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HOME & FAMILY The Many Faces of Bereavementby Mira Neufeld Some years ago, our extended family was struck by tragedy: a young man was brutally murdered by terrorists, leaving behind a young widow and little children. Although they were `only' relatives by marriage, we tried to do what we could. In the process, I consulted a friend who had extensive experience in all sorts of community endeavors. As it turned out, she, too, had a relative who, only a short time before, had been widowed by terrorism.
How to Become
a True Princess They All Return to You We have met the varied participants of the daily Daf Yomi shiur and how it has influenced their lives. Reb Feivel, in his eighties, is recuperating from a heart attack. The members take turns visiting him.
Your Medical Questions Answered! by Joseph B. Leibman, MD People often call me for advice, and Mrs. Robinson called a year and a half ago concerning whether her father should have an operation to clean out arteries which would reduce his risk of stroke. We went back and forth over that period to the point where I felt I knew her father personally, although I never met him. He did have the operation and did well afterwards, yet months later he succumbed to an illness not related to the operation. I am saddened by his loss.
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