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The Lev L'Achim convention held two weeks ago in Bnei Brak
was permeated with the kind of mix of joy and trepidation
that often emanates from true avodas Hashem. Joy at
the achievements of the year gone by, and trepidation in the
face of the giant challenges that lie ahead.
Convinced that even the most estranged Jewish heart harbors a
shining soul, Lev L'Achim has once again mapped a course to
reach out to every lost Jew throughout Eretz Yisroel.
The Greatest Mitzva
On Wednesday afternoon, 28 Nisan/April 30, thousands of Lev
L'Achim employees and volunteers flooded the stairs and
hallways of the Malchei Dovid Conference Hall in Bnei Brak.
It was heartwarming to watch as the vast main auditorium
slowly filled with avreichim who have dedicated at
least one night every week to knocking at the doors of non-
religious Jews, often braving insults and disparagement,
thereby taking an active part in Lev L'Achim's vital
I glanced at the evening's program and took note of the two
primary goals of the convention: to hear the word of Hashem
from the mouths of the gedolei hador, and to make a
public accounting of the past year and plan for the
Also printed on the program was the Chofetz Chaim's urgent
request in his sefer Chomas Hadas, a request that Lev
L'Achim is doing its utmost to fulfill now, a century
"The Rambam rules," wrote the Chofetz Chaim, "that the mitzva
of loving Hashem also includes the obligation to call upon
other people to serve Hashem and to believe in Him.
Therefore, in our time when there are breaches on every side,
it is a great mitzva for every town to have an association of
G-d-fearing men to strengthen the faith with all their might,
and this is a shield against every tribulation."
HaRav Yosef Sholom Eliashiv echoed this message just before
the recent American-led war against Iraq, when HaRav
Mattisyahu Solomon, Mashgiach of Beth Medrash Govoha of
Lakewood, flew to Eretz Yisroel for one day and asked him how
American Jewry should spiritually fortify itself in the
fearful days ahead.
"Go and tell them to give support to Lev L'Achim," replied
HaRav Eliashiv. "If they want to be saved from the chavlei
Moshiach they should give to Lev L'Achim."
Mi Lechaim Umi Lemovess
Outside the auditorium I seized the opportunity to speak with
Rabbi Ephraim Paktor, Lev L'Achim's supervisor in the center
of the country. He told me about Lev L'Achim's renowned
annual school enrollment campaign.
"Each year, hundreds of thousands of Israeli children start
school for the first time or change schools, and this year we
are in a race against time," he said. "By the first of
September it will be decided Mi lechaim umi lemovess,
Who is destined for life and whom for death -- which children
will be enrolled in schools that teach heresy and which ones
will enter schools that teach the age-old ways of
"Last year," he continued, "we pinpointed ten thousand
families that were vacillating between the two alternatives
and made sure our volunteers reached them in time to nudge
them in the right direction. We had astounding success and
out of those ten thousand families, eight thousand sent their
children to Torah- true schools!"
Our chat was suddenly interrupted by the strident ringing of
Rabbi Paktor's cell phone. He pressed the OK button and
listened intently.
"Yes! One pair of tefillin? No problem. I'll get it to
you by tomorrow. Good-bye."
"That call was about another of our projects," Rabbi Paktor
explained matter-of-factly. "After helping people back to
their roots we don't leave them alone in the deep end. We
provide financial help for families that cannot afford the
expenses their new lifestyle entails, and hundreds of
tefillin are provided free of charge each year."
I asked Rabbi Paktor to tell me more about Lev L'Achim's
other projects, and he directed me to the evening's program.
There I saw descriptions of its many programs and services,
including the school enrollment division, the Door-to-Door
Program, the evening kollelim, the Lev Shomeia
division for at-risk youth, the midrashot for women,
and the anti- missionary division. The list went on and on.
As I scanned the list, it dawned on me that each of its items
easily deserved an organization all to itself.
$10 for Shema Yisroel
By then the vast audience was seated and a hush fell over the
audience as Rabbi Menachem Cohen, the General Director of Lev
L'Achim, strode up to the microphone. He began talking about
two subjects that set the theme for the entire evening:
facing the challenges presented by Israel's new ultra-secular
government, and the infinite patience and dedication that
kiruv work demands.
Rav Cohen said that people fail to realize just how far many
Israeli Jews are from their roots.
"A delegation of American rabbonim visited Eretz some time
ago," he said, "and as we were traveling up north I started
describing the dire situation in this country. One rov
complained that I was being motzi sheim ra; things
simply couldn't be that bad.
"Then, we arrived at the public school in Migdal Ha'emek and
in one class I asked if any child knew how to recite Shema
Yisroel. The response: dead silence.
"`Ten dollars to whoever knows Shema Yisroel,' I
promised. Still, complete silence. Tears began trickling down
that rov's face.
"And I'm not sure if the teachers of those children knew much
more than their students," concluded Rav Cohen.
The next speaker, Rabbi Yonoson Haber, addressed a problem
that is common within an organization that believes in
appealing to people's inner souls with a "kol demomoh
dakoh," rather than with quick, knee- jerk formulas.
When results are long in coming, said Rav Haber, a
volunteer's initial "bren" begins to fade. Rav Haber
discussed techniques to combat this problem, which many in
the audience found quite useful.
Boring a Hole in the Toughest Rock
I took the opportunity to get some fresh air and investigate
a little more about the details of Lev L'Achim's work. At the
auditorium exit I brushed past a neighbor of mine, Naftoli
S., who is an unassuming type and not someone I imagined
would be suited to storm people's private fortresses in the
dead of night and offer to learn Torah with them. True to his
nature, Naftoli played down his involvement in Lev L'Achim's
"I've been visiting a family for the past six months," he
told me, "but not too much has happened yet."
"Have you achieved any concrete change?" I asked him.
"Well," he replied, "they did send one of their daughters to
a Torah school."
"Is that all?" I asked.
"Well, they also decided to send three of their sons to
frum schools."
"That's what you call `not too much'?" I laughed.
Another volunteer, Yerachmiel D., told me that the father of
the family he regularly visits didn't even bother to wear a
shirt during their initial meetings. Although the man was
happy to discuss Yiddishkeit, weeks passed with no
discernible difference in his behavior. Then one day out of
the blue he announced, "I'd like our son to switch to a
frum school."
"Maybe you should start doing something, too," said the man's
wife with a smile.
After listening to Yerachmiel's story, I began to understand
that Lev L'Achim's work is often like the steady dripping of
water. It may take a while, but eventually that water will
bore a hole in even the toughest of rocks.
Back in the auditorium, HaRav Menachem Stein, rosh
yeshivas Nachalas Dovid, was addressing the audience on
just this subject. He emphasized how vital it is for the
volunteers to retain contact with newly frum families
and help them continue to make the choices that will most
enrich their lives.
Time for Halacha
HaRav Yitzchok Zilberstein, the noted posek and son-in-
law of Rav Eliashiv, then took the podium and in his
inimitable style proceeded to answer a number of halacha
shailos that had cropped up in the course of Lev
L'Achim's activities over the past year.
The vast audience was fascinated by his deep insight and the
effervescent tales that illustrated his answers to
shailos, such as whether a worker can exchange his
Shabbos shift with another Jew who is not religious, and what
happens if a convert admits that his conversion was not
lesheim Shomayim but only in order to marry a Jew.
Even after HaRav Zilberstein's droshoh came to a
close, members of the audience were still having a lively
debate with him concerning some of the various points he had
Then, the excitement in the auditorium rose to fever pitch as
whispers went around that the gedolei hador were about
to enter the room. It took the gedolim 15 minutes to
reach their seats as the crowd pressed forward.
Now began the highlight of the evening, for which hundreds of
people had traveled from throughout Eretz Yisroel -- from
Beer Sheva in the south and Tzefas in the north -- to see the
gedolim and hear their words of guidance and
encouragement. Even after the gedolim finally took
their seats it took several minutes for everyone to quiet
The Gedolim Speak
Each year HaRav Shmuel Halevi Wosner opens the Lev L'Achim
convention with divrei brochoh. This year he wasn't
able to attend, but he sent the following greeting: "With joy
in my heart I hear that Lev L'Achim, the pursuers of mitzvos
par excellence, are once more gathered together for
mutual chizuk and kiruv levovos with gedolim
and tzaddikim at their head.
"May all their yearning and efforts in honor of the Torah
bear success, for greater is he who influences others to do
mitzvos than he who merely does them himself. May you be
blessed with every success."
HaRav Michel Yehuda Lefkowitz then rose to the podium. He
began his address by quoting the famous Chovos Halevovos
that few are those who deserve perfect reward for their
Torah and mitzvos alone, because who is the person whose
mitzvos have been done with the pure perfection deserving of
eternal reward?
The chief way to remedy this, the Chovos Halevovos says, is
to influence others to go in the ways of Hashem, as it says,
"Umatzdikei horabbim kekochovim le'olom vo'ed, Those
who bring to merit the many are like the stars forever."
However, even then it is only through Hashem's chesed
that one reaches the World to Come.
HaRav Lefkowitz also cited the gemara that says, "Any
talmid chochom who learns with great effort (mitoch
hadechak) will merit that his prayer is heeded" (Sota
"Nowadays," said HaRav Lefkowitz, "this concept of learning
mitoch dechak is largely forgotten. What is the
connection between learning mitoch dechak and one's
prayers being heeded?
"It is an important rule that this World and the World to
Come are diametrically opposed. The World to Come is acquired
in this World by enlisting the body to serve Hashem, and the
epitome of this is learning Torah mitoch dechak. But
when Torah is, chas vesholom, not learned mitoch
dechak, it means that the body is being pandered to and
the body is an absolute barrier of steel between us and
Hashem. Learning mitoch dechak leads to one's prayers
being heeded because Hashem yearns for the prayers of the
HaRav Lefkowitz concluded his remarks by saving that Klal
Yisroel is now living in "a time of war against the Torah
and Hashem.
"Our salvation," said HaRav Lefkowitz, "lies in beginning to
learn Torah mitoch dechak as we have been told by
Chazal. May Hashem inspire us with sanctity and purity and
may we soon dance together in the joy of Torah and
HaRav Lefkowitz was followed by HaRav Nissim Karelitz, who
quoted the Torah's curse, "Orur asher lo yokim es divrei
haTorah hazos la'asos osom, Cursed is he who does not
uphold the words of the Torah to do them," and pointed out
that the opposite is also true: those who uphold the Torah
will receive the Torah's blessing.
"The Yerushalmi," said HaRav Karelitz, "says that King
Chizkiyohu declared concerning this verse, `It is upon me to
uphold it.' In other words, someone who personally keeps the
Torah still has the responsibility to uphold it and ensure
that it is kept by others. In our time, when there is no
king, it is up to each individual to do everything in his
power to influence others to be shomer Torah and bring
back children to Yiddishkeit.
"Lev L'Achim," he concluded, "is the paradigm of the
fulfillment of this mitzva."
No Greater Kiddush Hashem
Next to speak was HaRav Aharon Feldman, rosh yeshiva
of Yeshivas Ner Yisroel of Baltimore.
"I cannot imagine a greater kiddush Hashem than this
convention," said HaRav Feldman, "because kiddush Hashem
means preventing chillul Hashem, and there is no
greater chillul Hashem than the situation of our time
where the majority of Klal Yisroel knows nothing of
Torah and mitzvos. Therefore, the fight against this
phenomenon is the greatest kiddush Hashem."
HaRav Feldman added that three things must be taken into
account when one is trying to be mekarev others: The
person one is trying to reach, the means of persuasion, and
the actions of the person himself who is doing the
"Concerning those we are trying to influence," he said,
"every Jew deep down wants to be close to Hashem, as it says,
`Vayorach Yitzchok es rei'ach begodov vayevoracheihu,'
and the midrash explains, `Vayorach es rei'ach
bogdov, he smelled the odor of his traitors.' Sensing
that even the most traitorous Jews were but one step from
repentance, Yitzchok included them in his blessing to
"Concerning our means of persuasion, the Torah, I heard from
a certain godol that the Chofetz Chaim once quoted
Yeshaya's verse that just as the rain does not return
to the heavens without making things grow, so Hashem's Word
does not return until it has done its task. He said that this
means that words of Torah automatically influence whoever
hears them, and therefore one should never be discouraged
because every word of Torah taught has its effect."
HaRav Feldman pointed out that the Chofetz Chaim even added
that because of the inherent sanctity of Torah, one should
quote the words of Chazal verbatim and only afterwards
translate and explain them.
According to HaRav Feldman, in the third category -- the
actions of the person doing the influencing -- the greater
the strength of his belief and faith, the more effective his
influence will be.
To illustrate this point, HaRav Feldman told the story of a
Jew in Radin who suddenly began opening his shop on Shabbos.
The Chofetz Chaim wanted to meet with the man to discuss the
matter with him, but he repeatedly refused.
"Tell him I just want to say two words to him," said the
Chofetz Chaim.
When the meeting finally took place, the Chofetz Chaim seized
the man's hand and said, "Oy, Shabbos!"
Those two words were so powerful that from then on, the man
never again opened his shop on Shabbos.
"The greater our unity and kabolas Ol Malchus
Shomayim," concluded HaRav Feldman, "the more will we be
able to influence others."
HaRav Yechiel Michel Feinstein then took the podium and
praised Lev L'Achim's workers and volunteers for their
dedication to saving their brothers from the be'er
shachas and bringing them and all their future
descendants under the wings of the holy Torah.
"May you go in this strength and enroll ever more souls to
Torah schools," he concluded.
Greetings from HaRav Chaim Kanievsky were then read: "Now
especially, when our enemies are forging decrees against
Torah study and endangering the dwellers of the Holy Land by
weakening the Torah that shields and saves, the merit of Lev
L'Achim, the emissaries of the Torah sages, is greater than
ever. May Hashem reward you with life, progeny and
HaRav Nosson Tzvi Finkel, rosh yeshiva of Yeshivas Mir
Yerushalayim, was too ill to attend the event, but he also
sent his blessings for every future success.
A Gift We Can Give Hashem
The next speaker, HaRav Yaakov Hillel, rosh yeshivas Ahavat
Shalom, quoted the Chasam Sofer who says that the greatest
proof that Avraham's deeds were for the sake of Hashem was
that he was willing to leave the Shechina that had
come to visit him in order to attend to the needs of his
three visitors.
Similarly, said HaRav Hillel, those who give up their time to
help others return to the Torah "will be blessed with
spiritual success and their learning will rise from strength
to strength."
Rav Boruch Shapira, one of Lev L'Achim's managing directors,
then read the blessings of HaRav Eliashiv, who wrote that in
our time when decrees are being made to weaken the Torah, it
is especially vital to publicly make a kiddush
HaRav Moshe Shmuel Shapiro, rosh yeshivas Be'er
Yaakov, then rose to the podium. He discussed the Chovos
Halevovos that says that a person who does mitzvos
himself is like a peddler who sells things one by one. How
much profit can he make? Someone who encourages other people
to do mitzvos is like a wholesaler who can swiftly make a
The final speaker was HaRav Aharon Leib Steinman.
"So many Jews were killed in the recent past," he said, "but
after everything, Hashem has not deserted us and lomdei
Torah have increased by leaps and bounds. What can we
give Hashem in return? Chazal say that everything is in the
hands of Hashem except the fear of Heaven. That alone is the
gift we can give Him.
"To this end Lev L'Achim is striving with all its might and
may they merit to bring back thousands and tens of thousands
to the Torah."
The vast crowd stood in silent respect as the gedolim
filed out of the hall. During the intermission that
followed, I solved a problem that had been nagging at the
back of my mind all evening. Where were all the baalei
teshuva drawn back to Yiddishkeit by Lev
After I was introduced to HaRav Dror Sasson, I discovered
that they'd been surrounding me all the time.
Lev L'Achim's Fruits
Before me stood an avreich exuding an air of humility
and wisdom befitting someone who spent his earlier years in
cheder and never set foot out of the beis midrash.
But what I quickly learned was that Rav Dror had never
attended a shiur in his life until the evening "two
angels," as he now calls them, knocked at the door of his
fourth-floor apartment in French Hill, Yerushalayim.
"I felt bad refusing to let them in after they'd walked up
four flights," Rav Dror told me, "so I reluctantly let them
in. We began talking and for the first time in my life the
idea entered my head that perhaps the Torah may have meaning
for me after all. Not that I was absolutely convinced by any
means. After six months of weekly visits I'd still hardly
budged an inch. But I was very interested in continuing the
"When I got a weekend's leave from my high-tech job, my wife
and I agreed to spend a weekend at an outreach seminar.
`It'll be a good opportunity to catch up some sleep,' I told
my wife, `and we can skip most of the lectures.'
"But things didn't turn out that way. We were so captivated
that we stayed to hear every one of the lectures, and back
home I began putting on tefillin when I had the
mornings off after night shift.
"Mitzva goreres mitzva. A few years ago I started
learning full time, and I see that Hashem is helping me every
inch of the way because I have fewer debts now than when I
was working double shifts in my high-tech job."
We Are At War
After the intermission I was nervous that things would be
anticlimactic because the gedolim had already left.
But I was in for a surprise. HaRav Chizkiyohu Mishkovsky,
mashgiach ruchani of Yeshivas Gaon Yaakov and Orchos
Torah, took the podium and delivered a fiery droshoh
reminiscent of that of a decorated general exhorting his
troops on the eve of a great war.
"The battle still lies before us," he shouted. "The Chofetz
Chaim once declared that World War I was child's play
compared to another great war that lay ahead, and that that
second war would be child's play compared to a third war to
follow. HaRav Elya Lopian said that this third war would be a
war not of guns and missiles, but a spiritual war against
"This war," continued HaRav Mishkovsky, "is the war we are
fighting today. People go to Europe to see the rusting ovens
where thousands of Jews were incinerated, while here in Eretz
Yisroel thousands upon thousands of Jewish children's souls
are being incinerated. Their bodies indeed remain untouched,
but Chazal have taught us, `Worse is the person who makes
someone sin than the person who kills him.'"
HaRav Mishkovsky then described how Moshe Rabbeinu called out
to Hashem after seeing Jewish children being used as bricks
in Egyptian walls, "Hashem, my G-d, why have you sent me?"
"Yet in our time," cried HaRav Mishkovsky, "we see children
stifled to spiritual death. How can we stand by unmoved?"
He recalled how the Chofetz Chaim once declared, "If I had
fifty Jews with me I'd go and attack Russia."
When someone objected that the Chofetz Chaim would be killed
immediately, the Chofetz Chaim replied, "I know that. But
only through mesiras nefesh can the Russian Satan be
"The body can survive without many of its limbs," concluded
HaRav Mishkovsky. "A person without legs or eyes is still
alive. But once the heart stops beating everything is lost.
Lev L'Achim is the heart of the Jewish nation in Eretz
Yisroel. And when Moshiach comes each child we failed to
reach will cry out, `Why did you neglect me?' and then it
will be too late. `Mi laShem eileinu!'"
Lev L'achim's Commandos
By the time HaRav Mishkovsky had finished his inspiring
address it was already 10:15 p.m. Yet the crowd grew even
more enthusiastic when HaRav Uri Zohar, Lev L'Achim's Kiruv
Director, strode up to the podium. His first message was that
the masses of secular Jewry are actually yearning for
"This evening," he said, "a bochur came to me with
tears in his eyes. `I yearn so much to repent,' he cried,
`but I am entrapped in tumah.'"
HaRav Zohar proceeded to describe one of Lev L'Achim's more
unusual kiruv programs, "Kollel Pub," which is
situated on one of Tel Aviv's busy thoroughfares. The most
alcoholic drink served there is Coca-Cola, and video action
there comes in the form of HaRav Amnon Yitzchok's rousing
Torah lectures.
"Teenagers come to play cheap games of pool," said HaRav
Zohar, "and stay to hear Torah shiurim."
HaRav Zohar then introduced HaRav Sagiv Dayan, who came to
the event to share his life story. HaRav Dayan began by
explaining how his family became frum as a result of
Lev L'Achim's efforts, and how he subsequently learned in a
Torah high school.
"After graduating," said HaRav Dayan, "I had two choices:
either to combine yeshiva learning with army service or to
become a fighter pilot. But in the end I took a third option
and went to study Torah full time. After a number of years I
opened my own yeshiva in Kiryat Malachi and there I have
about thirty bochurim, including many who have become
frum through Lev L'Achim."
HaRav Zohar then introduced Yoram Azuz, who learned in HaRav
Dayan's yeshiva for a year-and-a-half and was then accepted
into a top-level yeshiva. Yoram conceded that he was
originally attracted to Lev L'Achim's afternoon shiurim
more by the candies and cakes distributed at their end
than by their content. It took some time for him to
appreciate the lectures, but then he "fell in love" with the
Torah itself.
Finally, HaRav Zohar introduced a group of men whom he
referred to as Lev L'Achim's "commandos."
One of them, HaRav Goldman, told how he started a shiur
in Ohr Yehuda simply by putting up a sign in the local
shul. The shiur quickly became popular, and he
now has a yeshiva in that town with 30 bochurim.
Another "commando" created a community of 100 families in
upscale Neve Savion, the Israeli equivalent of Long Island. A
third avreich spoke of how he recently built a school
of 200 pupils for newly frum families in the Galil.
The hour was approaching midnight and still the stories went
on and on. I left on this triumphant note, confident that Lev
L'Achim, despite the many challenges it faces, will also have
a year of greater success than ever before.
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