Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

A Window into the Chareidi World

12 Tishrei 5761 - October 11, 2000 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly








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Home and Family
Gedolei Yisroel Send Blessings to Chanukas Habayis of Yated Ne'eman's New Building
by Yated Ne'eman Staff

Yated Ne'eman's new Bnei Brak building was dedicated at a festive event on 24 Elul in the presence of rabbonim of the Yated Vaada Ruchanis, the editors and employees. At a modest but stirring ceremony, mezuzas were affixed to the main entrance and on doors to the rooms of the spacious building. Blessings sent by maranan verabonon the gedolei Yisroel, in honor of the occasion, were read.

The blessing of HaRav Eliashiv read, "May it be Hashem's Will that Yated Ne'eman continue to remain on the alert in safeguarding religion and accurate hashkofo. May the newspaper, which was founded by Maran the Kehillos Yaakov, ztk"l and yibodel lechaim tovim ve'arukim Maran the Rosh Hayeshiva, shlita, continue to fulfill its sacred mission."

HaRav Aharon Yehuda Leib Steinman's blessing read: "May you be successful and cause no stumbling blocks. May it be Hashem's Will that the Shechina accompany you in all your endeavors."

HaRav Moshe Shmuel Shapira said, "May Yated Ne'eman continue to fulfill its mission, courageously expressing pure da'as Torah with excellence according to the pure, sacred aspirations of its founders, Maran the Kehillos Yaakov and yibodel lechayim Maran the gaon the Rosh Hayeshiva, shlita, and may you succeed in all your endeavors."

HaRav Shmuel Auerbach's blessing read: "Blessings in honor of the joyous occasion of the expansion of Yated Ne'eman, which is in the category of a `well which princes have dug.' The newspaper plays a critical role in safeguarding correct hashkofo. Now that it is expanding, may Hashem grant it added strength to continue to prevent breaches and to spread the genuine hashkofo which has been transmitted to the eminent editors, headed by the prominent rabbonim of the Va'ada Ruchanis, all of whom are students of Maran, shlita. May those who are constantly on the alert continue to express da'as Torah. Go from strength to strength and may blessing prevail in your endeavors."

HaRav Shmuel Hacohen Deutsch spoke in the name of the Va'ada Ruchanis, which has been overseeing the newspaper since its founding, offering guidance, counsel and supervision. In his brief speech he spoke about the important need fulfilled by the newspaper which was founded by Maran the Kehillos Yaakov ztk"l and Maran HaGaon HaRav Eliezer Menachem Shach, shlita, who maintains a constant vigil regarding the purity of the hashkofo of the newspaper, and oversees the heavy responsibility which the staff of the newspaper shoulder. HaRav Deutsch wished the newspaper's editors and correspondents success in continuation of their sacred work of disseminating pure daas Torah and prayed that no stumbling blocks be formed because of them.


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