Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

A Window into the Chareidi World

13 Ellul 5762 - August 21, 2002 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly









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Shema Yisrael Torah Network
Shema Yisrael Torah Network











Year-old Jerusalem Bais Yaakov High School Develops Individual And Group Potential
By Yonina Hall

Ninth-grade registration is now underway at a year-old Jerusalem high school for girls that combines Bais Yaakov learning with a warm, personalized environment.

Unlike the city's large high schools which enroll up to 50 girls per class, Seminar Tiferes Rivkah in Neve Yaakov accepts a maximum of 25 girls per class and fosters a strong rapport between students, teachers, and parents to monitor individual progress in learning and middos development.

"The level of learning is in keeping with the standard of Bais Yaakov, but because there are fewer girls per class, we can cover more academic ground with less pressure," explains Mrs. Sima Gordon, director. "In addition, many girls are coming out of Jerusalem elementary schools -- many of which have up to 40 girls per class -- without having had the opportunity to develop their individual talents. Here, they realize their own potential while being part of a group."

An end-of-the-year exhibition staged by the students for their mothers and teachers reflected the school's founding vision. Each ninth-grader chose a subject she had learned during the year and designed a unique way to present it. For the subject of tefilloh, for example, one girl recorded a musical tape that challenged listeners to identify important phrases in the Shemoneh Esrei. Each student designed a Hebrew storybook using newly-learned computer graphics skills.

Small class size and varied learning activities unified students from different backgrounds into a cohesive group. The history class took walking tours of Jerusalem to concretize their studies. Yemei iyun explored the subject of kashrus in the rural setting of Moshav Beit Meir. The teaching staff, headed by Rebbetzin Sara Bamberger, principal, also offered weekly swimming, art, choir, and exercise classes.

Tiferes Rivkah received enthusiastic support and guidance in its formative stages from HaRav Yisroel Gans, HaRav Tzvi Weber, and HaRav Nachman Bulman, zt"l. For more information, please call Mrs. Gordon at (02) 585-1512.


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