Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

A Window into the Charedi World

3 Cheshvan 5760 - October 13, 1999 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly








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Publicizing the Aliya from Cuba is Liable to Stop It
by Arye Zisman and Mordecai Plaut

Prominent Israeli government officials have expressed the fear that the publicity given the aliya from Cuba is liable to limit its continuation. Until now, approximately 400 Cubans have immigrated to Israel, and apparently 300 more hope to arrive. The immigrants are currently residing in absorption centers in Beersheva, Chadera and Ashkelon. Torah figures note that some of them are not Jewish.

The Government Has Decided to Cancel Rental Subsidies for Avreichim and the Special Grants in Elad-Mazor
by Betzalel Kahn

A highly disturbing decision which will cause thousands of kollel students to lose their governmental stipends for renting apartments was made two weeks ago, during government deliberations on the State's budget for the forthcoming year. It just became public knowledge, however, this week. From January 1, 2000, avreichim and young couples who do not meet the income criteria of the Housing Ministry will be ineligible for the aid which the government has until now extended them for rental costs.

The High Court Orders the Religious Affairs Ministry to Change its Criteria and Support the Conservative Movement
by Betzalel Kahn and Ittim

When the Conservative movement in Israel could clearly not meet the general criteria established by the Religious Affairs Ministry for its support, the High Court simply ordered the Ministry to change its criteria. Last Thursday, 27 Tishrei, the High Court determined that the criteria for the allocation of support to the nationwide Torah institutions are illegal, and therefore null and void. This decision was made in the wake of a petition filed by the Conservative movement.

Bnei Akiva Continues to Undermine Chareidi Youth Movements
by Betzalel Kahn

Pirchei Hadegel and Bnos Agudas Yisroel, large chareidi youth movements, issued a fervent plea last week to rabbis of the national-religious youth movements. They asked them to influence heads of these movements -- primarily Bnei Akiva -- to withdraw their current appeal to the Israeli High Court against their funding. In the appeal, the national-religious movements are demanding the withdrawal of Education Ministry allocations from the chareidi youth movements.

Shameful Grave Desecration in Shoham
by A. Cohen

Right after Succos, on Tuesday, 25 Tishrei, Antiquities Authority archaeologists conducted a "savage, swift pillage" of an ancient Jewish burial cave from the Second Temple period. The grave was discovered while an area in the city of Shoham, near Lod, was being prepared for construction.

Austrian Chancellor: Haider to be Kept Out of Coalition
by Yated Ne'eman Staff

Austrian Chancellor Victor Klima has told Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak that he has no intention of bringing far- right leader Joerg Haider into his coalition.

Cornerstone Laying of Beis Hamedrash in Beit Shemesh
by Yated Ne'eman Staff

The yeshiva community in Beit Shemesh held a cornerstone- laying ceremony for congregation Shaarei Torah that serves the rapidly growing Torah community there.

In recent years, Beit Shemesh has become one of the largest Torah communities in Eretz Yisroel. Thousands of families -- young couples as well as large, established families -- have settled in the city, and many Jews from chutz la'aretz have also come.

State Comptroller To Investigate Turbine Affair
by Eliezer Rauchberger

In the wake of a demand by UTJ's MK Rabbi Moshe Gafni, State Comptroller Eliezer Goldberg announced last week that he will investigate the entire issue of the transfer of the turbine on Shabbos. The announcement was made at the Audit Committee of the Knesset.

Jerusalem Center May Undermine the Sanctity of the City
by Betzalel Kahn

The Jerusalem Municipality considered building a huge entertainment center, to be called "Arena," near the Binyanei Ha'uma building at the entrance to the city. The complex would have an area of 25,0000 square meters (250,0000 square feet) and more than 15,000 seats (Tel Aviv's Yad Eliyahu Stadium, currently the largest indoor arena in Israel, has only 10,000 seats).

Researching the Gene Responsible for Cancer Metastases
by Yated Ne'eman Staff

According to the Israeli business daily Globes, researchers have isolated a gene, called Franz, whose function develops the spread of cancerous metastases and suppresses inflammatory reactions. The research was a joint effort of Professor Yisrael Valudevsky, director of the Biological Laboratory for Malignant Growths at the Hadassah Medical Center at Ein Kerem in Jerusalem, and scientists of the Insight Co. at the Rabin Science Park at Rechovot.

Rav Moshe Sirota zt"l
by Betzalel Kahn

On the fifth day of chol hamoed Succos, a shocked and grieved throng, led by rabbonim, roshei yeshiva and bnei Torah attended the levaya of the highly esteemed and beloved avreich, twenty-nine-year old Rav Moshe Sirota, who was killed instantly in a horrible car accident.

Lakewood-Yerushalayim Lays Cornerstone for New Era
by S. C. Mizrahi

The joy and excitement that pervaded the ground breaking ceremony of Beth Medrash Govoha of Eretz Yisroel-Lakewood was something to be remembered for a lifetime. "An unbelievable event," people said. "We never imagined it would be this successful!" It took place on Tuesday night of Chol Hamoed Sukkos, 19 Tishrei -- the yahrtzeit of the Vilna Gaon - - at the building site in Yerushalayim's Ramot Daled neighborhood, soon to be the yeshiva's new home.

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