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The Green and the Schneider families live opposite each
other, on the middle floor of a three-story apartment
building. Their apartments are identical in size and layout,
differing only in their exposures, of course.
Yoel Schneider is an avreich who studies in kollel
full-time, while Yehoshua Green, whose accent betrays his
British origin, studies with Yoel half a day in kollel,
and works in a sifrei kodesh store between five to
eight in the evening.
Whoever might think that the closeness of their apartments
makes the two young men resemble each other in character and
outlook, is wrong. Their personalities are as diametrical as
east is from west, and each one of them determines his
household policies accordingly (or at least they did until
unusual circumstances caused one of them to make a drastic
change in his life).
At the outset of our story, the Green household was run by
strict and clear rules. The members of the family knew in
advance what Mrs. Green would prepare every day for lunch. On
Shabbosim and yomim tovim, the menu was set and
Meals in the Green home were served at specific hours: lunch
at 1:30, followed by a rest period, during which Mrs. Green
closed the shutters, put the children into bed, and then lay
down herself. A large sign on the door, in bold English and
Hebrew lettering said: "Please don't knock or ring the bell
between 2 and 4 in the afternoon. Thank you."
The daily schedule was also rigid. If anyone tried to visit
them after 10:30 at night, the chances that his knocks on the
door would be answered were nil.
Needless to say that every visitor knew that he had to inform
the family of his arrival in advance and to coordinate his
visit with them, otherwise he would nonplus the Greens and
cause an unpleasant situation which he certainly would want
to avoid second time around, thank you so kindly.
Yehoshua Green seemed like a self-appointed representative of
the building's Environment and Living Conditions committee,
even though it didn't really have one. He repeatedly posted
requests to the other occupants to keep quiet during rest
hours, to keep the building clean and not to pick the flowers
in the garden. He was vigilant on these points and scolded
anyone who disobeyed them.
He never regarded even the smallest request addressed to him
by friends, neighbors or family lightly, but would carefully
weigh all sides of any given request, examining all of its
aspects and factors very seriously before making his final
The daily schedule at the Schneider home was totally
different. In the Schneider home, schedules were leisurely
and flexible. The family members never knew what to expect
for lunch, nor at what time it would be served. Sometimes
lunch was ready when they returned home. At other times, it
only began to cook then -- and from time to time, it was
postponed until evening. But who cared? In the meantime the
family found plenty to munch on in the pantry and
Sometimes, just the immediate family dined together. At other
times, a number of unexpected guests would join them,
everyone feeling at ease.
There were days on which Yoel Schneider napped after lunch,
in order to refresh himself before the afternoon session in
kollel, and there were times when he didn't even see a
pillow. Despite his exhaustion, he often tended to his
affairs in the afternoons. Sometimes, a neighbor needed help,
and occasionally, the only time Yoel could pop in on his
elderly neighbor and ask how he felt was during siesta
Once in a while, he had to repair a broken item in the house
precisely then, or to return money he had borrowed from a
friend. Knocks on the door or phone calls could be expected
at any time, since the Schneider family ran a number of
gemachim in its home: a medicine gemach, a
Materna gemach, a pacifier gemach, a crib
gemach, a tablecloth gemach. You name it, they
had it.
In addition to all this, Yoel volunteered for Hatzoloh, and
everyone knew that he could be called at any hour of the day
or night, except during the hours he was in kollel.
When his beeper went off, he would rush to the scene of
the accident and administer the necessary first aid to the
injured and the wounded.
Obviously, the Schneiders didn't have a set bedtime.
Sometimes at 10 P.M. the entire family would hit the hay,
dead tired. At other times, the house bustled until well
after midnight. People who knocked at their door didn't give
up after one try, but knocked again and again. In general,
they were eventually answered.
Yoel tried to abide by the rules set by the tenants, yet he
never rebuked offenders for littering. Despite the
inconvenience, his children remained inside during rest hours
and never threw candy wrappers or ice cream sticks on the
stairs or in the hall.
The differences of opinion between Yehoshua and Yoel surfaced
when Mr. Avner Lebowitz, a neighbor who lived on top of the
Schneiders asked Yoel: "Do you agree to let me build a
". . . And you let him," Yehoshua sarcastically remarked when
he heard about the plan.
"Why not?" Yoel wondered. "If I can help a neighbor have more
space, why should I stand in his way?"
"Come on. Don't be so naive," Yehoshua mocked. "Don't you
know what you're getting into? First of all, even though the
date the work is slated to begin is known, you can never know
when it'll end. Occasionally, in midstream, the owner of the
apartment decides that he wants to exceed the allotted time
and the space the municipality has authorized, sometimes to
the point of wild invasion of your area and the blatant
disregard of your rights.
"Besides that, what about the other points you have to
examine before you give your approval? Do you know how you'll
feel when the porch blocks the warm sun rays and the light,
or the beautiful view from your apartment window? Don't
forget the deafening noise we'll all have to endure during
construction. And what about our afternoon rest periods? And
then there's the dirt, the dust, the mess. All that has to be
taken into consideration in advance."
"True, I haven't examined all of the factors. But I don't
find any important reason to refuse. Are such side
considerations like sun, light and view sufficient to prevent
me from letting a neighbor enjoy a bit of much-needed extra
"It's pointless to talk to you on this subject," Yehoshua
claimed with a dismissing gesture. "If my side of the
building were involved, I would never give my permission so
Yehoshua's words were nearly prophetic, even though he didn't
know it at the time. While the scaffolding which supported
Lebowitz's future porch was being erected in the building's
yard, Friedman the neighbor from the first floor (under
Schneider) decided to add two rooms to his apartment, thereby
building in his private garden.
"It'll ruin the appearance of the entire side of the
building," Yehoshua warned Yoel.
"Don't worry. Only the back of the building is involved. The
expansion won't be visible at all from the building's
After a few moments, another thought flashed through
Yehoshua's mind, and he whispered: "Yoel, I think I
understand what's going on. If you agreed, then you
apparently want to build after him. Am I right?"
"I haven't even thought about that. I have no plans to
expand, and no money for such things. But if my neighbor can,
in the meantime, expand his living quarters, why should I
prevent him?"
"It's like I said. There's no one to talk to," Yehoshua
grunted when he saw the cement blocks piling up in the
garden, attesting to the fact that construction was a fait
accompli. "It's no wonder that you're so tired, "
Yehoshua told Yoel one day. "I'm sure that you don't rest at
all in the afternoon, because of the noise. Even though my
bedroom is on the other side of the apartment, I still bought
a pair of ear plugs, and can rest during the afternoons as
"We've gotten used to the noise," Yoel replied. "For us its
like background music. There are other reasons why I can't
catch a nap in the afternoons. You know, during this season,
a lot of people are sick and need the medicine gemach.
People knock even in the middle of the night. I also
attend to many personal affairs in the afternoon, so that I
won't have to miss kollel. Furthermore, I volunteer
for Hatzoloh, and every now and then get calls on the beeper.
I guess I am a bit pressured."
"I don't understand how you can live that way," Yehoshua
exclaimed. "I could never take such a regimen. Your burden
could be shared by a few people. It's too much for one
person. Be careful, though. You're liable to collapse one
day, and then no one will be have gained, neither you nor the
community which exploits you that way," Yehoshua rejoined.
"Funny, I've never felt exploited," Yoel replied in an
offended tone. "I was raised to believe that whatever a
person does, he does for himself alone, even if it seems as
if he has his fellow's sake in mind. Everything he does
contributes to the building of his character. Hakodosh
Boruch Hu has many ways to help people, and He doesn't
need my help. I regard it as a zechus to contribute to
the community, and I am glad that my contribution sometimes
helps a bit."
Yehoshua shrugged his shoulders. It was obvious that he
didn't understand his neighbor's mindset.
One afternoon, as Yehoshua and Yoel were on their way home
from kollel, Yoel's beeper began to buzz, informing
him that an accident had just occurred in the center of
"These accidents are a national calamity," Yehoshua, who was
terribly shaken, commented.
"I have to rush to the intersection where a Hatzoloh car will
pick me up. Do me a favor, and tell my wife that I had a call
and that she shouldn't worry," Yoel said and rushed off.
Yoel reached the site of the accident and began to treat the
victim, who was stretched out on the road, unconscious and
bleeding heavily. He had been hit by a bus and was obviously
a young yeshiva student. For some reason, Yoel thought that
he looked familiar but he couldn't quite place him.
Yoel bent over him and tried to stop the flow of the blood
and to bandage his wounds. After administering first aid, he
checked the boy's documents and found a passport with the
name Meir Green.
"Why didn't I recognize him right away? I'm nearly certain
that he's Yehoshua's brother. He came here to study and he
visits Yehoshua every now and then."
Meir Green's parents lived in chutz lo'oretz and,
except for Yehoshua, Meir had no relatives in Eretz Yisroel.
Yoel hopped into the ambulance which took Meir to the
hospital and, after he was certain that Meir's situation was
stable, called Yehoshua in order to update him. He tried the
telephone, and then the cellular phone, but in vain. There
was no answer. Then he recalled that it was nap time at the
Yoel called home and asked his wife to wake Mr. Green
urgently and to ask him to call him immediately. Mrs.
Schneider stepped across the hall and ignored the sign on the
Green's door: "Don't knock between two and four." After all,
the circumstances were extenuating.
Despite the knocking and buzzing, no one opened the door. As
we noted earlier, since construction had begun nearby in the
building, Yehoshua napped with ear plugs in his ears and
didn't hear a thing. The Greens had also gotten used to the
idea that in Eretz Yisroel unlike in chutz lo'oretz,
certain people had absolutely no manners and ignored even the
politest requests. These people did whatever they wanted,
even if that meant disregarding the needs and stealing the
sleep of one's fellow. Therefore, they decided not to be
accomplices to such offenses and never to open the door even
if they indeed heard the knocks.
Mrs. Schneider told her husband about the failed mission and
Yoel asked her not to give up, because of the importance of
the matter, and to give Mr. Green the message before he left
for kollel, come what may.
At precisely 4:02, Yoel's cellular phone rang and he received
the call he had so long anticipated.
"What's doing Yoel?" Yehoshua asked as he tried to mask his
"I was a bit busy today," Yoel replied.
"Ah, I nearly forgot. You told me that there was an accident
this afternoon. What happened?"
"I need your help. Can you meet me in the emergency room of
the hospital in the center of the city?" Yoel asked.
"No problem. I'll pop over on my way to the book store,"
Yehoshua replied. Although he still didn't understand what
was behind the request, from Yoel's tone he realized that the
matter was rather serious.
On the way, Yehoshua's mind cleared a bit and he began to
tremble and to wonder why he hadn't understood Yoel's hint.
"Who knows what happened?" he asked himself, the fear which
gripped him preventing him from calling Yoel for details. He
recited Tehillim the entire way to the hospital and
their words suddenly bore relevance to him.
When he met Yoel and heard the terrible news, he was
Meir lay on the bed, motionless. His eyes were closed, and
most of his body was bandaged.
"Oy Meir, how awful to see you this way," Yehoshua
Then, after recovering from the initial shock, he turned to
Yoel and said: "I feel terrible. There I was napping in my
house like a king, while my dear, precious and exhausted
neighbor was struggling to save my very own brother's life.
Does that make sense? How can I repay you for your kindness,
for your extraordinary mesiras nefesh, for your
unprecedented dedication to others?"
"That's okay. I was merely doing my duty," Yoel cut him
short. Obviously, Yoel felt uncomfortable hearing Yehoshua's
"You say that you fulfilled your duty? I was the one who
should have come to the hospital to care for my brother,"
Yehoshua asserted.
"Yes, I fulfilled my obligation. But it was also a
zechus. Don't you remember that in one of our
`arguments,' I once said that whatever a man does, is
eventually for his own sake? If I hadn't given Meir first
aid, he would have closed his eyes forever. I had the
zechus to be the shaliach who saved him, and I
thank Hashem for granting me that zechus."
The construction in the yard took four months. It wasn't an
easy period for the neighbors -- noise, dust dirt, dawdling.
Finally, it was over, and all heaved sighs of relief, glad
that they would no longer be inconvenienced.
Actually, that isn't an accurate statement. Yehoshua's
priorities had totally changed and he had stopped being
disturbed by petty inconveniences long ago.
Yehoshua's life had totally about-faced due to his unexpected
situation. It had taken his brother a long time to
recuperate, and Yehoshua was forced to change his habits and
to become more flexible as he nursed his brother back to
health. He changed so drastically that it seemed as if
vicissitude was the most permanent factor in his life.
After his brother had totally recovered and had returned to
yeshiva, Yehoshua was updated on the developments among the
neighbors. He was told that the two rooms which the first
floor neighbor, Mr. Friedman, had added, created a surface
which the Schneiders had decided to annex to their own area
as a huge porch.
Since Yoel's limited budget did not allow him to build on
that area, Yoel just covered it with floor tiles and built a
fence around it, and then converted the window which faced it
into a door. The result was that Yoel had a huge porch, which
was like a private yard where lots of kids, including
Yehoshua's, came to play.
A few months passed and it was Erev Succos. Mr. Lebowitz, the
upstairs neighbor who had since closed his porch with
aluminum and glass which he was using for a succah this year,
offered Yoel his old succa boards, saying: "It was so nice of
you to give me permission to expand. The least I can do to
express my gratitude to you is to give you these boards."
That same day, Yehoshua informed his neighbors: "We get a
mazel Tov. My wife had a boy."
After extending him his usual, warm greeting, Yoel asked:
"Where will you hold the sholom zochor? Don't forget
that it falls on Shabbos chol hamoed Succos,"
"To tell you the truth, I was so busy that I nearly forgot
about that," Yehoshua replied, a bit confused.
"That's really a problem. How will everyone fit into your
small succah? But there's a solution to that problem too. I
guess that's why Hashem expanded our succah this year. Take a
look at my porch. You're welcome to use the entire area on
Shabbos night. We'll hold the sholom zochor here,"
Yoel told Yehoshua who was stunned by Yoel's goodwill.
With shame, Yehoshua recalled how he had made such a fuss
about the expansion of the Friedman's apartment.
"What do you say to this?" Yoel then asked as he pointed to a
tiny area, which was covered by Lebowitz's porch and thus
couldn't be used as a part of the succah.
Yehoshua once more lowered his eyes, as Yoel enthusiastically
said: "That covered corner is a blessing too. I'll be able to
store my succah boards there after yom tov."
"All that one does, he does for himself," the surprised
Yehoshua murmured, when he thought how his remarkable
neighbor, Yoel, totally devoted himself to others, without
seeking glory or remuneration, and without fighting over his
own rights.
"Amazing," Yehoshua then told himself. "In addition to the
main investment, which continues to benefit Yoel in the World
to Come, certain privileges and benefits are reserved for him
in his daily life too, and pursue him, against his will,
wherever he turns."
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