and Family
Extensive Activity By Hamercaz Ha'artzi Lema'an Taharas
by Betzalel Kahn
A series of seminars, programs, courses and study groups were
conducted by Hamercaz Ha'artzi Lema'an Taharas Hamishpocho
(The Nationwide Center for Family Purity) over the summer.
The seminars, attended by women who are active in Center
activities, were a high point in the widespread explanatory
activity which the Mercaz Ha'artzi has been sponsoring
throughout the country.
At the seminars, lectures and classes are delivered by
rabbonim and taharas hamishpocho counselors. Special
question and answer seminars as well as halocho
refresher courses are also held. A seminar was held for
madrichot from all over the country at the Nir Etzion
resort at the end of the summer. The program combined study
and recreation.
The Mercaz Ha'artzi publishes an extensive, multilingual
series of books and pamphlets on the subject of taharas
hamishpocho. The publications include articles and
compilations of halochos. The material is distributed
throughout the country in immigrant centers and settlements
visited by madrichot during the year.
These activities for the sanctity of the Jewish home are
coordinated in the Mercaz Ha'artzi central headquarters in
Jerusalem. Its directors maintain close contact with
lecturers and madrichot throughout the country.