Russian Immigrant Assaults Bnei Brak Passersby on
by S. Bruchi
On Shabbos 25 Sivan, a Russian immigrant wielding a steel
rod attacked innocent passersby in Bnei Brak with intent to
murder. Several of the victims were severely injured.
HaRav Aharon Slar, a ram and menahel ruchani
in Yeshivas Chochmas Shlomo, told Yated Ne'eman that
he left his home on HaRav Kook Street at 4:45 AM to
daven in the Beis Knesses Hagodol vosikin
minyan on Rabbi Akiva Street. He noticed that someone
was walking behind him, carrying a bag. HaRav Slar continued
a number of steps, and suddenly felt a strong blow on his
head. Before he was able to react, he was struck again and
keeled over.
"I suddenly noticed that the assailant, a Russian immigrant,
was advancing toward me, trying to hit me again. I tried to
resist and to kick him, but he beat me again and again with
a large iron rod, inflicting blows all over my body.
"By the time I reached the shul, my clothes were
drenched with blood from deep gashes in my forehead and
under my eye. Rabbi Benzion Firer, the chairman of Ezra
Umarpeh, who davens in the shul vosikin
minyan, managed to stop the strong flow of blood. Then I
went to Ezer Mitzion, where an on-duty doctor sutured my
forehead and the wound under my eye."
HaRav Slar filed a complaint against the assailant with the
Ramat Gan Police. The officer who received the complaint
said that the Russian assailant had attacked four passersby.
One victim was injured severely on HaRav Herzog Street and
had to be hospitalized. The officer told HaRav Slar that the
assailant was arrested by the police and would be detained
without bail until the end of proceedings against him.
The investigator also told HaRav Slar that the man had been
arrested last week for attempted assault, but had been
released. On Shabbos night, he came to Bnei Brak for a
Shabbos meal, and in a mad frenzy began to attack whoever he
encountered. "One of the investigators said that antisemitic
literature that apparently egged the assailant to commit
insane acts had been found in his belongings," HaRav Slar
HaRav Slar told Yated Ne'eman: "I felt death before
my eyes. He beat me mercilessly with the iron rod,
inflicting blows on my head and my entire body, but I
couldn't defend myself. I shouted for help, yet in that
early morning hour, no one came to my aid. I would never
believe that Jews could be attacked because of antisemitism
here in Bnei Brak."
HaRav Slar made these remarks on motzei Shabbos,
after he had been sent to the Maayanei Hayeshua Hospital for
comprehensive tests since he had felt ill and dizzy on
Israel Police spokesperson told Yated Ne'eman on
motzei Shabbos that according to Police records, the
assailant attacked two residents of Bnei Brak on Shabbos and
was taken to court on motzei Shabbos for an extension
of his arrest. Apparently, he will be sent for psychiatric
The attack and the attempted murder were widely discussed in
Bnei Brak on Shabbos, and residents expressed shock over the
insane deed. City residents say that the Russian media
incites the Russian immigrants against the chareidi and
religious sectors, and that the path from incitement to the
actual committing of violent deeds is a short one.
Rabbi Moshe Gafni told Yated Ne'eman that this grim
trend is spreading throughout the country. "I hope that the
police and the judiciary will punish the culprit in full,
and will take the steps necessary to curb the trend," he