There are many organizations for all different groups in the
Torah world. This organization's holy work, however, is not
yet a common sight. It is the first program in the world for
new immigrants from the C.I.S in which secular immigrants
learn the first perek in maseches Kiddushin
with respected Russian avreichim.
A number of avreichim who are close to Rav Yitzchok
Zilber (about whom we plan a more extensive article soon)
thought of the idea when he seemed almost on his deathbed
about a half a year ago. They took it upon themselves to
open a mokom Torah for beginners who have no concept
of Yiddishkeit where they are mekarev them to
mitzvos with the Torah itself. The avreichim relate
with astonishment that as soon as they decided to found this
organization, Rav Zilber's medical situation rapidly
improved and he left the hospital in full health and vigor.
Hashem should continue to grant him health and strength.
The organization's founders and activists, Rav Ben Tzion
Zilber, rosh kollel Be'er Yitzchok, Reb Avraham Cohen
and Reb Yehuda Leib Avreich, relate: We bring only Jewish
immigrants (who are carefully screened) straight from
ulpan, at the beginning of their life in Israel
before they are ruined by the secular, political atmosphere
in the country.
There is a tremendous thirst; masses want to experience
spirituality, to understand their nation's roots. There is a
deep desire to learn and know everything about
Yiddishkeit. We are trying to grasp the opportunity
by having beginners learn Torah in our yeshiva with serious,
established avreichim from the most important
kollelim in the country.
The idea took root and grew. A number of branches were
recently opened, additional centers to open the hearts of
our brothers who have been captive in the tumah of
the nations. In these places, Russian avreichim learn
with secular Jews and baalei teshuva Russians thereby
bringing them closer to their Father in heaven. These unique
institutions, where shiurim in Torah,
Yiddishkeit and halocho are given, are located
or in the process of being established in Neve Yaakov,
Modi'in, Beit Shemesh, Arad and Mitzpe Ramon.
Our goal is not to build pyramids nor establish one umbrella
organization for all the branches. Just the opposite, we
want to open more places in the same manner that new
yeshivos and kollelim are established. Each place
must act according to its needs and residents. The main
thing is to glorify Torah and strengthen it.
The avreichim of the kollel occasionally
invite the baalei teshuva to their houses for
Shabbos. There are many bochurim wandering around
without a suitable framework, even those who are already
frum. As long as they are not learning in yeshiva on
a regular basis or have not gotten married, they are in
danger of being blown away by the stormy winds.
Nisyonos abound even nowadays, and every supervised
framework is only beneficial.
The thirst is tremendous. The women request Torah
shiurim as well. It often happens that baalei
teshuva get married when they at the beginning of their
journey and need constant guidance on all aspects of Torah
life. They usually establish homes in their thirties.
Besides the Reform and the missionaries, who offer emptiness
instead of ruchniyus and even dispense money to the
immigrants in ulpan, there is no one who deals with
this age level.
This organization, therefore, is extremely necessary. Under
the guidance of gedolei haTorah and the auspices of
Rav Yitzchok Zilber, who is moser nefesh for its
success, it has toiled to produce soldiers for Torah. The
avreichim who are affiliated with the organization
encourage and help both spiritually and financially as much
as they can. We must mention that the first condition for
many chareidi organizations that establish homes is to learn
afterwards in an established institution.