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As a bochur, Menachem Manes Moore sailed from his
hometown in Northern England carrying a large load of
spiritual recording equipment. He had a powerful desire to
absorb all he could and a great thirst to charge his
batteries with Torah and mussar. Everywhere he went,
his head took in the picture laid out before his eyes. He
would listen and absorb, look and take "photographs" with his
mind's built-in camera.
Yet wherever he roamed his strongest sentiments remained
attached to Yeshivas Mir in Poland, the yeshiva he felt bound
to and where most of his memories were set. He remained a
"Mirrer" all of his life. But along came World War II,
cutting short his stay in Mir. In fact when we spoke to Rav
Menachem Moore zt'l fifty years later, in Gateshead,
he began his story shortly before the war broke out.
Between Tisha B'Av and Rosh Chodesh Elul 5699 (September
1939), as the talmidim of Yeshivas Mir set off for
their annual summer break, I travelled to Vilna. Rav Simchah
Zissel, the son of Rav Yeruchom Levovitz, had recommended a
doctor there who could treat the illness that had struck me
on the day of my arrival at Mir.
In the meantime, I sat and learned in the Gra Kloiz in Vilna.
It was the only beis knesses in the area with a
minyan, and even there I had to lein the Torah
because nobody else knew how. At the other shtiebelach
surrounding Beis Haknesses Hagodol there were almost no
seforim aside from Mishnayos, and of course
siddurim and Chumoshim. Only in this
shtiebel were all of the seforim available,
from sets of Shas to Rishonim and Acharonim.
As a rule these kloizen were very simple affairs. Only
the modern Beis Haknesses Hagodol was really nice, and it was
large and high-ceilinged. I did not daven there at
all. I assume it was only open on Shabbos. All of Vilna was
already very weak in Jewish terms. Most of the people were
secular. Vilna lay in ruins.
With Gedolei Yisroel in Drozegnik
From Vilna I travelled to Drozegnik, a well-known vacation
spot. There I met several leading roshei yeshivos.
HaRav Aharon Kotler, for instance, was in the same hotel
where I was staying.
Every day Rav Aharon would walk to the forest to meet his
colleagues, the other roshei yeshivos. They would be
found resting in a hammock tied between two thick trees, and
bochurim on vacation would come to speak with them in
learning every day. There was also a beach there, but they
preferred the forest. This was their dacha. And if I'm
not mistaken "dacha" is the Polish or Russian word for
On Friday I went to the mikveh and when I left, I came
across HaRav Shimon Shkop sitting down for a rest after
bathing. He called out to me with a hearty "Sholom
Aleichem," although I had never seen him before. Then he
reached out to shake my hand with a big smile, as if we were
old friends. That was the beginning and end of my
acquaintance with him, although I did see his yeshiva in
Grodno during that same bein hazmanim when I took a
side trip to see how a different type of yeshiva looks. I
found a very plain building, like in Baranowitz, and like all
of the yeshivos, constructed in a simple style, just straight
walls, as plain as can be.
HaRav Boruch Ber Leibowitz was also in Drozegnik at the time,
and davened Shacharis with me in the beis
knesses. The rov of Suvalk, HaRav D. Lifshitz, was also
there, as well as many yeshiva bochurim who, between
trips in the surrounding area, would go to talk about their
learning, particularly with R' Aharon.
There were also many doctors whose task was to treat the
vacationers. There was also a place for solar treatment, and
people said it was healthy to lie there; I was also advised
to go there for the problem I had. All told I spent two weeks
Latvia-Italy-Lithuania, via Telz
A few days after my return to the yeshiva, I received a
letter from the British Consulate saying that due to the
present political situation I would have to leave the country
immediately. They informed me that the British authorities
would not be responsible for those who remained. All of the
British bochurim received the same letter.
It was already several days into Elul. I wanted to go to Telz
in Lithuania, but the border between Poland and Lithuania had
been closed since the previous war, so we all went to Riga in
There was a small yeshiva there on the second floor of a
building. We stayed there and davened there on Rosh
Hashanah and Yom Kippur, together with the members of the
yeshiva. There was a kitchen there and those who didn't have
money would receive tzetlach [slips] with which they
would get free meals. Those of us from Poland also received
them, and this was how we ate during the chagim. For a
place to sleep we had to secure quarters nearby.
One day we went into the local Lithuanian consulate to
request entry visas so we could continue on to Yeshivas Telz.
But apparently they were in constant contact with the British
Consul. He [the Lithuanian consulate] phoned him and asked if
he could give our group visas for Lithuania. "G-d forbid!"
exclaimed the Englishman. "Send me their passports and I'll
cancel their validity." He did indeed take them to the
Ministry of the Interior where the passports were stamped
with the word, "Invalid."
The only way left for us to go to England was via the
neighboring country of Estonia, which had a port. I didn't
want to go to England, but staying in Riga was not for me
either. All told there was just a tiny yeshiva in a big,
noisy city. So I decided to go to England, but by a different
route, via Italy, and I thought that maybe there would be
some kind of positive development. I parted from everyone and
embarked on a twelve-hour train ride.
On the way I came up with an idea. I would ask the Lithuanian
Consulate in Italy for a visa. That's exactly what I did, and
I was well-received there. The Consul gave me a one year
visa. I then returned to Riga and told my friends about this
possibility, and everyone else copied my idea.
We travelled in a group to Telz, where there was no trace of
the war. All was completely peaceful, and Torah study carried
on as always. This was after the agreement between Russia and
Germany [the Hitler-Stalin Pact] in which Germany promised
not to invade these three small countries [Lithuania,
Estonia, Latvia], which were under Russian protectorate. They
sat and learned with great hasmodoh, hardly aware
there was a war.
I stayed there until the arrival of the Russians, who at
first declared that they would allow the country to carry on
as usual and would only govern from above. But little by
little they ousted the national leaders, taking over the
administration of the state themselves.
At Yeshivas Telz
Telz definitely was a top yeshiva. My roommate at Telz was
one of the leading bochurim and knew how to learn
well. But overall transition from Yeshivas Mir to Telz was
difficult for me. The approach to learning at Telz was like
at a yeshiva ketanoh, although there were older
bochurim there as well. There were four levels of
shiurim -- unlike Mir which was based on one large
conglomerate designed for bochurim age 18 and over,
automatically creating a more mature atmosphere.
At Telz there were chaburos in Chumash given by
HaRav Elyoh Meir Bloch, who would add very nice things from
Shiurei Daas, written by his father, HaRav Yosef
Yehuda Leib. His brother, the rov of Telz, HaRav Avrohom
Yitzchok who was the main rosh yeshiva, was a very
prominent figure and gave excellent shiurim. To this
day I have a letter of recommendation from him. I stayed at
his house for the first two days of Pesach, participating in
both of his seders.
I also took part in chaburos given by HaRav Yisroel
Ordman, the brother of HaRav Nosson Ordman of London, who was
the son-in-law of HaRav Zalman Bloch and served as the
yeshiva's mashgiach. I would go to his home with a
group of about 20 bochurim to hear his mussar
shmuessen. He would also present chidushei
halochoh. When HaRav Elyoh Meir Bloch and HaRav Mottel
Katz went to America, he was appointed rosh
Unlike all of the yeshivos that moved to Lithuania at the
beginning of the War, Yeshivas Telz was originally local and
composed mostly of Lithuanian citizens. Therefore the
authorities would not allow it to leave and, except for a few
foreign bochurim who went home, all of Yeshivas Telz
remained [when the Nazis arrived]. One person who pretended
to be dead lived to tell the story of [the slaughter] that
took place there.
Telz was definitely a very good yeshiva. About 250
talmidim were learning there, with impressive
hasmodoh. A few years earlier it had been considered
an excellent yeshiva, but by the time I arrived it had
declined somewhat. When HaRav Aharon Kotler's Yeshivas Kletsk
arrived in the city of Yanuva, about 50 mil [30 miles]
from Telz, I decided to go there. I had been at Telz from
October 1939 until the summer of 1940.
Communists Supporting Torah
Yanuva was a town of carpenters that provided most of the
furniture for all of Lithuania. The majority of its residents
were Jewish communists--almost the entire town. Their
financial situation was among the best in the country, and
they lived even better than the people of Kovna, the capital
city in those days.
For example, throughout Lithuania there were no bathtubs in
private homes. Even in the public bathhouses where everyone
would bathe, there were just simple faucets (unlike in the
homes of the very rich). The bathhouse in the big city of
Kovna was just like what I had seen in little Mir: a single
faucet which everyone would stand in line to use. They would
fill up the bucket with water and, using a baizem--a
brush of that period--would scrub and clean themselves. This
was the technique in Kovna, too.
In contrast, in the bathhouse of the town of Yanuva there
were twenty nice bathing rooms with water flowing straight
into the bathtub through hot-and cold-water faucets.
The members of Yeshivas Kletsk also benefited from this when
they were issued free passes to bathe whenever they pleased.
In general those communists received us very amiably, and
with respect. Members of the yeshiva would stay at their
homes as stantzies and they gave them due respect as
Jewish refugees from Poland and as bnei Torah.
Interestingly enough, every Shabbos all the communists would
go to the beis knesses for prayers and they would not
open their workshops and businesses during Shabbos. Whether
they kept Shabbos inside their own homes, I do not know. They
may have smoked inside their homes, but they definitely did
not desecrate Shabbos in public. During this entire period I
saw only one Jew smoke on Shabbos, and in general the whole
town was completely at rest every Shabbos.
Once while I was there a fire broke out in the town, and two
houses burned down. All of the houses in Yanuva were made of
wood. There were no official firefighters, just a volunteer
organization of Jews. Many had to come to the rescue to help
extinguish the big fire.
I knew the town shochet. He was a very dear Jew. He
told me that in the near future, when the Russians arrived,
it would be really bad there. He was very concerned over the
actions they would take, and his fears came true.
The members of the kehilloh made the local beis
knesses available to the yeshiva, which used it for
learning and shiurim throughout the week. On Shabbos,
since the baalei batim were davening there, we
would stay in the ezras noshim. I still remember that
the talks given by the mashgiach, HaRav Yosef Leib
Nandik Hy'd who had learned at Kelm, were given in the
ezras noshim.
The rosh yeshiva, Rav Aharon, provided the yeshiva
with a spacious dining room in a large house until the
Russians came into the town. They confiscated the house right
away for army use and feeding the soldiers. Then we began
eating in Rav Aharon's home, a large house he had been given
upon his arrival. But after just two weeks the Russians took
away his house as well, this time for the army commander in
the area. Rav Aharon was forced to move into a small
apartment and we were left with no other choice than to eat
at boarding houses.
Rav Aharon would send the meat to the housewives, and they
would cook it for their boarders. At my boarding house ten
bochurim ate by one cook. The yeshiva would pay them
for their work with money sent from Vilna by HaRav Chaim
Ozer, who steered the yeshiva's course and raised a lot of
money from America through the Joint, Ezras Torah and
individual Jews.
One day we received a letter from the British Consulate
saying they planned to remove British citizens from Russia
and all of the countries under its protection, such as
Poland, Lithuania, etc., and that we would have to travel to
Kovna to obtain a travel visa to pass through Russia. We had
to travel there several times and, thinking it was a needless
effort and a waste of valuable time to make the journey from
Yanuva and back, I decided to end my stay in Kletsk after
five months there. I went to Ramigola, to one of the branches
of Yeshivas Mir, which had been forced to spread out in four
different towns. From there the journey to Kovna was quite
short -- just a single bus ride.
At Mir: Golus in Ramigola
The Yomim Noraim of 1940 were approaching when I arrived in
the tiny town of Ramigola. Despite its diminutive size I did
discover a very large and sophisticated butter factory, where
I would go to buy butter every morning. I saw how the
sophisticated machines worked. They would put the milk in on
one side and butter ready to eat would come out on the other
side. The non-Jewish workers there went to special schools to
learn the trade and really did run it well.
A short time later the Russians arrived there as well, and as
part of efforts to nationalize factories around the country,
they appropriated this factory, too. The racket from the
factory did not cease, but was transformed: now the rumbling
of the machinery had been replaced by the notorious sounds of
Russian propaganda. This was how the Russians operated--
nationalizing things the people required for their basic
necessities and confusing them with propaganda.
In Ramigola there were about 45 bochurim learning. It
was one of the small towns where the talmidim of
Yeshivas Mir gathered. Keidan was a large town where the
largest group--some 80 talmidim--were concentrated,
along with the mashgiach Rav Chatzkel, and the rosh
yeshiva HaRav Lazer Yudel. His place of residence was
secret so the authorities would not be able to find him, and
only at night would he "awake" to perform essential
activities, together with people who came to him to discuss
financial and other matters. At these meetings telegrams were
sent and everything that had to be taken care of was
accomplished, all in the middle of the night. This I heard
from my friends, but I was never there myself.
In Ramigola there was no mashgiach, but there was an
older bochur who would give various mussar
talks. I can't remember his name, but in any case the
mashgiach was the one who appointed him to run and
direct the local group, and everyone heeded his instructions.
The mashgiach himself, HaRav Yechezkel Levenstein,
would come to visit each of the four towns for an hour before
heading back.
On Succos we had a decent succah, and in general it
was quite nice there. It was a very small town, even smaller
than Mir which was also considered a small town. But there
were still a few hundred people living in Mir, while here
there were only about a hundred Jews in the whole town and a
smattering of goyim-- gor a pitzeleh shtetl.
A Glimpse at the World of Kelm
I spent one week in Kelm. My friend, R' Herschel Geneuer
o'h, invited me for a week to stay at his
istantzia. I used the opportunity to speak with HaRav
Doniel Mowshowitz for about a half-hour. This was his
practice: people would make a half-hour appointment to speak
with him.
The Beis HaTalmud in Kelm at that time numbered only 25
talmidim, sort of a gathering of older bochurim
only, ovdei Hashem. In general the gemora
learning was like at Yeshivas Mir and all of the other
yeshivos. But there was a special emphasis on learning
mussar. Every day there was a mussar seder when
evening fell, lasting for a whole hour.
The tefilloh lasted a long time, too. Yehei shemei
Rabboh, for example, they said very slowly, one word at a
time, every time it was recited.
Interestingly enough, my friend from Yeshivas Gateshead, R'
Yaakov Goldman, was considered a lively and vivacious
bochur while learning at Mir. But when he went to Kelm
he changed within one zman. Within six months he
became a completely different person. One day he received a
letter from his faraway family and, rather than running
toward the long awaited letter, I heard him say with Kelmic
resolution, "At the end of the seder I'll go fetch
By the way, in the end he was killed in the War after he was
unable to get up and abandon the Beis HaTalmud of Kelm.
The first time I entered the beis medrash was in the
afternoon, before the second seder began. I saw a pair
of bochurim sitting and learning, and one of them said
to his partner, "I have to smoke a cigarette."
His friend handed him a cigarette and said, "Here, take it,"
and they continued with their learning session.
Meanwhile the bochur held the cigarette in his hand.
Then in came another bochur and said, "Oy, I have to
have a cigarette!" The first smoker turned to him and handed
him the cigarette he had just received from his friend.
Another friend saw this and told him, "According to the
Mabit, you're not allowed to give it to him since you
received it solely with intention to use it and not as a
regular possession that you can pass on."
This was a typical conversation, which I witnessed the first
time I came into Beis HaTalmud in Kelm. And this was the
prevailing atmosphere there, stringent adherence to every
matter of bein odom lechavero.
There was a special arrangement there in which everybody had
a turn to sweep and wash the floor of the entire beis
medrash, even if he was fifty years old. Everyone who
joined Beis HaTalmud became part of the unique
chaburah and, as a member of the chaburah, had
to uphold all of its customs and terms.
From Kovna to Vladivostok
Right after Succos we had to leave Ramigola and travelled to
Kovna to plan the journey itself. We found out that a special
train had been designated for all of the British citizens and
it would depart from there straight to Vladivostok, which was
on the other end-- the east--of Russia. The British
government was paying for the entire journey.
One-hundred-and-eighty passengers were on the train, all of
them subjects of the United Kingdom, and of them there were
only 16 Jews, all told. Among them was HaRav Dov Silver, who
later became a member of Vaad Hayeshivos in Jerusalem, who
had been born in England and had married a woman from Kelm.
They had three daughters, all of whom were on the train.
Also on the train were HaRav Shmuel Shechter, a talmid
at Yeshivas Mir for five years and later at Kelm, and his
friend HaRav Nosson Wachtfogel, later mashgiach at
Yeshivas Lakewood. Both of them were Canadian citizens, but
the latter had been born in Russia and therefore he had
problems leaving Russia when we got to Vladivostok. With me
on the trip were a friend of mine, HaRav Chin of Petach
Tikva, who had served as a shochet in Philadelphia,
and HaRav Shmuel Bloch, today a prominent figure in the
Gateshead kehilloh.
We received the visas in Kovna, whereupon we learned our
departure was scheduled for Shabbos Kodesh. We went to ask
the rov of the city, the Davar Avrohom Hy'd, who
replied inquisitively, "A shailoh?! A vadai darfstu gayen.
Dos is pikuach nefesh" ["What kind of a question is this?
Of course you have to go. This is pikuach nefesh"].
"In any case," added the rov in jest, "the train is higher
than 20 tefochim, so there is no problem of
techumim." Following our conversation the elderly
gaon escorted us on our way.
It turned out that we had to take the chamedan
[Russian for "luggage"] with us on Shabbos, and on Shabbos
Day we boarded the train. The next Shabbos we were also on
the train, which carried us along for eleven days, from
Kovna, Lithuania to the port city of Vladivostok, across the
entire length of Russia, to the Pacific Ocean.
Vayis'u Vayachanu
In those days, train cars--in England as well--were divided
into small compartments with a few passengers in each, unlike
today when there is a large open car that can seat sixty.
Each of these compartments had a door and on this particular
train there were four people in each compartment.
Above the two facing pairs of seats, two opposite the other
two, were two bunks. They consisted of thick boards of wood
supported by two very large braces and covered with
mattresses. Two passengers would sleep on the seats below,
one on each side, and two on the bunks above. I slept on one
of the upper bunks.
HaRav Nosson Wachtfogel was accompanied by his fiancee who
was a citizen of Lithuania, so they could marry in Canada.
But in order to secure an exit visa for her as the spouse of
a British subject, he had to do kiddushin back in
Kovna so that he could receive a marriage certificate from
the local rabbinate. Upon boarding the train they were given
a private compartment, and HaRav Nosson kept the door open
the whole time, because he had not yet done
During the entire eleven days of traversing Russia, the
people in charge prohibited us from getting off the train at
any of the few stops it made, declaring they would not take
responsibility for anyone who got off, if the local Russian
authorities would not allow him to re-board.
One of the stops was at the well-known commune of
Birobidzhan, located near Siberia and often called a Jewish
state inside Russia. It was founded by Stalin. All of the
signs in the area were written in Yiddish. They had their own
unique spelling, but the words themselves were all regular
Yiddish. Because of the warning we had been given, for the
duration of the stop we stood at the opening of the train to
survey the "Jewish state," keeping one hand on the side of
the train in case it began to roll out all of a sudden.
The Siberian air was so cold that almost an inch of ice
formed on the window on the inside of the train. It
was so cold all along the way. Glass absorbs cold, so the
entire window was covered on the inside with one big sheet of
ice, whereas the wooden walls were free of ice.
[Since there was no kosher food available during the
journey,] each of us took along six long chunks of dried
salami, which kept for several weeks. And although we kept
them on the bunks, where the warmth would have spoiled normal
salami very quickly, this salami was covered with just a thin
layer of greenish mold and, after cutting it off with a
knife, it could be eaten to the heart's content. We also took
matzoh, which we ate primarily on Shabbos. We could eat the
bread baked on the train too, because back then they baked
bread without adding any fat at all. The oven was built of
brick and the floor was covered only with bricks, so there
was no reason to avoid eating the bread.
The food was provided by the Russians, just as today on every
train there is a dining car to serve the passengers. But we
Jews ate in our private compartments rather than with
everybody else. We took drinking water from a large container
set there [in the dining car]. We could also drink their tea.
They also gave us cans of sardines, which we opened and ate
in the compartment. For the most part we did not lack
Throughout the journey we did not break off from Torah
learning. We had a regular chaburah at least two hours
a day on maseches Makkos, and everyone had a gemora
of his own.
To Brisbane, Australia
When we arrived in Vladivostok the authorities notified us we
would be unable to continue onward for the time being due to
the thick ice on the water. They said in order to open a sea
route the ice would have to be broken by an icebreaker boat
since the ship chartered for us was quite small, just 3,000
Meanwhile they took Rav Nosson Wachtfogel for an
investigation, because he was a native-born Russian and the
flight of citizens from the country upset the authorities.
They interrogated him for an entire day and when he came back
he was worn thin. They asked him all sorts of questions but
in the end he was released without further trouble.
I caught a cold in Vladivostok and felt very sick, so I
recall nothing from there. I can't even remember boarding the
boat, just the journey itself. It was a British ship and the
entire crew was comprised of Chinese sailors. The kitchen and
dining hall were situated on the bottom deck and we went down
to check how they baked bread.
We found that while they did not add any fat to the dough,
they did smear the metal baking pans with fat. Therefore we
were careful to cut off the bottom crust and to eat only the
upper part.
Sailing on the Pacific went smoothly and ended at the city of
Hong Kong, where the boat docked until morning, leaving us
time to disembark to take care of simple errands. I went to
get a haircut and the barber asked if perhaps I needed a new
suit. I was surprised because to take measurements and tailor
a suit takes several days and I had told him we were there
only until the morning. "No problem," he said, "the whole
family will stay up all night and by morning you'll have
yourself a suit." It goes without saying that I had no
intentions of obliging him!
Afterwards we went to the local Jewish community and they
gave us food and drink. From there we returned to the ship
and continued on to Australia. Again we waited several hours
in a port and then the ship continued as far as Brisbane,
which is the capital of Queensland, a province in the
northeast of Australia.
We arrived in Brisbane on a Friday and the reverend [i.e.
state-appointed rabbi] in charge of religious matters for the
Jewish community accorded us great honor. He brought us into
his home and gave us food and provided for all of our other
needs. Meanwhile he arranged a place for us to sleep in the
beis knesses, sending beds there.
After Shabbos he found us a large apartment where all of us
settled in, and the wife of Rav Dov Silver would cook for us.
HaRav Dessler's wife was also with us, as well as her twelve-
year-old daughter. They were returning from a family visit in
"Torah is Destined to Roam to America"
In Australia we began to think about our next step. Rav
Nosson Wachtfogel and Rav Shmuel Shechter had Canadian
passports and could have sailed right away, without any
problem. They only lacked money for passage.
In Sidney there was a special committee called the Board of
Guardians that gave financial assistance in special cases--an
institution still in existence today in every city in
England. Its task is to assist people who encounter
unexpected crises by providing financial and other help. They
[Rav Wachtfogel and Rav Shechter] called and said they were
war refugees and wanted to go home; perhaps they [Board of
Guardians] could help purchase tickets? [The Board] was glad
to help and indeed they sailed home to Canada.
I was a British citizen but I wanted to go to New York to
continue learning Torah at Yeshivas Torah Vodaas. I had a
friend, Herschel Geneuer o'h, who was in New York at
the time and who was later murdered in Eretz Yisroel -- in
1952 I think. I met him while I was studying at Yeshivas
Telz. In any case I wrote him a letter from Australia to New
York, asking him to send me the appropriate documents from
Yeshivas Torah Vodaas, indicating they were accepting me as a
student at their yeshiva.
As soon as he sent what I had asked for I received the longed-
for visa and, with the help of the abovementioned committee,
I got a ticket and sailed to New York.
A trip to England was out of the question because of the
danger, since the Germans were blowing up boats along the
route, but even more because I didn't have anything to do
there since I wanted to continue studying in yeshiva. I
settled down at Torah Vodaas, which was the only yeshiva in
New York at the time. As a result of this, a good
chaburah framework formed, out of refugees from the
yeshivas in Europe.
Later we moved to White Plains, a very nice location outside
of New York where we set up a kollel for ourselves. We
had a very nice house for our living quarters, and another
house like it for a beis medrash and another house
that served as a dining room. For a short period the Chofetz
Chaim's son-in- law, HaRav Menachem Mendel Zaks, was also
with us and his wife would cook our meals. Not only did we
get the benefit of having Rav Menachem there, but we also got
to eat the cooking of the Chofetz Chaim's daughter!
The rov of Lomzhe, HaRav Moshe Shatzkes, was also with us for
a short time. We were there for a total of about nine months
-- until HaRav Aharon Kotler arrived in America. As soon as
he came he began to work at setting up a yeshiva, which
became the famous yeshiva at Lakewood. "There's no time to
spare," he would say repeatedly. "We must begin setting up a
yeshiva right away."
I, too, joined his yeshiva and moved to Lakewood.
HaGaon Rav Aharon Kotler
Rav Aharon was very quick in his shiurim and would
speak very rapidly. When I first came to learn by him, I
simply could not hear what he was saying. He spoke so fast it
took me three weeks to hear him. Although he did not change,
by that time I had grown accustomed to his speech and could
catch his words. Even then, since he was surrounded by
talmidim during the shiur, I had to stand right
next to him or else I had no chance of hearing.
In his great genius, sometimes Rav Aharon would present four
different approaches to clarify a certain halocho in the
Rambam. I remember, for instance, in Bovo Metzia, for
two consecutive shiurim he presented two ways of
understanding the Rambam and explained at length the
advantages and disadvantages of each one: how approach A
would lead to a certain maskonoh, but would create a
certain problem, etc.
His shiurim had high suspense so that if he was
interrupted by a question he did not approve of, he would let
loose a fighting flurry. On more than one occasion he would
cast aspersions and state his objections bluntly.
During my time at Lakewood, there was a bochur named
R' Moshe Eisemann. He and Rav Eliyohu Svei were the best
talmidim at Lakewood back then. R' Eisemann had a very
sharp head and during the shiur on many occasions he
would pose a kushio to Rav Aharon, who would call him
peuer [peasant-farmer].
During the next cycle, about four years later, Rav Aharon
would present the same shiur and R' Moshe Eisemann
would repeat his kushios and reiterate his arguments.
Rav Aharon would again call him a peuer, but he would
not back down. He could not be deterred from stating his
opinion on the Rosh Yeshiva's innovative chidushim.
By the way, Rav Aharon did repeat his shiurim in the
subsequent cycles in order to bring out various additions. I
heard the same shiurim, more or less, on Bovo
Metzia, Shabbos, Gittin and other masechtos in
both cycles.
His tremendous acuity was obvious in each and every
shiur, and even in day-to-day affairs. Besides the
yeshiva he also dealt with communal matters, which in my time
meant primarily the Rescue Committee for European Jewry.
Right after the shiur, he had to go to his office to
answer phone calls from people all over the world. Meanwhile,
talmidim would come into his office wanting to rehash
the shiur that had just ended.
In these situations Rav Aharon displayed extraordinary
ability, handling both simultaneously. He would take part in
the difficult and urgent rescue efforts, while teaching Torah
to his talmidim, mamash at the same time. It
was moradik!
And as long as we're on the subject of communal matters, the
Rosh Yeshiva would also give his talmidim lessons on
hashkofoh. We would often hear him speak against
Lubavitch, claiming they were innovating an independent
religion. Once a newspaper headline announced they were
celebrating Chanukah for seven days because of some kind of
internal matter of theirs, and Rav Aharon held up the
newspaper in front of us saying, "Read this. You see? They're
coming up with a Chanukah of their own!"
Second Part: Rav Moore's memories of Mir Yeshiva
Rav Chaim of Volozhin reputedly said, "The Torah has to be
exiled ten times before the Geulah. First it was
exiled to Bovel, then to North Africa, Egypt, Italy, Spain,
France, Germany, Poland, Lithuania, and it is destined to
find shelter in America, the last Torah center."
The story of Rav Menachem Manes Moore--"Monty" as he was
known to his friends and acquaintances--supports this
assertion. He started his learning at Yeshivas Gateshead,
founded in 5691 (1931). Seeking further growth in Torah he
picked up and went to Yeshivas Mir in Poland. When the War
broke out he transferred to Yeshivas Telz in Lithuania. He
also learned at Kletsk, then operating in exile in the town
of Yanuva.
After a brief glimpse of the world of Kelm he returned to
Yeshivas Mir, which by then had been exiled to Ramigola. When
signs of more trouble came he was forced to flee to Australia
and from there to the U.S. to Yeshivas Torah Vodaas.
"Why should I return to England?!" he exclaimed. "I wanted to
keep growing in Torah!"
With the arrival of HaRav Aharon Kotler to the U.S., Rav
Moore was among his first talmidim at the famous
Yeshivas Lakewood. His is a concise tale of how Torah roamed
in exile until it reached American shores.
Rav Moore's final stop, Gateshead, completed a circle; not
just of a man returning to his boyhood town and birthplace,
but of a ben yeshiva returning to the yeshiva and
kollel benches. Even later as a breadwinner and a
distinguished member of the community he continued to earn
the title of a ben yeshiva plugging away at his
learning, temidim kesidrom until his
We encountered him sitting in the beis medrash as
usual and came to admire him, a tzurvo meirabonon
already past the 70-year mark. He still had the strength to
give and take in rischo deOraisa with the same fervor
and the same frishkeit as he did as a young
bochur at Yeshivas Mir.
Both in his learning and in his tefilloh he would hum
pleasantly just as he did at Mir. His words and actions were
slow and deliberate, "as if counting money."
"On motzei Shabbos I say Havdoloh just like Rav
Chaim Sharshevsky, who would recite Havdoloh every
week at Yeshivas Mir," he told us.
A ben Torah in exile, taking the yeshiva with him
wherever he roams.
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