Shmittah Update
by Yated Ne'eman Staff
Since Maran the Chazon Ish ruled that one should be
machmir with regard to any doubts as to the
boundaries of Eretz Yisroel, and since this is also the
opinion of the gedolei haposkim, shlita, the northern
part of the Aravah (in the Negev) should be considered
within the boundaries of Eretz Yisroel with regard to
shmittah with all that entails. The following
products currently may come from farming areas in the
northern Aravah and they may be problematic even if they are
sold with a mehudar hechsher (which may not follow
this opinion):
1] Eggplant;
2] Green and red pepper (sweet);
3] Melon;
4] Cherry tomatoes.
This list is correct as of press time and is subject to