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In 5537 (1777) a great light began to shine forth from the
small town of Vadislav, namely the birth of R' Binyomin Zev
Lev ztvk"l. His father, the Shemen Rokeach, taught
him as a young boy, when he already decided to study the
difficult seder Nezikim.
He learned in the yeshivos of R' Eliezer Kempne of Prostitz,
and of his brother-in- law R' Yirmiyohu of Mattersdorf.
When he became of age he married Feigele, the daughter of
HaRav Yitzchok Eisik Elkish zt"l, Rav of Ushpitzin
from the dynasty of the Rebbe R' Heschel and the Moginei
For six years he studied without any financial burden, being
supported by his father and father-in-law. When those years
were over he accepted rabbonus in Raspersov and subsequently
he became rov in Amshinov.
As a young avreich he wrote the first volume of his
sefer Shaarei Torah and a unanimous decision was made
by the rabbonim of Poland that it should be printed right
away despite the young age of its author--he was only twenty
four at the time. However he refused to have it printed
until he reached the age of forty.
When it finally came out in print, the sefer was
adorned with the warm approbations of all the gedolei
hador: his father the Shemen Rokeach, the Chasam Sofer,
R' Akiva Eiger, R' Mordechai Banet, the Boruch Taam, the
Beis Efraim, and the Nesivos, HaRav Shmuel Landau, a HaRav
Elozor Flekeles of Prague. It immediately gained wide
acclaim in the Torah world.
As rov in Kellin, Behman, he raised the banner of Torah
high, fighting boldly against the Maskilim who,
realizing against whom they were battling, were considerably
subdued. They did not dare to air their depraved views as
long as the Shaarei Torah was in town.
The peak of his rabbonus was in Verbau. There he founded a
yeshiva which became famous for its outstanding talmidim,
many of whom served later as rabbonim of prestigious
He raised a distinguished family, starting with his son R'
Yirmiyohu zt"l, rov of Ujheil and author of Divrei
On Adar 2, 5611, the great light was extinguished as the
Shaarei Torah's neshomoh returned to its source. The
Levushei Mordechai, R' Mordechai Winkler, recounted that at
the time of his passing a pillar of flaming fire was seen
rising from his house. He was buried in Verbau where his
kever can be seen today.
"If you have learnt much Torah, do not keep the good to
yourself, because for this you were created (to spread it to
These words of Chazal cited in Pirkei Ovos are the
reason why our gedolim , in addition to shouldering
the responsibility of their generation, invested endless
time and effort in teaching their talmidim, who drank
their words thirstily. Thus they passed the Torah down from
one generation to the next.
The Shaarei Torah was known for his genius and his immensely
sharp mind even as a youngster.
When he had finished the first volume of his sefer
Shaarei Torah, the Boruch Taam zt"l wrote that
even the gedolei hador would find the sefer
helpful in their learning -- as was proven when he
published it. Indeed, many great and elderly talmidei
chachomim learned regularly from his sefer ,
toiling to understand the deep concepts he had written as a
young man of only twenty- four.
His greatness in Torah and unusual hasmodoh in its
study was a lesson to his talmidim, as one of them
related in awe: "When the brother of the Shaarei Torah,
HaRav Leib Mintz, came to visit him after an absence of
twenty years, Rabbenu greeted him joyfully, inquired as to
his welfare and that of his family and immediately led him
to his study where he began to learn with him for many
Once, a talmid heard him exclaiming earnestly, "I
cannot think of a greater pleasure, even that of Gan Eden,
than if I were given a crate full of seforim of
Shas and poskim to pore over day and night;
then I would need no worldly pleasures at all."
Indeed to sit in the yeshiva with the Shaarei Torah was an
uplifting experience. The whole study hall was like a
market, only with words being bought and sold. Questions and
answers were exchanged, the Shaarei Torah bouncing from the
words of the gemora to Rambam to Rashbo, Ramban,
Ritvo, from the Rishonim to the Acharonim -- and to
everything he had something to question or to add, ensuring
the lively participation of all his talmidim.
As a father cares for an only son, the Shaarei Torah tested
the level of each bochur to see if he excelled in his
learning or if perhaps he needed a bit of extra coaching. He
knew each one of them personally and tried to sharpen each
to the maximum ability of the talmid.
When the sefer Nodo Biyehudoh came out he scheduled a
lesson in the new sefer with four talmidim
who, he reckoned, could thereby gain a clear derech
During a regular shiur the Shaarei Torah, as was his
style, introduced the sugya with various questions
and contradictions, discussing all angles until he gave a
novel answer that tied up all the loose ends and presented a
perfectly clear picture of the sugya, causing the
eyes of his talmidim to light up in recognition of
the truth.
Then, turning to a bochur close by, he asked him to
bring a sefer Rambam Hilchos Me'ilah from where he
would bring a clear proof to his chiddush. His mind
still preoccupied with the lesson itself, the talmid
did not fully concentrate on what he had been told to do
and brought in a Rambam Hilchos Miloh!
His friends noticed his mistake as soon as he put the
sefer down in front of the rov and a moment later it
hit him too. The Shaarei Torah realized that he had to act
fast if he wanted to save the boy, as smirks were already
appearing on the faces of some of the bochurim. His
amazing sharpness and overwhelming pity for the boy
propelled him into quick thinking.
After a moment's hesitation he proclaimed loudly, "In
Hilchos Miloh we find a wonderful proof." With
astounding depth he explained a perfect proof of his
He later explained, "I did not intend to bring this raiyo
and though I usually do not like to veer from the
initial pshat, this time I made an exception to avoid
embarrassing a talmid."
Many years on, the talmidim were discussing this
incident, marveling at the presence of mind of their rov and
at how he managed to fabricate a proof from a totally
different subject. However, they decided in conclusion, "Of
his greatness and genius we always knew and tried to learn
from him. But here we learnt something new: that in order to
save a Yid from embarrassment one must do the utmost, even
if it requires bringing heaven to earth as the Shaarei Torah
did, summoning all his powers of thought and concentration
to create a perfect answer where it surely did not exist
previously. This we must truly aspire to emulate!"
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