Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

A Window into the Chareidi World

10 Shevat 5762 - January 23, 2002 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly









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Tzedokoh in the Light of the Gedolim -- Kupat Ha'ir
by Yated Neeman Staff

The gedolei hador led by the HaRav Shmuel Halevi Wosner and HaRav Chaim Kanievsky, give their brochoh especially to all who support the Kupat Ha'ir.

All the gedolei hador and foremost rabbonim have signed on a Kol Korei to the entire tzibbur to support and donate to this major and unique tzedokoh fund.

The Rabbonim HaGeonim shlita mentioned above, together with all the foremost rabbonim of Eretz Yisroel, led the way by issuing a horo'at keva -- a permanent monthly donation through their bank -- for the Kupat Ha'ir. In this way, even a small sum grows over the months to become a significant donation, while the directors of the fund can predict the regular income of the fund and are able to distribute the assistance to the needy families on a regular basis.

A Unique Tzedokoh

The Kupat Ha'ir has grown into an amazing structure, with the gedolei hador shlita leading the way. A board of foremost rabbonim of Bnei Brak personally approves each case and supervises the distribution of the funds. These same rabbonim also sign the checks. They are assisted by a team of extraordinarily dedicated young men who spare themselves no trouble or time, at all hours of the day and night, to do everything possible to alleviate the difficult plight of the many families in distress who are brought to their attention. At the same time these selfsame young men run the campaign to raise the necessary funds to enable them to help the families. All of this is on a completely voluntary basis.

What is "Kupat Ha'ir"?

The Kupat Ha'Ir of Bnei Brak was founded in Elul 5760, with the enthusiastic encouragement and support of all the leading rabbonim. Within the one-and-a-half years since its inception, the fund has grown beyond all expectations, to help hundreds of families who were found to be on the verge of collapse, with some NIS 3 million ($700,000) distributed.

Bnei Brak is the "City of Torah" of our time. Shuls, kollelim, botei medrash, yeshivos -- line the streets. Many thousands of families of bnei Torah are bringing up a wonderful generation with large families "al taharas hakodesh." The chesed institutions and private initiatives are too numerous to be listed. Yet as rich as Bnei Brak is in spiritual life, it rates as the poorest city in Israel.

It became apparent that there are many respected families in the Bnei Brak -- with no distinction whatsoever as to their class or background -- in which an unforeseen tragedy or medical problem in the family has caused the parnossoh to crumble away, leaving the family in danger of falling apart.

It is for these families that the "Kupat Ha'Ir was founded!

The Golden Results

During the one-and-a-half years since its inception, hope and light have been brought into the darkened homes of hundreds of precious families whose world had crashed in.

Food became a regular item for children who had been used to going hungry, housing was provided or made livable, medical treatment was made available where necessary for a suffering member of the family, one of the parents was released to go to work, a chavrusa was sent for a homebound father who was beginning to despair, tuition was provided for children who were behind in their studies -- the list continues but does not conclude.

You reader have only to open your heart and your purse. You have only to send in your donation or to sign on a horo'at keva, and you will instantly gain for yourself a share in this tremendous enterprise. You will be the recipient of the brochos of all the rabbonim and the zechus will accompany you forever.

The Brochoh of HaRav Chaim Kanievsky

"Whoever donates to this cause (Kupat Ha'Ir) is guaranteed to be mentioned favorably at the time of the judgment to be sealed in the book of complete tzadikim for a good year." (The brochoh given by HaRav Chaim Kanievsky on erev Rosh Hashonoh this year, 5762.)


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