The members of Adass Yeshurun (Manchester) celebrated their
annual siyum of Shisho Sidrei Mishna on Sunday
night -- Parshas Yisro.
Everyone had participated in learning. The various
masechtos were shared out amongst young and old
The seudah was held in the Machzikei Hadass hall and
the event was enjoyed by all. Dayan Krauz, former rov of the
shul, said the hadran and Rabbi D. Ebbing was honored
with beginning the first mishna in Brochos.
The rov of the shul, Rav Y. Wreschner, spoke about the
shul's reputation for decorum. He jokingly suggested
that it was necessary for members to meet outside of shul
to talk to each other as this rightly does not occur
during davening.
Basing himself on comments of Rashi, he explained how the
unity of individuals can bring to a unity of purpose for
avodas Hashem. Stressing the importance of a
kehilloh he exhorted members to make every effort to
attend the daily tefillos. This being in addition to
the concept of kevias mokom letefilloh.
The Rov also encouraged people to come forward to assist in
prospective plans for expansion of the existing facilities.
The shul is currently host to an afternoon
kollel and a number of varied shiurim,
including Reb Simcha Bamberger's excellent Daf Yomi
The guest speaker, Rabbi S. Goldberg (Damesek Eliezer)
mentioned the warm welcome he always receives when he
davens in the shul. He commended the kovod beis
haknesses shown and gave his brocho that this
should continue.
Appropriately for a kehilloh founded by yotzei
Ashkenaz he quoted from the writings of Rav S. R.
Hirsch. With reference to Korbon Pesach in
Mitzrayim, the blood of which was placed on the door-
posts and lintel of the houses, he connected this with the
haftorah of the week to illustrate that both home and
shul are places for avodas Hashem.
The evening was capably chaired by Mr. A. Schwalbe and Rabbi
B. Cohen bensched.