Pele Yoetz heads were thrilled last week when HaRav Nosson
Tzvi Finkel arrived unannounced at the organization's offices
on Ezra Street in Jerusalem. The Rosh Yeshiva of Mir, who
came to applaud the Pele Yoetz organization and its efforts,
was given the honor of posting the mezuzoh at the
Pele Yoetz, headed by Rav Dovid Levy, has been redoubling
efforts lately to match talmidim who have completed
their studies at talmidei Torah or yeshivos
ketanos with yeshivos that will guarantee their growth in
Torah in the coming years. The organization has increased its
staff and is hard at work as the clock continues to tick for
talmidim who have yet to be placed.
The visit by the Rosh Yeshiva, who has limits his outside
trips due to health constraints, boosted morale among the
organization's workers. The visit was intended to demonstrate
the Rosh Yeshiva's great admiration for the efforts made at
Pele Yoetz, which helps hundreds of bochurim flourish
in the Torah world--bochurim who are liable to
continue their lives in a different direction if they do not
get proper placement upon concluding studies in talmudei
"May you be strengthened in the mitzvah of hatzolas
nefoshos you are engaged in," said the Rosh Yeshiva, "and
may you merit siyata deShmaya and great
hatzlochoh in your endeavors, which allow hundreds of
bochurim to continue their paths in yeshivos and in
The organization's staff, which lends an ear throughout the
year to talmidim who encounter various problems in
yeshiva life, is currently stressing yeshiva placements. "It
is inconceivable," said a representative, "that as thousands
of bochurim happily march to their respective yeshivos
on Rosh Chodesh Elul, other bochurim will remain at
home after their efforts to get accepted at a yeshiva did not
succeed for whatever reason. Every bochur has the
potential to be a godol beTorah, and as such every
effort must be made to locate a yeshiva framework in which he
can realize his spiritual aspirations."
Gedolei hador, who have been closely monitoring the
organization's various activities, issued a call to assist by
backing its tremendous activities for the sake of this
generation and generations to come. They promise those who
support the organization, which "operates on our behalf,"
will be spared all sorrows and will have plenty of
nachas from their children and see them grow in Torah
and pure yiras Shomayim.
Donations can be transferred to Post Office Bank Account No.
2921359, Bank Pagi, Branch 185, Account No. 434582/105 or by
phoning 1-800-201-420.