To the Editor:
This year the 198th yahrtzeit of the Maggid of Dubno
ztvk"l zy"a (17th Teves) occurs at nightfall on the
31st of December 2001 -- a one-in-nineteen-year chance! This
makes the yahrtzeit even more special because two
mitzvos can be performed: that of observing the yahrtzeit
and that of bringing our community closer to
Yiddishkeit on an evening when, particularly for
Diaspora Jews on the fringe, there is great temptation to
attend other functions.
Here is an ideal opportunity for outreach -- to recount the
Maggid's parables, to say Tehillim and to learn Torah
in memory of the Dubno Maggid ztvk'l on this night and
to make a Tikkun Chatzos on this unusual occasion.
The 16th Century Sephardi/Ashkenazi Jewish Burial Ground in
Zamosc, Poland is where the Maggid is buried together with
many tzadikim and gedolim whose holy remains
are today lying unmarked, unprotected and desecrated.
Sephardic Jews were the first to arrive in this Polish town
following their expulsion from Spain. Our prayers are needed
for the holy neshomos of all those Yehudim
buried in Zamosc, and for all those who are seeking
chizuk, their roots and direction in life in these
troubled times!
We therefore appeal to the community, our rabbinical
leadership and their committees, to remember this
yahrtzeit with words and deeds and may our fervent
prayers for Geula Shleima and peace in our Holy Land
and the world ascend to Shomayim in the zechus
of the Maggid of Dubno ztvk"l together with all
the tzadikim and former Jewish community, Sephardic
and Ashkenazic, of Zamosc, Omen.
Yours sincerely,
S. Grossnass
The Yaacov Maggid of Dubno Fund
POB 33628
London N16 6AW