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Rabbi Rakow was best known as rosh yeshiva of Chayei
Olom Yeshiva, but he was also the rov of beis hamedrash
Heichal Hatorah and a leader of Agudas Yisroel. To some
he was "the Rebbe." To others "the Rosh Yeshiva" and to yet
others "the Rov." To his friends he was "Reb Benzion."
Everyone who knew Rabbi Rakow, found exactly what he needed
in him.
Early History
Rabbi Rakow was born in Frankfurt, Germany, into a
distinguished family of rabbonim. His father, Rabbi Yomtov
Lipman, was one of the descendants named after the great
Rabbi Yomtov Lipman Heller, author of the Tosafos Yomtov
on mishnayos. Reb Benzion's father, a talmid
of the great Volozhiner Yeshiva, became a rosh
yeshiva in Frankfurt-on-Main. Later when he moved to
London he was always preoccupied with learning and giving
shiurim. He would say: "I am called Yomtov because
each day that I learn Torah is like a yom tov to
Rabbi Benzion Rakow never forgot his illustrious background
and he felt that this gave him the extra responsibility to
carry on in the derech haTorah he had learned in his
youth. After his father's petiroh Rabbi Rakow
continued to give the shiurim his father had
As a young bochur Reb Benzion received his early Torah
education from his father and in the Hirsch Realschule.
After school hours he also received tutoring in the home
of the rov of Frankfurt, Rav Horowitz.
When the family moved to London, Reb Benzion joined the
Schneider's Yeshiva and came under the influence of its
rosh yeshiva HaRav Moshe Schneider, a great friend of
his father. During this time he became a keen admirer and
close talmid of Reb Zeidl Semiatitsky zt"l with
whom he studied for many hours, well into the night. Later,
it was chiefly the influence of Reb Zeidl which encouraged
the former talmidim of Schneider's Yeshiva to form
their own beis hamedrash, "Heichal Hatorah," of which
Reb Benzion became rov.
Some of the exceptional students from Schneider's Yeshiva
continued their studies in the Gateshead Kollel founded by
Rabbi Dessler. The Kollel only accepted the most promising
and exceptional talmidei chachomim. Hence, it was a
challenge and privilege to become a member.
When the question arose of either Reb Benzion or his brother
Reb Bezalel (later to become the Gateshead Rov) joining the
Kollel, it was decided that Reb Benzion should stay in London
to look after his father. As Reb Bezalel prepared his few
belongings for the journey to Gateshead, his brother Benzion
laid them neatly in the suitcase. Rav Yomtov Lipman, noting
this behavior, said to his son Reb Bezalel, "See what a
tzaddik your brother Benzion is!"
After his wedding Reb Benzion continued learning in the
Kollel which Reb Moshe Schneider had established.
His Life's Ambition
As a first step towards fulfilling his life's ambition to
spread the study of Torah, Rabbi Rakow took up a position in
chinuch, teaching children at the Yesodei Hatorah
School in the early 1950s.
At that time Rabbi L. Warhaftig zt"l sought to
establish a yeshiva in the Golders Green neighborhood of
London. This was a district with a growing orthodox community
but where nobody had succeeded in establishing a yeshiva.
Rabbi Warhaftig could find nobody better than Rabbi Rakow for
this job, and he invited him to head Yeshivas Chayei Olom.
The Yeshiva's beginning was very humble indeed. It began with
only three bochurim who learned under Rabbi Rakow's
guidance in the Sassover Beis Hamedrash. The first students
soon moved on to other yeshivos. Instead of looking for
another position, Rabbi Rakow was determined not to lose
heart. Soon more new talmidim joined him.
The next two-and-a-half decades saw hundreds of talmidim
join the Yeshiva to learn under their beloved rosh
yeshiva and to absorb the atmosphere of a true mokom
Torah. How did Rabbi Rakow achieve this success?
A new talmid would find in him a master of Torah and
yiras Shomayim. But shining through these awesome
first impressions, the talmid soon discovered a humble
and warm personality who took a great interest in every
individual. Although he was the rosh yeshiva, he would
not hesitate when necessary to sit down and learn
individually with a bochur who needed extra help to
understand a difficult piece of gemora.
Derech Halimud
His derech of learning in his daily shiur was
to work through Rishonim and Acharonim together with his
talmidim. He greatly encouraged their participation
and sometimes when one of them asked a good kashye or
gave a good answer, he would write it down, later to be
included in his sefer of chiddushim. Although
his talmidim were required to know the gemora
clearly and in depth, he also emphasized bekius
and the importance of doing chazoroh of what they had
learned. In later years he adopted the study of Daf Hayomi,
as an effective method of chazoroh for himself.
Rabbi Rakow excelled in another aspect of the Torah: his
mussar shmuessen. His own Torah and middos
served as a noteworthy example to his talmidim,
but in addition he delivered regular shmuessen
through which he taught the bochurim how to look at
the surrounding world through the eyes of the Torah and how
to behave.
During these shmuessen, which were delivered sometimes
in a sweet tone and at other times as a harsh rebuke, often
each talmid felt that the Rosh Yeshiva was speaking to
him as an individual.
He rebuked his talmidim harshly and this might have
led to the students fearing him. However their deep feeling
of love for his honesty and sincerity counterbalanced this.
He was able to "sweeten the bitter pill" as one talmid
put it.
If he needed to display anger towards a bochur, it was
only superficial and for the benefit of the bochur. To
prove this, after the bochur had accepted the rebuke
he would ask a favor from that bochur. Naturally the
bochur felt closer to the Rosh Yeshiva after being
privileged to do a favor for him.
It happened once that Rabbi Rakow gave a talmid a
telling off in front of others. This was done to leave a
greater impression on all concerned. It later turned out that
there had been a mistake. Rabbi Rakow promptly apologized to
the bochur in front of the whole Yeshiva.
Once two gifted talmidim who were study-partners for
three years decided to split up after a falling out. The Rosh
Yeshiva was greatly disturbed by this. He called one of the
bochurim to go for a walk with him to Hampstead Heath
during lunch time. He asked him what the matter was and then
explained to him, "The Soton has found just what he is
looking for: a pair of talented bochurim whose
chavrusa can be disturbed!"
The Rosh Yeshiva then concluded with a smile: "Do you want to
give in to the Soton; do you want to give him
The Rosh Yeshiva then had the same discussion with the other
talmid and soon they were learning together again
quite happily.
Recognized by the Gedolim
As a personality in the Torah world, Rabbi Rakow was
recognized by the gedolim of the generation. His
seforim Yalkut Shiurim received wide acclaim and his
correspondence with such gedolim as HaRav Elozor Shach
zt"l and HaRav Moshe Feinstein zt"l illustrate
the respect they held for him.
Even in the early days, before he became a well-known rosh
yeshiva, the Brisker Rov saw greatness in him. In 1959
during a visit to Yerushalayim, Rabbi Rakow was walking with
Reb Sholom Schwadron to see the godol hador the
Brisker Rov zt"l. As they approached the house, Rabbi
Rakow could see the Brisker Rov through a window and, not
wanting to disturb the godol, was satisfied with a
glimpse. However Reb Sholom persuaded Rabbi Rakow to knock on
the door to give Sholom. As soon as the Brisker Rov
saw him, he beckoned him to come in and sit down and began to
chat with him about his family and various other matters.
This was most unusual, because the Brisker Rov rarely
received visitors and at best he would only spare them a few
Reb Sholom suggested to Rabbi Rakow that they should not
disturb the Rov any more. To this the Rov retorted, "Let us
chat a little more." Reb Sholom was amazed at this
uncharacteristic reply. Clearly the Rov was anticipating
something important which Rabbi Rakow had not yet
An Important Shaaloh
At this point Rabbi Rakow mentioned a problem that he had on
his mind. A certain bochur in the Yeshiva wished to
combine his learning Torah with a few hours of limudei
chol, to pursue a career. Could a bochur be
allowed to study limudei chol whilst at yeshiva?
To this the Brisker Rov gave a very clear answer. He quoted
the psak of his father Reb Chaim Brisker zt"l
when faced with a dilemma. The Russian Government had
issued a decree to all yeshivas: either introduce secular
studies or face closure of the yeshiva. Reb Chaim chose the
latter of the two evils. This demonstrated Reb Chaim's
daas Torah that the study of Torah had to be pure,
without any intrusion of limudei chol.
Although Rabbi Rakow was only a young man at the time, the
Brisker Rov gave him encouragement for the future. The
Brisker Rov later implied to a talmid that Rabbi Rakow
possessed a neshomoh tehoroh, a pure soul.
Ahavas Habrios
In later life too, his kindness and care for others endeared
him to all. He regularly used a firm of Jewish taxi drivers
to transport him to Golders Green. After his petiroh
the owner told the family how an argument would regularly
develop amongst the drivers as to who should take Rabbi
He used to sit next to the driver in the front seat, so that
the driver should feel he was a true companion! He would take
an interest in the driver, in his life story and his work. He
was a good listener and in turn he would tell stories of
gedolim, of people the driver knew or of one of his
family. In this way he succeeded in making the driver feel
He had a marvelous memory for genealogy. He knew the
yichus and remembered the ancestors of many people and
he always had something good to say about them. Every person,
whether a talmid, a friend or even a child, felt that
Rabbi Rakow was closest to him, for such was the level of
interest he showed in him. The elderly lonely shochet
who received a daily phone call from Rabbi Rakow up until
his last day was no exception.
It was part of his gadlus that whilst he had a most
aristocratic character, he could easily mix with ordinary
Rabbi Rakow had a special way of convincing people to make
peace even where it appeared difficult. When he walked in the
street, he greeted and smiled even to the young children
passing him. Once he called over a yungerman and asked
him, "Why don't you greet?!"
Sever Ponim Yofos
When doing bikur cholim rounds on long Friday
afternoons, he always managed to cheer up the sick person,
reminding him of happy times. His face alone was often a
cause for raising someone's spirits. He always wore a gentle
smile and often quoted a saying from the Alter of Slabodke
zt"l that a person's countenance is like a reshus
horabim, a public possession.
Hakoras Hatov
He was very grateful to anyone who performed even the
smallest of favors for him. Till his last days he used to pay
regular visits to an elderly lady who used to cook the
Shabbos fish for his father and himself after his mother
passed away.
He was always grateful to Hashem for everything he possessed,
but most especially his children and grandchildren. He often
picked up a grandchild and said: "What brochoh does
one make on you?"
Kovod Habrios
The Mishna states in Ovos: "Who is a
respectable person? Someone who respects others."
His respect for even ordinary people showed itself in
numerous ways. He never liked to keep someone waiting and
even if a talmid came to see him in the middle of a
meal, he would leave the table straightaway to see why he had
He taught his children respect for others too. If they ever
laughed or made a disrespectful remark about someone he would
say, "You misunderstood the person; he meant well."
He was constantly aware of his position as an ambassador of
the Torah, and this required an appearance of tidiness and
self respect. He made sure that all his family also looked
clean and tidy, so as never to bring the Torah into
Where required, the Rosh Yeshiva would order a new suit,
arrange a ticket for someone, and all these things were done
with no hesitation or fuss.
When one reflects upon how many fine middos this man
possessed and in how many of them he excelled, how can one
pinpoint which middoh was his finest? Perhaps we can
find the answer in the gemora which states, Anovo
gedoloh mikulom -- Humility is the greatest of them
Although Rabbi Rakow was the rov of his beis hamedrash,
he never hesitated to do even the most mundane jobs in
the shul when necessary. After davening in the morning
he could often be seen gathering the siddurim, a job
normally done by a shammos. He did not consider it
below his dignity to take a broom and sweep the floor on
Hoshanna Rabbah when the Beis Hamedrash looked untidy from
the leaves of the Hoshanos.
This great quality of humility was exemplified by the deep
respect he always showed for his younger brother, the
Gateshead Rov ylct"a whom he recognized as a great
Torah personality. During a visit to the gedolim in
Eretz Yisroel, Rabbi Rakow would introduce his brother first,
"This is the Gateshead Rov," as if he were a mere personal
Although he would readily offer his advice at all times, if
the Rosh Yeshiva felt unsure he would ask a higher authority.
He would often write to the Steipler zt"l, HaRav Moshe
Feinstein zt"l, and Rav Shach zt"l.
Several times Rabbi Rakow asked a talmid to deliver
his Monday night shiur to baalei batim when he
travelled abroad. Once a successful shiur produced a
very positive response from the participants. In his modesty,
Rabbi Rakow commented to his talmid, "They said you
gave a better shiur than I do . . . ."
When his illness took a turn for the worse, his
talmidim organized a taanis and extra
tefillos for his refuah sheleimoh. When he
heard about this, he said to a talmid, "Why should you
have to suffer for my aveiros?"
Mekorvon LaTorah
During one of his stays in hospital he discovered that one of
the nurses was Jewish. She told him she was engaged and soon
getting married, and when he asked her if she knew any of the
laws she answered in the negative. The patient next to him,
who was also a Jew, called the Rebbetzin and said, "Your
husband looks such a saintly man. I am a Jew but know
The next time Rabbi Rakow paid a visit to hospital for a
checkup, he had difficulty in breathing and walking but he
was determined to get to the ward. Once there he handed over
a book of dinim in English to the nurse and an English
Chumash to the elderly Jew.
In the early years of raising funds for the Yeshiva, the Rosh
Yeshiva was often confronted by baalei battim arguing
against the value of setting aside years devoted solely to an
"easy life" of Torah-study, first as a ben yeshiva and
later in kollel. The Rosh Yeshiva would say with a
smile, "Alright, you try it! To sit all day applying oneself
single- mindedly to learning is a terrific avodoh,
truly very hard work -- try it for yourself!"
They would readily agree that it would be difficult for
These discussions took up his valuable time, exhausting him
physically as well. However, many of these baalei batim
became great admirers of his and increased their hours of
Torah study. Eventually many of these same people supported
their children in full- time learning.
Upon returning home after such visits, he would comment that
the fundraising had proven to be a double job. Like his
father before him, he invested much effort in instilling the
local baalei battim with the importance of being
kovei'a itim laTorah, a goal towards which he worked
tirelessly. The Rosh Yeshiva too would demonstrate by his own
example and conversation the spiritual heights one is able to
achieve by being a full-time ben Torah. He would also
stress the importance of remaining a ben Torah even
after leaving the walls of the yeshiva or kollel.
He once personally invited the European roshei yeshiva
to his house for a meeting. After the meeting one of the
roshei yeshiva said to Rabbi Rakow, "You make me feel
good with your openness and honesty regarding your work with
yeshiva bochurim. I now realize that all yeshivos have
similar problems which need addressing."
When a rosh yeshiva phoned Rabbi Rakow to discuss a
personal matter concerning his Yeshiva, he stated: "You are
the father of all Yeshivas, father of all bnei Torah."
His love for learning Torah knew no bounds. His life was
spent delivering shiurim to his talmidim at the
Yeshiva, to baalei batim in his shul and to
many individuals at different levels of Torah- learning. This
program lasted till late at night.
When his children were young, they hardly saw their father
from one Shabbos to the next because they were asleep by the
time he came home and still sleeping in the morning when he
left home for shul. When they called him "Shabbos
Tatty," he would smile!
One deep and lasting impression imprinted itself on his
children. It seemed whenever they woke up in the night they
could hear the sweet humming of their father learning. Often
they could hear it at 2 or 3 o'clock in the morning, and even
after a day laden with shiurim and other public
duties. The same was true early in the morning: from 6.00
a.m. again the sweet humming of their father's learning could
be heard.
Time was the most valuable possession to him and he tried to
use every hour to the fullest. He taught his children the
value of time, and even when he was ill his sons had to find
a good excuse to take time off from their learning to visit
Somei'ach Bechelko
When his children were young he and his Rebbetzin
shetichye were not able to give the children much
material wealth, but they provided them with their needs and
above all, they taught the children to be happy with what
they had. Sometimes his young daughters would go to play in a
friend's house and when they returned they would describe to
their sisters the friend's "elegant" house, or that the
friend's father had taken them out to the park on Sundays.
To this Rabbi Rakow would reply: "The finest and nicest house
in the world is 53 Fairholt Road (the house they lived in at
the time). The nicest park is 53 Fairholt Road's garden." He
taught the children to appreciate which room was really the
most beautiful in the house, the "learning room" which
contained many seforim.
When yet another of his files of chiddushei Torah
appeared on the shelf, neatly typed out after many almost
sleepless nights, his eyes would twinkle and the
simcha evident on his face was that of Simchas Torah.
Then his children would appreciate the concept of omol
Children's Chinuch
He was involved in every detail of his children's education
and would carefully scrutinize their school reports. However,
he always told them that: "The ikkar is gutte
He did not believe in birthday parties and presents, nor in
Chanukah presents, but when it came to Afikoman
presents he rewarded the lucky finder with a worthwhile visit
to the local seforim shop.
For the children's reading material he spared no money or
effort to buy them Torah books and publications so that they
should not feel the need to read books from the secular
He used to relate fascinating stories of gedolim, at
the Shabbos table. Someone just happened to mention the name
of a sefer, and he could enrapture his listeners with
the life story of its author. His purpose was, of course that
they should learn from the tzaddik's middos and
maasim tovim.
His children looked forward to going away with their parents
on summer holidays. He loved the quiet peaceful countryside,
good fresh air and beautiful scenery. He loved walking and he
walked for miles.
One day they passed an open air orchestra. He watched all the
instruments working in harmony, and pointed out to his family
that if one instrument plays out of tune, the whole orchestra
is affected. So too, he explained, are the bnei Yisroel
like one orchestra. If one person does something wrong it
affects everybody.
He loved his children and grandchildren dearly and when they
left home for yeshivos or seminaries, or after they got
married, he wrote to each one every erev Shabbos. When
he went abroad on a trip he used to write to the children
about his journey from the beginning to the end. He would
make copies of the letter and send them to each one
Concern for Talmidim
On Friday afternoons he would spend time writing to his
former talmidim. He would correspond with them in
learning, giving advice, sharing in their simchas or
in their sorrow. He helped many a talmid find his
partner for life, and would honor the talmid by
travelling to his wedding. He helped them find careers,
assessing each talmid according to what he was capable
of. If he did not hear from a talmid for some time, he
would contact him.
In Money Matters
In his attitude towards earning money he showed tremendous
bitochon. He believed that his job was to spread the
Torah and even if this meant hard times, he had bitochon
that Hakodosh Boruch Hu would help him. Despite
hard times he always gave generously to tzedokoh.
At one time a good friend advised the Rosh Yeshiva that since
it was a good time to invest in property he would lend him a
small sum of money. He refused the offer, explaining that any
investment in business would surely disturb him from his
He would keep a cheshbon of his bills and debts, which
he was meticulous to pay off. On Seder night when the
children admired the beautiful Seder plate and other
items of silver, he reminded everyone that the Seder
plate and some silver was not his, but had been entrusted
to his care by a family in Germany when he left to come to
England. There were no survivors of that family.
"Remember," he would say, "when Moshiach comes we have to
give it back."
His Concern for the Klal
Matters of Klal Yisroel took up a great deal of his
time. To promote the interests of Orthodox Yiddishkeit
he joined the Agudas Yisroel, of which he became a
Presidium Member. He spoke on many Aguda platforms, including
the Sixth Knessia Gedolah in Yerushalayim, always giving his
listeners a clear picture of daas Torah. He was
involved behind the scenes in many activities of Pirchim,
Zeirim and the Jewish Tribune, for which he felt a
great sense of responsibility.
One wonders: How could one man engage in so many activities
with so much success? The answer must be habo letaher
mesay'in oso. Hashem saw that this tzaddik took up
all those ventures purely for the sake of kovod
Shomayim and for that he deserved and received great
siyata deShmaya.
Rabbi Rakow arrived one winter day at the Yeshiva. As he
stepped out of the taxi he slipped in the snow. Upon noticing
what happened, the non-Jewish cleaner came out of the
building and offered his assistance. He carried Rabbi Rakow's
briefcase into the Yeshiva, and the Rosh Yeshiva went on in
the taxi to the hospital. In appreciation for his help the
Rosh Yeshiva presented him with a check.
The following letter of condolence was written by that
Dear Mrs. Rakow and Family,
I was heartbroken when I heard the news that Rabbi Rakow had
passed away. As you know, he was a great man and I loved him
and all he did in his life on earth. He has been like a
father to me since I lost both my parents -- always giving me
advice when I wanted to know the right way in life. Since I
started to work at the yeshiva almost thirteen years ago, my
life and outlook on life have changed, with the help Rabbi
Rakow and others have given me.
I have not told anyone, but you may remember that in February
1981, Rabbi Rakow gave me a check and a card for the help I
gave him in a time of trouble. When he gave it to me, he
said, spend it wisely.
When I got home that night . . . I asked the Almighty what I
should spend it on. I was going to give it to the Yeshiva,
but in my mind a message said "You should always keep it"
(i.e., the check), which I have and always will, as it will
mean all the money in the world to me, just to have a
treasured gift from a great man. . . .
Love to you all, G-d bless you all,
John (the cleaner), Maureen, my son Aron
by Rabbi A. Forta, Jewish Tribune, Av 5746
This week's "Viewpoint" is dedicated to my beloved and
revered teacher, Rabbi Benzion Rakow, zt"l, whose
yahrtzeit was yesterday.
There is no doubt in my mind that I echo the feelings of all
his talmidim when I say that we loved him dearly. But
then that is understandable -- he loved all of us. His love
came across in every encounter, whether in discussing an
intricate piece of gemora or a chance meeting in the
street. I can honestly say that I never once heard him raise
his voice in anger.
I recall the first time I met Rabbi Rakow. I came to the
yeshiva in Golders Green to be interviewed as a prospective
talmid. I entered the gate not knowing that it was
lunch break, and was more than a little surprised when three
or four bochurim came dashing out of the front door,
laughing and shouting. They began chasing each other round
the front garden, pulling leaves off a tree as they went.
At that moment Rabbi Rakow appeared. I expected him to yell
at the boys for their wild behavior.
But no. On his face was that half-smile I would come to know
so well. He raised one hand and said in a quiet voice,
"Loz," leave it alone. The boys stopped immediately
and, without another word, went back inside.
I remember feeling a little uneasy. What sort of a tyrant was
this who could command such instant obedience with a single,
quietly spoken word? Very soon I was to learn that this man
commanded not through tyranny or fear, but through love.
Of all his remarkable qualities there is one in particular
that stands out in my memory. No matter how busy he was, if
you came to him with a question or a problem, he was always
ready to listen. And not only that, he had a way of making
you feel that he had nothing else to do in the world but sit
and listen to what you had to say. How often I experienced
this, sitting with him in his office at the yeshiva or his
home in Fairholt Road. How well I remember his total
patience, how he would sit with head slightly to one side,
his chin resting in the palm of his left hand -- a pose so
characteristic I shall always associate it with him -- and
listen, question and give advice. He was much more than a
Rosh Yeshiva; he was a father to his talmidim. . .
Talmidim not only learn from what their teacher says,
but most of all by what their teacher is. We, who were
talmidim of Rabbi Rakow, all know that we have shared
a rare privilege -- we have stood in the presence of
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