50th Annual Yarchei Kallah at Ponevezh Ends
by A. Cohen
At an event attended by Yeshivas Ponevezh heads,
talmidim from the Yarchei Kallah Yeshiva,
rabbonim and guests, the 50th annual Yarchei Kallah
program came to an end motzei Shabbos parshas
Re'ei after two weeks of continuous Torah study.
The hundreds of participants in this year's Yarchei Kallah,
originally set up by the Ponevezher Rov, HaRav Yosef Shlomo
Kahaneman, took part in Torah, halocho and mussar
shiurim given by the roshei yeshivos of Ponevezh
and Grodno and by other gedolei Torah participating as
guest lecturers, who gave shiurim on maseches
Gittin and the halochos of mitzvos connected to
Eretz Yisroel, maseches Ma'aser Sheini and hilchos
shofar and ma'asei shofar. Every evening, women's
lectures were given by selected rabbonim and various
activities were conducted for ladies and their daughters.
Yarchei Kallah participants enjoyed the unique atmosphere of
the "two-week yeshiva" envisioned by HaRav Kahaneman, aimed
at transforming baalei batim into bnei Torah
for that period, just like the original Yarchei Kallah the
Sages held in Bovel.
At the conclusion of the event, next year's Masechta
Dekallah was announced: the beginning of maseches
Pesochim and the halochos connected to Eretz
Yisroel in maseches Ma'asros. Then the 50th annual
Yeshivas Yarchei Kallah ended in song and dance and uplifted