Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

A Window into the Chareidi World

1 Sivan 5761 - May 23, 2001 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly








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Antisemitic Non-Jewish Immigrants: A Ticking Time Bomb
by Betzalel Kahn

The letter by the rav of Kiryat Ata aroused a tempest in the media, and rightly so, since the media has "seen no evil," barely reporting on the ticking time-bomb otherwise known as "non-Jewish antisemitism" in Israel. Except for Ma'ariv, which devoted a mere one page to the issue a month-and-a-half-ago, nothing has been said in the media about this widespread, dangerous trend.

The problem is serious, because if an immediate solution is not found within a few years, we will have to contend with pogroms perpetrated by antisemitic thugs who have come to Israel from Russia under the Law of Return, chas vesholom.

In his letter to the Kiryat Ata City Council, HaRav Shulsinger included an article that appeared in Yated Hashavua by this writer a number of weeks ago, that reveals startling facts about the extent of the non-Jewish aliyah and its negative influences, among them the many acts of violence perpetrated against Jewish immigrants. It was also noted that the authorities are doing absolutely nothing to halt this dangerous trend.

This trend of non-Jewish antisemitism must cease immediately, and the statistics presented in the article were supposed to be warning signals before the inevitable clash. But it seems that mountains of words on this disturbing issue will not budge the authorities.

We must clarify the rav's remarks, and note that we are not referring to Jewish immigrants from the C.I.S, nor even to all non-Jewish immigrants. It is a fact, however, that the majority of non-Jewish immigrants are prejudiced against Jews. As has been reported countless times, the Jewish immigrants who fled Russia as a result of antisemitism are themselves afraid of these new "Israeli" antisemites.

HaRav Shulsinger expressed his strong disapproval of this phenomenon, noting that this escalating trend must be stopped, since it is liable to reach catastrophic proportions.


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