TWO PICTURES Australian Outreach to Sydney
by Yated Ne'eman Staff
Five members from Kollel Beth Hatalmud of Melbourne Australia,
some with their families, flew to Sydney recently to conduct
the "Torah Odyssey" program.
Over Shabbos the members of the Kollel spoke at various
functions and conducted various oneg shabbatons in
various parts of the city.
The highlight of the program was the father and son learning
program held on motzei Shabbos at the Adath Yisroel
shul in Sydney. The shul reverberated with the
sounds of Torah being learned between fathers and sons. It was
a sight to behold. This was followed by a pizza melave
malka where the children were entertained by the master
story teller Rabbi Yisroel Greenwald. It was considered so
successful that the Adath Yisroel community decided to
continue the father/son learning program every motzei
An interactive learning program was held on Sunday morning
after breakfast, with the keen participation of a large number
of attendees. There were specific shiurim during the
program for ladies, high school girls and university students.
In the words of one of the participants whose sentiments were
shared by many, "You gave us a major spiritual lift and we
hope you can conduct similar programs in the near future."