Diplomate, Board Certification of Emergency Medicine
Chairman, Department of Emergency Medicine Ma'ayenei Hayeshua
The Unseen World -- Part One
This next three articles that I will be'ezras Hashem,
write concern the world of the most plentiful of Hashem's
creatures. This unseen world contains viruses, bacteria and
protozoa; we will concern ourselves with the ones that affect
Viruses are the smallest and simplest organisms we know of.
While human beings are made up of millions of cells, viruses
aren't even cells. They are just a protein container with a
small piece of DNA and RNA inside. DNA and RNA are the
building blocks of our chromosomes, the material that makes
our cells reproduce. Each human chromosome has thousands of
DNA sequences, whereas the virus may have only a very small
Viruses usually work by attaching themselves to cells and
then they splice their small piece of DNA into the cells
chromosome. This makes the chromosome of the cell suddenly
only reproduce viruses instead of cells. In the end, the cell
ends up making thousands of viruses before exploding and
dying. These viruses then go on to attack other cells.
Viruses can sometimes be helpful. They can attack bacteria
and/or animal pests without affecting humans. On the other
hand, they can be very damaging as well. Some viruses can be
lethal, such as rabies, or the AIDs virus. Others can be very
damaging such as the viruses that cause encephalitis, a brain
infection. Some viruses can be just nuisances like the
chicken pox virus. Others, such as the rhinovirus family,
cause the common cold. Other diseases caused by viruses
include measles, mumps, rubella, hepatitis, infant diarrhea
(rotavirus), Polio, the Flu, warts, and mono. Ebola virus in
Africa, which causes uncontrolled bleeding, and Hantavirus,
which can kill young people fast have been in the news
lately. Some cancers have turned out to be caused by viruses
as well.
Because viruses are such simple organisms, they can easily
change themselves if they need to. Furthermore, when viruses
aren't busy harassing people, they act like seeds, waiting
for the opportunity to grow. Because of these two facts, it
is hard to kill a virus. Antiseptics are successful, simple
bleach can kill the AIDs virus, while iodine compounds such
as Polydine (in USA, Betadine) are effective as well.
However, antibiotics are worthless against viruses, and the
compound the body uses against viruses, interferon, has not
been successful when doctors use it. Still, some antivirals
have been invented, we now have effective treatments for
AIDs, chicken pox, flu and measles. We can treat warts well
too. As we all know, we haven't been too successful with the
common cold (one study has shown chicken soup to be helpful).
Immunizations seem to be the best way of dealing with
viruses, although the flu virus requires a new immunization
each year, as this virus changes itself so quickly. Good
hygiene, and covering one's mouth when coughing and sneezing
help also. Wash your hands often when you are sick.
Using antibiotics for viruses is not only useless, but
possibly dangerous as well. One should confirm that his
illness is caused by a bacteria before taking them. Write me
in care of the Yated.