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Advantages and Disadvantages
Part III
We continue with more of the positive things that those of
retirement age have found in life in Israel today. Some of
these are relevant to everyone, and others are just for those
of retirement age.
The Spirituality is Tangible
The C.'s had lived in Lakewood and Rabbi C. had engaged in
full-time Torah study before they moved to Israel, but Mrs.
C. says the move has affected them in ways that were
inconceivable to them before.
"My life would have been so different if I stayed in the
States. I couldn't believe it the first time I went back. I
didn't realize what a low spiritual level the States is on.
Every time we go back, we say to each other, `Boruch
Hashem, we didn't stay here.'
"Our goals and dreams would have been much lower. We see our
friends still struggling with materialism and we are shocked
at the torpid state of general morality. We have that problem
here in Israel too, but it's not considered the norm and it's
much easier to cut oneself off from it by simply not
listening to the radio and not reading the secular
newspapers. Materialism is a major ideal in the U.S., while
here the ideal is to emulate and become close with those who
lead truly spiritual lives.
"I felt so dragged down when I went back to the U.S. People
there looked to me as if they're living in some unreal dream
world -- and everyone I know who moved here had the same
reaction when they went back. I couldn't wait to come back to
Yom Tov Treats
Many of the retirees mentioned the special atmosphere of
Jerusalem which one particularly feels in the air on
erev Shabbos and holidays.
A congregant of Rabbi Gross's who made aliya, told him at the
end of the first year, "Here you can really know what a
yom tov is."
The universal preoccupation with succahs, schach and
esrogim and everything else that has to do with an
upcoming holy day, envelopes a person and heightens his
Jewish identity. "Is it possible not to know when Shabbos is
in Eretz Yisroel?" asks Rabbi Gross. "Even those who drive a
car on Shabbos know they have to take a different route
because it's Shabbos."
One retiree explains that if he would have retired in the
U.S., he wouldn't have experienced the special atmosphere of
Shabbos and Yom Tov tranquility that prevails in Jerusalem.
"Walking to the Kosel on Shavuos night . . . going to the
vosikin minyan at the Kosel -- it all boils down to
the feeling that you're closer to Hashem and in His
Another retiree explains, "One's opportunity to carry out
mitzvos is far greater in Israel too. I just attended a
pidyon petter chamor three weeks ago. I never saw it
performed in the U.S., but here we saw it for the first time.
In Jerusalem there are groups of people who together work on
the logistics of fulfilling difficult mitzvos, such as giving
the kohanim's presents to them, shiluach haken, and
others. Where else does one have this?"
Mrs. C. mentions that she discovered how Jerusalem is filled
with special people all over the city, "even in our
"You just don't have the same concentration elsewhere of so
many sincere and intensely religious tzadikim. When we
moved to our neighborhood, we didn't expect to find anyone
besides ordinary people, but I discovered a couple of doors
down a woman who is an unqualified tzadeikes.
"Jerusalem is so full of kedushoh that it's got to rub
off, even if you don't do anything."
Volunteering for Chesed Organizations
Studying is only one aspect of the spiritual life that
Jerusalem has to offer. There is another aspect in which
Jerusalem offers unparalleled opportunities -- the wide range
of chesed activities.
There is a tremendous range of available activity for elderly
people: in orphanages, hospitals, and charity organizations
for the poor, soldiers, handicapped, and more.
Yad Sarah is one national organization that has 3,000
volunteers working for it in a range of activities. A large
percentage of these are elderly. They need volunteers to:
work directly with the handicapped or visit with the sick in
their homes, work with the disabled in a rehabilitation
center, man their emergency hotline, work with and repair the
organization's large inventory of medical equipment, and to
help the organization with public relations and its
Mr. David Rottner, the spokesman for Yad Sara (Tel. (02) 644-
4444), says that the organization's bookkeeper, its main
accountant and comptroller, photographer and graphic artist
are all volunteers. Many of the volunteers are retirees and
immigrants from abroad. The organization just started a
mobile dental clinic for the benefit of home-bound
Jerusalemites -- which is manned by eleven dentists who have
volunteered their services together with their assistants.
Jerusalem has a wealth of medical volunteer organizations
such as Yad Ezra, Ezer Mitzion, Kav Lechayim, Zichron
Menachem, and dozens more, all of which are based primarily
on volunteers.
A look at the Chareidi Directory published yearly in Hebrew
shows about 340 charity organizations listed in Jerusalem
alone, and many of these would be thrilled to get more
volunteers. A Hebrew weekly runs an entire page on
organizations that are seeking volunteers to help them with
their charity activities.
Mrs. Citron volunteered to man the gift shop in the Bikur
Cholim hospital. She also volunteered to run the Torah Tape
library affiliated with Aish Hatorah in the Old City and
today, she is one of the ranking workers there, who is
urgently on call during the rush season in the summer. She
works three days a week, between three and six hours each
Mrs. Sara Feige F. didn't join chesed organizations
when she moved to Beitar in 1992 -- she became the moving
force in creating many of them.
"When you come to a new community, you're able to do
anything. So I started a Bikur Cholim society, and helped
prepare the program for it. For instance, if a child is in
the hospital and attended by his parents, we provide cleaning
help for the family, and we have a catering place send in
meals." She also co-founded the English-speaking Beitar
Neshei. One of the programs she helped create was a "crisis
committee" to help families who were under pressure because
of serious illness. The Neshei also sends food to mothers who
have given birth.
Hearing all of her creative ideas, it's impossible to believe
that Mrs. F. is a retiree on a pension. Her latest project is
a new committee which she calls the Hachnosas Kallah
Information Service. Aware that immigrants from abroad often
lack close family to provide them with advice, she compiled
an information database which advises people who are marrying
off their children how to put together a wedding. The group
also makes bridal showers for kallahs. The group has
entered into negotiations with certain companies to enable
them to buy appliances and other important items wholesale
for new couples.
Mrs. F. modestly adds that another Anglo-Saxon family in
Beitar founded a "bris" organization for the English-
speaking community. The inventive father of this family used
to be a chef in a large Jerusalem institution, and now that
he is retired, he undertakes to provide catering for a
circumcision party at rock-bottom cost. Further savings are
provided by the volunteers who serve the food.
Mrs. F. has other ideas up her sleeve besides chesed
committees. Right now she started an innovative new
project called "Daughters of the Baal Shem Tov" which had its
kickoff meeting on 18 Elul, the yahrtzeit of the Baal
Shem Tov. Organizing Anglo-Saxon women from 11 different
chassidic groups, each chassidic group undertakes to provide
formal entertainment and a program for the others one evening
each month, with the stated goal to increase achdus
between the participants. The first event was a Breslover
evening and Mrs. F. hopes that 40-50 participants will
continue to show up.
Private Chesed Initiatives
In addition to the many opportunities for volunteer work with
organizations, because of Jerusalem's position as the world
center for Jewish education, there are endless opportunities
for private initiatives. Retirees often host yeshiva students
and seminary girls from the dozens of institutions located in
Jerusalem. The TLC which individuals shower on their young
acquaintances sometimes leave an impact on them for the rest
of their lives.
Mrs. C. says, "We have a sense of being grandparents to the
boys who have come to learn in the yeshiva where my husband
studies. It's like we get a new generation of bochurim
to grandmother and grandfather every year. The
mashgiach told us, `You cannot imagine how much Torah
you are imbuing a bochur with, when you have him at
your Shabbos tish. When you open your heart and home
to a bochur, you're giving him a whole new impetus in
life.' We feel as if we're making a real contribution, and it
also keeps us young.
"In fact, my husband is so active with the bochurim
and the avreichim in kollel, when he comes
home and looks at the mirror, he can't believe it's he."
One lady who made aliya a few years ago lives on Sorotzkin
Street. Every Shabbos, she has between 25 and 30 people,
mostly yeshiva students, eating at her table. She works a
whole week to prepare a delicious meal for her hungry
students -- and she's the happiest person in the world.
Although all her children live in the States, she's very
content with her life.
Not all retirees are looking for a busy life where they are
on the go for most of the day. Many find a quiet, home
existence equally fulfilling.
One retiree says that she spends almost all of her time at
home reading, learning, writing, and thinking. She and her
husband study together a lot, and they relish the peace of
mind and time which they've achieved at this period in their
life. "Rabbi Miller told us: If you really want to do
chesed, it will come to you. That's what happens now.
Things do come my way. But I feel very productive just at
Mrs. S. says, "Since I married, I always did the
housekeeping, and it's no different now. I'm not a modern
woman with ideas of outside activities. I do shopping and
cleaning. I attend no courses and have no social life. My
family keeps me busy. As we're getting older and the
children's families are growing larger, we have them over
less. But this is what I want. I live a very contented
Disadvantages Of Moving To Israel
Odds and Ends
Despite the fact that most of the seniors we interviewed were
satisfied with their life in Israel, we tried to find out
those things which they found difficult, and which burdened
their adaptation to Israel.
These were the items we heard:
The Lack of Politeness
Everyone "knows" how brash and insensitive some Israelis are.
People raised in Western society where an external veneer of
etiquette is expected, find the discourteousness very
annoying. Nonetheless it is certainly true that there are
unmannered people outside of Israel and extremely well-
mannered people in Israel.
Some immigrants say that they found that, especially in
chareidi neighborhoods of Israel, the level of courtesy and
consideration is at least as high as anywhere else.
One person mentioned that despite being rude, Israelis are at
the same time very caring.
Mrs. F. says that people claim that Israelis are ill-
mannered, but she'd rather live among rude Jews than among
polite antisemites. She claims that her husband knows how to
soften even rude government officials.
Poor Service
If one expects things to run like clockwork, or that he'll
get the full range of services that a city is supposed to
provide, he may be in for some disappointment. But this is
often true all over the world.
Mr. R., who lives in Kiryat Sefer, says, "I'm a little
activist here, but it's like banging your head against the
wall. We're here six years during which time they have not
done a thing for our street: no benches, no shrubbery, no
shade from the sun in the park, no parking, no curb
paintings, no crosswalks! I wrote letters to the council, and
I even spent my own money to send them letters in Hebrew.
It's like talking to the wall.
"Frankly, the whole mentality is difficult for me. I have a
love-hate relationship with the country. Being in management
all my life, it's hard to see things not get done."
Inadequate Customer Service
Mr. R. has something to say about this too. "Being an
American, I naturally don't stand for it. I have not once
bought an item without problems. We bought furniture in three
different places and every furniture place gave us problems.
They misrepresented what they were selling us and their
support service was very bad. Neither are they respectful
when you try to speak to them about a problem.
"Here's a story which happened to me which shows you the
Israeli frame of mind: The washing machine service told us
the technician would come at 2, and when he hadn't come by 3,
I called them up and asked why he isn't here. They told me,
`Ask him when he comes.'"
Cold in the Winter
As we wrote above, to a large degree this depends on how well
your apartment is heated. You can always buy supplemental
heating appliances.
Specialty Goods
"I miss getting a good suit. Every suit I have bought here
falls apart in no time."
"I miss a good corned beef sandwich."
Litter All Over
Israelis tend to have spotless homes inside but don't mind
dirty sidewalks and streets. Chutznikim are often the
opposite. Chutznikim are very bothered by the paper wrappers,
cigarette butts, and other litter which Israelis casually
drop on the sidewalk or the street as they walk by.
Neighborhoods with a large number of children tend to be the
worst offenders, and neighborhoods with a large percentage of
Anglo-Saxons are better. The rare exception is Beitar, whose
council head has an obsession for cleanliness. It is
meticulously clean.
Periodically, the municipal sanitation men strike for pay
hikes, and then Jerusalemites discover how much worse it can
get. It is not a heartwarming sight.
One retiree said he was constantly fighting with his
neighbors over the dirty halls in their apartment
Noise is ubiquitous in Jerusalem. Buses are rumbling by at
all hours, planes are in the air, construction is going on
somewhere nearby, drivers are always honking their horns, and
people shout at all hours of night and day. This cacophony is
particularly felt when you step out of your home, but you may
have the bad luck of living near a school, shopping area, or
construction area. Communities in other countries are also
Seeing Jews who Transgress Judaism
Mrs. C. says, "We were warned that seeing chilul
Shabbos by non-frum people would be painful, but we
weren't prepared for how painful it really is."
Mr. R. mentioned, "When I first came here and saw girls in
army uniform, I was bothered. I felt as bad as if I saw my
Bituach Leumi is a very important subject for all olim, and
we would recommend that the following paragraphs be read
Bituach Leumi starts out as the Israeli equivalent of the
Social Security Administration, but it gives far more
comprehensive services than does the U.S. Social Security.
Bituach Leumi allocates the funding for all the benefits
which the State allocates to its citizens, and not just job-
related pensions and benefits.
Because huge sums go through its hands every month, Bituach
Leumi is run very efficiently, and its rules and regulations
are carefully implemented. Here are some of the benefits
which every oleh gets according to the law:
Retirement Pension and Guaranteed Income -- Who is
Mr. Shlomo Ashkenazy (Tel. (02)670-9278) of the Insurance
Dept. of Bituach Leumi provided the following information.
* When an Israeli woman reaches 60 and an Israeli man 65,
they become eligible to receive a monthly retirement pension
irrespective of their financial status.
* Olim who arrive before the age of 60 are also eligible to
receive this retirement pension, even though they have not
paid into the system during the previous years as have
* Olim over the age of 60 are not automatically given this
right. If they became Israeli citizens based on the criteria
of the Law of Return however, they may be granted this
pension (which will be called instead Kitzvas Zikna
Meyuchedet -- a special retirement pension) depending on if
their monthly income and pension from abroad is
If their pension from abroad is higher than the Israeli
retirement pension, they will not be eligible for an Israeli
retirement pension or health coverage by Bituach Leumi and
will have to pay for their own medical insurance at a rate
similar to what other Israelis pay. The cost they will have
to pay the State for medical coverage is still significantly
lower than private health insurance abroad. One retiree told
us he pays a little over $1,000 a year for full health
* Even if one didn't become an oleh, he can still obtain
certain Bituach Leumi benefits. However, his benefits will be
substantially limited and will not include nursing benefits,
stipend for family members after he passes away, and
* Returning Israelis are considered like Israelis regarding
Bituach Leumi, and they receive the same allocations that
Israelis get irrespective of their income or their payment
into the system.
Retirement Pension and Guaranteed Income Payments
Although there are of course many details involved in
determining whether and how much of an Israeli retirement
pension one is eligible for, we are bringing here the broad
outlines. Readers should be advised that this is not an
official publication of Bituach Leumi and also that the rules
and regulations are subject to change. They should seek
guidance from a knowledgeable counselor before making
important commitments.
Every Israeli retiree or oleh who came before the age of 60
will get the Retirement Pension no matter what his income is.
Where the wife was under 60 and the husband was over 60, the
woman will be fully insured by Bituach Leumi like every other
Israeli, and after 60 she gets a Retirement Pension
regardless of whatever other income she has.
Whether a couple gets Guaranteed Minimum Income payments
depends on what other sources of income they have. The
following information was provided by Mrs. Ruth Pinto, of the
Retirement Department of Bituach Leumi.
The Israeli retirement pension for A COUPLE is 1,671 new
shekels ($390) and the Guaranteed Income is another 1,184
($275) for a total of 2,795 new shekels ($665). A retirement-
age couple who has no other pension or income will be
eligible to receive these two sums from Bituach Leumi monthly
to live on. They can receive an additional 1,184 new shekels
($275) per month from other sources without having their
Retirement Pension and Guaranteed Income payments deducted,
to reach a total of 3,979 shekels a month ($940).
However, if they have an income of MORE than an additional
1,184 NIS per month, the amount of 1,184 NIS is subtracted
from that amount, and they are paid only the Retirement
Pension (1,671 NIS) plus the amount left over after the NIS
1,184 was deducted. For example, if a couple has NIS 2,000
income, Bituach Leumi will deduct 1,184 from that amount (=
NIS 816), and then subtract the NIS 816 from 2,795 = NIS
1,979. The retirees will then have their NIS 2,000 income
plus NIS 1,979 coming in from Bituach Leumi.
A person whose monthly income is NIS 2,308 ($543) OR MORE,
will only receive a Retirement Pension of NIS 1,671. Bituach
Leumi deducts NIS 1,184 from the NIS 2,308 income, which
leaves NIS 1,124. The NIS 1,124 is then deducted from NIS
2,795, leaving NIS 1,671, which is the Retirement Pension
guaranteed to every Israeli irrespective of his income. A
person with a higher monthly income than NIS 2,308 is thus
ineligible for the Guaranteed Income, and is only eligible
for the Retirement Pension.
For olim who arrived AFTER the age of 60 (for women) or 65
(for men):
If their monthly income equals up to NIS 2,795 ($660), they
are still eligible for the NIS 1,671 Retirement Pension. But
if their monthly income is even more, the amount above NIS
2,795 will have the Retirement Pension sum of NIS 1,671
deducted from it and the amount left is the amount of
Retirement Pension they will receive.
For instance, if a couple has NIS 3,795 monthly income, the
NIS 1,000 above NIS 2,795 will be deducted from NIS 1,671,
equaling NIS 671. They will only receive NIS 671 from Bituach
Leumi. If the couple have a monthly income above NIS 4,400
($1,023), they will not be eligible to receive the Retirement
It's almost impossible for American retirees to get the
Guaranteed Minimum Income because the lowest Social Security
payment is already above the NIS 2,308 threshold. Most
Americans who make aliya over the retirement age of 60 for
women or 65 for men would probably not be eligible for the
Retirement Pension either, since most couples receive more
than $1,023 from their combined private pensions and Social
Security payments. Next week we plan to print general
information about income and expenses for retirement living
in Israel.
Medical Insurance Payments (Demai Bituach Briyut)
The cost for receiving medical insurance and belonging to one
of the HMOs is paid to Bituach Leumi. For a couple who gets
both the Retirement Pension and the Guaranteed Income, the
cost is only NIS 84 per couple ($20). If the couple are only
eligible for the Retirement Pension, their cost is even
higher: NIS 227 ($53). If the couple are not eligible for
either the Retirement Pension or the Guaranteed Income, their
cost is generally 4.8 percent of their monthly income.
However, olim are exempt from payment for the first year
after they made aliya, irrespective of their age.
Registering for Bituach Leumi
A person can register with Bituach Leumi to get these
benefits only after he has settled in Israel and can prove
that Israel is now his main residence. It is not enough to
own or rent an apartment. He must furnish proof that he is
living in Israel, i.e. by showing that he is working here,
has an active bank account, has sent his furniture in a
shipment to Israel, utilities bills, etc. When he comes to
register at a Bituach Leumi office, he must bring his oleh
identity card.
If one leaves Israel, he loses all his Bituach Leumi
Israel's International Treaties Affecting Bituach Leumi
EUROPE: Israel has a treaty with England, France and
other selected countries in Europe concerning the pension
rights of citizens who leave these countries for Israel.
Whatever pension a person would have been eligible for in
England or France, will be paid to him by Israel. (For French
olim, this only applies to salaried workers.)
Thus, if an English Jew makes aliya at the age of 61, he will
receive the same pension from Israel when he reaches the age
of 65 as he would have received from England.
U.S.: Israel does not have an official agreement of
this kind with the U.S. However, they do have an agreement
that the U.S. will continue to pay Social Security payments
to Americans who settle in Israel. (In contrast, Israelis who
settle in the U.S. forfeit their Bituach Leumi payments.)
CANADA: Israel has no treaty with Canada. A Canadian
Jew who settles in Israel at 61, will not be eligible for any
Retirement Pension if his monthly income is above the minimum
threshold, nor will he receive Canadian retirement payments
that he would have been eligible for.
Other Bituach Leumi Benefits for Retirees
Relative's Allowance
If one's husband or wife passed away and he/she made aliya
before the age of 60, the surviving mate is eligible for the
Relative's Allowance, which is a minimum NIS 1,114.
If the husband or wife made aliya over the age of 60, Bituach
Leumi checks the remaining mate's income according to 2/3 of
the criteria for couples which was mentioned above. If the
remaining mate has as income of at least 2/3 of $1,023, he is
ineligible for this benefit.
If the wife was under 60 when the couple became olim, the
husband can get the Relative's Allowance if he has a low
Nursing Care
In keeping with the Community Long-Term Care Insurance Law,
one who needs help in caring for his everyday needs such as
feeding, washing, and dressing is provided with a home aide
for a fixed number of hours per week. If the person needs to
be hospitalized in a nursing home, Bituach Leumi will also
provide him with this care. However, Bituach Leumi will
require that he share in the expenses according to his
Bituach Leumi pays the full burial expenses for Israelis,
olim and even tourists who die in Israel. If the family is
willing to take whatever plot that the Chevra Kadisha gives
the niftar, they don't have to pay a cent.
However, if one wants to buy a special cemetery plot while he
is still alive, or if his relatives want to buy a special
cemetery plot for him, or if a surviving spouse wants to buy
the place right next to the deceased mate, they have to pay a
fee which was just recently fixed in law (about NIS 11,000
($2588) in Jerusalem, and less in other cities). If he or his
relatives want a monument erected over his grave, that is a
separate cost.
The abundance of gemachs and the wide range of
services which are run by worthy individuals in the religious
community in many cases free of cost, further reduces the
cost of living and provides important needs.
Here is just a short list of such services with many, many
more available. Putting one on the list or leaving it off is
not a statement of special approval or disapproval.
1. Ezras Torah of America helps all bnei Torah
including needy retirees. They give loans to past and
present yeshivaleit to cover their yom tov
needs or to marry off their children. Applicants have to
bring a recommendation from a rabbi and collateral. They also
have a regular gemach. Tel. (02)581-0714
2. Misgav Lekashish -- a commercial, agency that
provides home care, foreign workers, rehabilitative equipment
for the elderly and sick. (02) 537-7774
3. Mishan Lecholeh -- arrangements for placement in
senior citizen homes, home meals, many other activities. (02)
537-7711, (02) 500-3508
4. Simchat Netzurim -- (02) 538-4154, (02) 537-7108 --
entertainers and musicians who visit the sick in
5. Yad Sara -- all the help and equipment that an
elderly or sick person may need. A very large, national
Israeli organization. (02) 644-4430
6. Magen LeCholeh -- medical consultation for all
kinds of conditions. Rabbi Benny Fisher. (02) 643-3474.
(Also: Ezra Umarpeh - 03-577-7000, Refuah VeChaim
Vizhnitz -- 03-674-1122, Kav Lechayim for cancer
patients and CF patients -- (02) 643-2333)
7. Simcha Umazor -- reduced dental care. (02) 571-
8. Chevrat Mitzvos Nadiros -- helps every Jew to
perform rare mitzvos like petter chamor, shiluach
haken, certain matanos kehuna, etc. (02) 581-
9. Hachnosas Orchim Rashbi - free food provided when
visiting the grave site of Rashbi (Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai)
in Meiron. (02) 571-3820, (04) 698-0797.
10. Committee to Observe Shabbos -- promotes
observance of Shabbos privately and publicly. (03) 538-
Gemachs of every imaginable kind are available
throughout Jerusalem. Medical equipment gemachs are
located in every neighborhood and are too numerous to mention
by name. Other gemachs: low chairs and other
necessities for mourning, food for simchas, food for
the needy, food for hospital visitors, moving boxes, used
clothes, English and American stamps, Dead Sea mud, sewing
patterns, hosting guests, hosting guests near hospitals,
transporting invalids, wedding needs, health food and
vitamins, talleisim, telephone cards, cell phones,
form letters, burners, tools, banquet dishes, tables and
chairs, playpens, fans, loudspeakers, baby paraphernalia,
suitcases, mezuzas, mattresses, partitions, computers, water
urns, folding beds, microwaves, haircutting equipment,
inhalers, sewing machines, tablecloths, cameras, blankets,
projectors, fridges and freezers, toys, glasses, candles,
segulot, ladders, pots, sifrei Torah, books, cribs,
film, Shabbos hot plates, Shabbos candlesticks, furniture,
vacuum cleaners, American stamps, work tools and more.
There is so much more available. One can find many more
organizations and nonprofits of every kind by looking into
the Hebrew-language Chareidi Directory (published in
Jerusalem - (02) 532-6789) under the section "Associations
and Organizations" and "Gemachs".
NEXT WEEK: How much does it cost to live retired in
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