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The sheloshim of R'Shlomo Zalman Klein, who served
for years as the head secretary at the Rabbinate beis
din in Be'er Sheva was at the end of Elul. His sudden and
untimely passing was a painful blow to his friends, family
and acquaintances -- and particularly to the women who were
freed from the bonds of aginus due to his selfless
efforts, which in many cases involved true mesirus
Rav Klein, undoubtedly the foremost activist in the field of
releasing agunos, earned his reputation by devoting
tremendous amounts of energy to his life's calling. Complex,
problematic cases came streaming into his office from around
the country, cases that required dedicated, personal
attention. Jews around the country and around the world knew
to turn to Rav Klein, for he often succeeded after all else
had failed.
On many occasions he packed his bags and set off for various
parts of Europe, or even destinations like Pakistan, India
and Thailand. Upon arrival he would work night and day until
he had accomplished his mission. For more difficult cases Rav
Klein had to summon all of his powers of persuasion --
including a collection of ruses and artifices, a gentle
approach and sometimes harsh language -- until the husband
agreed to sign a document designating Klein a shaliach
to arrange and deliver the get. In many of these
escapades his life was clearly at risk, but even with a
pistol pointed at him he remained calm. "First give me the
get, then shoot me," he said, and eventually even this
stubborn husband conceded.
An Education in Sensitivity
Shlomo Zalman Klein was born 55 years ago, the firstborn of
Rav Elozor Klein, who came with his family from Romania,
settling in Kfar Gid'on where he became the rov. In 5717
(1957) the family move to Be'er Sheva, the City of our
Forefathers, which had almost no chareidi presence at the
time. For many years he served as rov of the union of
chareidi kehillos (Hisachdus Kehillos Hayerei'im).
Through hard work and toil Rav Klein set up the
infrastructures to start a chareidi kehilloh, most
notably the first uncompromising cheder and Yeshivas
Beis Hillel. Meanwhile he also published several seforim:
Mishnas Elozor on the Shas, Kiryas Arbo'o, Zichron
Shlomo al HaTorah and others.
Rav Elazar Klein imbued his son Shlomo Zalman with
sensitivity to the suffering of others and developed within
him the mesirus nefesh to come to the aid of anyone in
need. In all likelihood young Shlomo Zalman often heard these
principles espoused at the beis knesses where his
father served as rov, for they were known to occupy a
prominent place in his droshos.
Later in life Shlomo Zalman and his wife ylct'a gained
a reputation among Be'er Sheva's leading machnisei
orchim. Their home became a wellspring of tzedokoh
and chesed. Located near Soroka Hospital it was known
as an "open house" for chareidi families from around the
Negev -- whether Gur Chassidim from Arad or Ashkenazim and
Sephardim from Ofakim, Netivot or Tifrach -- in need of a
place to stay for Shabbos while visiting hospitalized
At the age of 17, Shlomo Zalman had already received
semichoh from gedolei hador and when his father
passed away 25 years ago, Shlomo Zalman was appointed to
occupy his post. He married and in 5752 was appointed
Safra Dedayno in the Rabbinate beis din of
Be'er Sheva, and soon thereafter was made Chief Secretary.
One day he was asked by the director of the Rabbinate's
botei din to locate a man who had left his wife an
agunoh for 30 years. Rav Klein traveled abroad and
after a three-week effort managed to find the husband in
Brazil. He came back to Israel with a big smile on his face
and a glad heart. Afterwards, for many years to come, he
would vanish from the beis din for days or weeks,
leaving internal affairs aside until he had delivered a
get to a waiting agunoh.
Riveting stories of his adventures while trying to procure
gittin could fill a thick volume. The tales below,
gleaned during a long conversation with him a few years ago,
are just a handful of his many harrowing experiences.
Delivering Newspapers
For two hours Rav Klein stood on a snowy sidewalk in Lille, a
small town in northern France. It was early in the morning
and the streets were totally deserted. He knocked on a door,
calling out to P. in a loud voice, but the former Ashkelon
resident pretended not to hear him. Rav Klein had spent a
long time trying to track down the man who had left his wife
in Israel over 20 years earlier, and was not prepared to
surrender so easily. After a long stakeout he noticed the
paperboy would knock on the door at a set time and when it
opened a crack he would thrust the newspaper inside.
The next day he dressed up as a paperboy and before P.
realized what was happening, Rav Klein was standing inside
his home. "For over 20 years you haven't given your wife a
get. You have already caused her enough pain and
suffering. I have come here as a shaliach beis din,
and I'm not leaving until I get a get for your
P. stood frozen in his tracks. After leaving his wife and two
children in Israel during the Six-Day War, to avoid the
draft, he had been sure no one would ever find him in his
remote, secluded home.
Once he had recovered from the shock, P. tried to throw Rav
Klein out of the house, but discovered his visitor to be a
powerful, resolute man who had come determined to fulfill his
At first Rav Klein tried to hold out a carrot, but soon
realized he would have to use the stick. "I made it clear to
him nothing would help and he would have to give his wife a
get. I told him if he continued to refuse I would work
to discontinue all the consular services he received, meaning
they would not renew his passport, the beis din would
impose high mezonos payments and if he ever came to
Israel he would be arrested immediately -- and it is
certainly not pleasant to get arrested at the airport."
Eventually his words began to penetrate the man's deaf ears
and closed heart, which had sealed shut over the course of
twenty years. "He made certain conditions but eventually I
had the kisvu utenu in hand."
Rav Klein quickly phoned to notify the woman of the good news
and caught the first plane back to Israel.
At Gunpoint
Over the years Rav Klein has journeyed to dozens of countries
around the world. One week he might find himself in Thailand
or India and a month later he would embark on a trip to
Paris, Australia or the U.S., perhaps traveling through thick
jungles and venturing into rotting jails in search of long-
lost husbands.
Many years ago B. came to Israel, married and had a daughter.
Then one day he simply picked up and seemed to have
disappeared as if swallowed up by the earth. "I checked the
Border Police and to my amazement I was told the man had not
left the country. Eventually I decided to try to locate the
man in Australia. I roamed in areas of Jewish concentration,
showing everyone I met an old picture of B., but no one knew
him. Only later did I learn that in Australia, B. was
registered and known by a different name.
"During my search I met a local rov involved in kiruv.
He didn't recall the man's name, but when he saw the picture
he said it could be a Jew who had spoken with him a year
earlier just before Pesach, asking him to arrange a place for
the Seder night. We tried to find the man and after
extensive efforts I reached this Jew's neighbor and, through
them found the grocery store where he worked. When I got to
the market I recognized him right away, and I asked the local
rov to call him in for a talk."
B. did come to the rov's home and, upon hearing why he had
been summoned, he grew furious. "I'll never give my wife a
get. I went to the other side of the earth just to
avoid giving my wife a get," he said and ran away.
The rov chased after him and brought the man back into the
house. Together the two spent hours trying to break through
to him, to no avail.
Towards daybreak Rav Klein returned to his hotel room and
moments later heard a knock at the door. "I opened the door
and there was B. standing in front of me. As soon as I
started to talk he pulled out a pistol and said, `If you
don't leave me alone, you won't get out of here alive.' I
told him to do whatever he wants, that I am in the hands of
HaKodosh Boruch Hu, not in the hands of flesh and
Staring down the barrel of a gun, Rav Klein continued trying
to persuade B. to produce a get. "I tried to convince
him to consider his actions and eventually he left me alone.
The next morning I went back to the grocery store and this
time he was a bit more obliging and agreed to negotiate based
on conditions he stipulated for granting the get. For
an entire week--days and nights filled with threats,
outbreaks of anger and arguments--we sat down together with
the local rov until just before Shabbos began we finalized
the negotiations and reached an agreement and he signed the
kisvu utenu."
Power of Persuasion
Rav Klein recounted another adventure, this time set in India
about ten years ago. A woman from Lod wanted to marry, but
the rabbonim learned that at a young age she had accepted
kiddushin in the presence of witnesses. Rav Klein set
out for Calcutta to locate the man involved and managed to
find him via a Jewish pita seller, who said the man
was sick in a retirement home. Rav Klein hurried to meet him,
but at first the man did not remember what he was referring
"After he recalled the incident I had to spend an entire day
trying to convince him to give a get. I brought the
head of the Jewish community and asked him to threaten not to
give the man a Jewish burial, and only in response to this
threat did the man sign the kisvu utenu."
In India the custom among the goyim is to cremate the
dead, and community heads had invested prodigious efforts
before they were granted permission to set up a Jewish
"The next day I was notified the man had passed away. If I
had come one day later it would have been impossible to
locate the man, and the young woman from Lod would have
remained an agunoh for the rest of her life."
Yet following this happy ending Rav Klein did not head for
home, for he still had another mission to carry out elsewhere
in the country.
A Triple Adventure in India
Departing Calcutta he headed for the jungle in an attempt to
locate V. of Ramle, who had left his wife and children
following a dispute over an inheritance. V.'s father owned a
coconut plantation on the outskirts of the jungle and, upon
his death, he asked for half of the estate. When his brother
refused, V. set out for India to recover his share.
Through the Indian underworld V. was able to drive his
brother off and take over the plantation, but he never
returned to his family in Israel. Before setting out to
locate the deserter, Rav Klein was warned to steer clear of
V., who was known as a dangerous man. But he was undaunted by
the warnings.
At the edge of the jungle Rav Klein hired a rickshaw and went
in search of V. inside the thick jungle. Local inhabitants
guided him along the way, but when he finally reached V., Rav
Klein understood why he had been told to beware.
Before even hearing the purpose of the visit, V. told him
unequivocally he would not leave Rav Klein alive, but would
tear his body into shreds and send the scraps to the Ramle
Shouk. Rav Klein realized he was in a real bind. He knew that
in the Indian jungle there was no law and order and no one to
come to his rescue, but he had faith in the Borei Olom
that he would somehow emerge unscathed--shluchei
mitzvo einon nizokim -- and proceeded to demand that V.
give his wife a get.
V. began to step up his threats. "He told me if I didn't
leave him alone right away he would throw me to the snakes in
the jungle and nobody would know I had ever come to him. I
told him to do what he will with me, but to give his wife a
get first. He threw me out of the house, but as soon
as I was outside I turned to the locals milling nearby and
explained to them why I had come. I asked them to try to
placate him. They went in and later I again had the nerve to
go into the house. For hours the arguments went on until
finally he broke and told me he was willing to give his wife
a get."
Even after his second harrowing adventure in India was behind
him, R' Klein still had more business to take care of before
leaving the country, namely, to search for B., a convict from
Petach Tikva who had left a wife and three children in
B. managed to break out of an Israeli jail without a trace.
For 19 years attempts had been made to locate him. When the
case reached Rav Klein he began a detailed investigation and
concluded the missing criminal was most likely hiding in
Although he lacked detailed information on the man's
whereabouts Rav Klein had a hunch he, too, might be living in
the jungle. Once again Rav Klein hired a rickshaw and headed
toward the dense trees and vines. When the road ended he
continued his journey on foot, trudging through the
underbrush with the sounds of wild animals moving all around
him. Suddenly he froze in his tracks and his heart skipped a
beat as he stared at the gaping jaws of a large alligator,
but he recovered his senses and leaped out of reach just in
the nick of time.
"During that instant of fear I was still aware that I was
there in order to save a woman from her aginus, that I
was a shaliach mitzvoh, and this is what gave me the
strength and the courage to continue despite everything I had
already undergone," recounts Rav Klein. Night fell and Rav
Klein went from hut to hut showing people a picture of B. The
rumor about the religious Jew roaming among the huts grew
wings and reached the ears of B. himself.
Assuming Rav Klein intended to drag him back to jail, he fled
the scene. Rav Klein tried to extract information from the
local inhabitants, who finally received an explanation for
the reason for the concerted effort to locate B. They reacted
by chasing B. down, catching him and beating him ruthlessly
until he signed the get.
After obtaining these three gittin, Rav Klein
continued his tour of the Far East, traveling on to Thailand,
Singapore, Hong Kong and Pakistan before returning to Israel
with his great catch: a grand total of 23 gittin!
In Thailand he went to a jail where two Israelis convicted of
drug smuggling were serving time. "It's hard to describe the
conditions I found them in. They sat with murderers in a cell
full of mold, and mice traipsed in and out freely. It was a
horrendous sight. Two young men sat there broken and
depressed. I offered them encouragement and promised them
that I would work to have them pardoned as soon as I returned
to Israel."
On another occasion Rav Klein also visited a German jail. Y.
D. of Eilat was known to police in his hometown. For years
the dayonim at the Rabbinate beis din had tried
to convince him to give his wife a get. Finally he
showed a willingness to comply, but on the day scheduled to
arrange the get, he vanished. As in similar cases the
beis din issued a warrant for his arrest, but even a
private investigation firm was unable to find him. Meanwhile
five years went by and the woman remained an
One day Rav Klein got a phone call from an investigator at
National Police Headquarters. He said the police had received
information about a man arrested in Munich following a
bungled burglary. Although he carried a forged ID, the police
investigation indicated the inmate was none other than Y. D.
of Eilat. Local rabbonim tried to convince him to give the
get, but he kept insisting they had the wrong man.
At this point it was decided to send Rav Klein to Munich. He
went into the jail cell accompanied by the assistant warden.
After several hours of conversation Rav Klein managed to wear
the man down and eventually he agreed to give the
In addition to his excursions abroad, sometimes he went in
search of husbands hiding out in Israel, from remote caves in
the Galilee to Arab villages in Judea, Samaria and Gaza. In
some cases he was commissioned to find husbands from abroad
lying low in Israel. In one such case a Jew from Peru left
his wife and came to Israel, where he spent seven years
disguised as an Arab.
In an Arab Village
"It was at the height of the Intifada of the 1980s and
entering the Territories was a real and present danger. Today
I don't know how to explain what powers took me over, but I
began to roam through villages with a picture of the man
until I managed to locate him in an Arab village south of Har
Chevron. I began talking to him in Hebrew but he pretended
not to understand. Finally I asked him for his ID. He took
the ID card out and showed me it said he was Arab and
"He tried to use his ID to shut me up, as they say, so that I
would leave him alone. `You can see here that this is not the
man you're looking for,' he said. 'How could an unmarried
Arab leave a woman and children in Peru?' But I noticed the
place of birth listed was Peru, and he did not know I had the
kesubo with me and I also knew his parents' names. I
asked the policeman who was accompanying me to arrest him.
Then he broke out crying and revealed he was Jewish, and
admitted he had left a wife and children in Peru. We brought
him to the beis din and a few hours later the woman in
Peru was free from her aginus.
Tropical Disease
Rav Klein covered hundreds of thousands of miles during his
numerous voyages, bringing joy to many families in Israel,
allowing the Rabbinate botei din to take pride in the
small number of agunos left on file. Over the last few
years aginus problems have been solved for hundreds of
Several years ago, after returning from his tour of the Far
East, Rav Klein was hospitalized for blood contamination he
contracted there. He spent six months hooked up to IV bottles
24 hour a day while doctors tried to combat the microbe. They
told Rebbetzin Klein her husband had only a few years left to
live, but through chasdei Shomayim they succeeded in
killing the dangerous microbe. Afterwards Rav Klein returned
to his holy work beyeser seis uveyeser oz.
During the last two years of his life Rav Klein devoted
himself to the task of completing the beginning of his
important work, Lev Shlomo. He left behind numerous
other writings, some of them ready for publication, on the
Shulchan Oruch and its commentaries.
As someone who had spent years working in the beis din
system he was driven by the difficult experiences he saw
agunos undergo, and this knowledge gave him no rest.
Over and over again Rav Klein stressed that without the
siyata d'shmaya he sensed clearly every step of the
way, he would have never been able to bring all these success
stories to their happy endings.
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