and Family
Krias Kodesh of Maranan Verabonon
Bs"d, Isru Chag Pesach, 5762
In light of the difficult situation prevailing in Eretz
Hakodesh, it is clear that we need rachmei Shomayim and
that we cannot pin our trust on one particular element or
another or rely on any specific individual. The Chofetz Chaim
often said that there is no way to save ourselves from
chevlei Moshiach except by following the counsel of the
Torah hakedoshoh. As Rav Elozor said: "What should a
person do in order to be spared from chevlei Moshiach?
He should engage in Torah and gemilus chassodim"
(Sanhedrin 98b). Therefore the only good eitza is to
increase one's Torah study to the maximum of one's abilities,
because our Torah study has the capacity to effect wonders in
HaKodosh Boruch Hu's conduct of His world.
Therefore we appeal to all of the yeshivos hakedoshos
and to the kollelim to begin the summer zman
earlier this year, on Wednesday the 28th of Nisan, and
that regular shiurim commence on Thursday, Nisan 29.
We call upon yeshiva students to make special efforts to
strengthen their Torah learning wherever they are until the
beginning of the zman, and to begin the summer
zman in the yeshivos hakedoshos with special
enthusiasm, in respect to exertion in Torah. It is to this
that the verse: "Im bechukosai teileichu . . . venosati
gishmeichem . . . vecherev lo sa'avor be'artzechem," alludes.
Safro explicates: "`Im bechukosai teileichu' [means]
`tihiyu ameilim beTorah.' These "ways" of walking with
Hashem's laws by toiling in Torah are what determine the
order of Divine conduct in Creation, and the more Torah study
proliferates in Yisroel, the more abundant the blessing and
the goodness we will be zoche to from the Mokom
Boruch Hu. It is from here that we deduce the obligation
to make maximal efforts to increase Torah in Yisroel. Each
and every one of us should assess his own abilities to act in
this area and proceed accordingly, because this is vital to
save our entire generation.
On the merit of our strengthening ourselves in the study of
the Torah hakedoshoh, which protects and saves, we will
deserve to be redeemed by HaKodosh Boruch Hu from the
difficult hours and to be saved an everlasting deliverance,
speedily in our time. Omen.
(signed) Yosef Sholom Eliashiv, Aaron Leib Shteinman, Moshe
Shmuel Shapira, Michel Yehuda Lekfowitz, Chaim Pinchos
Scheinberg, Zalman Rotberg, Nissim Karelitz, Tzvi Markowitz,
Avrohom Yaakov Zaleznik, Shmuel Auerbach