& Comment
The Demography and the Reality of the Jewish People
The first findings were released last week from the National
Jewish Population Survey (NJPS) 2000-2001. Based on the
latest techniques, generously funded and richly detailed, it
is without a doubt the best picture available of American
Jewry as a whole. Unfortunately, because of the perspective
of those who are behind it, the community that it depicts is
not the Am Hashem, the people of which it is said that
they are one with Hashem and the Torah.
The Jewish population that it studied is an aging, shrinking
population. The median age (the midpoint in the age
distribution) rose from 37 in 1990 to 41 in 2000, meaning
that it increased four years over the past ten. This is the
converse of the fact that there are very few children:
children make up only 19 percent of the population. In the
overall US population, 26 percent are children, and this is
itself a low proportion. Women in the survey who are in their
early 40s have had average of only 1.8 children, which is
significantly below the replacement level of 2.1. The figures
get worse as one considers younger ages. Most of the surveyed
women in their early 30s (52 percent!) had no children, while
in comparison only about a quarter of all American women (27
percent) had no children by that age.
The definition of the Jewish community used in the survey
casts a very wide net. In addition to those who consider
themselves Jewish, it also includes everyone who was born
Jewish and does not consider him or herself to belong to
another religion. This broad definition masks important
internal shifts. Though the overall group declined by only
about three percent, those who continue to identify
themselves as Jewish declined very sharply. (Here we use
figures from the American Jewish Identity Survey (AJIS)
released eight months ago and conducted by some of the same
researchers.) In 1990 about 80 percent said they were Jewish
but only ten years later this figure had fallen to 68
This does not refer to learning Torah or lighting Shabbos
candles, but the most basic identification as being part of
the Jewish people. A person who is not willing, even for a
harmless, anonymous survey, to fully identify as a Jew, is
certainly someone who is "separate from Adas Yisroel,
does not do mitzvos with them and does not identify with
their troubles and does not fast on their fast days, but
rather goes about his business like one of the nations of the
world as if he is not of them [the Jewish people]." This
description is from the Rambam, Hilchos Teshuvoh,
3:11, and it is one of the categories that is not among the
"Yisroel" of whom have a share in Olom Habo.
The sad truth is that more than a quarter of the Jewish
population surveyed by NJPS 2000 does not even claim to have
a Jewish mother. Hundreds of thousands of those who are
married, have a non-Jewish spouse. If we correct for all
those who by word or deed have indicated that they are not
part of the Am Hashem, we are left with less than 2.5 million
in the Jewish community of America.
The true identity of the Jewish people is a mamleches
kohanim vegoy kodosh -- we are the representatives of
Hashem in the world who show the world that there is a
Creator and He has given us the Torah. It is to the hard core
who are fully committed to Torah and mitzvos that the rest
can be added on. This hard core, we well know, is young,
dynamic and growing rapidly. Just how big that hard core is,
we may know better when the full data of NJPS is released in
November. But we should not let all these big numbers obscure
the fact that it is keeping Torah and mitzvos that is the
definition, purpose and focus of the Jewish people.
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