It is customary not to eat nuts on Rosh Hashona, since
egoz has the numerical value of chet, sin. The
Kotzker Rebbe used to tell his chassidim that
chet also has that numerical value, as a reminder that
one should be more involved in actual tshuva than its
mere symbols.
In any case, here is a recipe of a very easy, sure- to-
succeed but special cake. During the year, it is called
`mandelbrodt' (almond bread), but here we will call it
3 1/2 cups flour
1 1/4 cup sugar
3 eggs
1/4 cup orange juice
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 cup oil
Vanilla, generous, or rum flavor
Maraschino cherries, lots, diced
Chocolate chips (omit, if using pineapple, below)
Raisins, if you use them on Rosh Hashona
Pineapple chunks cut smaller, without syrup
(Add jelly beans to make it interesting, colorful, chewy)
Combine all ingredients together. Lay on waxed paper in two
loaves, smooth over. Bake in hot oven until brown. Remove and
slice in baking pan. Bake for another ten minutes. Enjoy!
Pumpkin in Honey-Orange Sauce
Peel 1 1/2 kilo pumpkin or pumpkin squash. Dice. Put in
baking pan, cover with water and cover pan with foil. Bake in
preheated oven(180 degrees C.) for 30 minutes or until soft.
(Also good with sweet potatoes.)
3/4 cup orange flavor syrup (popularly called
1/4 cup water
cinnamon, cloves
30 gr. honey
1/4 cup sugar
1/4 cup margarine
1/2 teaspoon cornstarch dissolved in water
Melt margarine and sugar in saucepan and cook, stirring,
until thick and syrupy.
Pour in water and orange syrup, spices and honey. Boil and
add up to 1/4 cup water to prevent overflow.
Meanwhile: dissolve cornstarch in a bit of water and add to
sauce. Stir till thick.
Pour cooked sauce over pumpkin in pan and bake for another 20
minutes until thoroughly glazed. Mmmmm.