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A forceful threat issued by the Israel Communications
Minister was enough to convince Mr. Eason Jordan, head of
CNN's worldwide news desk, to fly in to Israel.
Mr. Jordan struck a fine pose on the tenth floor balcony of
the King David Hotel with the Old City walls as a backdrop.
The image seemed to hint that although now he was being
photographed and interviewed by the Israeli media, the walls
still loom in the background as if to say, "Ye poor
Palestinians, we shall not forsake thee even for a brief
CNN is a master of background. In its report from the site of
the horrible bombing of a bus at Pat Junction, the
international television news giant shot the skeletal remains
of the bus blasted to smithereens, ZAKA workers engaged in
their holy work, stunned bystanders and rescue workers. That
was the background. Certainly enough to catch the eye.
But what caught the ear was a taped interview with the
Palestinian Authority's Saeb Erikat explaining to viewers
that there was simply no alternative. The Palestinians are by
no means brutal terrorists, but merely freedom fighters.
To ensure that none of the hundreds of millions of viewers in
212 countries get the wrong impression, the reporter stressed
that the exploded bus's point of departure was the "illegal
settlement of Gilo."
Fortunately--if such an utterance can be called good fortune--
soon thereafter the network's founder, Ted Turner, was quoted
in another of his slips of the tongue. In an interview with
British newspaper The Guardian, among other remarks,
Turner said, "Aren't the Israelis and Palestinians
terrorizing each other? The rich and powerful do not need to
employ terrorist means . . . the Palestinians wage their
struggle with suicide bombers because that is all they have.
The Israelis have one of the strongest armies in the world.
The Palestinians have nothing. So who is the terrorist here?
I would say both sides are engaged in terror . . . "
When Israeli figures protested his remarks, Ted Turner--
unlike Israeli politicians--did not claim his words had been
taken out of context. In fact he said nothing.
Turner is the one who set up CNN and serves as vice chairman
of the network's parent company AOL Time-Warner. Turner is
known to have a big mouth, sometimes saying things better
left unsaid and often has to make apologies. He is smart
enough to leave his top company officials to put out the
fires and to taint his image without taking it personally.
Communications Minister Reuven Rivlin, a Likud man, fanned
the flames of protest when he issued an impassioned call for
world Jewry (whoever watches TV), Israeli viewers and all
people of conscience to boycott CNN.
To the public at least, the Communications Minister is a
hardware man and not a software man. His job is to oversee
and direct policy for the various types of media in the State
of Israel, from Bezeq phones to satellite communications. He
is also in charge of commercial firms that transmit visual
broadcasts via cables and satellites.
Although these broadcasts and the associated terminology are
foreign to us by choice and by necessity, we know that
commercial broadcasting channels are perfectly willing to air
any sort of trash and tumo as long as it increases
ratings, raking in the cash from the gutter without a second
Then along came a group of regular viewers, suddenly incensed
over the nature of the broadcasts, sensing themselves the
victims of antisemitism. They went straight to the
Communications Minister to demand accelerated licensing
procedures for a direct competitor with CNN which tends to be
far more sympathetic to Israel.
Although it would be nice to think the campaign was motivated
by a sense of justice alone, it seems money played a major
role. Cable companies pay CNN high fees for the right to air
its news broadcasts. The fee for the competitor is less, and
therefore cable companies have asked to begin broadcasting
it, gradually decreasing or phasing out the CNN broadcasts.
Cable companies had already sought approval from the
Communications Minister to bring in the competitor, but the
anti-Israeli attitude of Turner and his colleagues persuaded
Rivlin to speed up licensing for the competing network.
The Communications Minister responded favorably. And indeed,
he did get his name mentioned in the headlines.
According to a more cynical interpretation of events, Eason
Jordan's urgent trip to Israel as part of a conciliatory
delegation serves as an admission by CNN that it may have
taken a wrong turn and now the network is trying to do
teshuvoh. Yet why bend over backwards for the paltry
earnings generated by Israeli subscribers? The entire Israeli
market is small change from CNN's perspective. Not enough of
a reason to grant interviews and issue apologies.
Well-informed sources know that in the ratings race Fox News,
the competitor that is only six years old, has already
surpassed CNN despite its 20 years on the air. CNN's heyday
was during the Gulf War when its reporters endangered
themselves by broadcasting live. Yet during periods of less
sensational news, they seem to find it more difficult to keep
up with younger competitors. Network executives know it and
when competition threatened they sounded the alarm.
Broadcasting the Victims or the
The claims lodged against CNN's news coverage are another
issue. Israeli spokesmen cite as a notable example the
interview with bereaved mother Chen Keinan, who lost her
mother and two-year-old daughter in a terror attack in Ramat
Despite the difficulties, Keinan agreed to the interview with
CNN to make the world aware of the suffering Israeli terror
victims undergo. Yet after being promised that a half-hour
segment of the interview would be broadcast, the mourning
family was shocked to see that the entire interview was over
in a matter of seconds and instead viewers saw an extended
interview with the mother of the suicide bomber, who teld
everyone how happy she was that her son had died for the sake
of Palestine.
The Keinan family was very hurt and the incident brought
public attention to CNN's biased approach.
CNN realized its mistake and Mr. Jordan felt it appropriate
to meet with the family during his short stay in Israel, yet
this skewed report was just one in a string of errors by the
network giant.
Another instance of one-sided reporting was the regular
airing of video tapes filmed by suicide bombers before
embarking on their mission. These tapes show extreme hatred
towards Israel and the remarks they contain can easily reach
the attentive ears of other Jew-haters.
Israeli spokesmen explained to network heads that
broadcasting such tapes is the equivalent of broadcasting
filmed speeches by bin Laden, which were banned from the air
by the U.S. government. Yet not until now, on the eve of
Jordan's departure for Israel, did the network announce it
would cease airing these tapes. "There is a difference
between being fair and being balanced in the case of
terrorism," said Jordan. "Obviously all sides have to be
given the opportunity to be heard, but we will not give
terrorists and their supporters the same airtime given to the
victims of terror."
Nevertheless it seems the network makes a distinction between
Palestinians and Al Qaeda. In a recent broadcast, one of
CNN's leading reporters Christiane Amanpour (of Iranian
origin) noted, "Five hundred Israelis have been killed during
the two years of the Intifadah, but the Palestinians have
lost more than 1,400. The Israelis adopt the American line
that their war against terror is identical to the US war, but
unlike in the case of Al Qaeda, which makes unreasonable
demands, the world has accepted the Palestinian claim
regarding the 35-year occupation of their land."
Roula Amin, an Israel-based reporter of Palestinian origin,
regularly employs Palestinian arguments and definitions in
her dispatches.
CNN's biased reporting is often conveyed through the use of
loaded phrases. Terrorists are referred to as "militants."
Israelis "die" in attacks while Arabs are "murdered" or
"killed." In coverage of the French Hill attack the reporter
said it was "allegedly" the work of a suicide bomber.
In response to all of these and other claims Israeli
journalists fired at Eason Jordan, the smooth-talking news
division chief executive, he replied, "You may be right.
We'll have to take a look at ourselves. Sometimes we make
mistakes, but we try to be fair. We'll fix it."
During his visit, Jordan also had to defend claims of a very
different nature: The Arabs contend the network is slanted
against them due to the powerful influence held by American
The Yesha Council
Among those clamoring for a boycott of CNN was the Council of
Judea, Samaria and Gaza. Council leaders announced they would
not allow CNN reporters to set foot on its premises until its
coverage takes a turn.
Council Spokesman Yehoshua Mor-Yosef confirmed the
announcement. "I contacted all of the settlements -- 150 in
all -- and told them not to work with CNN."
The new policy involves three changes: CNN reporters no
longer receive official Council news updates transmitted to
reporters automatically by beeper, they will no longer be
allowed into settlements and residents have been instructed
not to grant them interviews or to offer comment. Although
severing all ties means cutting themselves off from the
international media, "I have never seen anything gained by
such contact," Mor-Yosef insists.
Residents of Judea, Samaria and Gaza actually have claims
against many foreign television channels and against some
Israeli channels as well, but Mor-Yosef admits having taken
advantage of the local furor to voice his objections. He is
willing to cooperate with fair journalists, even
unsympathetic ones, but when he perceives the coverage is one-
sided he simply tells them, "You are not obligated to work
with me and I am not obligated to work with you."
Mor-Yosef is constantly on his guard with the Israeli media,
which is also not very fond of "settlers." Two weeks ago,
during the levaya of terrorism victim Erez Rond of
Ofra, the Israeli media made no mention of the funeral while
it was taking place. "I called a reporter. I called the
stations. They brushed me off. Only after three hours of
pressure did they begin to cover the levaya once it
had already ended."
Another domestic report noted the levaya attracted
participants "from Israel and from the Territories." For Mor-
Yosef certain newspapers and reporters simply do not exist.
They are a lost cause. "I don't know," he says, "whether my
job is to comment and correct or just to pass on the
information, but sometimes I can't keep quiet."
The Rest of the World
This time CNN has taken the brunt of Israel's resentment, but
almost all of the world media invariably presents the State
of Israel as aggressive oppressors, while the Palestinians
are depicted as desperate freedom fighters. A few weeks ago
the wife of British Prime Minister Tony Blair said she
understands suicide bombers "because they have no hope," then
quickly apologizing "if someone was hurt by what I said."
In the US a pro-Israel media watchdog group called CAMERA has
been particularly active lately. Over the last several months
major American newspapers have endured sanctions and
criticism by Jewish readers.
The New York Times is the most notable example. After
several biased reports on attacks in Israel a Jewish
organization announced a boycott in May. The newspaper
learned its lesson and in subsequent reports tried to present
a more balanced picture.
The Washington Post was also boycotted during June and
a symbolic one-day boycott was organized in protest of Los
Angeles Times coverage.
The Chicago Tribune is careful not to use the word
"terrorist." "We try to avoid the use of labels," explained
the editor, but Jewish readers were not convinced. They
demonstrated outside the editorial offices, cancelled
subscriptions and sent letters of protest.
Is the whole world against us? How is it that the majority of
foreign journalists in Israel accept the Palestinian point of
There are three types of foreign journalists, explains Itamar
Marcus, director of a project called "A Look at the
Palestinian Media," which surveys the Palestinian media to
present the Palestinians' true stances and the education in
Jewish hate-mongering in Palestinian Authority territory.
"There are reporters who greatly sympathize with the State of
Israel and they are glad to receive material from us. There
are very hostile reporters who, no matter what you say to
them, will always see things from the Palestinian
perspective. This type also exists in the State of Israel,
particularly at Ha'aretz. And there are unbiased
journalists who see the picture from all sides, but they
accept explanations from whoever manages to reach them."
And this is where Israel's great failure lies.
Marcus also has an explanation for the source of this
inefficacy. "How can we present our side with the same
enthusiasm and faithfulness with which the Arabs present
their side, when our Foreign Minister himself speaks for the
Palestinians, claiming that all of the terrorist attacks are
because of the occupation, while all of us know this is a lie
for the sake of the media which simply detests us and wants
to drive us out from all of the Land of Israel? The Israelis
are like those who claim `half of it is mine' while the
Palestinians claim `all of it is mine,' and they are
"The Foreign Ministry staff receives information aimed at the
public but makes little effort to use it, perhaps under the
instructions of the Foreign Minister. Neither does the
Israeli media put much effort into pushing the pro-Israeli
stance. All it cares about is entertaining audiences and
achieving good ratings, and not about the State of Israel's
image before the world," says Marcus. Only when a foreign
entity attacks the State of Israel does everyone suddenly
rise up in arms and shout, "Antisemitism!"
Marcus says foreign journalists are partly victims of
circumstance. "Usually just a single reporter and no
photographer is sent to Israel. To move around in the field
the reporter needs a local to guide him and to take pictures
for him. For this he cannot take a Jewish Israeli since then
they wouldn't let him into Palestinian territory. Therefore
foreign journalists take an Israeli Arab as an assistant, who
can make his way on both sides, or even a Hebrew-speaking
Palestinian. And then they view the conflict from the guide's
The media loves to present the underdog against the powerful,
and it considers the Palestinians to be the underdog, despite
the unending campaign of murder. And they love a story.
Terrorist attacks, Hashem yishmor, make good copy.
These so-called underdogs also know how to intimidate foreign
journalists. Following the attack on the World Trade Center
Buildings, foreign journalists in Israel filmed Arabs
expressing their exuberance and "dancing on the roof tops."
Many of these images were never broadcast. The Arabs
threatened to kill journalists unless they handed over their
The Italian photographer who shot the lynching in Ramallah
and broadcast the photos to the world was sent back home
because of death threats and his employers apologized to the
"I spoke with a BBC reporter and tried to pass on some of our
material to him. He said, `Listen, I have to go to Gaza twice
a week and I'm worried. I know you're right but I have to
prove to them that I am on their side.'"
Marcus has numerous stories about antagonistic and misleading
journalism. "I was in New York during the big Jewish
demonstration for Israel. Hundreds of thousands of Jews
participated in it. What did the New York Times do?
They put the story on page one because it was really
impossible to ignore such a massive demonstration. But in the
middle of the picture they put the 20 Palestinian counter-
demonstrators with their flag.
"The New York Times once contacted me to request
material that illustrates Palestinian incitement. I gave them
film clips in which they say, `Kill the Jews anywhere you
find them.' Over and over again the speakers made remarks
such as, `Slaughter the Jews. A Jew is a Jew. All of them are
liars.' The newspaper received all of the material, but the
article quoted only the less violent part introduced with the
words, `Israel claims there is incitement . . . ' They made
us look like idiots," says Marcus.
CNN employs similar techniques. When Eason Jordan came to
Israel on his appeasement trip, he came equipped with a
conciliatory gesture in the form of a five-part series called
"Victims of Terror" presented by Wolf Blitzer. In order to
strengthen the impression that the network had done
"teshuva," Jordan hired the services of a public
relations firm that placed newspaper ads reading, "Victims of
Terror. Five days of special broadcasts on CNN dedicated to
the impact of terrorist incidents on Israeli citizens."
Jordan had the wit the explain that the interviews, under the
direction of well-known broadcaster Wolf Blitzer (once upon a
time a reporter for the Jerusalem Post), would include
interviews with terror victims, bus drivers, psychologists,
etc. Five days of pro-Israeli coverage. What more could you
The following is taken from a review of the first segment of
the series printed in Ha'aretz, hardly known as a
strident voice for the Israeli cause:
"Wolf Blitzer opened with an apology. The fact that he is
dealing with Israeli victims was not intended to diminish or
ignore suffering by Palestinians in the conflict, he said, as
if trying to provide balance without antagonizing either
"Later he proceeded to a description of the present
situation. He chose an example close to the hearts of
American viewers: One in 26,392 Israelis was killed in
terrorist attacks during the past six months. If the same
percentage of victims were killed in the US, it would mean
10,888 Americans dead--three times the number killed on
September 11th."
"Then Blitzer interviews Penina Eisenman, whose daughter and
mother were killed and whose one-and-a- half-year-old son was
severely wounded in the French Hill bombing. She was also
injured and had to complete her pregnancy lying in a hospital
bed. The interview was not emotional. Everything remained
highly restrained, perhaps because the interview was
conducted in English.
"Later five terror victims, relatives of terror victims and
the psychologist who treated them, were assembled for a group
discussion with Blitzer. Each of the participants replied to
only two questions. How much can be conveyed in a group
discussion on the roof top? Not much. In the background
images of the attacks were screened, which may have had some
effect. The presenter, who appears to share their pain,
remained very reserved."
After airing the series CNN, having fulfilled its obligation
to balanced reporting, probably feels free to turn over a new
leaf. See how fair we are?
Unfortunately the network really is fair enough, compared to
certain elements in the Israeli media that show great
understanding for the Palestinian side, and the "great
hardships" faced by Palestinian youths.
The following is an interview with Daniel Seaman, director of
the Government Press Office (GPO).
Yated Ne'eman: What does the GPO do to explain the
Israeli side to the foreign press? Why don't foreign
journalists have Israeli escorts such as those Palestinians
Daniel Seaman: Israel is a democratic state. Foreign
journalists can roam freely here and find whatever channels
of communication they want. On the Palestinian side, however,
they are required to have escorts at all times and thus they
receive the Palestinian approach to the conflict.
This is not the only reason for the pro-Palestinian position
in the foreign press. There is a tradition of sympathy for
the underdog.
YN: So their contact with the GPO ends upon receiving
a press card?
DS: No. We try to conduct tours and briefings for
them, organize meetings with Israeli figures. The problem is
that they don't have time for tours. They're worried they'll
miss the next terrorist attack.
The real problem is that the GPO's status as the exclusive
government contact with the foreign press is undermined. The
Foreign Ministry also has an apparatus to provide information
to journalists, but the Ministry staff has a high turnover
making it virtually impossible to establish personal ties
with foreign journalists, relationships that can be more
important than official information.
For years the GPO was also responsible for providing
reporters with state-of-the-art technology to allow rapid
communication with editors abroad. Today, with advancing
communications technology, reporters are entirely self-
Nevertheless Seaman often critiques foreign correspondents on
their approach. "For years the prevailing attitude was that
we had to be nice to them. Today I let them understand that
they will be treated in accordance with how they treat us.
I've become harder with them and as a result now they come to
talk things over."
Recently the GPO revoked the press cards of several Arab
reporters who were extremely anti-Israel in their dispatches.
"There was criticism over this step but now they have come
more in line with the situation."
There are several independent groups that monitor Palestinian
media and Western media. Among them is Palestinian Media
Watch which focuses on the excesses of Palestinian media in
its expressions of anti-American sentiments and antisemitic
HonestReporting was founded to scrutinize the media for
examples of anti-Israel bias, and then mobilize its email
subscribers to complain directly to the news agency
In a short time, HonestReporting has become a major
international effort with 55,000 members, and websites in
English, Italian, Spanish and Russian.
Among the areas of misinformation addressed are: misleading
definitions, imbalanced reporting, opinions disguised as
news, lack of context, selective omission, and drawing false
HonestReporting has published comprehensive studies of the
Mideast coverage of CNN.com, the Washington Post, the
New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and the
HonestReporting has succeeded in shaking up the media and
putting them on alert. They think twice, knowing they may be
called to task for a particular article or headline.
In June 2002, major editorial changes occurred at CNN which
greatly shift public perception of the Arab- Israel conflict
in general, and the role of Palestinian suicide bombers in
particular. HonestReporting was mentioned in the New York
Times (July 1, 2002) as playing a role in this shift, and
the Jerusalem Post reported, "HonestReporting.com readers
sent up to 6,000 emails a day to CNN executives, effectively
paralyzing their internal email system."
In May 2002, HonestReporting launched a major petition drive
calling on newspapers and broadcast media to label
Palestinian suicide bombers as "terrorists." (The media
favors terms like "militants," "activists," or even "freedom
fighters.") The petition, online at TerrorPetition.com, has
registered over 50,000 signatures.
HonestReporting also sponsors the annual "Dishonest Reporting
Award," presented to the journalist or media outlet that most
blatantly violates the principles of media objectivity. The
ignoble winner for 2001 was the BBC, whose blatant bias was
perhaps best articulated by Fayad Abu Shamala, BBC's Gaza
correspondent for the past 10 years, who declared at a Hamas
rally (May 6, 2001): "Journalists and media organizations
[are] waging the campaign shoulder-to-shoulder together with
the Palestinian people."
HonestReporting's PowerPoint seminar, "Bias in the Media,"
has been presented to a variety of groups throughout North
America and Israel, including the Hasbara Fellowships co-
sponsored by the Israeli Foreign Ministry. HonestReporting
also issues comprehensive position papers on the Middle East,
giving users the information to understand the political,
economic, religious and sociological context of Middle East
HonestReporting also provides a "how-to guide" for accessing
the media, including contact information and letter-writing
It says that letter writers should use the following 12
guidelines: 1) Be quick. 2) Be clear. 3) Be specific. 4) Be
concise. 5) Be focused. 6) Know the goal. 7) Request a reply.
8) Stick to the facts. 9) Write as a concerned individual.
10) Use the CC button. 11) Include contact info. 12) Follow
The points are explained in greater detail in its
Pro-Palestinian activists have reacted strongly to
HonestReporting's activities, giving a good indication of
HonestReporting's effectiveness. HonestReporting has been
vilified in the Arab press, and bomb threats were made to the
HonestReporting offices.
HonestReporting was originally founded by Aish Hatorah but
was later made independent to increase its effectiveness.
HonestReporting now operates under the official name "Middle
East Media Watch," a section 501(c)(3) tax-exempt, non-profit
educational organization. It is not affiliated with
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