Friends of Netivot Yitzchok, an organization for the guidance
of yeshiva students, met on Chanukah for a gala chanukas
habayis of its new Bnei Brak facilities at 33 Rabbi Akiva
Street. The ceremony was attended by HaRav Yaakov Edelstein,
rov of the Bnei Brak Ne'ot Yosef neighborhood and rov of
Ramat Hasharon; HaRav Yeshayahu Goldschmidt, av beis
din in Tel Aviv and rosh kollel Chanichei Hayeshivos in
Bnei Brak; and HaRav Avrohom Erlanger, the rosh yeshiva of
Nachlas Shlomo in Bnei Brak.
The ceremony was opened by HaRav Yitzchok Wachsman, chairman
of the association, who told the large audience, "For many
years, I privately assisted hundreds of youngsters who were
in need of guidance. Nine years ago, when I saw that the
number of cases were increasing, I realized that it was
necessary to found an organization with a large staff of
people capable of handling yeshiva students with problems and
yeshiva dropouts, and to place them in yeshivos suiting their
"When the organization first began, HaRav Aaron Leib
Shteinman told me that even if only one bochur was
saved, such an endeavor was worthwhile. A short while ago
when I visited HaRav Chaim Kanievsky, I told him that the
organization has saved hundreds of yeshiva students over the
past nine years. He also said that even if we had saved only
one student, founding the organization was worthwhile.
HaRav Yaakov Edelstein, supporter of the organization and the
person who urged Rav Wachsman to open his office in the new
location, blessed the organization's rabbonim for their
efforts and dedication to Klal Yisroel. He added that he
planned to pay monthly visits to the new office in order
strengthen it, along with local rabbonim.
Speaking at the affair, HaRav Yeshayahu Goldschmidt said, "I
know HaRav Wachsman for many years and am familiar with his
mesirus nefesh. All of his activities are in the
ruchniyus realm. This new office marks the beginning
many more efforts to save Jewish neshomos.
"Two people once spoke about two talmidei chachomim,
one whose children had no particular difficulties, and the
other whose children were backsliding. One of those people
said, `You probably think that the talmid chochom with
the problematic children gave his children a poor education.
Well, you're wrong. The difference is that the one whose
children were not problematic were not only sent to
cheder and yeshiva. The father served as an example to
them: in his speech, his behavior, his derech eretz,
his Shabbos observance and in studying with them. The other
father also sent his children to cheder, but his home
life was lacking in many ways. The results weren't long in
Rav Erlanger then related an interesting story: "When my
father underwent an operation. I sat in the waiting room.
Suddenly I saw a bochur carrying a stretcher. I asked
him why he wasn't in yeshiva, and he said: `I'm a volunteer
here.' I spoke with him for ten minutes. You won't believe
it, but today he is studying in my yeshiva. You simply have
to fish for these boys. Boruch Hashem, my father is
well. I later told him that perhaps he had to be hospitalized
only in order to save the neshomoh of that
Rav Wachsman then said, "Nine years ago, HaRav Yechiel
Yaakobson said that we need a person who will found an
organization for yeshiva students. After nine years, Netivot
Yitzchok can point to much success in its help to hundreds of
students. Now it is time to open an effective organization
for seminary girls, since there is no organization dealing
with their problems in the thorough manner with which we deal
with those of boys. I am grateful to Hashem for having
granted me the privilege of founding Netivot Yitzchok, the
first organization of its kind in Eretz Yisroel. Now I am
grateful to Hashem for once more granting me the privilege of
dealing with girls' problems: strengthening and encouraging
them and helping place them in suitable frameworks.
"With Hashem's help, the new organization, staffed by
experts, opened this Chanukah, and we hope that we will
succeed in saving hundreds of girls and in placing them on
their feet until they marry, as we have done with hundreds of
Contributions or requests for further information may be sent
to Netivot Yitzchok, 13 Chida Street, Bnei Brak. Telephones:
03-6187997 or 03-5705674.