On 28 Sivan, thousands of Bnei Brak residents accompanied
the righteous mechaneches Rebbetzin Yehudis Tabal,
o"h, on her last earthy journey. She passed away
suddenly at the age of 43, leaving behind thirteen
Rebbetzin Tabal was born in Bnei Brak in 5718 (1958). Her
parents are HaRav Tzvi Eisenstein, one of the roshei yeshiva
of Tifferes Tzion and his wife, from the Sirota family. In
their home, she learned middos tovos and a great love
of Torah. Her entire life was one long saga of lofty
aspirations merging with the traits of chesed, chen,
humility and kindness.
She studied in the HaRav Wolf Beis Yaakov Seminary, where
she excelled. When she was nineteen, she married HaRav
Yechiel Tabal, one of the finest students of the Brisk
yeshiva in Jerusalem. After their marriage, they resided in
Jerusalem for two years. However, when HaRav Wolf,
zt"l, asked her to join the teaching staff of his
seminary, she complied and moved with her family to Bnei
Brak. She held that position until her final day, instilling
her students with Torah and yiras Shomayim. She was
beloved by all of the teachers and students.
She assumed the financial burden of her household, enabling
her husband to dedicate himself to Torah dissemination as
the rosh yeshiva of Shaarei Tzion in Bnei Brak. She also
devoted herself to the chinuch of her children in an
exemplary manner, ingraining them with emunah and
Stirring hespedim were delivered at the levaya
by HaRav Boruch Dov Povarski, who said that the
nifteres was a living mussar sefer. Her
father, HaRav Tzvi Eisenstein said that she was a perfect
person, without any spiritual blemishes.
HaRav Zeev Wolf, the current principal of the seminary where
she had taught for so many years, said that we have no
parameters by which to assess her, because she was greater
than all of us.
Her husband said that the 24 years they were married were in
the realm of the 24 sifrei kodesh.
She is survived by her parents, brothers and sisters, as
well as by her husband and thirteen children, only two of
whom are married, and one grandchild. Her thousands of
students and friends bemoan the great loss.