: "The
situation would have been better if there was a Boruch
Rothschild to cover our expenses but happily we have found a
buyer for our lands."
The buyer was an interesting Jew called Shmuel Tzvi Holzman,
a yeshiva graduate and a businessman on an international
scale. Holzman purchased the lands during a tour of the
desolate settlements and one of those present said
Kaddish. Reb Yitzchok Greenwald said: "We have an
excellent horse harnessed onto our wagon which will pull us
out of the mud."
Shmuel Tzvi Holzman founded a company called "El Hahar" and
later, in 1935, founded the Kfar Etzion Settlement on these
lands. Etzion is a Hebraization of Holzman.
And if you will search for any mention of Holzman's
activities (not to mention Reb Yitzchok Greenwald) in the
Zionist history books you will be disappointed. Their
independent activity did not merit mention by the Zionist-
Mapai leadership, because from the wicked comes forth
Section A 1. To aid its members to purchase and
cultivate known agricultural estates, and to found thereby a
garden city on land which lies between Yerushalayim and
Chevron next to the Charov pool and the Police [station]
which the Association is attempting to purchase, or in
another place in Eretz Yisroel.
2. To administer the aforementioned Association
according to the Torah and tradition and in accordance with
the rulings of the Association's Spiritual Committee.
3. To run the Association's public activities
according to the rules of the Torah and the interpersonal
relationship between members according to Jewish religious
Section 12: Any disputes relating to the affairs of
the Association, between members or former members, whether
between themselves or between them and the Association or the
Committee or the Committee's officials, shall be mediated by
the Badatz (Beis Din Tzedek) or via arbitrators in
accordance with Jewish religious law.
Section 13: The Association reserves the right to
expel any member whose behavior is not in accordance with the
standards of the Torah, tradition, and the Spiritual
Committee of the Association.
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