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Summertime. The windows are open. From the street below comes
the usual cacophony: passing cars, honking horns, a wailing
ambulance and from closer range the sound of phones ringing
and "Chassidic" music on high volume blasting in from the
If you go to a wedding, before you even make it past the
entrance hall you raise your hands to your ears in a vain
effort to spare them from the deafening music. But the high
decibels are not just a matter of personal discomfort, for
loud noise causes more than its fair share of problems.
The Loud Israeli
While speaking with your son in Bnei Brak or Jerusalem you
count the number of buses passing by on the street below,
hear the sound of passing sirens and constantly strain to
identify various other background noises blending into the
When you eventually hang up the phone you lay the receiver
down with inexplicable fatigue. The question you originally
called to ask remains unanswered, of course. Apparently it
got lost between the passing loudspeakers announcing an
unprecedented shoe sale or desperately needed donations for
some tzedokoh fund.
We are constantly exposed to noise pollution both inside and
outside. Last night the baby -- the neighbor's baby, of
course -- cried all night; they are trying to teach it to
sleep through the night, which makes you a participant in the
educational project -- whether you like it or not.
According to Dr. Stillian Gelberg of the Ministry of the
Environment's Department of Noise Prevention, Israelis, like
Americans, make a lot of noise. The problem is that the noisy
Israeli cannot stand noise and makes a big racket to get a
little bit of peace and quiet. The Europeans, says Dr.
Gelberg, are quieter. They are more sensitive to noise and
therefore they preserve the quiet. We live in crowded
conditions, which means more noise.
Most people in Israel live close to city streets or highways.
Little can be done to prevent traffic noise from entering the
home, though in some cases noise barriers are being erected.
In addition, some industrial areas are located in close
proximity to residential areas. If there is a carpentry shop
next door, during certain hours of the day your peace of mind
will be disrupted by screeching machinery. In many cases,
events halls dot these industrial areas so that the noise
carries on into the night as well.
Another unfortunate factor to be added into the noise
equation: because of Israel's warm climate windows may be
open throughout much of the year. An open window brings in
outside noises, including the mothers' calls of "Ruti, time
to come home."
The problem is that while noise caused by other people is
intolerable, the noise we are responsible for is deemed
acceptable or unavoidable. If the person refurbishing the
house is you or I, the noise does not disturb us because we
stand to gain. Says Dr. Gelberg, the homeowner "envisions the
way the house will look after the renovations. Someone who
suffers from the noise but has nothing to gain from it will
perceive a much higher volume."
The Detrimental Effects of Noise
"Noise definitely has an effect," says Dr. Roginsky of the
Environmental Ministry. "You could say noise causes harm to
both the body and soul."
First of all, noise harms people's hearing. "Sometimes the
damage is temporary," says Dr. Roginsky. "After absorbing a
large dose of noise one feels like he cannot hear a thing.
This is a temporary effect that soon passes." Many people
experience this following weddings.
But noise can also cause permanent, irreparable hearing
damage. "It depends on the volume of the noise and the length
of exposure," explains Dr. Roginsky. "This type of damage is
seen among young people as they reach draft age. Hearing
tests indicate a large percentage of hearing damage among
young people who frequently listen to high-volume music."
Although they do not produce loud sounds, Walkman devices can
also cause hearing damage, because the earphones are placed
directly on the ear near the eardrum.
Noise also affects other parts of the body, Dr. Roginsky
reveals. "Noise often raises blood pressure and disrupts the
heartbeat. A study conducted in Germany among people who live
close to major thoroughfares showed a direct correlation
between extended exposure to noise and the incidence of heart
disease. Noise also increases the flow of adrenalin."
This explains why high-volume music keeps young people on the
dance floor. "Studies say noise slightly disrupts kidney
function," adds Dr. Roginsky. "And noise definitely causes
fatigue. It is very fatiguing."
Ulcers should also be added to the listp; noise plays a part
in causing them too.
In terms of mental effects, first of all noise causes
anxiety. One woman who suffered from anxiety during the Gulf
War was unable to eat and could barely sleep for weeks. Long
after she overcame her feelings of anxiety, she explained she
was not at all afraid of a missile carrying a chemical
warhead falling. What frightened her immensely, she said, was
the fear of hearing the sound of a missile falling, a feeling
she described as the sound of destruction.
"Noise really can cause a nervous breakdown," confirms
Roginsky. "It is simply extremely irritating and harms the
ability to concentrate and think and does not allow people to
rest." Children who live in noisy areas are less successful
in school and they grow tired faster than children who live
in quiet areas.
There's an Air Conditioner Under the
"Ask the man-on-the-street what kind of noise bothers him
most and he is likely to mention the wedding band at the top
of his list," says Roginsky. But regular noises affect us on
a daily basis: neighbors, music, home renovations and air
conditioners. Roginsky says her department receives numerous
complaints about air conditioners.
"This comes as no surprise," says Roginsky. "Under crowded
living conditions, like most of ours', the neighbor's air
conditioner can be very disturbing. Those who run the air
conditioner do not hear the noise, because it comes from the
motor installed outside. The motor might be directly under
the window of a neighbor who likes open windows. The noise
from the air conditioner is not unavoidable or necessary. It
depends how it is installed and which model is in use."
Traffic noise is a constant source of noise pollution,
including urban traffic, highways, trains and planes. Air-
traffic noise is the worst of all. "When people hear a
plane," says Roginsky, "they are very disturbed by the noise,
but the sense of discomfort is accompanied by a sense of
fear. A passing plane, at least in Israel, conveys a sense of
danger, according to studies. Planes remind Israelis of
As disturbing as planes may be, at least they only cause
noise for a moment. Traffic noise, however, is continuous.
Not much can be done about the noise caused by passing buses
on city streets. However, there are certain steps that can be
taken on interurban roads.
"Acoustic walls can be built to contend with this noise,"
says Roginsky. "Such a wall was installed on the Begin
Highway in Jerusalem, for example. It was built with a
special diagonal angle. In certain places there are
embankments to deaden street noise. In Ramat Aviv Gimmel, for
example, there is a green embankment. Such an embankment
blends in with the landscape and is less expensive than an
acoustic wall. Both of these measures reduce noise levels.
Further efforts have been made through traffic regulations.
Certain streets are closed to heavy vehicles and speed limits
are imposed-- partly to contend with noise. Traffic volume
and speed are major factors in noise. The type of asphalt
also plays a part."
"Quiet asphalt" was discovered when a special type of asphalt
was used to improve drainage from certain roads. Later the
experts working on the roads noticed noise levels had also
decreased. "Quiet asphalt reduces noise levels by two
decibels," says Roginsky. "Not a decisive effect, but it
Air-traffic noise is difficult to reduce. The only measure
that can be taken is to impose building restrictions, like
those currently imposed under the TMA 24 Plan, the
construction plan for Ben-Gurion Airport. A noise map shows
which areas are most exposed to air-traffic noise, with lines
and graphs indicating noise levels in decibels. In problem
areas, building restrictions provide a solution--that is, for
those who do not yet live there.
Measuring Decibels
A unit called a decibel, based on a logarithmic scale, is
used to translate noise levels into terms everyone can
understand. Decibels cannot be measured with a home measuring
device, so the baby's cry cannot be rated on the scale.
Some examples: Whispering - 20 decibels; Regular conversation
- 60 decibels; Normal traffic noise - 80 decibels; Band music
- 120 decibels; Ambulance siren - 140 decibels; Airplane -
160 decibels at a distance of 30 meters.
How many decibels reach our ears when a car-alarm system is
set off? We do not have a precise answer, but such noise,
particular when it is ongoing, definitely does upset one's
peace of mind.
"Throughout Yom Kippur a few years ago," says R' Y., "I and
other people praying were disturbed by the sound of the alarm
on the car of one of the people praying with us. The alarm
did not stop all day long. We were hardly able to concentrate
and nothing could be done about such an irritating
disturbance which went on and off incessantly."
Under normal circumstances, one can call the police, who are
legally authorized to take measures to stop the noise.
(Halachic guidance may be necessary to ensure that this is
alright.) The measures at their disposal even include
damaging parts of the vehicle and the alarm system, breaking
into the vehicle and towing it away.
Legal regulations define noise pollution based on a
classification system, including loud noise and unreasonable
noise. Unreasonable noise is also unlawful.
"An individual may not make loud noise or unreasonable
noise," says the Disturbances Protection Law of 1961. This
noise can derive from any source that might disturb someone
in close proximity to the source of noise. How is it
determined whether noise is "unreasonable?"
"There are noise devices," explains a police spokesman.
"According to regulations, noise levels are measured with
such devices. If we delve into the exact definition of
unreasonable noise we will get tangled up in a highly
detailed table. The bottom line is that if noise continues
for more than nine hours per day during daylight hours, noise
levels starting at 50 decibels are defined as unreasonable
noise and therefore prohibited. The same source of noise, if
it is at night and continues for more than half an hour, will
be defined as unreasonable noise, starting already at 40
Before they can lay blame, police must ascertain exactly how
much of the total noise is coming from the object under
suspicion. "We measure the combined noise of the suspected
source -- a compressor or air conditioner, for example --
together with the normal background noises. Then we turn off
the suspected device and measure the background noise alone.
Then a complicated logarithmic equation is done, producing a
very accurate estimate of the amount of noise emitted by a
certain source. After examining the table, we determine
whether the noise is considered reasonable or unreasonable,
and illegal."
Other types of sounds can also be considered excessive. These
types of noises are difficult to measure, because the effect
is subjective. Some people are disturbed by any music, while
others only consider loud music noisy.
Noise Prevention Law
The law has one standard for workdays and another standard
for rest days, and nighttime regulations are more stringent
than daytime regulations. The Disturbances Prevention Law of
1992 includes a special regulation for amplification
"One may not sing, shout or play musical instruments," reads
the law, "from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. and from 11:00 p.m. to 7:00
a.m." This applies in open and semi- enclosed spaces, but it
is also highly advisable to avoid holding unwanted musical
performances during these hours. Of course noise that does
not escape the walls of the home is permitted any hour of the
day or night. Transgressors are subject to a fine or a six-
month jail stay.
Music or Noise?
Stories abound about the sounds heard at events halls, what
some of us refer to as "noise" and what others -- generally
the younger set -- call "music."
"Yesterday I went to a wedding at a very well-known wedding
hall in Bnei Brak," recounts Rebbetzin A. "When the band
started to play I, and everyone else, felt the band was
outdoing itself and every other band I had ever heard. While
noise levels are unbearable at many weddings, this time it
was absolutely horrendous.
"It turned out that baalei hasimcha in the adjacent
hall had decided to move the orchestra to a spot next to the
wall of the hall in which our wedding was taking place. The
music was coming from the adjacent hall as well as from our
own orchestra.
"The normal noise at weddings, which causes at least
temporary hearing loss, was doubled at this wedding. And more
than that, our orchestra wanted to overpower the music coming
from the wedding next door and the volume went up until it
became unbearable.
"With my hands over my ears I left the hall to summon help. I
was told baalei hasimcha next door had specifically
requested it and nothing could be done. Our orchestra turned
down the volume, but the evening was so noisy that it was
hard to feel any joy."
Even without the doubled orchestra--a frightful combination--
the noise at many weddings is hard to bear. Who sets the
musical threshold? Are the bandleaders the culprits?
Several bands we spoke with said they merely serve the
demand. Even if they have their reservations about the songs
they play and the requested volume, they supply the goods.
The young people -- the chosson and his friends and
the kallah and her friends -- are the ones who want
high- decibel music. Impossible to exchange a single word?
That is of little concern to them. People come to a wedding
to dance, they say.
Not at all weddings, of course, but it is safe to assume as a
general rule. One bandleader recalled a wedding at which the
chosson's father warned that should he have to come
over to the bandstand during the wedding to have the volume
turned down, he would lower his payment to them.
When a parent like this gets his way, the younger guests'
spirits wane. One mother decided that at their wedding the
volume would remain at a reasonable level. She stood near the
bandstand throughout the wedding and greeted her guests
there, with one ear constantly monitoring the sound system.
The volume stayed low. The guests were able to breathe freely
and to speak with one another, but the dancing . . . it was
not the most joyous wedding ever.
What keeps the guests on the dance floor? The amplification
system. Band owners are convinced that everything depends on
proper speaker setup. When the speakers are distributed
properly throughout the hall, the volume is more tolerable
(because it may not have to be so high). The worst
arrangement -- and the most damaging to the eardrum -- is too
few speakers bunched together.
There seems to be a glimmer of hope at the end of the tunnel.
Some roshei yeshivos and mashgichim are opposed
to excessively modern, rhythmic or loud music, only agreeing
to take part in weddings with authentic Jewish music played
at a moderate volume. And it works. Not long ago I was at a
wedding in Jerusalem with just a drummer playing. Everyone
danced, even the older people, and people were able to talk
to one another. At the end of the evening they left with
their hearing intact and their headache medicine unopened.
The Environmental Ministry has also lent its opinion in the
events-halls issue, although strictly speaking they are not
under its jurisdiction. "Somehow events halls fall between
the cracks," says Roginsky, "but the Environmental Ministry
has managed to enter this niche. At the very beginning of the
year, an amendment was passed regarding restrictions on noise
levels at events halls."
Although such a law may seem difficult to enforce, the
Ministry has a ready solution: set up a committee. The
committee is charged with the tasks of checking data and
issuing a recommendation to the Environmental Minister on
acceptable noise levels.
"At every events hall special devices will be installed,"
Roginsky promises. "The moment noise exceeds the permitted
level, the music simply disappears." Even if the music
remains at permitted levels, if it disturbs someone outside
of the wedding hall during late-night hours, the band can be
asked to lower the volume.
Self-Defense Against Noise
To defend against auditory attacks Roginsky recommends
installing double-pane glass, which significantly dims
outside noise -- as long as the windows remain closed.
Acoustic features should be taken into account when
purchasing an apartment and can be improved afterwards. Noise
is less audible in a room full of furniture. Rooms can be
laid with sound-absorbent rugs. Walls can be insulated
through various means.
Another option is to live in bedroom communities. Residents
work (or learn) in Jerusalem or Bnei Brak and come home at
night to sleep in peace in Modiin Illit. For some people
there may be no alternative. Today fewer people are
purchasing apartments in Jerusalem and Bnei Brak.
There are also devices available to mask noise with natural
sounds: a burbling brook, the swish of treetops swaying in
the wind. These devices may not yet be available on the local
market, but Dr. Gelberg offers another suggestion: fans
disguise noise. In Spain water fountains are used in noisy
areas. In public places acoustic ceilings are very helpful.
Such ceilings can also be installed at home, at the risk that
a child might not hear his mother calling.
An effective, highly portable solution: earplugs. I know
people who cannot go to sleep without them. Others arm
themselves with earplugs when they go to weddings. Dr.
Gelberg is not in favor of this option. "The ear," he
explains, "is the control center for the body's balance.
Earplugs interfere with operations at this control
Work Hazards
The Ministry of Labor is responsible for noise-related
problems at the workplace. According to Labor Ministry
regulations, in some fields earplugs must be worn while
working. Noise is known to be the number-one cause of work-
related illnesses in Israel. Noise in excess of 85 decibels
eight hours a day, every day, is dangerous. Places like
carpentry shops, textile factories, forges and garages may
have risky noise levels.
Workers should have their hearing checked at least once a
year, wear ear protection and hope the factory owner decides
to purchase modern machinery or insulate very loud
The computer, a known household hazard, contributes its fair
share of noise. The faster the computer the noisier it is, in
many cases.
With today's high-speed computer chips the drives spin faster
and graphic cards produce more heat, meaning the system
requires more powerful fans. The result: faster computers
that make more noise.
An American computer consultant advises asking the
salesperson for information on the number of decibels
emitted, before making a purchase. Manufacturers do not
advertise noise figures of their own volition, primarily
because they have no control over volume levels.
As a rule stronger electrical currents will make the cooling
system noisier. It may be worthwhile to replace the
computer's power supply and use a more modest electrical
power supply of 300 watts, which generally suffices.
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