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"Within a year, be'ezras Hashem, we hope to hold a
chanukas habayis for the reopening of Yeshivas
Volozhin," announced Rosh Yeshivas Minsk Rav Sender Oritzky,
formerly chief rabbi of Byelorussia. "Workers have already
begun to repair the roof of the building and once all of the
renovations are complete it will be possible to resume Torah
study in the building of the celebrated Yeshivas
The very name Volozhin warms the heart of every ben
Torah. This small town in Byelorussia was the cradle of
the entire yeshiva world. Once the sound of Torah issuing
from Volozhin was heard from one end of the earth to the
other. The illustrious yeshiva founded by HaRav Chaim
Volozhiner produced all of the gedolei Torah and the
great roshei yeshivos of previous generations whose
Torah illuminates the path we walk and fills the wellsprings
from which we drink.
From this yeshiva emerged the Beis Halevi, Rav Shimon Shkop,
Rav Boruch Ber, Rav Chaim of Brisk, the Netziv (who served as
rosh yeshiva there for forty years), Rav Moshe
Mordechai Epstein, Rav Zundel of Salant, Rav Nochum of
Horodena (the Chofetz Chaim's rebbe), Rav Isser Zalman
Meltzer, Rav Chaim Ozer and other Torah greats
Yeshivas Volozhin was set up 200 years ago, and at its height
500 talmidim studied there. In those days 500
bochurei yeshiva was a huge number and it was
certainly unmatched anywhere in the Jewish world. Thousands
of talmidim passed through the yeshiva over the
About 110 years ago, the Netziv of Volozhin, then serving as
rosh yeshiva, closed the yeshiva when the authorities
tried to introduce secular studies. Five years later the
yeshiva reopened in all of its former splendor until 5701
(1941), when the Nazis decimated the Jews of Volozhin,
including the yeshiva's talmidim. All told, the sound
of Torah issued forth from the yeshiva for over 130 years.
The yeshiva building has stood desolate ever since the evil
German ravager cast his dark shadow over Europe. Once a
lighthouse of Torah sending its rays around the world, the
building has even been vandalized since falling into
When the gates of the former Soviet Union opened, some
visitors who recalled the yeshiva in its past glory laid
their eyes on the painful sight of the now dilapidated
building. The outer walls are peeling, the roof leaks and is
about to cave in, and the heichal now lies in
The debasement of the heichal so tore at the hearts of
the leaders of Byelorussia's Jewish community that they began
a battle to regain control of the yeshiva building in order
to renovate it and to restore it to at least a shadow of its
former glory, for the sake of posterity.
Heading the fight to bring the facility into the hands of the
Jewish community are Rav Sender Oritzky and Union of Jewish
Religious Congregations Chairman Uri Doran, who has invested
much of his time and energy into efforts to ignite the sparks
of Jewish life in Byelorussia. After four-and-a-half years
the battle was finally won a few weeks ago. The cost of the
renovation project has been estimated at $300,000.
Congress for Strengthening Torah
Rav Oritzky issued his enthusiastic announcement that
renovations of the yeshiva building are under way, during the
Congress of Lithuanian Yeshivos in former Soviet Countries
held three weeks ago in Minsk, capital of Byelorussia. At the
congress were representatives from yeshivos in Kiev and Riga
and from Rav Oritzky's yeshiva in Minsk; representatives from
a yeshiva in Moscow were also scheduled to participate, but
did not arrive.
The congress became a public event much talked of in
Byelorussia. Even the local media took an interest and
government officials took part. Dozens of talmidim and
avreichim from the above yeshivas came to participate
in the congress, proving that despite the destruction of
European and Russian Jewry, the sound of Torah is still heard
across these vast lands. Rabbonim and key activists dedicated
to supporting Torah throughout these countries also took
part, arriving from faraway locations such as Moscow.
The congress opened with an impressive speech by Rav Oritzky,
who expressed his delight that several Lithuanian yeshivas
have been set up in the former Soviet Union in recent years.
He made note of the dire financial difficulties the yeshivas
face as they try to rekindle the embers of Torah and
Yiddishkeit lying among the ruins of Judaism in the
former Soviet Union. He also mentioned the glorious past of
Byelorussia, once the capital of Torah-based Judaism
Lithuanian-born Rav Yehuda Gordon, who has been actively
working to support yeshivas and to rejuvenate Jewish life in
the former Soviet Union, arrived from his home in Israel to
participate in the congress.
Rav Mordechai Reichenstein, rosh yeshivas Aish Hatorah
in Kiev, spoke of Torah life in the Ukrainian capital, of the
many shiurim given at the yeshiva both for
talmidim and also for Jews who come in the evening to
study Chumash, gemora and mussar. Yet because
of severe financial circumstances he was forced to curtail
the yeshiva's activities.
He says a dramatic change has taken place in recent years
among the Jews of Kiev and that some 100 people now live
their lives around the yeshiva. "There are half a million
Jews living in the Ukraine. In Kiev alone there are 70,000
Jews, and our yeshiva is almost the only place where yeshiva-
style shiurei Torah are held. Last Shavuos we were the
only place in Kiev where there was learning all night and in
the morning we davened with netz hachomo with
over 100 men."
Yeshivas Zichron Yitzchok in Riga is an interesting story in
itself. It was set up 12 years ago by the late ger
tzedek Rav Yitzchok Mitin, a talmid muvhok of Rav
Yitzchok Zilber ylct'a.
Rav Zilber works to promote yeshivas and Torah life in the
former Soviet Union with mesirus nefesh. He delivers
shiurim via telephone at these yeshivas and offers the
talmidim and rabbonim close guidance and direction
every step of the way. Many talmidim and Jewish
community members everywhere feel bound to him heart and
During Rav Mitin's years as its head, the yeshiva flourished
and many bochurim studied there under austere
conditions with true mesirus nefesh. Today Rav Uri
Geller heads the yeshiva and the former rosh yeshiva's
widow, Rebbetzin Mitin, has undertaken the task of sustaining
the yeshiva. Despite her prodigious efforts, it is in
financial decline, barely able to support itself and the
remaining seven bochurim who study with amazing
mesirus nefesh.
One of these talmidim, Aharon Leviberg, told the
congress that the yeshiva has already produced over 100
bnei Torah currently studying in top yeshivas in
Israel and the United States. He described how the yeshiva
has also saved Jews and Jewish youths from the clutches of
missionary activities. Leviberg said there are 20,000 Jews
throughout Latvia, and Yeshivas Zichron Yitzchok is the only
place in the region where the sound of Torah study can be
His amazing older brother Binyomin Leviberg also studies at
the yeshiva. Binyomin is a tremendous masmid with a
gemora in hand almost all hours of the night and day,
including mealtimes. In addition to the masechtos
studied at the yeshiva, he has already completed Bovo
Kama, Brochos and Sanhedrin on his own, including
the meforshim, Rishonim and Acharonim; he has also
delved into halocho, attaining extensive knowledge of
the Shulchan Oruch.
The guest of honor, Deputy Minister of Religion Vladimir
Lamirkov (sent in place of the Minister at the last moment),
emphasized the need to maintain good relations between the
government of Byelorussia and the Jewish communities,
particularly the Union of Religious Jewish Congregations with
its 19 member communities.
Union Chairman Uri Doran proudly presented the historical key
to the yeshiva building, which he received from government
authorities. He spoke of the chain of contacts leading to the
acquisition of the building and even recounted how bakery and
pastry shops located in the building were relocated. He
stressed the fact that the building had returned to Jewish
hands, an event not only propitious for the Jews of
Byelorussia but for Jews around the world, particularly for
the Torah and yeshiva world.
He went on to speak of the 2,500 Jewish travelers who visited
Jewish sites in Byelorussia last year, up from previous
years. In closing he mentioned the dozens of other buildings
throughout Byelorussia where the sound of Torah is heard
night and day -- Yeshivas Mir, Yeshivas Radin, buildings in
Brisk, Grodno and other towns, and said the Jewish community
of Byelorussia plans to work to secure these buildings as
"This congress is entirely lesheim Shomayim," said Rav
Oritzky in concluding the first part of the congress. "There
is no Torah study lesheim Shomayim like here in such
austere conditions and with such tremendous mesirus
nefesh. Here no one is influenced by This World; we are
completely detached from the surroundings, and study and
perform mitzvos in total innocence. There is no
chitzonius and nothing to disrupt us."
During the second part of the congress participants held
working meetings to discuss ways to raise additional
resources to strengthen the foundations of the yeshivas, the
yeshivas' special needs and mutual assistance among the
various yeshivas. They also discussed ways to increase and
improve Torah learning and to open the hearts of more and
more young Jewish men to encourage them to come to the
Another work group addressed the matter of construction of
the yeshiva in Volozhin and what the building would be
designated for once renovations are complete. The current
plan is to develop a Torah center with a beis medrash,
a kosher lemehadrin kitchen and restaurant, a
conference hall and a guest house in order to accommodate
yarchei kalla, yeshivas bein hazmanim, Judaism
seminars, etc.
The Byelorussia of Yesteryear
The day after the conference the participants set out for a
tour of Volozhin and as many other towns as time permitted.
Grodno, Mir, Radin, Volozhin, Keltzk, Slutsk, Pinsk, Minsk,
Novardok, Brisk and Bernovicz are all towns in Byelorussia
where Jewish life once flourished. They had famous yeshivas
that drew bnei Torah from far and wide.
Almost nothing remains of that past splendor and glory,
except for a few shattered gravestones and deserted
First the group arrived in Volozhin. For most of those
present, this was their first visit to the illustrious site,
and they were visibly excited.
Rav Oritzky told the story of the Netziv, who walked into the
heichal of his yeshiva late one night and found Shimon
Shkop, who would later become the great Rosh Yeshiva of
Grodno, crying. He knew the boy came from a very poor family
and assumed he was crying because he lacked something. In
reply to the Rosh Yeshiva's inquiry, young Shimon said he was
crying because he had tried time after time to understand a
Rashbo on Bovo Basra and had been unsuccessful. The
Netziv told him that he, too, had been unable to understand
that Rashbo. Then he went to the nearby grave of Rav Chaim of
Volozhin and prayed to Hashem for help with the difficult
passage. Later he came back and explained to the boy the new
understanding he had gained following his prayers at the
The delegates then walked to the cemetery to pray for the
salvation of Am Yisroel at the holy grave of Rav Chaim of
Volozhin, founder of Yeshivas Volozhin and talmid
muvhok of the Vilna Gaon.
The cemetery is mostly destroyed. Most of the gravestones are
no longer intact. Near Rav Chaim's kever is the grave
of his son, Rav Itzeleh of Volozhin, who succeeded his father
as rosh yeshiva.
As they left the cemetery, the delegates came upon a number
of elderly ladies who still recall the yeshiva in operation
and the talmidim waking down the paths of the town
until 1941, when the Germans led all of the remaining
talmidim and the other Jews in town to their
Then the delegation headed for Radin, where the Chofetz Chaim
lived and now lies buried.
Radin today has a population of no more than 2,000 people.
Poverty and negligence can be seen everywhere. The bus parked
at the center of town and a two-minute walk brought the
visitors to the house where the Chofetz Chaim once lived (see
sidebar). A few dozen yards further stands the Yeshivas Radin
building. Unlike Volozhin, here the building is preserved
and well-kept. A community club used the building until
recently and now the building is on sale for $85,000.
When the delegation returned to the bus for the ride to the
cemetery, an old man stepped up to the bus, claiming to be a
Jew and saying he remembers the Chofetz Chaim from his
The visit to the Radin Cemetery was a memorable experience in
itself. In awe and reverence the delegation approached the
newly renovated grave of the Chofetz Chaim, opening sifrei
Tehillim and lifting up their prayers to the Borei
Olom to take pity on His nation. A special prayer was
offered in light of the difficult situation Am Yisroel is
facing in the Holy Land, and tears flowed down many cheeks
when "Acheinu kol Beis Yisroel" was recited.
Later the delegation set out for the town of Novardok and
then on to Mir, where they visited the grave of the
mashgiach, HaRav Yeruchom Lebovitz, and offered
further prayers and supplications to HaKodosh Boruch
Hu, pleading with Him to take pity on Am Yisroel in this
hour of need.
Chofetz Chaim's Home Transported to the U.S.
One month ago a large truck entered the town of Radin, drove
to the end of the main street and turned right. It stopped
beside a small house on the right which the Chofetz Chaim
called home for several decades. Workers climbed down from
the truck and began disassembling the house. Within a matter
of hours the entire house lay in pieces and was loaded onto
the truck, which then made its way straight for Minsk's
international airport, a drive of several hours.
Within 24 hours the house had arrived in Monsey, New York,
completing the first phase of the operation. The next phase
will be to reassemble it in Monsey just as it stood in Radin
for over 200 years.
The project was organized by the Chofetz Chaim's grandsons
and great-grandsons, the Zaks Family of New York, who
purchased the house from the City of Radin for $9,000. They
plan to set up a monument and museum in the house as a
memorial to the legacy of Am Yisroel's great rov who once
lived there.
Until the house was purchased it was shared by a Gypsy family
and an elderly Byelorussian woman. The lot now stands empty,
but the city of Radin, aware of the tremendous potential for
tourism the site offers, announced plans to build a monument
at the site to mark the spot where the Chofetz Chaim once
Minsk was once a leading city in Israel, but when the ravager
of European Jewry rose to power, he decimated the Jews of
Minsk, leaving no trace of the splendor and glory that once
graced the city and all of Byelorussia.
In recent years the spark of Torah has been rekindled here.
In a five-story building at 13b Dowman Street local Jews have
set up a Jewish community center. The building houses a
beis knesses, a soup kitchen, a youth organization,
offices for the Union of Religious Communities and a monthly
Jewish publication, a lecture hall and the crowning jewel --
the Yeshiva Gedola DeMinsk. Soon construction of a
mikveh will also be complete.
Inside the beis medrash, yeshiva bochurim with
tzitzis showing can be found alongside elderly Minsk
Jews as late as 11:00 p.m. as if in broad daylight. Here
bochurim sit and learn gemora, Mishna and
Chumash with extraordinary hasmodoh.
The rov and rosh yeshiva -- and in fact the spiritual
leader of this entire enterprise -- is Rav Sender Oritzky.
For six years he was denied permission to emigrate to Israel.
Finally in 5749 he was granted an exit visa via Riga. He made
his way to Yeshivas Or Somayach in Jerusalem, where he grew
and grew in Torah. Eventually he was called on to run and
head a branch of Yeshivas Shevus Ami and later headed a
unique yeshiva high school in Beitar.
Four years ago he was asked to work as an activist in Minsk
after a shaliach from Yeshivas Aish Hatorah, Rav
Yonoson Dotman, a Karliner chossid, decided to
discontinue his work in the field. Local Jews soon recognized
Rav Oritzky's special attributes and appointed him Chief
Rabbi of the Union of Religious Communities in Byelorussia.
Since his appointment Rav Oritzky has devoted his entire
being to the task.
Once every six months the administration of the Union of
Communities meets to discuss the needs of local Jews in their
communities and ways of improving Torah life and
infrastructure for Jews throughout Byelorussia. Next
Chanukah, the Union will celebrate 10 years since the
founding and its heads are planning a major event to boost
Torah Judaism throughout the country.
Approximately 1,500 Minsk Jews are associated with the
kehilloh. Truly observant Jews number no more than 25-
30 out of the city's total Jewish population of 13,000. In
all of Byelorussia there are currently at least 50,000 Jews.
Last Pesach there were five sedorim in Minsk,
accommodating nearly 2,000 people.
On Monday morning a few weeks ago 50 people were present for
Shacharis. Even the ezras noshim was full,
although it was a regular weekday. People arrived from
distant locations, some traveling 30 miles by train. Eighty-
nine-year-old Avrohom Yaakov bar Shlomo Meir Brachfund was
chosen to lead the services. He recited the tefilloh
with a distinct Lithuanian pronunciation although there has
been no beis knesses near his home for many years.
Long ago his father was the baal tefilloh in Minsk.
Avrohom Yaakov was born in Radoshkovicz, a town located not
far from the city, and he is now the last Jew left there. He
has clear recollections of the cheder he attended over
80 years ago as well as the melamed and many of the
300 chadorim operating in Minsk back then, compared to
the 30 Christian schools. Since his youth he has made his
living working as a tailor.
One of his contemporaries, Dovid Gershon Gelcholtz, also 89,
displays the medals he received while serving in the Russian
army. He also spent a period of time fighting with the
Partisans. Gelcholtz, like Brachfund, says he remained in
Minsk for personal reasons and now feels it is too late to
move to Israel.
To illustrate the great mesirus nefesh for Torah in
Minsk, take the case of Dovid Walkov, who has a Masters
degree in economics. He dropped everything because of his
yearning to learn Torah. According to Rav Oritzky, today more
and more Jews want to return to their roots. Aliya has
decreased dramatically due to the security situation in
Israel, giving more importance to the task of building the
foundations of Torah life in Minsk and its environs.
A tour of the city of Minsk is a very depressing experience.
A vast world of vibrant Jewish life vanished as if it had
never existed. Before World War II half of the 500,000 people
living in Minsk were Jewish. Most of the 800,000 Jews
throughout Byelorussia were annihilated.
Once there were several botei knesses on almost every
street. Today no sign of them remains. Some of the buildings
still stand, but there is no indication they once housed a
beis knesses or yeshiva. The tour guide points to one
building, saying the Rav used to live there. A short time ago
a mezuzoh still hung on the door post, but it was
removed recently during renovations.
We continue onward and the guide shows us the building that
once housed the yeshiva of the Shaagas Aryeh. Called
Blumkes Klaus, it was named after Mrs. Bluma who
funded the construction of the yeshiva after the previous
building was completely destroyed in a fire. Today the
building serves as a youth club. According to local tradition
the site was also once used for the Chevras Tiferes Bochurim,
a sort of afternoon and evening yeshiva for baalei
A large beis knesses once stood at 3 Dimitriov, in the
heart of the former Jewish ghetto. Despite outspoken protest
by the Jewish community, the building was recently demolished
along with other old buildings to make room for a new
construction project. On the other side of the street a
dilapidated two-story building on the verge of collapse once
contained the home of the Maggid of Minsk, Rav Binyomin
Not far away, on Namiga Street, were no less than 120
botei knesses and botei medrash! One building,
formerly a large beis knesses, is now a nature
exhibition and another beis knesses with seating for
1,000 people has been converted into a theater.
The Jewish cemetery in Minsk also lies in ruins, except for a
few scattered stones. Some 10,000 graves lie here and nothing
remains of them. The gravestones were used 40-50 years ago
for housing construction.
In a corner of the cemetery is a large mass grave. According
to conjecture, thousands of Jews were killed there. In
another part of the cemetery, called Coropti, an estimated
100,000 Jews were killed. At yet another place of destruction
called Yama lie a monument and a black tombstone with an
inscription informing visitors that on this site Jews were
killed by the Nazis. Long- time Minsk residents know the
Germans killed more than 6,000 Jews there within two days'
Not far from Minsk is a site called Trostneitzt. According to
estimates nearly one million Jews annihilated by the Germans
throughout Byelorussia and neighboring countries were brought
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