Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

A Window into the Chareidi World

29 Teves 5761 - January 24, 2001 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly








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Home and Family
Chiropractic Self Care
by Dr. Zalman Medwed

Neck and Shoulders

"For two years I had this pain on and off on the left side of my neck and shoulder which was annoying, but you could live with it. Although I worked for Dr. Medwed, I never thought to mention it to him. While he was abroad on a trip, I woke up one morning with an intensely painful stiff neck. I really needed a chiropractor now and my boss was away! Another chiropractor, Dr. Till, was taking care of his patients so I decided to ask him for an adjustment. He asked me what caused it and I had no idea. After a series of questions, he asked me if I help my phone between my neck and shoulders. It dawned on me that I had been doing this for years. I subsequently bought a special headpiece for my phone and thank G-d, I do not suffer from this problem anymore."


Of the many thoughts people have, how many think about how much their head weighs? Whether we think about it or not, our neck and shoulders support approximately two kilos effortlessly and all the time. Imagine a ball held on top of a stick and every time you moved the stick, the ball would fall.

The neck is the bridge between the head and the rest of the body. From beneath the skull, the first part of the spinal cord (cervical spine) begins. Hashem has designed our bodies that with every movement, without conscious thought, our muscles, bones and nerves of the neck function automatically to maintain perfect balance and equilibrium. We say a blessing, "Who straightens the bent," to acknowledge this wonder.

What happens when this wonderful balance is disturbed? You may feel tension in the neck and shoulders, tight muscles, stiffness, tight joints, and the neck motion may be restricted and painful. People suffer from headaches, dizziness and shoulder and arm problems. Although chirpractic adjustments are very effective for these problems, there is a lot you can do to help yourself.


Do you crunch the phone between your neck and shoulders while you talk? This habit causes the joints of the cervical spine to tighten, increases strain on spinal nerves, and causes the muscles to form knots and spasms. This is a no- no. The solution to this habit is to use your hand to support the phone instead of your shoulder. For those busy housewives or others who need to speak while performing other activities, try to purchase a headpiece that holds the receiver in place on your shoulder.


Standing erect looking straight ahead, tilt chin towards chest slightly. Slowly move head to the left while simultaneously sliding the right palm along the right thigh. Hold for 1-2 seconds. Repeat on reverse side. Alternate sides five times.

Stretching should be felt only to a point of comfort. DO NOT STRAIN. Pain is a signal to ease back or stop. Be patient. Exercise has a cumulative effect when done over time.

For more information, contact Dr. Zalman Medwed at 02-654- 0246.


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