I hereby support and uphold the work of the French-speaking
rabbonim and askonim whose hearts are filled with
goodwill to greet our brethren residing in the state of
France, of whom I have been told many are about to come to
Eretz Hakodesh to settle. Upon their arrival to "the King's
Palace" they will need a helping hand to guide and support
them in order to ensure that they educate their children for
Torah and emunoh, and to strengthen and assist them as
I applaud Lev L'Achim's efforts to organize in order to greet
the new immigrants and to explain to them the situation here
in Eretz Hakodesh, particularly regarding the
education of the children since, according to the available
information, the majority of the immigrants have up to now
been educating their children there in Torah-based
educational institutions.
Certainly everyone who is able to do so, especially French-
speaking avreichim bnei Torah, have an overriding
obligation to join this holy work and to receive the
immigrants upon their arrival, to stand by their side, to
find suitable placements for them in educational institutions
and to accept them with love and affection within the fold of
the Torah- and mitzvah-observant community in Eretz
Those able do so must act within the framework of Lev
L'Achim, in which we have placed our trust. All of their
activities are done as our agents.
This is a great mitzvah that will stand by all those who act
and assist in this [endeavor] providing them with abundant
blessing and success bechol mili, bivri'us gufo unehoro
(signed) Yosef Sholom Eliashiv