Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

A Window into the Chareidi World

11 Teves 5762 - December 26, 2001 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly









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Home and Family
Beit Natan Expands Activities To Bnei Brak
by Yated Ne'eman Staff

Beit Natan, a multi-operational organization that provides patient support and health education classes to chareidi and traditional women, is launching a training course in Bnei Brak. The course will train chareidi women to go out to the community at large and speak on the importance of early detection of specific women's cancer.

The training program began on December 19th, with its first session being held in the Vishnitz Hotel. Funded by the UJA/New York Federation, the eight-session course will bring the participants into contact with both Torah and medical authorities, providing up-to-date information in detecting and treating cancer. The new Bnei Brak training program, which has been held in Jerusalem several times in the last 4 years, prepares the women trainees to teach about the benefits of early detection of specific women's cancers, to the wider chareidi public.

Mrs. E. Cooperman, director of activities in Bnei Brak will preside. Mrs. C. Heller, Director of Beit Natan, will open the sessions with an introductory lecture outlining her organization's services. Penina Gabai, head nurse at the women's clinic in Ichilov Hospital, will speak on the advantages of early detection in cancer treatment. In addition, Rabbanit Dichovsky will speak on the Torah's command to guard one's health as it relates to concepts of hishtadlus and hashgochoh protis.

The following sessions will go deeper into anatomical issues, oncology, and mammography, as well as the social and spiritual dilemmas faced by those who suffer from cancer, with an emphasis on the specific needs of the chareidi community. The course will culminate with a session in which the trainees will explain and demonstrate before the directors their grasp of the course material.

The expansion of this program into Bnei Brak marks an important turning point in Beit Natan's important work in the field of preventative medicine. The early detection program has met with wide success in the greater Jerusalem area, speaking to some 4000 religious women since 1997. The concern for the special health needs of chareidi women is extremely important, as increased awareness of the live- saving techniques of early detection falls in the category of pikuach nefesh.

Beit Natan offers a host of ongoing programs based on four goals: educating women in health matters, providing support for women patients and their families, researching ways to maximize efficiency in meeting the health needs of the religious public, and providing advocacy for religious women's issues.

Workshops, lectures, publications, a resource center and day seminars are offered, addressing general health issues as well as early detection of diseases to which women are prone. Beit Natan sponsors "Lev Rachel", a help line for women suffering from cancer, support groups for women and individual counselling sessions. Beit Natan also manages Keren Nina, a fund providing financial assistance to families, and is conducting the first time ever pilot survey of chareidi women's health habits and attitudes. The Israel National Institute of Health Policy and Research Services of the Ministry of Health funds this project.

Named in memory of Nathan and Dora Schreiber, a"h, Beit Natan was founded in 1997. With a staff of professional lecturers and volunteers, the patient support and health- education programs which Beit Natan provides have gained the praise of organizations such as the Israel Cancer Society, the Association for the Advancement of Women's Health, Israeli Ministry of Health, Ezer Mizion, and Lev L'achim -- all of which routinely refer women to Beit Natan.

Under the personal rabbinical direction of HaRav Yisroel Gans of Jerusalem, Beit Natan's groundbreaking work has been endorsed by HaRav Shmuel Auerbach, rosh yeshivas Ma'alos HaTorah; HaRav Nachman Bulman, menahel ruchani Yeshivat Ohr Somayach; HaRav Levi Yitzchok Horowitz, The Bostoner Rebbe; HaRav Chaim Kreiswirth, av beis din Antwerp, Holland; HaRav Israel Meir Lau, Chief Rabbi of Israel; HaRav Yehoshua Neuwirth, posek, HaRav Mendel Shafran, rosh yeshiva in Bnei Brak and HaRav Ovadia Yosef, Rishon LeZion and President of Council of Torah Sages. Leading rabbonim in Bnei Brak have also offered their endorsements.

In addition, Dr. Shalom Strauno of the Hala Institute, Dr. Yisroel Yaffe, Dr. Chana Katan and Dr. Nathan Cherney of Share Zedek Medical Center offer ongoing medical and professional guidance.

For more information on Beit Natan's varied activities please call the center in Jerusalem at 02-6446052. The Lev Rachel Hotline number is 02-6433447. For specific information on activities in Bnei Brak call Mrs. E. Cooperman at 03- 5798735.


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