Help Yated!
Yated Ne'eman, the only weekly news publication that
is under the direct and full supervision of a rabbinical
board, is expanding, as many readers may have already
noticed. It has increased its weekly pages from 40 to 56 so
far, and plans to add more be'eizer Hashem. There are plans to
include more news of Torah communities around the world.
Now is the time to fax, phone, email or write in your
suggestions for how to make us better.
We are also looking for someone with graphics and layout
expertise in Israel. The job will require some presence in
Bnei Brak, but not full time. Knowledge of Hebrew is a plus,
but mother tongue must be English.
Send comments, criticism, suggestions, CVs and samples of
previous work to: Fax: (972) (0)2 538 7855; Phone: (972)
(0)2 532 2514 (leave message on voice mail--ta koli);
Email: yatedmp@netvision.net.il; Mail: POB 18191, Jerusalem
91181, ISRAEL.