& Comment
Re: "Let your brother live with you"
To The Editor:
I, as the parent of a girl with Down Syndrome, currently
studying in a regular gan, would like to make a few
1) A homogeneous class for special children within the
regular school does not help much. The biggest benefit for
the special children (constant exposure to "normal" behavior
and speech) is lost. And, sadly, experience has shown that
"mingling" during recess is often nil.
2) Often parents of special children are told "we can't
integrate your child into a regular classroom because the
parents won't agree. "To the contrary, once the child is in
the class, the parents usually are very satisfied.
3) A school system which supports "special" children will
better support weaker ones, while also letting our children
see that midos and yiras Shomayim (not just
intelligence) are important.
Ruth P.
Bnei Brak
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