Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

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1 Adar 5759 - Feb. 17, 1999 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly







Jerusalem City Council Finally Approves Municipal Coalition

by Yated Ne'eman Staff

At a meeting of the Jerusalem City Council, religious and other factions expressed satisfaction over the final configuration of the municipal coalition. The coalition was finalized at the firm insistence of the chareidi and religious parties as well as two non-religious parties. It does not include Arnon Yekutieli, chairman of the Yerushalayim Achshav party, due to his violent attacks against the Torah-observant community, despite strenuous efforts made by Mayor Olmert to get him in.

The coalition includes the almost all of the parties in the municipality, except for two Leftist parties, Meretz and Yerushalayim Achshav. Shimon Shetreet's Yerushalayim Labor party is included.

At the Council meeting held last week, the appointments of eight deputy mayors were approved by Mayor Ehud Olmert. They are: UTJ members Rabbi Uri Lapolianski, Rabbi Uri Maklev and Rabbi Chaim Miller; Shas members Rabbi Eli Simchayof and Rabbi Shlomo Attias; Rabbi Shmuel Shkeidi of the Mafdal, Yigal Amedi of Yerushalayim Melukedet; Ms. Larisa Gerstein of Kehillos LeMa'an Yerushalayim and Professor Shimon Shetreet.

The City Council also approved the following appointments: Rabbi Uri Lapolianski, Chairman of the Department for Planning and Building; Rabbi Uri Maklev, Chairman of the Department for Public Structures; Rabbi Chaim Miller, Chairman of the Department for the Municipal Beautification; Rabbi Yechiel Turgeman, Chairman of the Health and Environment Department; Rabbi Moshe Mordechai Cohen, Chairman of the Chareidi Education Department; Rabbi Eliezer Gelbstein, Chairman of the Torah Culture Department; Rabbi Avrohom Feiner, Chairman of the Youth and Social Department (Chen Chareidi).

In addition, the positions of the other members of the city's administration and council were also approved. They include: Rabbi Eli Simchayof, Chairman of the Finance Committee; Rabbi Shlomo Attias, Chairman of the Welfare Department and the Department for Youth Advancement; Rabbi Shmuel Yitzchaki, Chairman of the Water and Gichon Company Coordination Department; Yigal Amedi, Chairman of the Sanitation, Sports and Neighborhoods Department; Shmuel Shkeidi, Chairman of the Education Department; Rabbi David Simchon, Chairman of the Emergency and Security Department as well as of the Fire and Rescue Services; Yehoram Gaon, Chairman of the Culture Department; Ms. Larisa Gerstein, Chairman of the Tourism and Foreign Affairs Department; Yossi Telgan, Chairman of the Transportation and Engineering Department; Shimon Shetreet, Titular Deputy of the Department for Economy and Academic Education and Ms. Mina Fenton, Chairperson of the Department for Jewish Heritage.

The following were appointed chairmen of various other committees: Rabbi Uri Maklev, Chairman of the Committee for the Presentation of Planning Programs; Rabbi Chaim Miller, Chairman of the Allocation Department and Rabbi Eliezer Gelbstein, Chairman of the Purchasing Committee. The City Council also approved the appointment of Rafi Peled, a member of Mayor Olmert's party and also the chairman of the Israel Electric Company, to the position of Chairman of the City Council, a newly created post.

At the end of the meeting, it became clear that the resolution of the chareidi and religious factions over the issue of the inclusion of Arnon Yekutieli in the coalition resulted in marked achievements for the chareidi community.

UTJ is very pleased by the strong stance taken by the members of the Deliberation Committee throughout their discussions with the mayor. This firmness yielded excellent results at the conclusion of the three-month-long deliberations. UTJ notes that it has been proven beyond a doubt that unity between religious factions is worthwhile.

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