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A Winning Manner and Pure Motivation
Among HaRav Zelig Privalsky's most distinctive traits were
his grace and charm. These typified his speech, his deeds and
his appearance, as well as his immense communal and
educational endeavors, even as he grappled with the
tremendous challenges of his time that this work entailed.
This is how Rav Shlomo Lorincz recalls Reb Zelig, with whom
he became closely acquainted sixty years ago through their
joint educational work within the Zeirei Agudas Yisroel
movement and in the chareidi educational system, to which Reb
Zelig devoted himself, heart and soul.
"Owing to his wonderful pleasantness, the influence he
wielded was powerful and highly beneficial. This was besides
his other qualities, for he also possessed a keen and
straight mind and was a genuine ben Torah. There was
always a smile on his lips and an agreeableness and good
cheer about everything that he did, which assured him success
in carrying his point," Rav Lorincz remembers. "He was not
one for noise or loud talk; his way was that of pleasantness
and grace, as the posuk says about Noach: `And Noach
found favor in Hashem's eyes' (Bereishis 6:8), which
led to his being saved from the Flood.
"Finding favor in the eyes of our fellow men is a very
special quality. Based on the posuk in Mishlei
(3:4) we ask, `May we find favor and soundness of mind (i.e.
acceptance) in the eyes of Hashem and man.' I can tell you,"
says Rav Lorincz, "that Rav Zelig Privalsky zt'l,
merited finding favor in the eyes of other people, too. This
was especially true with regard to his position as chairman
of the Union of Teachers of Agudas Yisroel, a job that was
extremely difficult to handle in the circumstances. His
success was due to his endearing manner of speaking, his
geniality and his broad, hearty smile.
"I would often meet him at the home of the Brisker Rov
zt'l whom he would consult about every step that he
took in life," Rav Lorincz notes. "The Rov befriended him
because he knew that he accepted the advice he gave and that
his motivation was one hundred percent pure.
"One of the most formidable dilemmas about which he consulted
the Rov concerned the dire financial plight of the Agudah
teachers. Their position was extremely precarious in those
days because of the chronic delays in the payment of their
salaries. When things became absolutely unbearable, the idea
of declaring a teachers' strike was proposed. Rav Privalsky
broached this question on one of his visits to the Rov. As
far as I remember," Rav Lorincz says, "the Brisker Rov ruled
that only if there was no other option and with great
reluctance could a strike be held that would affect the
general studies but under no circumstances might it affect
the students' limudei kodesh."
The Battle Relocates
During the fateful years of the Second World War and the pre-
State period immediately afterwards, Rav Zelig Privalsky was
renowned as one of the foremost pioneers of Torah and
chareidi education in Eretz Yisroel, as he had been known in
Europe for a decade beforehand. He left a major imprint on
the foundations that were then being laid for the chareidi
community that would soon grow in Eretz Yisroel under the new
conditions that were unfolding.
He belonged to a cadre of bnei Torah that first
devoted years to learning Torah in yeshivos and
kollelim and then became involved in Torah education.
They had sharp minds and were keenly aware of the realities
and the spiritual hazards of their time. This group formed
the core around which chareidi communal life was beginning to
take shape in what was dubbed `the new yishuv.' This
name was given to the budding chareidi communities in the new
cities to distinguish them from the yishuv hayoshon,
the veteran `old yishuv' community in Yerushalayim,
that had already accumulated much hard-won experience in
preserving its integrity in the face of spiritually hostile
It is hard to properly evaluate Reb Zelig's contribution or
that of his colleagues, without appreciating something of the
volatility of the times and the crucial nature of the
decisions that had to be taken and acted upon. Even in the
most tranquil of times, Torah education is a holy mission
that involves laying down foundations for generations to
come. A talmid's character and aspirations are
carefully shaped, to prepare him for a life of studying Torah
and fulfilling mitzvos while he grapples with life's
challenges. In those years, however, the training of
talmidim whose main aim in life would be Torah study
had significance beyond the realm of the individual. It
involved the laying of foundations for a chareidi community
that needed to be spiritually robust so that it would be able
to maintain itself and survive far into the future.
The times were among the most tragic that our nation has
known, both materially and spiritually. European Jewry had
been all but wiped out, while in Eretz Yisroel the groundwork
was being laid for the establishment of a state under secular
leadership. Chareidi Jewry had to find a way to survive
within this framework, without capitulating to the demands of
those who had cut themselves off from their nation's past but
in whose hands all the power and resources were
The episode involving the Yaldei Teheran served as the first
indication of the ultimate aims of the secular groups. This
experience later repeated itself with the huge aliyot
of Jewish communities from the Arab lands that took place
in the State's early years. The fate of the Yaldei Teheran
became a symbol of secular leadership's aim of tearing the
young generation away from its heritage, shrinking from no
means that was available to them in order to do so.
The Teheran Children were young Ashkenazic orphans who had
been miraculously saved from extermination in Europe. A large
majority of them were the offspring of devout, observant
parents yet when they arrived in Eretz Yisroel they were
forcibly sent to secular institutions affiliated with the
Zionist Youth Aliya organization, or to irreligious
kibbutzim, where they were compelled to adopt a
secular way of life. All the pleas and entreaties of the
religious groups that the children be allowed to continue
living in the way that they had been raised in their parents'
homes fell on the deaf ears of the irreligious functionaries
who had been assigned to making provision for the children's
futures. They faithfully implemented the program that the
Jewish Agency and the yishuv's secular leaders had
Astride Two Worlds
This was the cauldron into which Reb Zelig was cast when he
arrived in Eretz Yisroel as a twenty-year-old bochur,
after having been saved himself from the European inferno. He
was a native of Grodno, in Lithuanian Poland, where he had
learned, first in cheder, then in mechinah and
then in the renowned Yeshivas Shaar Hatorah led by the
gaon HaRav Shimon Shkop zt'l, whose talmid
he became.
As an outstanding young ben Torah, his leanings toward
communal involvement were already apparent in his
chairmanship of the local Pirchei Agudas Yisroel. His
wandering began when he was only eighteen, with the outbreak
of the war. Reb Zelig was one of the thousands of bnei
Torah who flocked to Reb Chaim Ozer Grodzensky
zt'l in Vilna in the war's first months.
Thanks to the recommendation of Rav Yosef Shub zt'l
Hy'd, the capable secretary of Vaad Hayeshivos, who
achieved great things under Reb Chaim Ozer's stewardship, Reb
Zelig received one of the only five certificates for
aliyah to Eretz Yisroel that had been allotted to
Agudas Yisroel. This saved him from Europe, though his
wartime journey to Eretz Yisroel via Russia and Turkey was
far from smooth.
Arriving in Eretz Yisroel, he returned to yeshiva, joining
the Lomzhe Yeshiva in Petach Tikva where he applied himself
to intensive learning. Shortly afterwards, he was among the
seven talmidim with whom the Ponovezher Rov opened his
new yeshiva in Bnei Brak. In later life, Reb Zelig would
often speak about the powerful impressions his spiritual
mentors had made upon him, amongst whom were HaRav Nochum
Abba Grosbard zt'l, mashgiach in Lomzhe and Ponevezh,
HaRav Eliyohu Dessler zt'l and HaRav Chatzkel
Levenstein zt'l, mashgichim in Ponevezh.
After his marriage to his Rebbetzin, who was from a
rabbinical family from Telz, he continued learning in Kollel
Chazon Ish. At this time, he grew very close to the Chazon
Ish, becoming greatly influenced by his approach to learning
and by many of his other ideas.
At the same time, he also took an interest in the needs of
the chareidi community, heightening his awareness of its
problems and needs. He found broad scope for Torah and
educational work in this area, working within the Zeirei
Agudas Yisroel movement, among whose founders and policy
shapers he is numbered. He engaged in this work together with
several other talmidei chachomim, under the close
guidance of the Chazon Ish.
A Gifted Educator
Once Reb Zelig had decided that at that time, the field of
chinuch was the area that most needed Torah activism
in order to stand firm in the face of the deluge of heresy
that was incarnated in the State, with all the power and
apparatus that it commanded, he threw himself wholly into
this work. He was immediately recognized as a powerful force
in education. He made full use of an array of talents in
practical teaching that rendered him a superlative educator.
He conveyed to his pupils the best of all that he had
absorbed from his own great mentors.
One of Reb Zelig's talmidim, who learned with him in
seventh grade in a talmud Torah in Tel Aviv, recalls
that, "He was the best rebbe that I had. He had a
wonderful gift for explanation, which provoked his students
to fully utilize their own powers of comprehension, raising
them to very high levels."
He did not rest with this but became one of the shapers of
the emerging Agudah educational system. He formed the Union
of Agudas Yisroel Teachers so that the teachers would not
have to be subservient to other, secular professional
organizations, and served as its chairman for a number of
years. With the Chazon Ish's encouragement, he took part in
the founding of Chinuch Atzmai in Eretz Yisroel and worked
untiringly to ensure that Torah institutions in settlements
all over the country joined the organization.
During Reb Zelig's chairmanship, the union of Agudah teachers
went through one of its most difficult periods with regard to
wages and elementary workers' rights. Payment of the
teachers' monthly salaries could not be taken for granted. It
happened more than once that salaries were not paid for
several months at a time. While the teachers in the Chinuch
Atzmai and Bais Yaakov schools were very highly motivated and
saw their calling as a sacred trust, they needed their salary
to support their own families. On the other hand, it was hard
to point the finger of blame anywhere, due to the nature of
the country's educational system.
Sacrifice for Torah Chinuch
Chinuch Atzmai was an outgrowth of what had been known as
`the Fourth Stream.' This was closed down when the government
decided to abolish the old system wherein the major political-
religious groupings controlled their own educational
institutions, and introduce a unified educational system
under government control. The educational "streams" run by
the Labor Movement, the General Zionist Stream and the
"independent" Mizrachi and Agudah streams, ceased to
Gedolei Yisroel shrank at the prospect of becoming
part of the governmental educational system as though from
fire. They also unequivocally rejected the solution that the
Mizrachi adopted, of joining the general system (as
"mamlachti dati") under the auspices of a Department
of Religious Education, whose structure and educational
programs were controlled by the Ministry of Education and
The Torah leaders then decided that an independent
educational system, outside the government structure, would
have to be established. Only sixty percent of the budget
would be covered by the State. The rest of the money would
have to be raised through private means, by appealing to
donors in Eretz Yisroel and abroad. In practice, the amount
that needed to be raised exceeded forty percent, because the
government's contribution was based on the expenses of the
standard State education. Chinuch Atzmai on the other hand,
had special needs owing for example, to the separation
between boys and girls and to the imperative of maintaining
Torah schools in rural areas and far off settlements, even
though the number of students did not meet the legal
This soon became a chronic problem. Teachers would leave for
work each morning, some of them making exhausting trips to
teach in distant locations, while Chinuch Atzmai's bank
account was empty. HaRav Zalman Sorotzkin zt'l and the
other gedolim who led Chinuch Atzmai, made valiant
efforts to bridge the gap. Urgent telegrams would be
despatched to gedolei Yisroel overseas, who undertook
the necessary but tiring fundraising work. At the end of the
day though, there still remained a shortfall.
At the helm of the Union of Agudah Teachers stood Reb Zelig,
who, while he was every inch a ben Torah and faithful
to gedolei Yisroel, was utterly torn by the situation.
On the one hand, there could be no compromise in the struggle
to provide authentic Torah education for all who desired it,
while on the other, the cries of the teachers that they
should at least receive their meager salaries, were
understandable and wholly justified.
This was the background to the aforementioned proposal to
hold a teachers' strike, in the hope that this would make the
necessary impression on the community at large and engender
broader financial support for Chinuch Atzmai. When Reb Zelig
put this proposal to him however, the Brisker Rov ruled that
it was out of the question for limudei kodesh to be
interrupted by a strike. It was Reb Zelig's task to tell the
teachers that they had to continue working. With his
refinement and his powers of persuasion, he somehow succeeded
in calming everyone's spirits and the idea was dropped.
The Future Beckons
The next challenge that Reb Zelig took up was also in the
field of education but in a distant and unexpected arena --
Sao Paolo, Brazil -- that came as a surprise even to him.
Here though, he was revealed in his full stature as a
visionary and a leader. Having settled in Eretz Yisroel, he
had never dreamed of leaving for no matter how sublime a
calling. However, Hashgochoh willed otherwise.
At the fourth Knessia Gedolah that was held in Yerushalayim
in the summer of 5714 (1954), several of the delegates from
Brazil raised a hue and cry about the dismal state of Jewish
education in their country. They begged for suitable
personnel to be sent to them, to attempt to salvage whatever
could still be saved from the crumbling Jewish educational
system there.
Two years later, concrete steps were afoot to make this
happen. One of the leaders of the chareidi community in
Brazil, the well-known activist and donor, R' Binyamin Citron
z'l, personally appealed to Reb Zelig and asked him to
undertake the mission. Reb Zelig tried to put him off but R'
Citron and his colleagues maintained their pressure on him.
Ultimately, Reb Zelig resolved that the Brisker Rov, whose
advice he had always followed unquestioningly, should have
the final say on the matter.
He later told friends that he was sure that the Rov, whose
views on chutz la'aretz were well known, would
encourage him to remain in Eretz Yisroel. However, he
received a very different response. The Rov gave him his
blessing to go and wished him success.
This was not enough for Reb Zelig. He imagined that the
answer he had received might not have been so clear after
all. He therefore asked the Rov's son to put his question to
his father once again. Should he travel to Brazil to set
chareidi education there on its feet again, or should he stay
in Eretz Yisroel and continue his holy work for Torah
education? The Rov repeated his positive response to the
proposal that he leave and again added his blessings for
Reb Zelig wanted to hear what Reb Chatzkel Levenstein had to
say on the subject and he received a further surprise when
the Mashgiach gave his blessings and even added two
pieces of advice. First, he told him to start looking for a
replacement immediately upon arriving in Brazil so that he
would be able to return to Eretz Yisroel quickly and second,
he recommended that the family not alter the standard of
living to which they had become accustomed in Bnei Brak.
Torah Revolution in Brazil
Once it was apparent that Heaven intended him to go to
Brazil, Reb Zelig accepted the offer, took his family and a
team of veteran teachers from Agudah schools and set out for
Sao Paolo. Upon their arrival, they could immediately see the
urgency of the situation. They found the educational
institution -- Beis Chinuch -- that had been operating until
then, in a sorry state spiritually. Several hundred boys and
girls learned in mixed classes, taught by teachers whose own
Yiddishkeit was very weak.
Reb Zelig and his team embarked on a thorough reorganization
of the place, which was henceforth known as Mercaz Hachinuch
Hachareidi. They restructured the institution and divided it
into several departments. There was a general Talmud Torah
for boys, named Beis Chinuch; a religious high school named
Yavneh; a yeshiva ketanoh for the sons of the chareidi
families, named Chofetz Chaim; a Bais Yaakov seminary; and
kindergartens for the young children.
Within a short time, the Jewish community of Sao Paolo felt
that there had been a tremendous spiritual turnabout. The
results were colossal and can still be felt today, even after
the passage of twenty-five years. Despite the fact that
eighty-five percent of the parents of the students were
irreligious, the institutions turned out class after class of
boys and girls with profound awareness of Judaism and of
Torah, who aspired to live fully Jewish lives. Many of them
also brought about revolutionary changes in the lifestyles of
their parents, most of whom were survivors of the war, who
had been completely uprooted from both their physical and
spiritual roots. As a result of Reb Zelig's influence, many
of the graduates decided to travel to yeshivos in Eretz
Yisroel or America and many of the girls also left to
continue learning in Bais Yaakov seminaries in Eretz Yisroel
or America. These young people went on to establish fine
Torah homes.
After ten years of fruitful work, the Mercaz was hit by a
crisis. R' Binyomin Citron passed away and control of the
institutions passed into different hands, leading to a change
in the general atmosphere. Although this was an extremely
difficult period for Reb Zelig, his sterling character was
most apparent in his handling of the new situation. It was
quite clear to him that with the shift away from the ideology
charted by gedolei Yisroel, this was no longer the
place for him. With his typical nobility of bearing however,
he refrained from making any public comment or reaction but
immediately resigned his position and source of livelihood,
without being overly concerned about the consequences for his
and his family's future.
The Brazilian chareidim were not so willing to let him go,
however. On the initiative of the honorable R' Feish
Moskowitz z'l, and owing to his generosity and that of
other members of the chareidi community, the Bais Yaakov
seminary was reinforced. It grew in both quality and
quantity, to become one of the finest institutions in South
America. Some time later, Reb Zelig also took charge of the
Bais Yaakov elementary school, which his rebbetzin
tlct'a, ran. Owing to the reputation that Reb Zelig
enjoyed among the community at large, girls from every type
of background came to learn in the seminary, from both
Sephardi and Ashkenazi homes, from chassidishe circles
to the modern orthodox groups. Students of the seminary were
renowned for their exemplary conduct, their yiras
Shomayim, their modesty, their broad Jewish knowledge and
their fine character.
Source of Inspiration and Instruction
The educational work over which Reb Zelig presided literally
amounted to "making neshomos" and his influence was
evident in its every facet. Even when thrust headlong into
the turbulent waters of educational and communal affairs, he
remained a consummate talmid chochom and an
outstanding mussar personality. He put constant effort
into directing his thoughts Heavenwards in all that he did.
He always remembered the Rambam's words in Hilchos
Teshuvoh, that every good deed has the power to tip the
balance upon which the entire world hangs, to the side of
One could discern his constant awareness of the Nefesh
Hachaim's remarks about the power of people's thoughts,
speech and deeds to have profound and far-reaching effects in
the Upper Worlds. He was proof that it was not only possible
to live on this level while one remained within the walls of
the beis hamedrash. It could be done even while
involved with the tumult and clamor of everyday life and even
in a land like Brazil, that was far from being a mokom
This was an eye-opener for many people. Even here, one could
encounter a Yid whose heart beat to the rhythm of the
teachings of Mesillas Yeshorim and Rabbenu Yonah. At
his table one could hear the words of the great contemporary
mussar teachers repeated and his every movement and
utterance were expressions of mussar wisdom. Every
word was measured. Despite being a gifted orator, he would
keep public addresses brief. His letters to family members
never contained trivialities. They would always contain
divrei Torah, messages of encouragement and pure-
hearted personal blessings.
He embodied spirituality. He showed how every facet of life
could be dedicated to Hashem's service. This was the
inspiration that one took from seeing him pray. There was no
such thing as a routine prayer. He uttered the words calmly
and measuredly, with feeling and awareness but without
storming, in keeping with the training he had received from
his teachers. It was instructive just to watch him. One could
feel that he was standing before his Creator as a servant
stands before his master. Yom Kippur was the exception -- on
reaching the piyut Eileh Ezkeroh describing the deaths
ten martyred sages, his pure spirit burst forth in all its
depth and beauty, in an outpouring of tears, moans and
Haven of Hospitality
Another respect in which Reb Zelig and his Rebbetzin
tlct'a, excelled was their tzedokoh and their
kindness and hospitality towards others. Following their
marriage they occupied a one-and-a- half room apartment with
wooden crates serving as their furniture but they still
hosted guests to the best of their ability.
This practice continued even when their children were born.
The place was never too small for a guest. The children would
sleep on the floor temporarily, so that there would be enough
beds for the visitors. Their home was always a haven where
troubled souls could find help and advice. It was the address
from which fundraising drives for all manner of public needs,
for support of yeshivos and kollelim and for other
worthy causes, were organized. More than a few
chassonim left for their chuppos from the
Privalskys' home and many more individuals who frequented
their house felt themselves akin to family.
Privacy was Reb Zelig's watchword in the assistance that he
extended to others. Nobody knew to whom he had lent money or
for whom he had acted as guarantor. On those occasions when a
borrower came to him to apologize for tardiness in repaying a
loan, Reb Zelig would simply respond, "It's quite alright.
I'll let you know when I need it!"
A Living Spirit
Sadly, Reb Zelig passed away in the prime of his life
following a serious illness, on the twentieth of Menachem Av
5738 (1978) when he was just fifty-five years old. Throughout
his twenty-two years in Brazil, he retained his ties to Eretz
Yisroel. He visited frequently, utilizing his trips for
conducting important missions and also as a means of being of
assistance to others.
His profound impact is attested to by the fact that even
today, twenty-five years after his petiroh, his name
is still highly revered among Brazilian Jewry. In the words
of Rav Eliyohu Boruch Waldt, rov of Sao Paolo: "Although it
is decreed that the memory of the deceased shall fade, this
is only said of a person who did not achieve anything in his
lifetime and did not leave any memorial behind. It is
different in the case of a person who was active and who
accomplished things, who built and who elevated [in the
course of his involvement] with Torah and the education of
Jewish children.
"He sacrificed himself for spreading Torah and yiras
Shomayim throughout his life, both in Eretz Yisroel and
during the years of his exile when he came here to Brazil on
the instructions of gedolei Yisroel. It is impossible
to say that he has been forgotten. Chazal's statement that,
`Tzadikim [even] in their deaths, are referred to as
living' applies to him."
Rav Waldt writes further, "To this day, one meets
avreichim, worthy householders [and] communal leaders,
who say that they still remember the good old days when they
received an elementary education that was rooted in love,
affection and selflessness. In the first perek of
Ovos, the mishnah tells us that, `Moshe
received the Torah from Sinai and transmitted it to Yehoshua
. . .' Moshe Rabbenu knew the great secret of chinuch -
- Torah and yiras Shomayim cannot be `given' to
someone else. They have to be transmitted selflessly on the
part of the transmitter. Reb Zelig z'l, was such a
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